Under the Open Sky (CWMGQ Spinoff)

(Dark Steel has killed "allied" MGs and others in fits of rage or paranoia. The base tolerates her because the Embassies can usually revive them and Dark Steel is really strong. Reinforce is easy to appease once you grok that Night Sky is everything to her. And Night Sky is delighted that everyone is so nice to her now, why upset this? Particularly when you want to get special training for magic.)
Ok. I'll stop with the rape.

But wut?

Dark Steel has a body count of only "usually" revived. That's not funny. That's horrifying sad all around and is gonna explode.
I'm kinda confused by any revives going on here. Last I checked that's an ability available to like, two people and some Divine Beings, full stop.

But yeah, Dark Steel having an "allied" bodycount is totally unsurprising. There's a reason she's listed as "???" instead of UL or UD.
I'm kinda confused by any revives going on here. Last I checked that's an ability available to like, two people and some Divine Beings, full stop.
Scholar of Light has the Synchronize Spell Phoenix Pinion for relatively reliable revives. Magical Girls also tend to go into 'Dying' status instead of 'Dead', even if they should have died from damage.
I'm kinda confused by any revives going on here. Last I checked that's an ability available to like, two people and some Divine Beings, full stop.
Looking at the edited Scholar of Light profile, it looks like she has it as a Synchronization Spell, though I'm not sure who the other Emmisaries she needs the help to cast it are.

EDIT: Ninja'd by the GM
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*watches @kelllogo get a double kill on his ninja*

The thing with Nightmare of Night is the fact she's not human. Her priorities and thought processes while relatable are not something we can completely follow. To her, Night Sky is everything, and anything that could cause a problem there, she will kill with zero hesitation.

Greater Nightmares are not funny, and they were never meant to be funny.
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Looking at the edited Scholar of Light profile, it looks like she has it as a Synchronization Spell, though I'm not sure who the other Emissaries she needs the help to cast it are.
Depends on who's being revived. In most cases Scholar needs to beseech Hydaelyn directly for the spell to work.

Meaning you need to beg a Divine Entity to expend her time and some (over a hundred EXP worth) of the power she siphons off her champions if you want some random person rezzed. Pray you've distinguished yourself to her Emissaries.

:V That ottua put enough of a damper on it. Madama Morte has taken it upon herself to keep Dark Steel under control by threatening to kill her and zapping the 'not-quite-dead' sworded girls back to health.
Gotta get this out of my system before I start working on the Kaleidoscope vision.
The approach to Moral High Ground was strewn with fallen demons. Within the the first wall the bodies were charred, outside they were covered with flowering shrubs. What fighting there was appears to have been very one-sided, but there are spots of twisted metal where vehicles were destroyed and bloodstains where the human defenders were struck down by malign spells.

You have a stab of guilt when you consider if more of them would have survived if you had been there. It's easy enough to say that you couldn't have been in multiple places, but it doesn't stop the memory of failing to act. Of a city screaming before your eyes as you stood back and watched. How you wanted to intervene, but were persuaded to stay and guard the perimeter.

It's different now. They, you, all of you are working together and risking your lives for victory. They fought and died so you could nearly get killed trying to disable Hell's gateways. And it's not for you to decide if it was worth it, just to do your best while others do there best in making those choices.

Besides, you probably saved most of them by preventing a horde of Hell Beasts from being summoned in.

It doesn't make the sight of a battle you weren't there for easier to view, even if it makes sense.

Oh, there's Kei. You can tell by his distinct magic (Love), maybe you'll feel better if he talks about the fighting and how Magical Girls were effective. You fly to him.

"Summit! I heard you killed a bunch of demon sentinels!" he calls out as you start to land.

"I may have dueled a few..." you offer, "did everything turn out alright here?"

"Smooth, Rokusabe, you've got an MG worried about you." said a soldier (Metal) from where he was making a hole in an armored vehicle flow shut.


There must be a misunderstanding, you'll need to address this immediately.

"D-don't get the wrong idea Kei! It's not that I lov-"

Wrong word!

"-L-like you or anything. I just wanted to hear that everyone was okay."

You're making eye contact, doesn't that implicate intimacy? You dart your head to the side.

"So don't get the wrong idea, okay." you finish.

That should clear things up.

Kei grins, steps forward and lightly touches your chin.

What is he doing? You turn to face him and start to ask him, "Wha-"

He cuts you off by kissing you, fingers tracing from your chin to the collar of your bodysuit while his left hand clasps your own.

What are you supposed to do? Did you say something weird? It tingles where he's touched you.

For a handful of seconds he holds the kiss, his breath tickling your face when he exhales. Then, after a too-short subjective entirety, he draws backs.

"I think I get it." Kei says with a wink, then lets go of your hand.

Your face is already flushed, and becomes more so when Kei's group starts clapping slowly. You cover yourself with your hands before deciding to just let your Panoply cover you completely.

"Wargle." you tumble over trying to say eight things at once before Shifting away.
It funny in the you laugh then you want to wave force him because I don't think we've known him for 48 hours or far north of that And Anna should have all the initmacy issues right now.
I just realized, there are only 4 people in existence who can use magic outside of their affinities. Samael Balier, Night Sky, Reinforce, and Summit. Hayate doesn't know about Sam and Summit may not know what Sam can do either. There's a better than decent chance we could get into Hayate's really good graces by talking magic with her. She should be stoked at a chance to explore various magics with another person.

And on a different note, we have 17 Merit. I'm tentatively of the opinion that we should be spending 13 of that on laboratory supplies, the micro missile kit, and the flak gun. I want the Target by Modifier upgrade to Guardian Touch in the spell development section of the shop as well as the Homing and Anti-Air abilities. The former would greatly help any allies that are with us, and the latter two would improve our air game to a ludicrous degree.
Shit. Forgot about her. It still doesn't change much though. The number of people who can use affinities other than their own are extremely rare. Three of the five are MG's, the fourth is a Greater Nightmare made to be a companion to one of said MG's, and the fifth, Samael, hit the literal jackpot as far as his own magic goes.
Shit. Forgot about her. It still doesn't change much though. The number of people who can use affinities other than their own are extremely rare. Three of the five are MG's, the fourth is a Greater Nightmare made to be a companion to one of said MG's, and the fifth, Samael, hit the literal jackpot as far as his own magic goes.
Don't forget about Magical Girl Invidia! Her main spell let's her literally copy any spell that fits the criteria, Abilities and all.
And Shining Scholar.
And any others who haven't been revealed publicly yet.
And Shining Scholar.
Eh, I'm not sure about her. Sure, she might have the potential to get a reviving spell, but she simply doesn't have the same outright copying ability Invidia does. I mean, Invidia's spell literally lets her copy and use any spell that falls under the correct conditions, permanently. Shining Scholar simply doesn't have that same ability.
And any others who haven't been revealed publicly yet.
Yeah, I have to agree with this though. It's entirely possible that there are some girls with revival capabilities in the workshop, and we simply haven't seen them yet.
Eh, I'm not sure about her. Sure, she might have the potential to get a reviving spell, but she simply doesn't have the same outright copying ability Invidia does. I mean, Invidia's spell literally lets her copy and use any spell that falls under the correct conditions, permanently. Shining Scholar simply doesn't have that same ability.
We're talking about using spell outside their affinities though, not revives?
I should probably close votes before writing more of the update... Voting Closed.

There seems to be a bit of hostility to the suggestion that Summit has a crush on Kei, I'll keep that in mind. ( :V Would shoujo-ai be better received?)

Anyways, next update Summit will: Drop off the stuff that got broken. Take a nap. Field questions about what she's capable of from Flawless Paladin. Trade spells and advice with Night Sky ("Awesome! Wave Force!" "...Ow"). Have strange dreams. And get unsolicited advice from Machine Code.
Adhoc vote count started by kelllogo on Sep 9, 2017 at 10:43 PM, finished with 947 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] See if Magical Girl Night Sky is willing to spend some time teaching magic.
    [X] [EXP] Plan Ready to Inchoate
    [X] Get some rest, you're twitching from all the forced healing you've done to yourself.
    [X] You have a thought for using brandcraft to make the ice-cream machine work…
    [X] [EXP] Plan Ready to Inchoate
    -[X] Elsewhere 13 -> 14 - 130
    -[X] Elsewhere 14 -> 15 - 140
    -[X] Halting level 5 -> 6 - 50
    -[X] Halting level 6 -> 7 - 60
    -[X] Halting level 7 -> 8 - 70
    -[X] Halting level 8 -> 9 - 80
    -[X] Halting level 9 -> 10 - 90
    -[X] Halting level 10 -> 11 - 100
    -[X] Halting level 11 -> 12 - 110
    -[X] Halting level 12 -> 13 - 120
    -[X] Halting level 13 -> 14 - 130
    -[X] Halting level 14 -> 15 - 140
    [X] [EXP] Plan Rank Up
    -[X] Panoply Level 27 260
    -[X] Panoply Level 28 270
    -[X] Panoply Level 29 280
    -[X] Panoply Level 30 290
    -[X] Danmaku 60
    -[X] Rend 50
    -[X] Multi-caster 60
    [X] Visit Moral High Ground to see how everything turned out.
    [X] Have a medic check you over.
    [X] Get some rest, your twitching from all the forced healing you've done to yourself.
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Ability Upgraded!
Level 13 → 14 → 15
-Summit may expand or contract distances 150 meters during her action

Ability Upgraded!!
5 → 6 → 7 → 8 → 9 → 10 → 11 → 12 → 13 → 14 → 15
-Summit may block space-altering effects within 75 meters of her. Doing so prevents her from using her own space-altering abilities

Ability Upgraded!
Level 13 → 14 → 15
-Summit may expand or contract distances 150 meters during her action

Ability Upgraded!!
5 → 6 → 7 → 8 → 9 → 10 → 11 → 12 → 13 → 14 → 15
-Summit may block space-altering effects within 75 meters of her. Doing so prevents her from using her own space-altering abilities

210 EXP Remaining

I keep oscillating between feeling I'm giving out too much EXP and not enough...
There seems to be a bit of hostility to the suggestion that Summit has a crush on Kei, I'll keep that in mind. ( :V Would shoujo-ai be better received?)
Yeah, for me it's partly that.
There's also the fact that Anna isn't tsundere, kuudere is a better model for her. And the weirdness of the charm spell.
And in addition to being a yuri fan (YURI FOR THE YURI GOD, LILIES FOR THE LILY THRONE!) I also like battle couples, and Kei just can't keep up with Anna on the battlefield. At least the other MGs can keep up with her and probably not get gibbed by the first serious attack to head their way.
I think its the charm spell implication.
Yeah, for me it's partly that.
There's also the fact that Anna isn't tsundere, kuudere is a better model for her. And the weirdness of the charm spell.
And in addition to being a yuri fan (YURI FOR THE YURI GOD, LILIES FOR THE LILY THRONE!) I also like battle couples, and Kei just can't keep up with Anna on the battlefield. At least the other MGs can keep up with her and probably not get gibbed by the first serious attack to head their way.
Definitely the Charm Spell implication + he's been written to just be skeezy and shifty in general IMO.

And I'll admit to being a main quest Anna/Shuri/Sandra shipper so I'd love to see their analogues here instead *cough*