Tsundere Villainess - Dungeon Queen - Dungeon Quest

[ ]Nonlethal, Capture, Humilation mix for traps.

catch and humiliate them without killing them. if we want someone dead the goblins can stab them in their sleep.

edit: vote change see below.
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Ah I see. I tend to join fresh quests and they always seem to have a huge number of people, thanks for the explaination.
A fair few people will join any new quests by a QM whose quests they are playing in, so any new quests by an already-established QM will have significantly more players than one made by a newly-starting QM.

Or at least, that seems to be the case based on my observations over the last few weeks, sice I joined SV.
-[X] Not like you care about those adventurers or anything. You just want to make sure your goblins don't accidentally... Wait- no that's not right, you don't care about them either. It's.. it's.. it's because capturing and ransoming people is the path to wealth. Yeah, you aren't merciful, you're just greedy. That's the reason, and if you happen to get one of those handsome... I mean strong - I mean stupid adventurers to work, I mean be your slave, well that's just all to your advantage. Of course that means you need:
[X] Capture
-[X] Non lethal injuries are fine of course. Just not the face. You don't want to ruin the pretty face - I mean... people get so unreasonable if you disfigure them. Better to keep the looks undamaged. And no crippling, well... permanent crippling that is. Temporary things like a broken leg is fine. Tending to an injured handsome hero who can't run away - it's just so you can brainwash them of course. You don't actually care about them. You want them to get Stockholm Syndrome. Nothing else. Those adventurers will be helpless before you.

Since it's the name of the quest now, might as well keep it up.
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added a word to the last subvote.
-[X] Not like you care about those adventurers or anything. You just want to make sure you goblins don't accidentally... Wait- no that's not right, you don't care about them either. It's.. it's.. it's because capturing and ransoming people is the path to wealth. Yeah, you aren't merciful, you're just greedy. That's the reason, and if you happen to get one of those handsome... I mean strong - I mean stupid adventurers to work, I mean be your slave, well that's just all to your advantage. Of course that means you need:
[X] Capture
-[X] Non lethal injuries are fine of course. Just not the face. You don't want to ruin the pretty face - I mean... people get so unreasonable if you disfigure them. Better to keep the looks undamaged. And no crippling, well... permanent crippling that is. Temporary things like a broken leg is fine. Tending to an injured handsome hero/heroine who can't run away - it's just so you can brainwash them of course. You don't actually care about them. You want them to get Stockholm Syndrome. Nothing else. Those adventurers will be helpless before you.
For the record, despite voteing Haman, I am including /heroine due to the earlier winning vote showing her non preference of heroics in a gender.
I will admit that the new name is what caused me to click on this quest.
you. what are you doing here? you have a quest to update. If you don't update it will die. if it dies my pet bunny will be sad. do you want my bunny to be sad? This is a joke. Although you really should update.
*insert picture of adorable bunny*
you. what are you doing here? you have a quest to update. If you don't update it will die. if it dies my pet bunny will be sad. do you want my bunny to be sad? This is a joke. Although you really should update.
*insert picture of adorable bunny*

He's only a little bunny, how could you do that to him?
Closed. I wanted to use the tally program but it's not working, but the winner is obvious.
-[X] Not like you care about those adventurers or anything. You just want to make sure you goblins don't accidentally... Wait- no that's not right, you don't care about them either. It's.. it's.. it's because capturing and ransoming people is the path to wealth. Yeah, you aren't merciful, you're just greedy. That's the reason, and if you happen to get one of those handsome... I mean strong - I mean stupid adventurers to work, I mean be your slave, well that's just all to your advantage. Of course that means you need:
[X] Capture
-[X] Non lethal injuries are fine of course. Just not the face. You don't want to ruin the pretty face - I mean... people get so unreasonable if you disfigure them. Better to keep the looks undamaged. And no crippling, well... permanent crippling that is. Temporary things like a broken leg is fine. Tending to an injured handsome hero/heroine who can't run away - it's just so you can brainwash them of course. You don't actually care about them. You want them to get Stockholm Syndrome. Nothing else. Those adventurers will be helpless before you.

You go through alot of applicants, however only one does exactly what you need, a young woman who barely looks to be into her adult years, however she specializes in things such as rope traps. You learn her name is Aruna Sekai. Shes not an expeirenced trapper but rather, she has experience rounding up family members, she focuses mainly on capture and stunning. You grill her for a bit and find she generally agrees with what you want. You consider her for a moment before closing up and handing her a huge bag of gold, then dragging her off by the wrist, leaving the rest of the line shocked you had made your choice so suddenly. You're soon back at the dungeon-mine, and the goblins quickly report in, they've made extraordinary progress on getting the ores out. They're naturally very pleased when you praise them for this and get them to keep working, Aruna also gets right to work on making more traps and improving the ones you had, she didn't seem to mind the company of the goblins.

It's about a full week before Aruna is settled in and you are suddenly struck with the thought she doesn't have anything proper for her living, as is shes staying with the goblins. Should you segregate her? If only because the goblin quarters simply arn't made for humans? Either way, you get the feeling that thisn won't quite be going the same now that shes here, and you need to make a choice on the other focuses. You've gotten quite a large sum of metal of varius kinds, mostly iron, you're not deep enough yet for anything else.

What do you do?

[] Get Aruna her own room?
[] Let her stay with the goblins?
[] Writein

Pick 2 options from the previous action list, magic is once again avalible.
[] Choices.

We may switch to dynasty format in a couple more turns, but since character creation si complete, i'll be hand picking everything.
[] Go Dynasty!
[] Keep it like this!
[X] have the goblins build officers quarters (a cluster of apartment sized rooms surround a central area.)

[X] go sell some of the ore, use ore selling profits to get furniture for both you and your trap master

[X] we need a prison for those we capture.