Tsundere Villainess - Dungeon Queen - Dungeon Quest

For the record, i'm glad we didn't do that, i'd have to get a co-qm for that, I can't do True Evil.
Votes locked, i'll update tonight or tomorrow or whenever I feel like it really.
In retrospect it helps if I remember to update, will edit this post with the finished product.
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] have the goblins build officers quarters (a cluster of apartment sized rooms surround a central area.)
No. of votes: 1

[X] go sell some of the ore, use ore selling profits to get furniture for both you and your trap master
No. of votes: 1

[X] we need a prison for those we capture.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Get Aruna her own room. Let her stay in our room until it's done. I-it's not like we care about her or anything! It's j-just until her room is finished, that's all.
No. of votes: 7
Elder Haman, Kinematics, Sk8torchic, Enjou, LostDeviljho, achaput, LordPanther14

[X] Set up a prison area to hold those hand- I mean stupid adventurers. We'll need proper bedding, and a well designed sanitation system, and... It's for protecting our investments that's all. Can't have the ransom fall through because the prisoners got sick and died. Which reminds us that we'll need a hospital type facility next to the prison just in case they get sick. And bathing facilities. Yes... bathing facilities... do we have any hot springs in our dungeon...?
No. of votes: 7
Elder Haman, Kinematics, Sk8torchic, Enjou, LostDeviljho, achaput, LordPanther14

[X] Well... that's going to cost money. Hmmm.. well we'll just focus on mining out as much ore as the goblins can dig up! You had a mine to overhaul full of money! Maybe see about acquiring one or two bigger toughs to help out with this hard work? Maybe an overseer who knows more about mining and can make sure it's being done safely and correctly. Not that you care about overworking your goblins or anything. It's just efficiency, efficiency! It'd be a waste of time to have to replace any goblins that got hurt.
No. of votes: 7
Elder Haman, Kinematics, Sk8torchic, Enjou, LostDeviljho, achaput, LordPanther14

[X] Go Dynasty
No. of votes: 7
Elder Haman, Kinematics, Sk8torchic, Enjou, LostDeviljho, achaput, LordPanther14

[X] Let her stay in our room. I-it's not like we like her or anything! It's j-just until her room is finished, that's all.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Set up a prison area. You want to gloat at them and watch them sweat. Cause you like the fear in their eyes, that is the reason!
No. of votes: 1

[x] Hire some fighters.
No. of votes: 1
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[X] Get Aruna her own room. Let her stay in our room until it's done. I-it's not like we care about her or anything! It's j-just until her room is finished, that's all.
[X] Set up a prison area to hold those hand- I mean stupid adventurers. We'll need proper bedding, and a well designed sanitation system, and... It's for protecting our investments that's all. Can't have the ransom fall through because the prisoners got sick and died. Which reminds us that we'll need a hospital type facility next to the prison just in case they get sick. And bathing facilities. Yes... bathing facilities... do we have any hot springs in our dungeon...?
[X] Well... that's going to cost money. Hmmm.. well we'll just focus on mining out as much ore as the goblins can dig up! You had a mine to overhaul full of money! Maybe see about acquiring one or two bigger toughs to help out with this hard work? Maybe an overseer who knows more about mining and can make sure it's being done safely and correctly. Not that you care about overworking your goblins or anything. It's just efficiency, efficiency! It'd be a waste of time to have to replace any goblins that got hurt.

For the time being you let Aruna stay in your room. I-It's not like you care, you just need to buy time to make an apartment complex for all your officers, of which she is now one, being your leading trap maker. You order the goblins to work on it and they take to it very well as they figure they might get improved quarters next as well. H-Hmph, as if! M-Maybe if they're on their absolute best behavior you might upgrade it .... but just a little! I-It's not like you care if they're comfortable!

You also order them to set up a prison area, now that you have traps meant to capture instead of kill you need a place to hold all your new captives. You make sure they make it 'loose' enough that the prisoners will feel comfortable. I-It's not like you care if they feel good! P-People just pay better if your hostages have been treated well! Yeah, thats it! And you can't ransom dead people! So naturally you get them set up on making a facility for hospital care too, but neither you nor they have the experience to complete that yet. And then you work on the bathing facilities ... ah yes .... there was a rather large waterspout that the goblins were complaining was impeding their mining. You decide to utilize that and turn it into a makeshift hotspring, you'll have to have somebody professional check it later though.

Finally on the nature of the mining itself, you notice the goblins were a little slow at it, they were making good progress but you needed a bit more ...muscle, on your assembly line. You personally set out deep into the forest guarded by only the single goblin you chose as your guard. And then you find what you were looking for .... A pair of trolls. Big dumb muscle with nothing but brawl and no brains at all. It wasn't hard to convince them to follow you, you're quite charismatic, the food was just a bonus, not their primary motivation, yeah, thats it. It's not the fact you promised to feed them as much as they wanted.

It takes about a week but you have a very smooth operation flowing, and the buidling you asked for are all done, you should probably reward the goblins by upgrading their quarters as well. You're going over some basic expendature paperwork about the gold you're making as Knorg suddenly bursts into the room, not that theres much to burst yet, theres no doors anywhere, you simply havn't spent time on luxuries like that yet for your makeshift office.

"Adventurers! A full party! They've gotten past the first traps!"

How do you react and order them to do?

For this section i'll let you question Knorg OOCly to get more info to react on.

[X] Go Dynasty
Dynasty confirmed for later, looking for a co-qm to at least proofread it for me.

What is the adventurer party make up? Who is in it, and what are their displayed abilities?

How many traps remain between them and our offices/treasury?

Are there any good ambush points?

What magic spells do we know, other then healing?
[X] have the goblins and your other minions throw rocks and ruble at the adventures from a distance if it looks like they may eventually brake through. If not let the traps take care of them.
-[X] then you had better have your minions rush them to the medical centre! it's n-not like you care for them or anything. But you won't be able to hold them to ransom if their dead. B-Baka adventurer.
[X] Dirty up your clothes and untidy your hair, and then run into the hallway, pretending to be a prisoner that has just managed to escape.
-[X] Then use your feminine charm and wicked wit to convince the adventurers to escort you "home"
-[X] I-it's not like you want to be close to them. You just need to examine the adventurers in their natural habitat, that's all.
The entrance is fortified if I remember correctly, but if they are past traps they are likely past that too.
Why would we know offensive magic since we didn't study any?

[x] Order your troops to shoot / throw stuff at them. Then attack them en mass if they get close.
[x] Pretend to be a captive of the goblins to make the heroes take risks.
[x] If they get close, flee in 'panic' from the goblins and lead them to traps.
[x] if you win, do rush them to the medical bay. You do want captives. But prioritize your own troops.
[x] Don't cry until you are alone.
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What is the adventurer party make up? Who is in it, and what are their displayed abilities?

How many traps remain between them and our offices/treasury?

Are there any good ambush points?

What magic spells do we know, other then healing?
They appear to have a warrior, a thief, and a mage, a simple party of three. The warrior has displayed a great deal of endurance and strength as he was able to muscle his way in and open it for the others, as well as climb out of one of the spike pits. A few traps remain, but your trapsmith has only had time to trap the entrance for the most part, relying on them is unreliable. There are a good bit off branches that could make for chokeholds and thanks to the mazelike nature it'll probably also keep them lost for a bit. You know a basic fireball and frost (That slows but doesn't stop) spell as well as a rock wall spell that only lasts for a couple seconds. You have a few more basics, and know some prestidigitation as well as minor illusions, but nothing else is properly functional for this.

You started by studying magic in general, hence why you know of some offence magic. You expressed an interest in dark healing near the end of your paid for period, otherwise you wouldn't have learned it.
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Question: How does combat work in this world? I mean, if we hit the warrior with a fireball, does he burn to death or does he take HP damage?

@Omegahugger They are probably here to rob us and will continue on to take our gold even if they believe we are a prisoner. Although I guess being in their party and attacking them from behind in a surprise attack might work.
Question: How does combat work in this world? I mean, if we hit the warrior with a fireball, does he burn to death or does he take HP damage?

@Omegahugger They are probably here to rob us and will continue on to take our gold even if they believe we are a prisoner. Although I guess being in their party and attacking them from behind in a surprise attack might work.
As for the guess, yes, that is a likely outcome for that route. As for combat, it all depends on the exact situation. It'll mostly be play by play, so if you want to get personally involved, draw up a battle plan so you don't wind up taking 50 posts. For example, a fireball may roast the thief or the mage, but it may merely injure the warrior. Not confirming that, just pointing out a possibility. Also remember, you have two trolls working here mining right now.
[X] Dirty up your clothes and untidy your hair, and then run into the hallway, pretending to be a prisoner that has just managed to escape.
-[X] Then use your feminine charm and wicked wit to convince the adventurers to escort you "home"
-[X] I-it's not like you want to be close to them. You just need to examine the adventurers in their natural habitat, that's all.
--[X] Plot how to kill and/or capture them, naturally.
Minor illusions: Can we create the illusion of a rock face where a tunnel is? Combine that with the already maze-like structure of the tunnels, and we could have them lost for days.
Dumb question: We can't use summon a rock-wall underneath the adventurers to smash them against the ceiling, right?
I think we need to brainstorm a little bit before picking a plan.

Possible strategies (not necessarily mutually exclusive):

1: Pretend to be an escaped prisoner so we can backstab them.

2: Use frost spell to slow them down while our Trolls and Goblins attack.

3: Blast them with a Fireball.

4: Summon rock walls to try and herd them, or maybe to conceal an ambush from a side passage

5: Ambush from a side passage, or to hold a coke point

6: Get the wizard first, he's the most dangerous

7: Confront them and demand to know why they are here. (We haven't really done anything villainous yet, and this is our property, so aren't they the villains in this situation? They're doing it all wrong!)

8: Anything clever we can do with prestidigitation? It worked wonders for Milo after all...
Dumb question: We can't use summon a rock-wall underneath the adventurers to smash them against the ceiling, right?
In theroy you could but it wouldn't provide enough force to do much more than bruise or temporarily knock the wind out of them, it rises fast, but you'd have to go higher than the natural which slows it down and it's not very thick.
Minor illusions: Can we create the illusion of a rock face where a tunnel is? Combine that with the already maze-like structure of the tunnels, and we could have them lost for days.
They'd get tired out and leave, but probably, the tunnels arn't QUITE that extensive yet. You could do that though.
I'm going with the 'clever' plan. This is somewhat magic heavy (depending on how long it stretches out), so if it's too much of a strain on her to keep this up, let me know. This also got rather long, so let me know if you need it compressed. The overall plan is quite simple, but a lot of the details are added to actually make it believably workable.

[x] Time to play.
-[x] The tunnels are already a maze, but a maze can be figured out if it never changes. Who said it never changed? Use illusion magic to seal off or open various parts of the dungeon to give this party a guided tour that will never end.
-[x] Illusions only go so far, especially since our dungeon isn't that large yet. Have goblins follow after the adventurers and mask or rewrite any marks they make to help them find their way through the dungeon. Also do things like clean up or add trash to various hallways, so that the same tunnel never looks the same twice.
-[x] Have the goblins occasionally harass them, but never fully engage. Giggling from the shadows should have a nice "rats in the walls" paranoia effect.
[x] In the meantime, have Aruna set up something at an ambush spot (possibly near the entrance, since we'll have been keeping them away from there) that we want to herd the party into.
[x] We want them very worn out before that point, though. A long, tiresome, fruitless tromp through the dungeons should have them on edge and bickering with each other.
[x] Eventually lead them to the trolls. Have goblins on the sides helping support the trolls' fight.
-[x] Lend your own support with a Frost spell from the shadows. Only use Fireball if you can ensure it won't hit the trolls, and won't kill anyone from a direct hit. Maybe as a final spook to get them to run.
-[x] At this point, the group should be feeling somewhat overwhelmed, and at least the thief or the mage should attempt to retreat.
[x] The escape route from the trolls should lead straight to Aruna's trap. Prisoners ahoy!
I'm going with the 'clever' plan. This is somewhat magic heavy (depending on how long it stretches out), so if it's too much of a strain on her to keep this up, let me know. This also got rather long, so let me know if you need it compressed. The overall plan is quite simple, but a lot of the details are added to actually make it believably workable.

[x] Time to play.
-[x] The tunnels are already a maze, but a maze can be figured out if it never changes. Who said it never changed? Use illusion magic to seal off or open various parts of the dungeon to give this party a guided tour that will never end.
-[x] Illusions only go so far, especially since our dungeon isn't that large yet. Have goblins follow after the adventurers and mask or rewrite any marks they make to help them find their way through the dungeon. Also do things like clean up or add trash to various hallways, so that the same tunnel never looks the same twice.
-[x] Have the goblins occasionally harass them, but never fully engage. Giggling from the shadows should have a nice "rats in the walls" paranoia effect.
[x] In the meantime, have Aruna set up something at an ambush spot (possibly near the entrance, since we'll have been keeping them away from there) that we want to herd the party into.
[x] We want them very worn out before that point, though. A long, tiresome, fruitless tromp through the dungeons should have them on edge and bickering with each other.
[x] Eventually lead them to the trolls. Have goblins on the sides helping support the trolls' fight.
-[x] Lend your own support with a Frost spell from the shadows. Only use Fireball if you can ensure it won't hit the trolls, and won't kill anyone from a direct hit. Maybe as a final spook to get them to run.
-[x] At this point, the group should be feeling somewhat overwhelmed, and at least the thief or the mage should attempt to retreat.
[x] The escape route from the trolls should lead straight to Aruna's trap. Prisoners ahoy!
The illusions are fairly low key, so it SHOULD all manage to hold up, assuming the trapsetting doesn't take too long. You might not have he magic to join in on the final push by the end, but it should sustain, no spoilers on how effective it is though.