TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

Steam/Vapor, Illusions, Ending and Earth look like the easiest to level up right now.
Ima do a quick review of all our Magic Element researches:
[ ][Action] Water/Fire Negacion (Magic Elements)
-The Forest has grown skilled with both Water and Fire. Time to learn how to combine them!
-Difficulty reduced by 10% by prior Tree knowledge of Water and/or Fire (particularly Fire Magic at Journeyman skill), and an additional 25% from understanding of Fire Negacion from finishing Ice/Fire Negacion. Basic difficulty: 110.
-33.94 of 71.5 progress
37.56 successes remaining.
[ ][Action] Hevel (Magic Elements)
-You have some familiarity with Steam and Vapor; time to study them further.
-This should boost the Weather Trees noticeably, as well as increasing your Steam Magic to Competent.
-This gains +20% bonus from the Elder Weather Tree.
-6.76 of 23 successes
13.55 successes remaining (*1.2 from the weather tree)
[ ][Action] Flesh, Not of My Flesh (Magic Biology Research) (Magic Elements)
-Study Flesh, all the squishy squicky bits of all Animals. This includes muscles and ligaments and tendons and organs… and pretty much everything except Bone (and arguably skin, and probably hair and nails/claws?).
-This will raise your Flesh Magic rank to Competent. That will probably not benefit the Forest itself - aside from unlocking new projects and assisting Movement Research - but will benefit the Forest's Creatures (and Newton Village etc.) instead.
-This gets a +50% bonus from studying your Creatures plus Newton Village.
-13.6 of 50 successes
24.27 remaining (*1.5 from creatures)
[ ][Action] Research Advanced Movement (Magic Elements) (Movement Research)
-You have studied Magical Movement and Mundane Movement alike. You are, despite being Trees, capable of moving rapidly. The whole Forest can pick up your collective Roots and Move elsewhere at need. But you can go further: currently, only the most skilled in Movement can walk around like a gargantuan Two-Legs; the Forest will not feel satisfied with its Movement abilities until Trees can copy this too. Also, while you're at it, why not design a Wheeled Tree form, for efficient distance movement?
-Reward: Boost to physical combat and movement. The Forest can easily and rapidly migrate as a whole. Possibility of Cart Trees if desired. Prereq for small Plants pretending to be Two-Legs.
-The Defender Ent grants +5% to this action.
-6.08 of 35 successes
18 successes remaining (*1.05 from defender ent) though I'm not sure if this will work towards the unlock. Still useful for moving Relay and Sensing Trees.
[ ][Action] Study Illusions (Magic Elements)
-The Forest has proven relatively weak to Illusions - particularly those of the widely-dreaded Shadow Spinners - and would like to learn how to counter them before any truly dangerous ones show up.
-This should grant the Forest skill Competent at both Illusions (Mental) and Illusions (Physical), along with a 1-rank Detection boost in each.
-Significant past experience with Illusions, practicing it themselves, and having extensive experience with Telepathy and the Minds of others, grants the Forest a good starting point on this project.
-Having Shadow Spinners to practice against grants +75% to this Action. Knowledge of Light/Darkness Negacion grants +25% to this Action, and a 1-rank boost to visual Illusions.
-45 of 120 successes
37.5 remaining (*2 from spiders and Light/Darkness)
[ ][Action] Veritas (Magic Elements)
-The Forest has proven relatively weak to Illusions - particularly those of the widely-dreaded Shadow Spinners - and would like to learn how to counter them before any truly dangerous ones show up.
-This should grant the Forest skill Competent at Truth, plus whatever secondary benefits that ultimately entails.
-This gets a +25% bonus due to a small child's lack-of-filter.
-16.08 of 60 successes
35.14 (*1.25 for the mouth of babes)
[ ][Action] A Little Bit of Gravitas (Magic Elements)
-One of the Lumburglars left the Forest some notes on the Element of Gravity. Learn from this, to get Gravity to Competent.
-The notes grant +40% to all successes.
-0 of 60 successes
42.86 (*1.4 notes)
[ ][Action] Mortal, Finite, Temporary (Magic Elements)
-One of the Lumburglars left the Forest very good notes on the Element of Ending. Learn from this, to get Ending to Competent. Sadly, Ending is a relatively abstract Element and, while likely to be very useful, it isn't exactly easy to learn.
-The notes grant +70% to all successes. The Irn Refugees grant +15% to all successes.
-5.82 of 80 successes
[ ][Action] Between Silence and Music (Magic Elements)
-One Tree is particularly interested in Sound and various related things. This project will allow the Forest to gain Competent Sound Magic.
-Your Connections with many many Creatures natively capable of hearing, nullify your normal malus and grant a +25% bonus to this Action. The Speaking Tree grants an automatic +1 success per turn. (GM: Every Turn Update.)
-15 of 64 successes
39.2(*1.25 animals) minus however many turns it takes from Speaking tree autoprogress.
[ ][Action] The Earth Of Your Roots (Magic Elements)
-Improve Earth Magic from Novice to Competent - which is significantly easier for the Forest than most, with your long history of digging Roots into the stuff. It would be easier still if you also had the Sapient Ant Colony's insights…
-This has an x1.5 bonus (multiplicative) from the Forest's experience with the Earth. Once the Forest reconnects with the Mad Science Tree, this will gain an x1.5 bonus (multiplicative) to all Successes from the Ant Colony. This has a +10% bonus from the Elder Mining Tree. Current total: x1.5 multiplicative and +10% additive. The difficulty was reduced by 8 via advice from Old Man Materson.
-0 of 40 successes
24 (*1.5 trees *1.1 mining tree) 16 once communication is reestablished.
[ ][Action] Bone, Not of My Bone (Magic Biology Research) (Magic Elements)
-Study Bone, all the hard solid bits of all Animals. This includes cartilage.
-This will raise your Bone Magic rank to Competent. That will probably not benefit the Forest itself - aside from unlocking new projects and assisting Movement Research - but will benefit the Forest's Creatures (and Newton Village etc.) instead.
-This gets a +50% bonus from studying your Creatures plus Newton Village.
-5 of 60 successes
36.67(*1.5 creatures)
[ ][Action] What A Tangled Web We Weave (Magic Elements)
-Study Lies. (Or don't, but convince your fellows you are?)
-This will raise your Lie Magic rank to Competent.
-It would be an excellent idea to keep studying Lie Magic indefinitely, and never study Truth. Please do so! Also, do you know what would be great? If the world were so flooded with misinformation and biased reporting that people would start to give up on the possibility of truth! That would be FANTASTIC!!! … Wait. … Yeah, maybe ensure you don't get past Competent Lies without getting an equivalent Truth rank, huh?
-This gets a +50% bonus from studying the Shadow-Spinners.
-8 of 60 successes
34.67(*1.5 from spiders)
Looks like Hevel, Flesh, Earth and then either Advanced Movement if that counts or either Lies or Truth. Lies is marginally easier but I personally prefer Truth.
So going over the Elements and actions we have this is basically the ones close to competence.

Steam - 6.76 of 23 (16.24)
Flesh - 13.6 of 50 (36.4)
Water/Fire Negacion - 33.94 of 71.5 (37.56)
Earth - 0 of 40 (40)

The Earth one interests me, despite it being at 0, because it and Air are the original four we don't have (though I don't see an action for Air right now) at competent. And we are rooted beings so Earth makes sense for us to understand.

Last turn I did Water/Fire Negacion so I might as well continue it, though I am willing to turn to Steam or Flesh or Earth too. Cause, like I said, I think it would make sense for us to try and get four done soon so we can work on principles. (Which I would love for us to get a sort of teamwork project going on that - like so many of us who do elements research turn towards unlocking principles when we can.)

Magic Elements
Water/Fire Negacion - 33.94 of 71.5 (37.56)
Bone - 5 of 60 (55)
Earth - 0 of 40 (40)
Ending - 5.82 of 80 (74.18)
Flesh - 13.6 of 50 (36.4)
Gravity - 0 of 60 (60)
Illusions - 45 of 120 (75)
Truth - 16.08 of 60 (43.92)
Lie - 8 of 60 (52)
Sound - 15 of 64 (49)
Steam - 6.76 of 23 (16.24)

My votes:

[X][Action] Water/Fire Negacion (Magic Elements)
[X][Focus] Hevel (Magic Elements)
[X][Focus] The Earth Of Your Roots (Magic Elements)
[X][Focus] Grow Relay Trees
[X][Focus] Store Resources Against Future Need
[X][Squirrel] Explore your Forest
[X][Moles] Widen the Cave Entrance (8 dice)
[X][Steve Robertson] Teach Swordsmanship to the Squirrels (et al) (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 3 Resources per Turn) (he's not going to be stingy, but he's not going to give something valuable for free… just for cheap) (this will almost certainly give the Forest an upgrade quest - I'm looking at you, Sword Tree)
[X][Talanburg] Write-in: Focus our efforts on tracking and subverting our known out-of-town contacts. Any actions against the Talanburg cell's interference should be strictly deniable or beneath notice. Walk away if we have to.

So my current idea is that my tree will continue working on Water/Fire Negacion. He did it last time and so might as well continue. That said I put two of the focus votes on Steam Magic and Earth Magic cause I think they would be nifty to do as well.

The third focus is Grow Relay Trees, communication and coordination is important. The fourth is store resources, I always choose this as a focus, I think its important.

The other options are random things I think are fine and so I went with them.
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When considering magic research costs, remember that we have the following bonus for all researches:
Note: Your Wise Trees grant you +50% on Research actions. Your Laser Computer grants you +20% on Research actions, and a +15% extra bonus when Overcharged (consuming 4 Resources per turn; this will currently be activated if the turn will still have a net Resource gain). Your Well-Ordered Mind grants +5%. Typically this totals +90%.
Focus: Any Focus action directed towards Research gains +6 auto-successes from Clever Trees.

The Earth one interests me, despite it being at 0, because it and Air are the original four we don't have (though I don't see an action for Air right now) at competent. And we are rooted beings so Earth makes sense for us to understand.
That also gets a sweet 1.5 multiplicative bonus (and another 1.5 multiplicative bonus once comms are re-established with the ant expedition)

Illusions - 45 of 120 (75)
Note that this gives us 2 magics at competent.

Also note:
Illusions - 45 of 120 (75)
Truth - 16.08 of 60 (43.92)
Lie - 8 of 60 (52)
These would probably help with the "fight woo spy network" arc we may or may not start (I hope we do).

For the arc, there is also this communication action.
[ ][Action] Investigate Andrewsburg
-Root out any Woo Clan operatives in Andrewsburg - preferably before they sabotage negotiations this time…
-0 of 9 successes
[X][Action] Covertly converse sneakily with Granny Miller about failed Marta Yarrow romance investigation scheme; Seek her wisdom and advice on the matter (and aid, if she'd be willing to provide it)

[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication x2
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication x3
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication x4

[X][AutoFocus] As Much AutoFocus as Possible to Woohoo Spynet Eradication

[X][Squirrel] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Deer] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Moles] Built Tunnels
-[X] From Forest to Newton Village
[X][Beavers] Construction Research
[X][Bees] Grow the Swarm
[X][Ants] Keep Our Creatures Clean
[X][Wolves] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Corvids] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Bears] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Dire Bat] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Lesser Wraith] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Lesser Fire Salamander] Woohoo Spynet Eradication

[X][Speaker] Ben & Betty Grim Focus on Education
[X][Speaker] Ben & Betty Grim Focus on Education
[X][Herbalist] Investigate Possibility of Plant Corruption and Possible Prevention and Countermeasures
[X][Steve Robertson] Talk to the Thinking Ants
-[X] Make it "Steve Robertson & Avo the Mole"

[X][Talanburg] Walk Away

[X][Spynet Focus] 4
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[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
if you want to repeat a focus vote and have it count, the exact wording must be different between them (usually done by adding "x2" ( or "x3" or "x4") to the end)

[X][Talanburg] Walk Away
There is a write in for the Spynet eradication:
[X][Talanburg] Write-in: Focus our efforts on tracking and subverting our known out-of-town contacts. Any actions against the Talanburg cell's interference should be strictly deniable or beneath notice. Walk away if we have to.
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication x2
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication x3
[X][Focus] Woohoo Spynet Eradication x4

[X][AutoFocus] As Much AutoFocus as Possible to Woohoo Spynet Eradication

[X][Squirrel] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Deer] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Wolves] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Corvids] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Bears] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Dire Bat] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Lesser Wraith] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
[X][Lesser Fire Salamander] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
I sense a theme.

I would suggest we limit the animal's involvement to the squirrels, corvids and maybe the Lesser Wraith if we can disguise its presence; the use of the larger animals would suggest the elimination against Woohoo's immediately visible patsies. I think that would be a mistake, and that we should focus on finding and quietly subverting the actual agents, which they would have to have somewhere nearby to 'recruit' and manage the patsies.
... Wait, so Direbat didn't help me study Sound last turn?

On another note, how many actions did I have again as a starting tree? XD
You have 1 action, as does everyone else.
What differs is how many dice you add to an action when you choose it.
Informational Threadmark "Player Tree Types and Listing" has a list of the player Trees, you are a mind tree, meaning 2 dice to actions tagged as Communication or Research, 1 dice to everything else.
[X][Action] continue to Research Natural Magic and the flow of magical Energies in the World

Its been some time. I almost forgot i already jumped on this tree
I can state that I noticed that our Seer Tree suggests that following the Malice Storm, the next Monster attack might be Giant Locusts. Research into lethal pollen might help there, since insects are unusually vulnerable to airborne poisons.

Also, if our next major threat is Corruption, and we know a Malice Storm is coming, I think we might want to make sure that none of our trees get Corrupted by the Malice in the Malice Storm.
I can state that I noticed that our Seer Tree suggests that following the Malice Storm, the next Monster attack might be Giant Locusts. Research into lethal pollen might help there, since insects are unusually vulnerable to airborne poisons.

We would need to take full consideration of how to use such pollen properly, including making sure it doesn't kill any of our bees or birds, or that it wouldn't get anywhere we wouldn't want it to go.
Answers through Page 184:

I would say reality is the opposite of truth to the same degree ice can be the opposite of water. The subjective nature of our experience makes it impossible for absolute objective truth about reality to be known. Therefore, reality is inherently incompatible with truth, even as truth is built upon its foundations.
In other words, Truth, interpreted as What We Know To Be True, is not necessarily the same thing as Reality, interpreted as What Is Objectively True Before Being Filtered Through The Perception Of The Beholder, and is definitely not remotely similar to Lies, interpreted as What We Know To Be False. Something like that?
Short answer: I think you're looking for Illusion/Perception/Reality or maybe Illusion/Viewpoint/Reality, or something like that. Truth isn't quite the right word there.

Longer answer:
  • Would you claim you objectively know that "The subjective nature of our experience makes it impossible for absolute objective truth about reality to be known."? Because that's self-refuting.
  • On the other hand, you might be trying to define the word "Reality" and/or "Truth", in which case... honestly, the answer to that would be "sorry, TreeQuest Magic uses a slightly different definition."
  • Note that, if you wanted to precisely say, "certainty of knowledge about objective truth is unattainable," that is something that - barring a few odd cases like "cogito ergo sum" - I'm willing to give you.
"What is knowledge" is a fascinating bit of philosophical history. It started out defined - for the longest time, since Plato apparently - as "a justified true belief." Then someone came up with a case of "a man with a hitherto-infallible pocketwatch looks at the watch, believes the time it says, and indeed his belief is accurate - but only because the watch wound down exactly one day previously." I'm not aware of any border-cases except this one, for whatever that's worth.

@Nigerian Duck . could you do a corpse because this feels like a serial killer stalking
Hunting a non-sapient animal isn't generally considered a horrible crime, and (I think?) that's what he was originally proposing.

Wait, how's my cooking going?
are they going to regret letting me Cook?
No. Not even the kids that asked for Worm Apples.

  • I invented ornamental UL for that, we just need to remind Robinton when the Turn is about to come.
Reminder much appreciated.

I'd lean towards using what we have now to manipulate spy network into not being an obstacle, but us being honest with the city, while somehow causing the network to appear to its handers as if nothing is wrong/odd for the time being - its failures being attributed as 'luck' while we gather more evidence.

Then present that greater amount of evidence to the city.
Related to that:
The bolded bit is in reference to us getting a good treaty via taking over the spynet, but I think we can break that into two parts:
1. That we can do such a thing
2. That we chose to do such a thing to get a 'good' treaty.
I think that the Full disclosure option slightly hints at part 1, a bit, so if we accept that to be known, hopefully those that would be concerned will be reassured that we are careful to avoid part 2.
I'd appricated input to the following write in please:

[ ][Talanburg] Write-in - Run interference with/take over the spynet to prevent it from impacting the negotiations, while gathering as much evidence as possible, for as long as we can make it appear to the spynets handlers that any failures are not noticed or are otherwise attributed to 'bad luck', but make no actual use of it in the treaty negotiations - make a point of dealing with the people of Talanburg fairly, with the intention of presenting all gathered information to relevant Talanburg folk when we believe that our control/interference of the network is at risk of being noticed.

Edit: The above is very spy-games shenanigans, coming from a 'white hat' starting point. There's also a lot to be said for focusing on having an explicit end point where sufficient evidence is collected, and the spynet is just dissolved rather than being taken over, and I'd be ok with that too.
My main desire is to gather more evidence, stop the spynets shenanigans against us/Talenburg, while not engaging in shenanigans against Talenburg ourselves. And of course, the Woo Clan somehow never finding out we know about their spynet would be fantastic.

Huh. So this roughly comes down to, "Stall for perfect proof, but mess with the spynet enough that this is minimally risky from the Woo and/or Negotiations-break-down-completely angles, in exchange for having people slightly concerned about the mind-controlling Forest if they notice - which we're trying to make sure nobody does"?

@Robinton is there such a thing as 'luck' magic?

And if so, is it the sort of thing can be made use of in terms of 'effort expended -> good luck', or would it be more 'you can expend effort to get good luck, but bad luck is gonna rebound at ya so it's never worth the effort to begin with'?
Yes, though it's one of the more annoying Magics to get.

I wasn't planning for it to be an active Magic - except for purpose of cursing your enemies - but rather give you something like "one free reroll on a Write-In or Action, and one free 'random stroke of Luck' per turn."

@Robinton in case of a disclosure, would we get the chance to spend actions to try to improve the outcome or would that be a "between the turns" thing?
Also, are regular player trees fast enough to go to Talanburg and do something there in one turn?
That would be a write-in.
Yes. Well, mostly - they'd get slightly less done than otherwise, due to the movement.
Hunting a non-sapient animal isn't generally considered a horrible crime, and (I think?) that's what he was originally proposing.

Maybe so, but the way in which he's proposing doing it still comes off as disturbing, especially when one considers the association - though I don't know if it's true or if it's just a popularized claim - that serial killers often get their start by way of animal cruelty.

So what is being seen here not only reads as a disturbing approach to the matter in its own right, it also reads as a red flag that could leave people worried if it's the first sign of steps down a darker path.
Hunting a non-sapient animal isn't generally considered a horrible crime, and (I think?) that's what he was originally proposing.
I forgot about this a long time ago, but I was a bit annoyed over this. How do you think people got food back in the day, and even now, when farming wasn't an option? They hunted. That is literally all it is. At that point it's just semantics or something. Or is hunting an animal and stalking it not the exact same thing In this context? Am I supposed to say "I beg on my knees for an animal to fall upon thy sword and take it's life, hopes of being allowed to gain medical knowledge through study of it's flesh"?

…And now someone is alluding I'm a serial killer. Psycho-analysis through an imaginary text game.

Edited: And if you want to say something like "consuming it is weird and gross", please tell me the tangible difference between an animal eating it and the tree. Both are getting nutrients, while one gets the added benefit of *understanding* what it eats.
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Maybe so, but the way in which he's proposing doing it still comes off as disturbing, especially when one considers the association - though I don't know if it's true or if it's just a popularized claim - that serial killers often get their start by way of animal cruelty.

So what is being seen here not only reads as a disturbing approach to the matter in its own right, it also reads as a red flag that could leave people worried if it's the first sign of steps down a darker path.
Dude chill. The forest has killed things before and at least tried to kill things with its own branches before. There is no reason to try and cast shade on the guy IRL.
[X][Action] Research Advanced Movement (Magic Elements) (Movement Research)

Nothing else to say, I'll go at it until we can punch and kick things. Repeatedly and elegantly.
Ahh The joys of youth, what fun silly contests will they think up next I wonder?
But with that final request done I can focus on the Storm that approaches
[X][Action] Rain and Shine
"Evil Storm Go Away! Evil Storm Go Away! Evil Storm Go Away!"
The chant continues at a lower volume throughout the entire turn
I forgot about this a long time ago, but I was a bit annoyed over this. How do you think people got food back in the day, and even now, when farming wasn't an option? They hunted. That is literally all it is. At that point it's just semantics or something. Or is hunting an animal and stalking it not the exact same thing In this context? Am I supposed to say "I beg on my knees for an animal to fall upon thy sword and take it's life, hopes of being allowed to gain medical knowledge through study of it's flesh"?

…And now someone is alluding I'm a serial killer. Psycho-analysis through an imaginary text game.

Edited: And if you want to say something like "consuming it is weird and gross", please tell me the tangible difference between an animal eating it and the tree. Both are getting nutrients, while one gets the added benefit of *understanding* what it eats.
Sorry, @Nigerian Duck , I didn't mean it like that, what I meant was basically it seems unethical to hunt an animal to gain knowlege when there are better alternatives. I