TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

Am I supposed to say "I beg on my knees for an animal to fall upon thy sword

Say no more fam, I gotchu!
[X][Focus] Bone, Not of My Bone (Magic Biology Research) (Magic Elements)
[X][Focus] Flesh, Not of My Flesh (Magic Biology Research) (Magic Elements)

Wild boars going ruining the farmer fields again? Why what a welcome challenge for the recruits!
Would you claim you objectively know that "The subjective nature of our experience makes it impossible for absolute objective truth about reality to be known."? Because that's self-refuting.
No, but I would claim to believe such to be true.
"What is knowledge" is a fascinating bit of philosophical history. It started out defined - for the longest time, since Plato apparently - as "a justified true belief."
Yeah, that, plus the concept of honesty was what I was defining truth as. Basically my definitions were the following:
Truth=Something that the subject believes to be true, through logically valid justification.
Lies=Something the subject believes to be untrue but is trying to convince someone of OR something the subject believes to be true but which some link in the chain of communication of that belief believed to be untrue and successfully convinced someone of.
Reality=The objective state of existence regardless of any individual's perception.
Of course, it's possible that my definition of Reality is how the setting and magic define Truth but there's nothing I can do about that other than ponder the implications of magical elements being influenced by perception in general but not by the perception of the wielder specifically.
The thing is that magic here appears to operate at a conceptual level. Truth magic doesn't care one bit what you believe to be true, only what is actually True. If it could be deterred so easily as by mind-magicking yourself into believing something, it wouldn't be any good in a lot of cases anyway. If you teach someone that 2+2=5, and then use Truth magic, it will absolutely tell them that they are wrong, as 2+2=4 is the Truth, and you can't be subjective about math.

And anyplace where things are subjective, Truth just doesn't care and simply tells you straight up 'this person believes X' without having any opinion on X whatsoever, unless X is a real physical or metaphysical thing that can be confirmed or denied.

Honesty is its own thing.
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Clearly, what we need here is for the forest to master Objectivity magic, and also Subjectivity magic.

Then, whenever we had a problem, we could use a Subjective/Objective Negacion to reject the other person's reality and substitute our own.
I know what all those words mean, but that sentence is gibberish.

What do marbles have to do with reality?
Fate franchise reference (Marble Phantasm vs. Reality Marble). I think some metaphor about "ability to draw a single off-color marble every time" (Marble Phantasm, basically Luck magic taken to extremes) vs. "ability to change all the marbles' colors to match the off-color marble" (Reality Marble, temporarily rewriting reality) is the in-universe explanation.
Note to everyone: The Talanburg Vote has been slightly updated with a new "if we go for the greater-spynet-takedown, should we dedicate Focus Actions towards it?" vote.

Also, as a minor note, I just wrote up a basic Google Spreadsheet for turn calculations. We'll see if it makes things faster, next turn...

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You might want to edit this as it currently refers to the "perfect evidence" option rather than the "Walk Away" option.


How do you define Serious Commitment?

Right now, I'm thinking that we have a devious opportunity here, as well as a shot to massively infiltrate the Woo well beyond any time frame I was expecting.

The specific details will depend a lot on, well, the specific details.

But what I'd like is an additional option @Robinton of

[ ] [Talanburg] Serious Commitment

This option would essentially be an internal Forest declaration of "We are going to commit Resources, Dice, and Focus Actions if necessary, to subvert the Woo Clan Spy Assets as subtly and as far reaching as possible, with a goal of the Woohoos not noticing, starting with the Talanburg Cells."

This would essentially be a "If we get a sufficient majority vote, preferably at least 60% of votes, we preemptively agree to basically AutoFocus: Find and Subvert WooHoo Spy Assets, so that this course of action is actually followed through" vote.

If 60%, or more, of voters agree that this is an idea worth committing to, then that's an agreement to invest what's needed to actually get this job done, be it Resources or Focus Actions, because those are the Communally available assets able to be committed to this.

If this wins, then ideally we sweep up the current Woohoos, set them to operate at "continue as normal, with enough sabotage to allow their WC handlers think they were just thwarted, not compromised, while we manage to, well, thwart their efforts", continue the Talanburg negotiations, and then begin wrapping up the rest of the Woo Clan Assets over the next several turns.
I'll put up a version of that - more an option of dedicating 1-4 Focus Actions.

It will vary significantly depending on just what Action Types are relevant to Intrigue Operations (Communication is very likely, Growth a solid possible in regards to setting up Relays to extend our Mind Reading Range), but I expect our Focus Actions to still be pretty effective in helping the situation.
That seems a decent guess, yeah. With a fair bit of Research and maybe the odd Survival for e.g. disguising your presence somewhere.

A write in of "Have a Committed Vote right here right now (when we get to this vote) to dedicate Community Forest Assets (Resources and Focus Actions) to get this job done as effectively as possible" has been suggested, and against expectations it has not been shouted down as a bad idea.
If there's a strong request for "forcibly devote 2 Focus Actions towards this - barring extraordinary circumstances, particularly battles" - yeah, I'm willing to add that as a contingency for the "break their spynet" option.

...Actually, I'll go ahead and add an option for "how many Focus Actions should we automatically dedicate, assuming the motion passes (this vote will have no effect if it does not pass)?"

Second, I have had some vague thoughts of making a pair of 'very long wave em emitters [slightly different wavelengths]' and placing them a fair distance apart (measured down appropriate precision needed, we players can maths that out, since we know that the planet has approx a 4k radius or diameter) and activating them as soon as we detect portals opening, and then measure the relative angles of the two beams of radiation from the perspective of the portal, and use that to triangulate where the portals are being opened from.
Huh. I'd have to check the math on that - but the basic idea is sound.
Well, assuming - as you say - that the enemy base doesn't have em suppression (magic / faraday cage). Which is likely correct.
Some sort of general "make this hard to find" Magic is far more likely than a direct suppressor, and while the general defense might give you issues, you'd have good odds of getting at least a general reading...

1. The portals act as doorways like the gates from 'Stargate SG1', except the person making the portal can designate an arbitrary exit point rather than needing machine to link to.


the term 'portal' always makes me think 'doorway' as opposed to 'teleporter' and if you are incorrect here that would make my idea so much more viable, so I'm going to ask @Robinton to confirm if things are 'beamed in' like star trek, or if short-lived doorways are opened and things physically walk through them?
Given that your senses stretch through the things, you're fairly certain this is roughly correct. Doorways through space, not "swapping matter/space."

provided the emitters are always on then the next time anything is teleported to us then any low energy photons that are currently passing through the bodies of the incoming foes will be teleported with them.
Good news: this is an awesome idea. It might well work if the enemies were nearby (which you don't think is the case).

Bad news: you'd have to turn the radios up REALLY intense to measure anything via this method. Reasoning: only maybe - let's use metric, I think the math will be easier - maybe 10 meters' worth of photons in a very good case will get teleported, which means you're getting a photon burst for (10 meters / 3.0*10^8 meters/second) = 3.3*10^-7 seconds. And while your sensors are good, for "faint background radiation from far across the planet" you really need a fair fraction of a second, if not multiple seconds. Ancient Sensing Trees could probably bypass this fully.

Better news: the portals work the easy way anyway.
...Actually, I'll go ahead and add an option for "how many Focus Actions should we automatically dedicate, assuming the motion passes (this vote will have no effect if it does not pass)?"

Just gonna repost my vote, then.

[X][Action] Investigate Andrewsburg
[X][Focus] Investigate Andrewsburg
[X][Focus] Investigate Andrewsburg x2
[X[Focus] Write-in: Investigate the Talanburg cell's contacts
[X[Focus] Write-in: Investigate the Talanburg cell's contacts x2
[X][AutoFocus] Clan Infiltration
-[X]1 Focus to investigate and (quietly!) subvert Woo spy network cells where found.
-[X]Other focus to continue as in "Preparing for & keeping busy in Winter"

[X][Squirrel] Write-in: Investigate the Talanburg cell's contacts
[X][Corvids] Investigate Andrewsburg

[X][Talanburg] Write-in: Focus our efforts on tracking and subverting our known out-of-town contacts. Any actions against the Talanburg cell's interference should be strictly deniable or beneath notice. Walk away if we have to.
[X][Talanburg] Write-in - Run interference with/take over the spynet to prevent it from impacting the negotiations, while gathering as much evidence as possible, for as long as we can make it appear to the spynets handlers that any failures are not noticed or are otherwise attributed to 'bad luck', but make no actual use of it in the treaty negotiations - make a point of dealing with the people of Talanburg fairly, with the intention of presenting all gathered information to relevant Talanburg folk when we believe that our control/interference of the network is at risk of being noticed.
[X][Talanburg] Walk Away
[X][Talanburg] Write-in: Walk away for now, to fully Focus on subverting the spy-network. Return when the network is subverted.

[X][Spynet Focus] 3
[X][Spynet Focus] 4
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I have to be honest and say I have zero clue on what I want to do towards the Talanburg slash spynet stuff. Like most things are "oh yeah, that's my vote" but on that, no clue. Absolutely no clue.
[X][Talanburg] Write-in: Focus our efforts on tracking and subverting our known out-of-town contacts. Any actions against the Talanburg cell's interference should be strictly deniable or beneath notice. Walk away if we have to.
[X][Talanburg] Walk away
[X][Spynet Focus] 1

[X][Action] Investigate Andrewsburg

I wanted to do Incorporated Growth, but now I want to poke the Woo clan spy network more.

[X][Focus] Void Forest (Magic) (Void) (Magic Research)
[X][Focus] Grow Relay Trees
[X][Focus] Incorporate Plant <Blackberries and Raspberries>

[X][Squirrel] Assist with Incorporated Growth
[X][Deer] Focus on growing the Relay Trees
[X][Corvids] Contribute to Hevel
[X][Lesser Wraith] Assist with Void Forest
[X][Dire Bat] Search for native Dire Bat populations
Short answer: I think you're looking for Illusion/Perception/Reality or maybe Illusion/Viewpoint/Reality, or something like that. Truth isn't quite the right word there.

Longer answer:
  • Would you claim you objectively know that "The subjective nature of our experience makes it impossible for absolute objective truth about reality to be known."? Because that's self-refuting.
  • On the other hand, you might be trying to define the word "Reality" and/or "Truth", in which case... honestly, the answer to that would be "sorry, TreeQuest Magic uses a slightly different definition."
  • Note that, if you wanted to precisely say, "certainty of knowledge about objective truth is unattainable," that is something that - barring a few odd cases like "cogito ergo sum" - I'm willing to give you.
"What is knowledge" is a fascinating bit of philosophical history. It started out defined - for the longest time, since Plato apparently - as "a justified true belief." Then someone came up with a case of "a man with a hitherto-infallible pocketwatch looks at the watch, believes the time it says, and indeed his belief is accurate - but only because the watch wound down exactly one day previously." I'm not aware of any border-cases except this one, for whatever that's worth.
Oh. Damn. This just gave me a really weird, extremely cool and all too possible idea for a Quad-Negacion.


Void is the Truth of Absence, Illusion is the Lie of Presence. Truth is the Illusion of Certainty, Lies are the Void of Doubt. When they are meet, the Reality of Existence is woven.
So are we doing a full disclosure or are we doing finding perfect proof, and can we use our individual dice to help whichever we choose? Because I am willing to stall my research if only to help either option.
EDIT: or are we further infiltrating the network to collapse the system in greater effect?
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[X][Action] Void Forest (Magic) (Void) (Magic Research)
[X][AutoFocus] Any

Yay, I'm a grown up now!
Are the number of dice for (Magic Elements) still determined by my Research dice or was that changed?
Regardless I'd like to be a

[] [Etree] Research Tree
So are we doing a full disclosure or are we doing finding perfect proof, and can we use our individual dice to help whichever we choose? Because I am willing to stall my research if only to help either option.
EDIT: or are we further infiltrating the network to collapse the system in greater effect?
Um... I would like an answer for this so I know if I should do my best helping things with my lone dice?
Um... I would like an answer for this so I know if I should do my best helping things with my lone dice?
That depends on the results of the [Talanburg] vote.
Adhoc vote count started by Toboe on Jun 27, 2023 at 12:40 PM, finished with 94 posts and 43 votes.
  • 43

    [X] Raise the Shield
    [X] Study Illusions (Magic Elements)
    [X] Water/Fire Negacion (Magic Elements)
    [X] Rain and Shine
    [X] Void Forest (Magic) (Void) (Magic Research)
    [X] Veritas
    [X] Investigate Andrewsburg
    [X] Research Advanced Movement (Magic Elements) (Movement Research)
    [X] Grow Relay Trees
    [X] Store Resources Against Future Need
    [x] Feed the Swarm (Bees)
    [x] Magical Construct Analysis (Magic Research)
    [X] Unpredictable Adventuring, to finish getting my fast travel book!
    [X] Upgrade Lens Tree
    [x] Continue studying Sensing Trees and how/why they're so weird.
    [X] Design Magic Weapons and Armor (Magic Research)
    [X] Empty Veil (Void)
    [X] What A Tangled Web We Weave (Magic Elements)
    [X] Continue with incorporating Fire Magic into our Laser Beams, but this time collaborate with anyone studying Monster Energy in order to make our Laser Flare™ more effective against Monsters and things of Malice.
    -[X] Destructive testing on hostile fuckers that couldn't be subjugated/assimilated/talked down coming our way during the Malice Storm. This tree is in the mood for some purifying pew pews.
    [X] Talking with the ants was fun. But now there is something evil on the wind. Investigate. Study. Prepare. Exploit.
    [X] Maintain Connection with adventuring Trees.
    [X] Incorporate Plant Sporing Mushrooms
    [X] Explosive Defenses
    [X] Covertly converse sneakily with Granny Miller about failed Marta Yarrow romance investigation scheme; Seek her wisdom and advice on the matter (and aid, if she'd be willing to provide it)
    [X] continue to Research Natural Magic and the flow of magical Energies in the World
    [X] try to fill a nut with the concept of sound
    [X] Reverse-engineer firearms
    [X] Grow the Forest
    [X] Mortal, Finite, Temporary (Magic Elements
  • 16

    [X] Grow Relay Trees
    [X] Void Forest (Magic) (Void) (Magic Research)
    [X] Veritas (Magic Elements)
    [X] Bone, Not of My Bone (Magic Biology Research) (Magic Elements)
    [X] Flesh, Not of My Flesh (Magic Biology Research) (Magic Elements)
    [X] Lethal Pollen (Magic Biology Research)
    [X] Stockpile Thorns
    [X] Grow Relay Trees x2
    [X] Investigate Andrewsburg
    [X] Investigate Andrewsburg x2
    [X] Incorporate Plant <Blackberries and Raspberries>
    [X] Investigate Death magic.
    [X] Mining
    [X] Explosive Defenses
    [X] Investigate Severing magic.
    [X] Veritas
    [X] Design Magic Weapons and Armor (Magic Research)
    [X] Grow Relay Trees x3
    [X] Grow Relay Trees x4
    [X] Hevel (Magic Elements)
    [X] The Earth Of Your Roots (Magic Elements)
    [X] Store Resources Against Future Need
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication x2
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication x3
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication x4
  • 12

    [X] Assist with Incorporated Growth
    [X] Lead the squirrel watch over your Forest
    [X] Write-in: Investigate the Talanburg cell's contacts
    [X] Explore your Forest
    [X] Meditate on how Squirrel Sord!
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
  • 4

    [X] Focus on growing the Relay Trees
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
  • 1

    [X] Root Tree
  • 4

    [X] Widen the Cave Entrance (8 dice)
    [X] Mining for Linestone (8 dice)
    [X] Built Tunnels
    -[X] From Forest to Newton Village
  • 1

    [X] Construction Research
  • 3

    [X] Focus on growing the Relay Trees
    [X] Grow the Swarm
  • 1

    [X] Keep Our Creatures Clean
  • 1

    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
  • 5

    [X] Assist with Upgrade Defender Ent
    [X] Investigate Possibility of Plant Corruption and Possible Prevention and Countermeasures
  • 7

    [X] Clan Infiltration
    -[X]1 Focus to investigate and (quietly!) subvert Woo spy network cells where found.
    -[X]Other focus to continue as in "Preparing for & keeping busy in Winter"
    [X] Any
    [X] As Much AutoFocus as Possible to Woohoo Spynet Eradication
  • 8

    [X] Contribute to Hevel
    [X] Investigate Andrewsburg
    [X] Contribute to a project (Between Silence and Music)
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
  • 4

    [X] Teach Death Magic
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
  • 2

    [X] Personal Training: Sord
    [X] Ben & Betty Grim Focus on Education
  • 7

    [X][Lesser Wraith] Assist with Void Forest
    [X][Lesser Wraith] Mortal, Finite, Temporary
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
  • 1

    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
  • 7

    [X][Dire Bat] Assist with Monster Energy
    [X][Dire Bat] Search for native Dire Bat populations
    [X] Woohoo Spynet Eradication
  • 10

    [X] Walk Away
    [X] Write-in: Focus our efforts on tracking and subverting our known out-of-town contacts. Any actions against the Talanburg cell's interference should be strictly deniable or beneath notice. Walk away if we have to.
    [X] Full disclosure
    [X] Write-in - Run interference with/take over the spynet to prevent it from impacting the negotiations, while gathering as much evidence as possible, for as long as we can make it appear to the spynets handlers that any failures are not noticed or are otherwise attributed to 'bad luck', but make no actual use of it in the treaty negotiations - make a point of dealing with the people of Talanburg fairly, with the intention of presenting all gathered information to relevant Talanburg folk when we believe that our control/interference of the network is at risk of being noticed.
    [X] Stall for perfect proof
  • 7

    [X][Steve Robertson] Teach Swordsmanship to the Squirrels (et al) (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 3 Resources per Turn) (he's not going to be stingy, but he's not going to give something valuable for free… just for cheap) (this will almost certainly give the Forest an upgrade quest - I'm looking at you, Sword Tree)
    [X][Steve Robertson] Teach Swordsmanship to the Squirrels
    [X][Steve Robertson] Talk to the Thinking Ants
    -[X] Make it "Steve Robertson & Avo the Mole"
  • 5

    [X][Spynet Focus] 3
    [X][Spynet Focus] 4
    [X][Spynet Focus] 1
[X][Talanburg] Write-in: Focus our efforts on tracking and subverting our known out-of-town contacts. Any actions against the Talanburg cell's interference should be strictly deniable or beneath notice. Walk away if we have to.
[X][Action] Write in: Assist in either Talanburg Full disclosure or subverting the contacts, whichever wins
I think I'm going to change my vote to :

[]Write-in: Focus our efforts on tracking and subverting our known out-of-town contacts. Any actions against the Talanburg cell's interference should be strictly deniable or beneath notice. Walk away if we have to.

It seems the most logical I guess.

(PS. I'm doing the change in my actual vote, just as a note.)
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@Robinton is the "[] Write-in: Focus our efforts on tracking and subverting our known out-of-town contacts. Any actions against the Talanburg cell's interference should be strictly deniable or beneath notice. Walk away if we have to." obsolete with the changes to the Talanburg options? Would the Spynet Focus still be activated if it win?