Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

In the end he decided that Kabuto deserved a challenge and set the system to think that he was a 'duplicate' of Gaara. A decidedly-not-a-genin against a jinchuriki should at least be an interesting match to watch, right?

Will he forfeit? Try to throw the match and get blitzkrieg'd by a frustrated Gaara? Or just not show up due to the tip dropped in the Hokage's ear? 🤔

Shito-sensei was waiting for us. He said you've got access to 'hickey removers'

Wonder what Orochimaru is going to think about that. :rage:

"Well, they did try to kill us first, so leaving unidentifiable charred remains instead of a team wasn't horrible."

Is that what happened to Karin team in this time line? Oh well, nothing of value was lost. :whistle:
The Village Hidden the Leaves: Hickey Free Zone.

Intersting that the ones on team seven were harder to remove. I see three possibe factors: one, Orochimaru has made upgrades that by design or not have made the trick less effective; two, the animal thing made a difference; three, Ino at least had just used it, voluntarily or not.

Naruto and his inner ideas crew might want to make a safety checker before trying to run the hickey remover again.
I suspect that Kabuto wont be able to forfit due to Orochimaru wanting him in the finals to keep a closer eye on Naruto.

The Village Hidden the Leaves: Hickey Free Zone.

Intersting that the ones on team seven were harder to remove. I see three possibe factors: one, Orochimaru has made upgrades that by design or not have made the trick less effective; two, the animal thing made a difference; three, Ino at least had just used it, voluntarily or not.

Naruto and his inner ideas crew might want to make a safety checker before trying to run the hickey remover again.

I suspect it was more difficult because like Sasuke in canon, all three tapped into the cursed mark in the forest when they first woke up while under attack. But because they hadn't chosen to do so, it hadn't been rooted too deep in their chakra networks to be removed. The fact they are partly non-human may have helped keep it from latching on as tightly as it could have.

I wonder why he put his cursed seal on all 3 of them instead of just Sasuke?
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Intersting that the ones on team seven were harder to remove. I see three possibe factors: one, Orochimaru has made upgrades that by design or not have made the trick less effective; two, the animal thing made a difference; three, Ino at least had just used it, voluntarily or not.
For some reason, I'm thinking maybe whatever gave them their animal bits might have been a precursor to whatever it is Orochimaru gave to Sasuke and others in canon to upgrade the Seal to allow the stage 2 transformation. Having it in their system might have allowed a deeper connection in the flesh, instead of just the surface connection to the chakra network.
Not sure how Sand managed to keep Gaara's jinchuriki status under wraps. Effectively his entire village knows, even worse than Naruto!
I suspect that Kabuto wont be able to forfit due to Orochimaru wanting him in the finals to keep a closer eye on Naruto.


I suspect it was more difficult because like Sasuke in canon, all three tapped into the cursed mark in the forest when they first woke up while under attack. But because they hadn't chosen to do so, it hadn't been rooted too deep in their chakra networks to be removed. The fact they are partly non-human may have helped keep it from latching on as tightly as it could have.

I wonder why he put his cursed seal on all 3 of them instead of just Sasuke?
It said in the chapter; because they survived the animal thing which was also one of his and he wished to further test them. Whether that was actually true or just some bullshit he spoued is another question, of course.
Intersting that the ones on team seven were harder to remove. I see three possibe factors: one, Orochimaru has made upgrades that by design or not have made the trick less effective; two, the animal thing made a difference; three, Ino at least had just used it, voluntarily or not.
That is true but there is also the fact that Anko's seal was made and administered 12+ years ago. I'm not surprised that there were edits to the seal's design in that time frame. The animal transformation may have mixed in odd ways with it, also as was said it was recently used meaning it was nowhere near as dormant as the one Anko had was. Especially because we know she hated it and used it as little as possible. Or it could be the fact that they were 'fresh' so the 'binding agent' was more present and had to be fought against rather than it being gone with Anko. Really we won't know until @CmptrWz tells us or the fact shows up in the story.
Sounds like Team 7 went RIP AND TEAR on Team Oto.

That's Karin safe and sound. Question is, do Yugito and Fu get similar offers.

Orochimaru attempts to control Team 7 through their hickeys, but finds that they're gone. Orochimaru: *surprised Pikachu face*

Rest in Pieces, Kabuto. Either you break your cover, or Gaara crushes you to death.
I'm enjoying team 7's interaction with them. Love the more mellow Sasuke.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ino knew something about the whole inners thing. Surprised that their team hadn't gone through it, yet. Then again after the animal thing they might worry about interactions.

Karin has been freshly recruited. Can't wait until she meets Yoko the Shrine Maiden. Talk about family quirks that could be passed down to others. Then again Naruto has all those various family pranks that he could teach her as well. Meh, she might just recreate them while bored.

I like the bit about him finding the desktop that controls the matchups. Not surprised that he fiddles with things.

I'd be more worried that Kabuto would just forfeit his match. If he does, he'd likely be picked up by T&I for a brief questioning session.

There is a part of me that thinks Neji should have been arranged to fight Gara. Not to be mean to Neji. He is the only one that might survive Gara in straight combat and would have the sense to actually forfeit if he starts to lose. Actually, if Neji actually forfeited at the right time would be better for him than fighting that losing battle.

A Kabuto vs Neji battle might have been fun as well.
For some reason, I'm thinking maybe whatever gave them their animal bits might have been a precursor to whatever it is Orochimaru gave to Sasuke and others in canon to upgrade the Seal to allow the stage 2 transformation. Having it in their system might have allowed a deeper connection in the flesh, instead of just the surface connection to the chakra network.
There was that filler episode where Mizuki broke out of prison and made a prototype version of the curse seal that spliced the user with animal traits that Orochimaru gave him as downpayment for trying to bring him the scroll he conned Naruto into stealing for him in canon, granted the version Mizuki got had severe side effects that left him a withered near dead husk after a few minutes presumably because Orochimaru planned to screw him over from the beginning.
If that shows up in this story, I could easily see the tome correcting its side effects and Hinata getting her matching fox traits that way.
There is a part of me that thinks Neji should have been arranged to fight Gara. Not to be mean to Neji. He is the only one that might survive Gara in straight combat and would have the sense to actually forfeit if he starts to lose. Actually, if Neji actually forfeited at the right time would be better for him than fighting that losing battle.

A Kabuto vs Neji battle might have been fun as well.
Gara: "NO! This Kabuto is NOT permitted to forfeit! MOTHER WANTS BLOOD!"

Kabuto: "Um... Can I turn myself in as a village traitor, please?"

Hokage: "You may."

Kabuto: "Whew!"

Hokage: "After your match with Gara."

Kabuto: "DAMMIT!"
I'd be more worried that Kabuto would just forfeit his match. If he does, he'd likely be picked up by T&I for a brief questioning session.
In canon, he forfeited before the preliminaries even started. If he does the same again here, then changing the computer to think he's a clone of Gaara does nothing. The computer won't even have the chance to match him with anybody.
Neji is likely still a fate obsessed a-hole who's convinced of his superiority. As such, if he was to face Garra, it's likely Neji wouldn't even consider forfeiting the match.

And at this point Garra would refuse to accept his opponent surrendering. In canon Lee had to be rescued because Garra was going to kill him despite Rock Lee being clearly defeated.
It would be interesting if Neji end matched up to fight Lee given that Lee both has his rivalry towards Neji and was going to be paired to fight Gaara before Naruto edited things. It could also easily end with Lee winning if we assume that his spars with Neji were always with weights on and using the Gates banned.
In canon, he forfeited before the preliminaries even started. If he does the same again here, then changing the computer to think he's a clone of Gaara does nothing. The computer won't even have the chance to match him with anybody.
Given that they know that Kabuto is a traitor, but Kabuto doesn't know that they know, they could hypothetically tell him that this is his last chance to make Chunin since he had bowed out at this point in the exam six times previously for similar excuses.
I wonder if Orochimaru is going to try flooding the Village with elemental zombies? I mean, he apparently had an experiment that would make them. And if he finds those labs are undisturbed and still ready to be used... Well, zombie invasion had been effective against the village before. So it should work a second time, right? After all, there couldn't possibly be anything in place to ensure the village can repel such an attack if it occurred again. Right?
Apparently the new forms for chunin and higher to report various types of oddities in the village needed a genin-level equivalent, despite genin supposedly not knowing enough to spot the kinds of oddities the forms were intended for. That was going to be a headache. Or maybe they'd just get Naruto promoted to chunin as soon as possible and not need to worry about it after locking him in a room with a stack of the forms. "I see. I'll have someone check on that in case it was expected."

Shades of Maul being the first person to notice that the paperwork needed to apply for a higher clearance needed the higher clearance in order to be accessed.
Those seals that Orochi makes always sounded awfully alot like Horocruxes(sp?) from Harry Potter. I wonder just how many times Orochi can separate pieces of his spirit/soul before he starts crumbling like the Big V did in HP.

And if he actually can feel that parts of himself die every time those seals are destroyed. *Snickers* I could see him losing memories, control of his chakra, or other debilitating effects. Performance issues anyone?