Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Wow, those are some arrogant genin. They think they can 'deal with' Naruto, when Zabuza couldn't?
Maybe they mean literally dealing with, as in trying to humbly negotiate buying the sword back again? Won't work but it would be much smarter than the alternative.
Can't wait to see his reaction when Naruto and company progress to the next phase of the exams, proving that he survived that attack.
And without Kabuto having ever found them hopefully.
Even worse, the ruined maid outfit also survived completely unscathed. Cue the panic and wondering how that's possible.
He might even second guess if that was actually not just a clone that he hit once he spots that detail.

Honestly, it wouldn't be surprising if during the intro banter when Orochimaru was planning to offer the scroll and after removing the disguise face resulted in Naruto pocketing some "gifts" for Orochimaru to deal with later, such as a few explosive seals or stored elemental chakra seals that will result in the snake taking a lava bath in a day or so, better if they attach another stored seal when they go off just so he can have randomly timed tortures inflicted on him for a few days/weeks, given Anko as their sensei it would make perfect sense for Naruto to be carrying such a thing at all tomes just for the low chance he might run into Orochimaru.
You know, there's another detail about Orochimaru's attack that we need to consider, Hiruzen saw the whole thing. Between that, the anti-summoning seal, and Hiruzen having some time to get some training in, the invasion is no way in hell going to be a tenth as successful as it was in canon.

Well, yes. That's likely true. But due to the "zombie invasion" and how poorly most of the ninja corps had preformed during it, Orochimaru thinks the village is completely unprepared and vulnerable to an invasion. It never occurred to him that the village might have tightened security and improved readiness after the zombie attacks.

Speaking of which, how the hell did Orochimaru manage to call forth the sword (which is sealed in a snake he has to summon as I recall)? And what's his reaction when summoning a messanger snake fails going to be?
Well, yes. That's likely true. But due to the "zombie invasion" and how poorly most of the ninja corps had preformed during it, Orochimaru thinks the village is completely unprepared and vulnerable to an invasion. It never occurred to him that the village might have tightened security and improved readiness after the zombie attacks.

Speaking of which, how the hell did Orochimaru manage to call forth the sword (which is sealed in a snake he has to summon as I recall)? And what's his reaction when summoning a messanger snake fails going to be?

Summoning is currently allowed in training ground 44. So he can summon whatever he wants in the forest.
You sure? Or are you mistaking Naruto being able to summon for it being allowed in the Forest of Death? Summoning is, to my knowledge, a pretty rare skill. One that genin are generally not expected to have due to how much chakra it takes. As such, leaving a hole like that in the security would serve no purpose.
Depends. The jaw is part of the head after all. The blade probably didn't intersect with his brain or skull around the brain.
After all it hit his cheek and he was moving AWAY from it in a dodge, not into it.

Exactly. In through the cheek, out through the back behind and below the ear. Still probably fatal in seconds because of the major blood vessels there for a normal person, but it missed the brain stem/spinal column.
You sure? Or are you mistaking Naruto being able to summon for it being allowed in the Forest of Death? Summoning is, to my knowledge, a pretty rare skill. One that genin are generally not expected to have due to how much chakra it takes. As such, leaving a hole like that in the security would serve no purpose.

They would need to allow summoning in the forest unless they asked each competitor if they had summoning techniques so they could add an exception for them... With the number of teams in this stage of the exam, it's easier to just allow summoning in the forest.
You know, there's another detail about Orochimaru's attack that we need to consider, Hiruzen saw the whole thing. Between that, the anti-summoning seal, and Hiruzen having some time to get some training in, the invasion is no way in hell going to be a tenth as successful as it was in canon.

The invasion could also be *more* cluster fucky than it was in canon, there's more tailed beasts present than in canon, Oro conveniently exhausted himself in surprise at getting hit with Fear of Paperwork, and there's been enough general changes to the canon set ups to introduce some more shenanigans too.

Should be fun to watch.
Again though, summoning is a rare skill which is suppose to require greater chakra reserves then genin are expected to have. So why assume any of the genin from other villages can do it? Naruto and his team mates have a unique advantage in that they have been training very chakra heavy techniques (spells), thus have greater reserves then normal. And Naruto has abnormally large reserves to begin with. So why assume any of the genin from any other village can summon?

No, I'd suspect there isn't an exclusion zone because it wasn't deemed nessicary to compromise security in that way.
Again though, summoning is a rare skill which is suppose to require greater chakra reserves then genin are expected to have.

It's perfectly possible that a genin might have a low tier summon, like a bird or rodent for scouting or something. Not all summons have insane chakra costs, and not all summon clans/contracts have tests that demand a lot of chakra either. Not to mention, exceptional powerhouses and prodigies can exist, and the Uzumaki may be the premier chakra powerhouse clan, but they're probably not the only one; we don't know all that much about the other villages after all.
Wow, those are some arrogant genin. They think they can 'deal with' Naruto, when Zabuza couldn't?
Zabuza couldn't deal with the entire team, including two special jounin. Obviously the latter dealt with Zabuza, not the genin. :p
I can just see the debriefing now.
Orochi: "Good job saving the Uzumaki."
Kabuto: "But I couldn't find them."
Orochi: "Then how did he survive?!"
Kabuto: " mentioned he was a potential master of the paperwork jutsu."
Orochi: "...and?"
Kabuto: "Maybe he out-paperworked death?"
Orochi: "...suddenly I think I know why Uzushio was feared."
Again though, summoning is a rare skill which is suppose to require greater chakra reserves then genin are expected to have. So why assume any of the genin from other villages can do it? Naruto and his team mates have a unique advantage in that they have been training very chakra heavy techniques (spells), thus have greater reserves then normal. And Naruto has abnormally large reserves to begin with. So why assume any of the genin from any other village can summon?

No, I'd suspect there isn't an exclusion zone because it wasn't deemed nessicary to compromise security in that way.
There is, in fact, an exclusion zone.

Both because of the aforementioned "low-chakra" summons for scouting and similar, and for one other reason.

Namely, in testing, they found if they didn't make the forest an exclusion zone then the scrolls for the test didn't work either.
Shouldn't this be "and"?
I think it works with either, depending on how you read it. Being dialog, it gets a pass either way. :V
The two girls gave him a look that told him they knew that 'largely-unsecured' meant 'behind a heavily-locked and possibly-guarded door but with a way to slip in through abuse of shapeshifting'. Which was, to him, essentially unsecured. They could've at least thrown a tamper-evident seal on the crate!
I'm fairly sure that makes it essentially unsecured to Hinata and Tenten, too. Especially Hinata with the byakugan showing where the guards and opening are.
Exactly. In through the cheek, out through the back behind and below the ear. Still probably fatal in seconds because of the major blood vessels there for a normal person, but it missed the brain stem/spinal column.
And then down through the shoulder and lung on the way out, which would also sever the blood vessels to and from that arm, plus the Orochimaru-approved poison. Still not instantly fatal, but Naruto would not have survived without immediate help and the number of people who could survive it at all is probably single digit.
You know, there's another detail about Orochimaru's attack that we need to consider, Hiruzen saw the whole thing. Between that, the anti-summoning seal, and Hiruzen having some time to get some training in, the invasion is no way in hell going to be a tenth as successful as it was in canon.

Also, remember that there was a comment(I forget if it was in the story or just a post of the author's in the thread) that knowing the Paperwork Jutsu means Hiruzen has the time to do some training to improve his own readiness even before knowing that Orochimaru was directly involved in things. Orochimaru also doesn't know that the zombie invasion was just one of a number of self tests of the village's general state of readiness, with large shifts to procedures occurring as a result. He'd know about some of that from his agents, such as Kabuto, but there's no telling how much he knows or what conclusions he's reached with that data beyond believing that they found and activated all but one of his "zombie" labs, and were not all that impressive in how they handled that attack.
Kabuto: " mentioned he was a potential master of the paperwork jutsu."
Orochi: "...and?"
Kabuto: "Maybe he out-paperworked death?"
Orochi: "...suddenly I think I know why Uzushio was feared."
Considering the previously mentioned thoughts in thread about some coming to the conclusion of Uzu surviving but moving somewhere more hidden. With this just adds more to that I think. Mainly the entire village being taken out but Death then refused to even bother dealing with an entire village full of people who just one could out-paperwork them. So they then decided to just put them preferbly somewhere where a repeat can't happen.

Seems like an amusing thought.

Anyways would still be funny for when the invasion starts...

Expectation: Invade Konoha, reveal the container of the nine tails.

Reality: Entire Uzu battlesquad able to utilize multiple releases such as ice and lava. Also able to use paperwork-intent. Plus a prepared Konoha and Hokage who've been training and had to deal with things such as a zombie invasion. There''s also them wearing things like resistance belts.

Likely reaction of invaders: Mistakes have been made.

...Kinda want Karin to get involved with the whole Uzu battle squad now...

Also been reminded of a fic where it ended up seeming like Hiruzen had a secret anti-invasion force who dressed like clowns and outflanked and overwhelmed the invaders.
Drop of poison, it takes a few things to ridiculous, if logical, extremes, and I'm not a huge fan of random summon clans just being found lying around, but otherwise quite fun.
Shouldn't this be "and"?

I don't think so. Since its informing disqualifying offenses.

Showing up without both scrolls gets you disqualified, as does showing up without a full team.

Doing either of those leaves us with the 'or' phrasing. Any one action.

If it was 'and' it'd imply that you needed to be light scrolls and team mates both to be disqualified.