Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

An entire generation of kage are about to get traumatized aren't they..

Imagine this: A Kaiju made of paperwork that no matter what you do over time just regenerates and grows ever bigger.

Possibly even more so, if he implies that understanding the paperwork to a high level turns you into the paperwork.

Well, either that or imply that it's the next stage of the paperwork clone/the mastered form of it.
Become one with the paperwork...

At a certain point I think some will conclude that this time if Uzushio gets destroyed then the paperwork stuff will spread. Just imagine it, the forest of paperwork expanding. Or concluding that the area must be avoided to avoid what must now be the home of the embodiment of paperwork. ....So basicly Naruto at this point.
At a certain point I think some will conclude that this time if Uzushio gets destroyed then the paperwork stuff will spread. Just imagine it, the forest of paperwork expanding. Or concluding that the area must be avoided to avoid what must now be the home of the embodiment of paperwork. ....So basicly Naruto at this point.
Better, they should claim that they didn't make the paperwork forest, they just found it like this and repaired the containment seals that were destroyed when the other villages attacked. No village will dare attack Uzu again for fear that the forest will spread everywhere without the Uzumaki to keep it under control.
I have a question, do all the other Kage's now know about the Paperwork Forest and what were their reactions, or are you waiting until they arrive in Uzu to find out.
If theres a Bear Sage he'd be it
I can just see an older Po dressed like a Pandaren Monk from Warcraft as the elder sage of the Bears who will decide to troll Tenten and her team-mates before deciding to give them some training to turn them into even bigger badasses.

Well, Po could see some of the issues himself and his friends had in their pasts in Team Might Guy, so teaching them would be a must for him.

Then he finds Choji, and teach him too. Because "Power of the Big Boned".
I went another direction, I figured she'd be meeting Armed Bears, given how much she likes Blacksmithing and weapons.
Given that most of the summoning beasts we see in the Anime are fully capable of speech, often wield human style weapons and even regular bears are fully capable of walking on two legs for short distances I would surmise that you're absolutely correct (just that they're likely all different colors rather than white). Tenten will meet their version of Armored Bears who will be named "The Wreckers". Most of them will have personalities along the lines of Bulkhead, Wheeljack and Miko from Transformers Prime. They will get along far, far too well with Gai, Lee, Tenten and any other of the more...exuberant Konoha Shinobi. I expect them to get along like an entire village on fire. You know, flames, people running about on fire screaming their heads off. All that kind of stuff :rofl: .
though if they normally brought injured anyone through this route
"anyone injured"?

"The new Hokage heard that we were unable to find things in our own village, and this claims that their spies found our maps to be 'lacking'. So as a 'sign of good faith' between the villages he had a copy made of their maps of Kumo for us so that we might have a better clue as to where we're keeping things."
There are levels of cheekiness to this one.
But that was also the only alternate-personality clone he ensured was created daily, so perhaps it was just a side effect?
His kitsune powers are awakening. What are these called again, tail clones?
I'm confused, though. It's later mentioned that humans can only have a maximum of two bodies this way. Why is there a limit at all that's greater than one? I mean, there are clones and plenty of puppets and whatever Pein did, but somehow eating part of a god only also works twice, but not more? Or that it's not some side effect of the Kyuubi in particular instead of the whatever it was that did happen?
"Perhaps we should just be glad that we're forging formal alliances," Yugito offered. "If they're this good at infiltrating us then we certainly don't want to be their enemy if another war breaks out."
That is admittedly a good point.
There have been a dozen accidents with that stupid formula as spies try to steal it and I helped hunt down one that got out of the village only for the container to explode.
I wonder if it's actually cursed somehow? I mean, Orochimaru made the stuff originally...
"...who the hell reads that on what sounds like a simple mission?"

"Anyone who wants to be sure that it is a simple mission," Kiba retorted.
One of those moments of insight that unfortunately never occurs to one in time.
"You made a mobile house," Kiba said as he stared at Naruto's creation
Didn't he make a portable one earlier? Or at least a bathhouse or something. This is a fairly reasonable extension of that goal...
Over the past couple of days things had gotten a little weirder though. She'd actually gotten hungry, and not in an 'echo from Naruto' sense.
Well, that explains how she's sticking around. The chakra is getting replaced with matter overtime.
Although why is another question.
Creating a bit of a ghost ship rumor was something that they'd expected to possibly be doing though, since nobody had seen any ship drop them off either.
That's a bonus feature.
"Why does the Daimyo's message include a request for pricing on a mobile house?" Shisui asked as he read the missive.
The madness begins to spread.
Perhaps the confidence that the tailed beasts couldn't be killed for real wasn't as misplaced as originally believed?

Or perhaps this was a very elaborate ruse to send anyone looking to reclaim the tailed beasts on a fool's errand.
Yes. :D
None of their own list of mistakes they knew they'd made had appeared in what they had access to, so it was likely that they'd gotten incredibly lucky. Or perhaps they were too critical of themselves. On the other hand, the analysts had spent an entire scroll praising the sheer balls of going for something that outlandish and then making it work.
I think they need to quit being harsh on themselves. No one else operates at the skill level needed to notice.
"...only the top three?" Sasuke said. "We invented an entire foreign land as backstory and even convinced our allies that it was legitimate!"

"A team of infiltration shinobi accidentally created two different hidden villages just before the second war," Hinata said. "The records we were able to find don't say which two, but they apparently survived the third war. We only created rumors of a fictional land, those teams created actual hidden villages that continue to be information sources for us to this day."
How the actual...? Seriously, HOW?!
"Danzo Shimura's corpse includes a couple of obvious changes that aren't in his medical records."
Huh. That one sentence solves a lot of issues all at once.
And that was before the included series of traps was turned on, such as the bridge that could turn into a catapult when you walked across it and the weight shifted from one side to the other. Getting that to work in both directions and self-reset after ten minutes had been tricky...
I can see why that would be tricky, yes. Ordinarily, I'd have called it impossible, perhaps even with magic or ninja magic involved...
Then there were other things, like the trouble they'd had getting the element-sensing working and not noticeable by other sensors...until Yoko had decided that trying to do one element at a time was a waste of time and had a clone figure out using all five at once. That just 'snapped' into place somehow, seemingly connected to the extra sensory module they'd gotten off of Karin, and then the harder part was turning the whole thing off
Did they accidentally Ninshu?
Most of the hidden functions of the puppet were also geared towards cleaning and maintenance, though that didn't mean that they couldn't be used in combat.
As seen in their exams, yes.
"And why are you a decent fit?" Yoko asked the small fox.

In response, Suzu opened her mouth, and then the world stopped making sense for a moment.

...True, that's how I'd also describe it.
Replacing any wooden pieces with wood release duplicates allowed those items, or components of a larger item, to also conduct chakra. All combined, it turned what would normally be 'combat-grade' items into very expensive specialty items...but even Naruto balked at the chakra cost of doing that kind of thing to even a single person's normal kunai loadout.
So, they can make their own chakra metal, chakra-conductive wood too, but it costs something like two kages' worth of Chakra... Only Naruto would be able to even make one, much less ever make more.
It was quite boring, but in a few days to a week when a first attempt was made it might get more interesting and they might get a chance to see how the boy handled combat when he needed to fight his way out.
...And he's gone already. :rofl:
"If he could set this up that quickly then he could've rigged the place to blow overnight."

"That has occurred to some of us, yes, but he has even faster ways of accomplishing that level of destruction."
Wrong way to comfort someone, I think...
"Yeah, they really stepped up the security on those. I had some trouble getting into the real record rooms and I already knew to avoid the decoys."

"...I failed to get into the decoys?"
I can feel the aura of depression from here!
"She waltzed in here without anyone noticing, swapped out the scroll for a scathing report on our lack of security, and then left the original in the Hokage's desk."

"So it would seem, yes."

"...and Uzumaki is worse?"
Oh no. This is going to be painful yet funny...
"I started with the other facility. He not only left a report on the lack of security in the same manner that was done here, but installed fifty-six security seals throughout the facility to cover the worst offenses until experts could be brought in to do a proper sweep of the issues. Oh, and he replaced the easily-poisoned water feed with a water-summoning seal array, fixed six bunk beds in the barracks, and apparently gave an off-duty guard a medical check-up to clear out the flu she was suffering from."
This entire tale gets increasingly insane, but it ends with stealthily curing one of them of the flu with a relatively rare technique (which is also never used on something this insignificant), all still without ever being noticed at all.
Naruto started as a prankster capable of infiltrating probably at least 90% of the village before he was fully bound to the Kyuubi. Then you factor in the Shadow Clone training method and the sheer number of clones he uses daily and it's really no wonder that he's so good at infiltration along with practically anything else he touches.
I really wish more stories remembered this and actually used that feature.
while Kumo tried to pretend that they knew about and were responsible for the honestly not too bad fireworks display.
I'm sure everyone else is subtly taking notes of that failure to pretend, too.
"I think you've won by intimidation," Yugito said, looking between Naruto's puppets and Kankuro. "Both because I'm a little in awe of the display and because he's probably happy that he's wearing brown pants already."
They'd lose points for visiting too many rooms not in their team's clue chain, but that didn't seem to be a problem yet.

"Hoshi seems to have hidden two-thirds of these clues," Ino pointed out.
Imagine how the proctors have to feel. There are people in the wrong rooms or places finding clues that weren't left there, all because Hoshi hid them. Unless they're all hidden in their original locations, but I'm not sure how one would do that without people still knowing where they're supposed to be or actually swapping out all the clues.
"...point to you. She hasn't explained to anyone how that trick works."

"I'm still not sure how she managed it either, but I figured out a counter anyway."
That's just hax.
Amusingly, chakra-conducting kitchen knives seemed to be an excellent tool to keep them angry, and Naruto wasn't sure if his was intentionally created for that purpose or merely a side effect of some retired shinobi in Uzushiogakure wanting all of their knives to be combat-ready.
I can easily see it being both. You know how there are different knives for different purposes?

"Steak knife, bread knife, cheese knife, chef's knife, home invader knife..."
That brought her up short. "...there was an entire clan of people like him."


"They had to be the single most infuriating opponents on the planet."
This explains a few things, doesn't it.
My guess is closer to self-taught, or perhaps originally figured out against worthless bandits and in dire need of refinement.
Even the people analyzing the skill are still underestimating it!
Although you'd ordinarily think the latter reaction would need reconsidering since it's clearly working very well.
Well, either that or a more obvious show of having proper skills, but that was quitter talk when you'd already committed to a bit.
The people who can do that successfully are scary. Not only are they good enough to win, they can do so with that large of a handicap to do something amusing with it.
A potential international incident regarding destroying a legendary sword in a demonstration match was resolved through Naruto demonstrating that the sword could be repaired with enough chakra. That nobody noticed one of his clones sealing away the cut-off part of the sword so that it could be examined to maybe figure out secrets later was another thing entirely
Of course. I'm surprised his summon isn't a magpie...
"A supposedly-novice puppeteer was controlling seven puppets without any obvious effort, two of them flying, and either found or made a puppet of the one-tail. That he happens to be bound to the remains of."

"...I'm doing my best to suppress the horror of that puppet."
Yeah, there's a certain swagger to the existence of particular puppet. Made more ironic by a well-known feature of the tanuki.
...more amusing was that the Team Yurei food cart was doing better business than the Kumo cafeteria in the bunker
They're good cooks as well as skilled ninja, apparently.
It also seemed that nobody was checking for binary knockout drugs, because everything being served to non-Konoha shinobi was laced with a component of one and none of the genin had avoided the cart once it was available.
But don't discount the "ninja" part, got it.
Karin shrugged. "I warned him that I was going to get the stick out of his ass."

"I don't think he expected you to make a literal attempt."

"Sucks to be him."

I'm surprised it took this long for that technique to appear, actually. It does have a certain crassness to it, but damn is it effective...
It was one thing to claim that security measures couldn't stop you, something that many shinobi and non-shinobi claimed over the years. Naruto didn't do that. He just pretended that the measures didn't exist and lightly chided you for thinking they'd stop him afterwards.
Well, he's just proving it, rather than making unsubstantiated claims...

At least they can take notes on what to fix afterward. If he didn't do it already. Not that it still keeps him out either...
Hiruzen's only hope for the jounin archives had been that some disaster would obliterate them and they'd have to start over fresh, not allowing them to get anywhere near as bad as they currently were in the process. But Naruto's killing intent took the form of paperwork...
I think I can guess a future event.
"You look annoyed," Hinata commented.

"I think someone who should know better is doubting my skills," Naruto replied. "...or perhaps threatening to burn down the jounin or Anbu archives back in Konoha before I get a chance to sort them and look for things that people might've buried in them."
Huh, so he has a reason for it beyond mere trolling. It's slightly scary that he knows when people are doubting his skills, too. It means they're about to get more "proof"...
"Though I had to stop adding to my kunai, shuriken, and senbon seals after the Anbu commander checked purchase records and realized that I probably have more than the village stockpiles do."
"Having enough to outfit clones with real equipment can be useful if you don't want things vanishing when the clones dispel. That's particularly important if you're leaving things as signs or intend for a kunai to hold something open or closed, and I can create a lot of clones."

For some reason the three jounin all shuddered at that thought, but he wasn't really sure why.
He's being unintentionally terrifying again.
the only reason Anko hadn't burned the place down was because she feared that the mess was keeping some eldritch horror trapped and burning it all would release it.
I wonder if that will actually happen?
"I wonder if fixing too many things at once causes the universe to break something else to compensate," Naruto mused.

"...please don't come up with reasons that the moon breaking is our fault," Hinata pleaded.
Well, at least he hasn't come up with the correct reason that it's their fault yet.
"But...did the sense of doom from the absolute horrible state of things just not affect you? I had a single clone slip into the jounin archives once and couldn't believe the visceral reaction it had to the mess."

"You mean the doom-generating seals in the ceilings?
Seriously?! :rofl:
"If Hashirama and I could both be labeled the God of Shinobi then Naruto can definitely be labeled the God of Paperwork," Hiruzen decided. Sure, making those titles official required jounin-corps buy-in, but after finding out about this there wasn't likely to be a single detractor in the village.

...outside of Naruto himself. But he wasn't a jounin yet and thus didn't currently have a vote.
This is hilarious. I think they might actually get one over him with this one.
"Can't really make them fly," Naruto mumbled as he looked over his plans
Most people would be more than happy by now.
a durable rubber-like material with lava release
Literally vulcanized rubber?
More surprising to A was what looked like lava release style rubber in use on the thing. Kumo was the only village known to have that available, and only in a small clan that hadn't had a defection since the village was founded. How had Konoha gotten access to the material?
Oops. More unintentional intimidation. The fact that it's accidental sells it better, actually, too...
"I read the rules two days ago and played against my own clone for a day with another couple of clones watching for mistakes," Karin retorted. "Ninety percent of my moves were random flailing with barely any understanding of larger tactics."

" either you're a savant or just incredibly lucky?"

"Being of Uzumaki descent, I'd guess the latter."
Right, they have bullshit luck powers too.
Conversely, if you wanted your Rasengan to be able to do anything against something that wasn't alive you had to avoid using medical chakra as the base entirely as it caused any Rasengan to just pass through nonliving items.

Notably, clothing and armor were nonliving, so if you weren't trying to bash down a door or wall using a medical chakra base was incredibly effective.
Holy shit. That's a special kind of scary. I think that beats a Harry Potter AK for a ranged method of offing somebody, since it's noted as also passing through solid objects.
Unfortunately for someone struck that way and unaware of the problem, your gut flora counted as 'foreign'.
Doesn't the effect of losing those go up to potentially lethal? At best they were probably violently ill...
This was followed by both demanding that Tsunade had to be shown at least the 'instantly healthy' Rasengan, if only to see how much she ranted about it afterwards.
Reminds me a bit of some of MP3.1415's Ianthe snippets. The ones with the healing bullets.
Yoko could create a bunch of her own clones, openly showing that she could for the first time...or she could let out some frustration and see if something that the training clones had practiced worked and potentially deal with everything at once.
Uh oh. I think I know what it is.
But nobody made it to her before she was in the air and coming down towards the roof of the hospital, the giant Rasengan beneath her.
Yup. And even more absurdly used than I was expecting.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?" Tsunade screamed as she jumped up to the roof, having come out of a window a couple floors down.

"Massive Healing Rasengan," Yoko answered.
I think she knows that part, but the rest of this is probably confusing her...
On the other hand, word was quickly spreading that she'd just healed the entire hospital at once, which was either a sign that she was a deity herself or had the personal blessing of the gods.

...she'd wanted to be done with things quickly, not give people a reason to worship her!
Yoko is a medic-nin without training records. That she refuses to heal anyone with any method other than 'healing Rasengan to the chest' has turned it into a healing blessing instead of healing skill.
This makes it even funnier.
Those two are part summon fox, likely from interactions with Hoshi. Their ears, tails, and fur are noticeably different from the others who got fox features in the village. Coupled with being known to be of Uzumaki descent and tending the Uzumaki shrine together? The civilians have already decided that the two actually got their fox features from a blessing instead of the beast-man formula.
Are we sure that it isn't actually because they're part-kitsune at this point?
"That all three happily accept offerings of fried rice, combined with that or offerings of ramen being the best way to keep Yoko from being subtly snippy with the attention of being 'worshiped', isn't exactly providing any reason for people to think otherwise."
Definitely not helping, there.
Hiruzen frowned. "...which could be seen as the target not being worthy of healing according to Inari."
This is even funnier.
Earth chakra in the dry ingredients, water chakra in the wet ones, some wood release when adding the yeast, a hint of fire chakra when forming them into shape that I hope helped them cook more evenly, and a little earth chakra to thicken the glaze up more than it would've otherwise.
Did he just make Five Elements... food?
"I think the most ridiculous thing I've seen in movies was exploding food without explosive tags," Kakashi offered.

"...I'd probably have considered that ridiculous a week ago, yeah."

Hinata groaned. "You used explosion release chakra when cooking?"
I love that they have such an absurd technique, and even more that he's found a way to make it actually happen.
Naruto frowned. "What do movie shinobi do that real shinobi don't?"
...If there's anything that normal ones can't, they need to take notes, because the movie people are using mechanics and mirrors. One would think that chakra would have a good chance of replicating it.
Kakashi had actually looked offended that they'd made all the 'movie shinobi' tricks work in real life, presumably because the stunts pulled in the films should be disinformation on what to expect from shinobi. Hinata's response had basically been that everyone likely knew that, so pulling it off for real was the actual surprise.
We're getting into Looney Tunes "Wabbit Season" logic here, but damn if it probably won't work...
Landing back near Koyuki a moment later, Yoko dismissed the wings and bowed to the princess. "Your uncle was unworthy, and is no longer a threat to you."
She might need a moment to reboot now.
Koyuki had looked at Kakashi and asked if he knew about the inside of the fortress being 'a bit too gutted', and he'd merely replied that the team had wanted to ensure that they found anything and everything of importance in the building.
I can only imagine him trying to keep a straight face at this, while he's probably internally also goggling at the fact that the interior of the building is just a crater.
Koyuki and Sandayu turned to look at the stack of crates, both of their faces showing significant shock. She recovered first, turning back to Kakashi. "How do you keep doing these things? We couldn't put half of what your team seems to be able to manage in a movie without being called out on it being entirely unrealistic!"
That's the BEST recognition of skill.
"How long have we had an airship station?" Kakashi asked, as if he didn't know given that he'd asked for it to be 'mysterious'. But him knowing any of this would imply that he had something to do with it.

"Two days," Naruto answered. "It appeared overnight, along with the two fully-functional airships. The Anbu weren't happy about a sudden structure within the security perimeter either."
Yeah, I'll bet they weren't. And they know whose fault it was, even if like normal they can't prove it. Mostly because if it were anyone else they probably could prove it.
"Not much, but it might also make a good hot spring area."

"'ve added a hot spring area to every bunker so far."
If you can, why not?
"They're going to be spoiled."

"'re just jealous that you never had bunkers like this before, aren't you?"

Well, at least he admitted it. And hey, he has them now.
Without the bite-to-heal node the taste changes remained but you could develop ulcers, and if scalpel chakra was used for some reason everything ended up seemingly impossibly spicy and you would develop ulcers.
For some reason, that last part about definitely getting ulcers is funny.

Slightly disappointing that you need a special bloodline to make the healing ones safe, though.
This led to a very difficult to parse look on the man's face as he looked between the scorch mark from the explosion and the scroll he was still holding.

"I may have to decide that I hate you," Sasori said.

"Oh?" Naruto asked.

"He's going to be insufferable until he can figure out how to make those himself."
Well, he has just been outperformed in his area of expertise.
Why, food might only be the beginning. It might be possible to arrange for literally everything normally carried to be used as an explosive on demand instead of relying on the annoying-to-produce special chakra clay.
"...your puppets can control puppets," Sasori finally said, trailing off at the end and sounding like this was a revelation he'd never even considered.
Now both of them have had revelations! :rofl:
"Yeah, especially since the forecast calls for high winds and torrential downpours over the next day or two, plus a near-guarantee of a zombie invasion for the entire first stage."
Every single examinee: Excuse me, what? :rofl:
Not sure where the idea for a pile of pools with bamboo poles to provide points to get altitude without using the arena wall came from, but it feels dangerous and Hoshi had fun with it.
Is someone about to become a panda?
Naruto blinked. "What switch?"

Futo looked between Naruto and the arena. "The one that happened while we were talking?"

"I haven't even started on the building seals. Besides, if anything like that had happened then the charge monitoring seal It's down around twenty percent? It shouldn't be any further than two for the illusions, and that's if I've got a lot of leakage."
Uhh... That's impressive, yet also alarming. Mostly the second, because that screwup has somehow altered reality and also burned a LOT of power that could easily have gone to something more dangerous. Like exploding.
"The one that was bound to the remnants of the one-tail and has a one-tail puppet of his own?"

"Yes. I feel that it would be good for him to get another attempt."

"Are you letting him make the attempt because you missed him gibbering in fear the last time and nobody got pictures?"

That stupid puppet keeps coming back up. And Gaara wants pictures. This is hilarious!
"Excuse me," Gaara said, causing Kankuro to jump. "I understand that you have pictures of my brother gibbering in fear?"

Naruto looked between the two. "Er, yes. How did you find out about that, and weren't you just across town talking with Mei and Shisui?"

"I was, but embarrassing pictures of my siblings are far more important. I'd have been here sooner, but I had to avoid the crowd at Inuzuka Jerky. I'm impressed that you didn't react to my sudden presence though."
It's a great mental image, him just appearing, then asking with a toneless yet demanding voice for the incriminating pictures.
"Maybe the fox and humanoid ones I started with, then? I've heavily modified both by now, of course. Figured out better ways to protect joints, made the humanoid one look a bit more realistic, that kind of thing."

Naruto: *promptly deploys two more demon puppets*
Kankuro: *passes out frothing*
On the other hand, the audience was obviously delighted with the extra bit of show, and use of hands to control the music-playing zombies meant focusing on using feet and tail to take out the attacking zombies. It was a surprisingly good training method and setting up zombie seals in the areas he trained in for doing this kind of thing more often might not be a bad idea.
Yes, you're bored, but you've just caused lifelong emotional damage. Again. :rofl:
"I figured out what's happening afterwards, but yes, a slight error in the original seal array led to unexpected places."

"I guess that proves that he really is an Uzumaki," the Raikage said after a moment. "You could be forgiven for thinking otherwise with the hair, but accidentally creating one of the most impressive seals I've ever heard of proves it. Though if this wasn't the intention, I wonder what the plan actually was?"
The funniest part is that this is pretty true in real life, too.
"Then can we take the uneven ground with zombies as a better demonstration of our abilities?"
...Of course they would.
"I don't know if reviewing the footage will help," Anko-sensei said. "But it seems that you each took out two hundred seventy two and a half zombies, which would make this a perfect draw."
...Of course they would. :rolleyes:
an overly-complicated but likely still useful technique for taking care of failed projects without setting active seals off
I wonder if this works on other people's seals that aren't technically failed? As in, an infiltration tool if you don't want to bother decrypting their seals?

"How long have you been able to use dust release?" Itachi asked.
Oops. So that's what the technique apparently was. :rofl:
She paused at a door that had been locked between her and the second cut bridge, pulling keys out and unlocking it before moving on.
The more any of their security people pay attention the more depressed they're getting. That's almost worse than disintegrating their gate...

Not to mention the ominous hovering, use of the freaking wood release too, and so forth...
and a surprise unprotected copy of the paperwork technique. Though the latter was marked as being the shadow clone
I don't know what's the funniest part here.
  • That everyone is so afraid of paperwork, or hasn't reformed it to be more efficient.
  • That no one has figured out the obvious solution.
  • That Naruto is going around stealing back copies of "either" technique in the name of national security despite it just being a somewhat strong clone technique with a horrific chakra cost...
"Just thousands of zombies," Naruto pointed out.

" use those seals far too often."

"I keep wondering when Orochimaru is going to show up annoyed that I stole and improved his work, admittedly, but they're far too useful for all kinds of things."
I suspect when he does show up he'll ask for pointers at this rate...
But he is probably mildly annoyed that they're this effective, yes.
"I'm going to need to make more of these," he mused as he checked the water. "And not fully understanding how it works is going to drive me nuts, but having access to private hot springs in the bases and bunkers I use most frequently is going to be a nice consolation prize."
Let me guess, he copied the Hiraishin targeting part too? So now they have a direct line into his most important secret bases.
Ino blushed. "I got fed up and burned the demon book when my headache got too bad."

"These copies were made to burn reasonably safely in case of something like that after Odoroki had a similar reaction."
That's... considerate? I think?

*I turn into my fiery demon form to incinerate those who'd dare harm a book of priceless knowledge*
"If her sensei hasn't handed over the seal tag full of exploding kunai and shuriken then she probably isn't ready for them."

Tenten looked betrayed, but also slumped in defeat. He was at least nice enough to wait until she'd left to give Hinata and Ino their sets.
Ouch. Bad enough she's not considered worthy of them yet, and then he hands them out to the others when she's gone.
Reminds me a bit of the "I love you both equally." *other sibling leaves* "It's you, and by a lot" comic...
"How in the world did you make another Forest of Death?"

"By not realizing that I was copying someone else's mistake," Naruto answered. "Though I didn't expect you to figure it out before seeing inside."

"This has the same comforting feeling of the original."
"...I'm carrying a legendary sword that was literally made for sewing instead of as a weapon?"
oh no :rofl:

Somewhere, Shirou is laughing.
"I figure it's suitable revenge for her birthday gift to me last month, essentially giving her legendary weapons that aren't intended to be weapons at all. Even if she swears that her seal wasn't supposed to slam the bowl of ramen into my face at speed."
"Did you just... hold a grudge?"
A chakra string flew out into a nearby tree, then returned with a scroll that was lightly tossed at the group. Choza caught it, suddenly looking half-terrified as he opened the scroll and found that it was a blank mission report form. " could you?"
That is an impressive level of skill with wood release, I suppose. But I can't decide if that's ingenious or evil.
"If pops saw this he'd either stroke out on the spot or have launched a dozen fire techniques into it to burn it to the ground before he even knew what he was doing."

"I took the latter into account. The whole forest is fireproofed, including the paperwork until it's harvested, and the trees are incredibly reinforced to resist most other forms of attack."
He's taking the wrong lesson from this again...
but after the council had recovered from the shock he'd informed them that he wanted to make genin find the right blank forms in the dome.
Council: "Well, it's okay as long as it happens to someone else."
"Right, you're an Uzumaki too. All of you seem to dismantle your own boxes and the boxes of those around you to some degree."

"I don't think that's a fair assessment."

"You wouldn't."
Pretty good description, honestly.
"...and you can't figure out how a telephone works, or why the motor windings have to be the way they are."

"Black magic of some kind."
Even the phrase itself feels slightly out of character for him, which is even funnier. And of course he's done far weirder stuff that far more people would consider absurd.
"Like doors that have some kind of chakra meter built into them for reasons you haven't explained?"

I haven't figured out what this is for yet, but I can already guess a lot of people are going to be salty about it.
But as of right now, I cannot welcome you to the joint chunin exams. Before we can do that, first you must individually prove that you are worthy of the rank of genin.
This is just amazing.
"I think he's treating the whole thing as a lesson that sometimes things are exactly what they seem to be and that looking underneath the underneath type behavior needs to include an assumption that there might not be something there to find."
More people need to remember that fact, really.
"So by intent or accident you've created the first international definition of 'genin level'," Shisui said as he looked over the reports from the day before. "And then told entire nations that their standards aren't good enough."
Oops? But he's also not wrong...
For example, she'd spent two hours yesterday staring in awe and horror at the little bush under a rain shield that was growing demolition-grade explosive tags.
I can only look on with awe. And slight horror. But mostly awe.
Those poor genin... May the God of Paperwork have mercy on their souls. Wait, he's the Uzukage... Nevermind then.
Cue "I am your god" meme...
It probably said something about Naruto's thought processes that the first thing that came to mind from this was an idea for freaking out the Kage.
Maybe, but if you have the ability...
Naruto had quickly managed the original paper, and figured out that the theory translated almost directly into a 'paper paperwork clone'. Expanding that to including ink on the paper hadn't taken long.
Uh oh. Given the reactions so far I wonder if this will scare them more than the Kyuubi?
Or they'll think his mad powers have corrupted his form and he needs to be destroyed.

Not much difference, really.
and a quick prank against Anko with a clone turning into dango.
He'd better be proud of his skill, because I'm sure she has killed people for messing with her dango before.
Last edited:
Chapter 69 - Uzu Exam: Arriving Visitors
"Welcome to Uzushiogakure," Naruto greeted Deidara, Sasori, and Kisame.

"Didn't expect a welcome from the 'Uzukage'," Kisame commented.

"I thought it best to deliver warnings about behavior and other guests directly."

"I've got no beef with the Mizukage and she's got no beef with me. I left under Yagura and she's got an open invitation for me to return if I ever decide to."

"And since you never went after their jinchuriki you didn't blow your chances for a more peaceful existence with them."

"...yeah. How'd you know about that?"

"I'm well-informed."

"Suna is...less likely to tolerate me," Sasori admitted when Naruto turned his way. "But those who would have the most problem with me remain there and I have a...peace offering, of a sort."

Naruto held back from rolling his eyes. "A new puppet for Kankuro as you try to work out how I manage things?"

"Indeed, plus a book detailing some of my improvements and, admittedly, mocking the current puppeteer corps."

"And you?" Naruto asked as he turned to Deidara.

"Uzumaki, my man," Deidara said. "Though I parted ways with Iwa, the old fart is still family. He doesn't get my art, but still hires me to blow shitheads up every so often." He paused. "That might've changed had I gone through with a drunken desire to bomb the village a few years back. Hm. But I didn't, so the biggest threat is probably me being berated."

Well, that was...only a little bit of a surprise, given that Deidara wasn't actually listed in the Iwa bounty book. "I see."

"Let them know that I'm here when they arrive, would you?"

"I can do that. As for warnings, no debilitating poisons or explosions in the village. Save that for designated fighting areas if you're participating in a match. I won't tell Sasori to ditch the combat-grade puppet while wandering around, but do keep the weapons that are already coated in poison stored away instead of pulling them out, and keep the secondary puppets sealed away. Similarly, won't say that Samehada has to be put away, but do try to keep your temper and not pull it out of its bandages in the street."

The three nodded their agreement, then Deidara pulled out a scroll. "Wanna try some of my pocky?"

"I can't believe you actually removed the poison from your puppets," Kisame said as he contemplated finishing his snack off or saving some of it for later. "What are you going to do if you get into a proper fight?"

"Assume that the poison was useless anyway," Sasori answered. "If I get into a fight then chances are it will either be a sparring match against Naruto, in which case it will be a more friendly puppet-on-puppet match, or it will be defensive because I didn't properly anticipate the reaction from Suna to my presence. In the latter case I expect the fight to only last long enough for the locals to intervene and break it up. Ensuring that I don't waste poison that has limited exposure time to air before it starts reducing in potency is being prudent with a difficult to produce material."


"Uzumaki is no joke," Deidara offered. "He's less refined in his Art of Explosions, yet took it in new directions and showed me the error of my ways in the path I had taken."

"And his puppetry is to be envied," Sasori added. "I've made significant improvements in my puppetry, both in the construction of the puppets and controlling them, but can't figure out how he manages what he can do. By all indications, he doesn't control his puppets so much as give them life, yet still remains in control of them. This allows his puppets to use more traditional methods to take control of someone else's puppets, such as my own, and I'm confident that he's taught his technique to his teammate. I just can't figure it out for myself."

"Huh," Kisame said, thinking about it. "Do you think that he knows the homing exploding kunai and shuriken trick that the Uzu Anbu can use?"

The other two paused, then turned to him. Deidara recovered first. "The what?"

Kisame shrugged. "During the Coliseum thing the Uzu Anbu launched a wave of kunai and shuriken that ignored all logic and unerringly struck their targets, even when the targets saw them coming and tried to dodge. In one case I saw some slipping around someone that tried to get in the way to defend someone else instead of sticking into the meat shield. Then they all exploded. I've got a collection of plans for dealing with it now that I know that it's possible, but it would've gotten me good if it had been used against me without any warning."

"That sounds...problematic," Sasori said. "I suspect that I would need to sacrifice many lesser puppets to protect the more important ones, and even that sounds like it might be ineffective if getting in the way of the weapons isn't enough."

"Most of my methods admittedly involve full-coverage defenses that can't be slipped around. Samehada also wants to try to eat a couple of them, and if that works it would be another option. Not sure if that would be more or less spicy than Deidara's explosion release foods though."

"Welcome to Uzushiogakure," Naruto greeted the Raikage as he stepped off of the airship with Darui, the latter playing bodyguard.

"We definitely need to talk about getting more directly onto your airship route," the Raikage said. "Needing to travel to the coast is annoying, even with the mobile house. Perhaps a location at the crossroads before you head up the mountain?"

"That's a discussion for Konoha and the Fire Daimyo. Uzushio doesn't run the airship lines, we're just a stop on them when we want to be."

"You're supposed to promise to help with negotiations, you know. Part of being a village leader and working with an allied village."

Naruto shook his head. "You're allied with Konohagakure, not Uzushiogakure. The only treaty we're both a party to is the one governing the exams, and that only because I signed Uzushio into it so that we could host them."

The Raikage blinked a couple of times. "That...huh. I hadn't considered that aspect of things."

"Shall we head to where you'll be staying? I believe your jounin are expecting to meet with you as well."

"I suppose."

A looked over the information his jounin had compiled, nodding every so often. When he was done he put the final sheet down. "So we know little to nothing about anyone's capabilities here, and their security is better than any other village's we know of."

"That's what they told me," Darui agreed. "Seal-based locking mechanisms protect almost everything, but they've also got weird code pads on more secure buildings."

"And cameras everywhere, plus those telephones that allow them to call other offices in the village. Or in one case, apparently call Konoha."

"...didn't hear about that one, sorry."

"It was a side comment and they aren't actually sure that it was real, but I caught them calling from the airship yesterday. The annoying thing is that the lack of visible training areas for the locals means that no observations were possible. There are a couple of thoughts in the stack that training is being done in underground areas the jounin couldn't get to, but that's it. Otherwise they probably use remote training areas that visitors aren't brought to, kind of like what we do."

"So we don't know how much better Uzumaki might be from your last match with him?"

"Significantly, I assume, if he's willing to openly spar to show off his strength, but there's only so much you can do at that age. Give him a couple more years and he'll probably surpass me easily, but as it stands he's likely still limited by his physical growth."

"...then why do you sound worried?"

"Because politically he's more dangerous than I expected. By entering genin into these exams we acknowledged that Uzushiogakure is a hidden village of its own. This isn't a Konoha-run exam in an unusual location, and Konoha is the only village with any form of alliance with Uzushio. Nobody's agreements with Konoha put any limitations on what Uzushio can do, but unlike pulling those games with a minor village we've instead got a contender for expanding the 'big five' to the 'big six'."

Darui frowned. "Isn't the 'big five' more 'the five largest nations' than anything else?"

"Yes and no. Largest has generally implied wealthiest and strongest. Look out the window and tell me that this isn't an incredibly wealthy hidden village, and then consider what it took to attempt to wipe the place out when it wasn't considered to be a hidden village."

Yeah, it was obvious that the kid had figured things out now. Unfortunately, it was unlikely that anyone with an agreement with Konoha was going to be able to make one with Uzushio, because that's just how you played these games.

"Welcome to Uzushiogakure," Naruto greeted Orochimaru as he and Kimimaro stepped off of the airship. "Would you like to start with visiting the hospital? Tsunade is present today, but has promised not to attempt to kill you."

"...I am curious as to why you'd think that I'd want to start there," Orochimaru admitted. "And to be honest, I was half expecting you to wish to harm me after our...previous interactions."

"Kimimaro obviously has medical issues and Isaribi spoke highly of you. She could probably be enticed away from her home on the coast to see you, actually. I did need to keep Anko from visiting though, and your...extreme reaction to what I did to you isn't exactly unique."

"Isaribi is here?"

"Yes. She's got better control over her body and chakra and is hoping to become a proper genin soon, even if we couldn't get her back to being fully human."

"Ah. I'd hoped that Tsunade could manage it."

"Unfortunately we determined that the modified clone she was stuck into is too dangerous to try to change in that manner."

"Modified clone? I suppose that would help explain her age..."

"Of course, if you get within a hundred meters of Tsunade she's likely to want to give you an examination as well."

" said she promised to not try to kill me?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes. She didn't promise to not punch you though, and grudgingly agreed to ensure that you'd be ready to fight."

Orochimaru nodded. "Then it's an acceptable risk. Also, as my student's student, I insist that you call me Orochimaru."

"What else would I call you? You aren't a Kage and have no other suitable titles I'm aware of."

"...fair point."

"A nutrient and calcium deficiency," Orochimaru said, shaking his head. Her head? Hard to say, and absorbing Tsunade's rant wasn't helping figure it out right now. Physical reality compared to mental identity might need some evaluation, if only to figure things out in others. It didn't feel pressing from a personal standpoint as he'd removed most concerns about his body already.

"I had not considered that some of my clan's eating habits were medical necessities," Kimimaro said. "And I apologize for overlooking it."

"Not your fault because I knew of them and overlooked it as well. I also didn't really consider that having taken on a female host meant that I needed to adjust some of my own habits. Obvious in hindsight, and it wouldn't have caused me truly significant problems for a decade or two, but the rant that Tsunade delivered was well-deserved."

"Some of the...less tolerant individuals under your command will need reprimanding should they learn of those details."

Orochimaru sighed. "I am well aware, but it would serve as a useful way to identify those that need dealing with. Half tempted to send a few of the children here though."

"...why would you do that?"

"I'm impressed with how they handled Isaribi, even though she primarily moved here because she needs regular exposure to salt water for her health. I also feel that there are a number of promising children that I know won't get a proper education otherwise, in part because their parents are idiots and I don't have the resources needed to set up a proper academy to overcome that. At least two may be of distant Uzumaki descent as well, though my testing was inconclusive there. None of them would be useful as spies, but I get the feeling that having a good relationship with Uzushio will be highly beneficial in the future and I've already burned a couple too many bridges with Konoha as it is."

Kimimaro nodded. "So I should be on my best behavior, above and beyond showing gratitude for the healing and information provided to keep healthy?"


"Welcome to Uzushiogakure," Naruto greeted Mei as she and Ao stepped off of the airship.

"So you're actually going for the 'Uzukage' thing?" Mei replied.

"I was...pressured into choosing between it and calling myself the Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools."

"...okay, I'd have picked similarly, but who did you get to play Daimyo?"

"We don't have one. Agreements with the Land of Fire dictated one or the other, and with only a single major settlement we don't need a 'civilian' leader."

"And all of a sudden I'm incredibly jealous."

"Don't be. I still get to attend things as though I'm a Daimyo, including having a suitable title to use when doing so. Still, we should get moving, as I'm expecting the Kazekage soon and there are warnings to deliver."

Mei shivered, then frowned. "Warnings?"

"There are Hyuga in the village and they may take offense to Ao's transplanted eye."


"I'm used to that aspect of things," Ao commented. "But I also intend to avoid using the eye, though I do admittedly activate it on reflex for security checks."

"We make heavy use of privacy seals to block dojutsu," Naruto said, not mentioning that most of that seal network had a 'key-in' system available for security reasons. "So it wouldn't be of much use to you anyway."


"Might need to negotiate for a few of those seals in Kiri," Mei commented.

"I feel that you should be made aware of one other item," Naruto said, gesturing to the door leading to the stairs. "Specifically, Kisame Hoshigaki is one of several 'missing-nin' visitors here for the finals."



Mei had told her people to not bother trying to snoop while in Uzushio, but they'd decided to give it a try anyway. Their reports had been abysmal on that front, as she'd expected. The best thing she'd gotten from them was a list of decent hot spring locations in the village...and that map didn't include the one attached to the VIP hotel.

That one she was currently relaxing in, confident that Ao wasn't able to see her from the other side of the barrier. His complaint that he was only able to see the room they were in when he'd tested his byakugan in the hotel room was honestly somewhat amusing, if disturbing in hindsight regarding what it meant for security elsewhere. Then again, there was a reason why Jiraiya was welcome basically everywhere that public baths were a thing, hot spring or otherwise, applying anti-dojutsu seals to all the barriers.

Unfortunately, initial discussions regarding getting anti-dojutsu seals installed in Kiri had gotten nowhere. Kiri and Konoha had an alliance, as did Uzushio and Konoha, but not Kiri and Uzushio. Which meant that Naruto, as the 'Uzukage', wasn't willing to negotiate much of anything. He also wasn't ready to start negotiating with other nations due to wanting to 'see how other nations react to the return of Uzushiogakure' before making wider decisions.

A politically prudent, if annoying, course of action. One that was also going to factor in reactions to their sparring and his overall performance, or at least that was her best guess. The more badly he fared the more likely it was that he'd want to ensure better relations through other avenues, but the better he fared the less likely it was that he'd reach out to other nations at all for a couple of years. And given what was previously done to Uzushio it was hard to argue the point.

...maybe she could at least hire Uzushio to install hot springs in Kiri, even without an alliance?

Unfortunately, she'd also struck out with Kisame. He wasn't interested in returning to Kiri, but at least wasn't being rude about it. She couldn't actually blame him, based on the shit that caused him to defect in the first place, but also highly suspected that he'd been carefully manipulated by someone. Possibly the same person that had manipulated Yagura, given that the man had seemingly made a distinction between 'Yagura' and 'the Mizukage'.

Sadly, there wasn't much she could do about it right now, but it was something else to add to a list of observations on the sabotage of Kiri.

"Welcome to Uzushiogakure," Naruto greeted Gaara as he and Temari stepped off of the airship, before lightly tossing a scroll over. "A quick gift, information on the one poisoning Kankuro and some antidote."

" did you know that Kankuro was being poisoned?" Gaara asked as Temari opened the scroll.

"I have an excellent intelligence division."

"That spies on us?"

"That was made aware of the request for assistance from Konoha." And had been working on the antidote for three days before the request had been received, but they didn't need to know that. "A little extra digging was needed beyond that, of course."

"What request for assistance from Konoha?"

"The one I sent," Temari answered. "And I'm not surprised to find out that the three primary assholes giving you trouble are behind things."

Gaara frowned. "I see. We'll need to send that ahead."

"A copy was delivered to Baki this morning," Naruto said. "I just figured that you'd like a copy as well, and if the poisoning continues then you'll need the extra doses of antidote."

"Ah. Thank you. We almost canceled the trip out of concern for Kankuro, but he insisted that we come anyway."

"You should be aware that Sasori has also shown up for the finals. He indicated no animosity towards you, and in fact mentioned a 'peace offering' for your brother. I'd appreciate it if you at the very least didn't get into a fight in the streets."

The two stared at him like he'd grown an extra head as they tried to process that.

Gaara looked over the information Sasori had provided. There had been obvious surprise and disappointment that Kankuro hadn't come, only to turn to what likely approached rage at the news that political games were being played with poison back in Suna. That had turned into a declaration that the man would be swinging through 'to take out the trash'.

Having the apparent support of a legendary missing-nin from your own village was...odd, but apparently the man hadn't gotten along with either of the previous Kazekages and didn't believe in holding a grudge with someone just because of their parents. Not that Gaara didn't have a whole collection of reasons to be annoyed with his own father as well, even if he'd come to terms with some of the man's actions.

For some reason Naruto trusted that Sasori was at least good for his word though, and when they weren't going against each other in the arena it seemed that Mother approved of Naruto. She was...very much less trusting of Sasori though, even when the man was in Naruto's presence, indicating that Mother's passivity around Naruto was unlikely to be a simple reaction to someone with a stronger control over sand being present.

Naruto had also been willing to spend time talking about being unusually young leaders of their villages, even if the reasons each of them had the responsibility thrust upon them were different. Their policies and views had come up, as well as ways to leverage things that Gaara hadn't considered. Building a proper academy inside of Suna had never really come up as their training methods had traditionally been a little more family or master/apprentice style, but it made sense to standardize things a bit and make it easier for orphans to get at least the basics down.

None of that helped with the combat power disparity between the two of them though. No matter how much he'd regained his control of sand, quickly reaching levels that could very well exceed what he used to be able to control with the one-tail in him, it wasn't enough to even begin to overcome Naruto's stronger control. That removed Gaara's greatest weapon, and made sparring a non-starter.

Leadership thrust upon you or not, you didn't stay in charge by being stupidly reckless.

"I can't find any trace of unexpected traps in the puppet," Temari said as she returned to the room. "And while needing to sit in the arena to summon a weasel was annoying, I got a message to and from Suna. Baki got Naruto's letter and the antidote, and the medic-nin believe that it's the correct one."

And then there was the other side of things, Naruto ensuring that Kankuro got the antidote to the poison...though how he figured out what the poison was, let alone the antidote, was another matter entirely. None of this was how any village leaders normally did things, at least according to the records, but it seemed that Naruto thought differently.

How much of that was being confident enough in his personal strength to not need to play the normal political games was yet to be seen.

"Welcome to Uzushiogakure," Naruto greeted Nagato and Konan as they stepped off of the airship. "I see you've decided to travel without your other selves."

"...I find it disturbing that you're aware of that detail," Nagato admitted. "But I've recently found myself able to heal long-standing injuries and travel more personally."

"Please be aware that we don't know how some of the defenses on the island will react to space-time techniques performed by those not keyed into the protections, those connected to dojutsu or otherwise. Being of Uzumaki descent does not entitle you to access to secure areas, but may allow you access to a couple of buildings most visitors can't access. I ask that you obey signs even if doors allow you access."

Nagato nodded. "Understood."

"Would you like to start with your accommodations, or a visit to the hospital for a more in-depth checkup?"

"The latter," Konan immediately answered. "He's very good at hiding pain as he moves around, but not good enough to escape my notice, and when he last disengaged his eyes they were bleeding slightly."

"Then let's go get you looked over. Jiraiya will likely pop in to see you as well, once he arrives and realizes that you're here. Probably sometime tomorrow at this point."

"I feel violated," Nagato said as he sat down to eat dinner.

"Tsunade, Karin, and Naruto were all quite professional," Konan pointed out.

"...the exam was fine. Finding out that there's a seal on the inside of my eye sockets ensuring that either the implanted eyes are 'fully on' or 'fully off' so that I wouldn't manifest a sharingan is more annoying."

"Tsunade seemed surprised that you could turn the rinnegan off at all."

"While Naruto seemed to expect it and Karin didn't seem to know what to think, yes. Bleeding because my body is fighting the seals wasn't something I'd expected to be the case though, and finding out that the eyes are apparently from Madara's brother with some wacky process from the transplant matching genetics was unexpected."

"That did strike me as odd, but they were fully aware of the process and some of what causes it. They were obviously more concerned about the third genetic profile in the mix that they think is why it went from 'sharingan' to 'rinnegan' in the first place."


"What do you think of their offer to remove the transplants and grow you fresh eyes?"

"It's sensible in some ways, but I rely on the rinnegan too much currently. Perhaps once 'Madara' is gone I'll reconsider."

"Welcome to Uzushiogakure," Naruto greeted Shisui as he and Jiraiya arrived. "I see Jiraiya convinced you to change bodyguards?"

"He was very insistent," Shisui agreed. "And you didn't have to come greet me in person."

"But he did," Jiraiya interjected. "You are, after all, an officially-visiting head of another village."


"Very annoying," Naruto agreed. "But appearances dictate certain things."

Shisui sighed. "True, and I should've considered that side of things. But I was here two days ago."

"And today you're officially arriving as the Hokage."


"As such, you get to stay in a fancier hotel room."

"...I didn't want a fancier hotel room."

"Sucks to be you, Hokage-sama."

Naruto got a light glare for the unusual-for-him formality, but simply grinned in return. After a moment he then turned to Jiraiya. "By the way, your teammate and a couple of your former students are here."

"I know Tsunade is here, and I think you're my only living student of note."

"Your other teammate, who you will need to avoid trying to kill if only for diplomatic reasons, plus Nagato and Konan."

Apparently Jiraiya was forgoing the 'bodyguard' side of bodyguard duties, given that he vanished off the airship pad at that.

"I still can't believe that all my reports said that all three of you had died," Jiraiya said as he sat in the hot spring with Nagato.

"We've learned that Danzo faked those while working with Hanzo," Nagato said with a scowl. "Out of some kind of desire to get leverage over Hanzo that had no hope of success, but at the same time 'conveniently' ensuring that Yahiko died after refusing the 'aid' of 'Madara' in running things. Far, far too many things keep lining up to benefit that man up until the 'decoy jinchuriki' was revealed in Konoha."

"Ah. That's...very likely someone or something playing an even longer game that the Uchiha were caught up in."

"...a longer game?"

Jiraiya nodded, thinking back to some of what had come out of Konoha recently. A lot of it wasn't his tale to tell in detail for how it was discovered...but he didn't need to include that at all. "A warning left by the Sage of Six Paths for his descendants with the sharingan was edited to instead directly contradict the warning and include instructions for accomplishing what had been warned against, calling it the salvation of the Uchiha clan. The original message predated the name 'Uchiha', plus at least one of the other things referenced in the edits, and the original meaning has since been restored. But given that some of what you described follows those instructions, and obtaining a rinnegan was part of them as well?"

"How long of a game do you think this might be part of?"

"At least nine centuries, to revive the 'rabbit goddess' that sought to reclaim all chakra as her own. I'm reliably informed that said revival has been made impossible now though and she should be fully dead instead of only mostly dead."

"Welcome to Uzushiogakure," Naruto greeted the Tsuchikage and his granddaughter Kurotsuchi as they stepped off the airship. "You two are the last to arrive."

"We've been a bit busy," the Tsuchikage said.

"Indeed. Are you aiming to bankrupt the Earth Daimyo?"

"Just make him obviously look like the fool he is. Of course, you're also a bit of a fool, claiming to be a Kage at your age."

"Age doesn't mean everything, and you're getting old enough for age to start catching up to you."

"I do keep telling him that," Kurotsuchi agreed.

"You just want to take the hat before you're ready for it," the Tsuchikage retorted. "Assuming you ever are."

"I'd like to warn you that Deidara showed up a couple of days ago and you need to be careful around his cooking."

"Deidara-nii is here?" Kurotsuchi asked, obviously surprised.

"He's always disliked cooking," the Tsuchikage said. "No surprise that we need to be wary of it."

"Oh, he's gotten much better," Naruto insisted. "You just have to be careful not to prime any of it to explode before consuming it."

"...he figured out how to make his cooking explode?"

"Yes, though he needs to learn to balance what he pushes into different things. Explosion release isn't the best choice for all dishes and he seems to realize it, but he's got a habit of pushing it into everything he makes."

"Where did he learn that?" Kurotsuchi asked.

Naruto shrugged. "I gave him some of my cooking and challenged him to figure it out. Took him less time than I expected, honestly. Your 'forbidden technique' was partially of Uzumaki origin and usable for a lot more than he uses it for."

"Did we create any of our forbidden techniques?" the Tsuchikage half-grumbled.

In lieu of answering, Naruto just led them to where they were staying, pointing out the hot springs in the back of the hotel as they arrived.

Onoki sighed as he watched his granddaughter berate his grand-nephew for 'running off like that'. She seemed to have taken more offense at him doing so without saying goodbye to her than anything else, but they had been quite close before he'd run off. Would've been nice if he'd asked for access to the forbidden technique and gotten the warnings instead of stealing a copy of the instructions and then blowing up the rest too...

"I couldn't stick around after it was discovered that I'd grabbed the instructions," Deidara insisted. "Even if it was unfair that I was only caught trying to put the original back."

"That technique was forbidden for a reason," Onoki interrupted. "Namely, the number of shinobi that died trying to use it."

"They were weaklings," Deidara insisted, barely escaping from his little cousin.

"More like you were incredibly lucky that you didn't screw up a hand seal."

"...I practiced the things for a month before even considering putting chakra into any of them, hm."

Onoki blinked a couple of times. "You had the original scroll for a month before anyone found out?"

"Yes? Nobody paid attention to the scrolls so long as there were the right number in the safe, and that's assuming anyone other than me had opened it in the year or so before then."

"Huh. The other dozen or so people that stole that one over the years tended to try to complete it within a day of getting a copy."

" they were idiots, hm."

"And then you blew up the entire safe and everything in it on your way out."

Deidara was obviously surprised about that. "The safe should've been able to handle twice what I threw at the room?"

"Only when closed and the seals active."


Onoki sighed. "You got into the safe without even noticing the seals?"

"Or someone else got past the seals but not the physical lock," Kurotsuchi suggested. "Deidara-nii was always good with physical things."

"This would've been nice to know years ago, though we still lost all the copies of the technique."

"I kept my personal copy," Deidara said, digging into a pouch and pulling out a scroll case. "Not like I need it anymore anyway, hm. Gave Uzumaki a copy too, but he didn't go all the way to the end. You don't need the extra mouths to make working chakra into materials easier if you're cooking instead, but I've not had time to try to learn how to make kunai to see if I can pull the trick with metalworking."

"It works for cooking?" Kurotsuchi asked, apparently having forgotten some of the comments from when they'd arrived. Or not made the connection, perhaps?

"That's how I made my pocky, hm."

"How about you two work on making a couple more copies," Onoki said. "At least one without the final set of instructions, as that's generally seen as the most dangerous portion anyway. Then perhaps you can provide tips for how Kurotsuchi can perform things safely after a couple weeks to a month of practicing the hand seals herself."
I still have to read chapters 35 and onwards...
And here you are and give me another one to read :)
Well, I am currently rereading Mauling Snarks and will probably come back to this one when I am done with that :rofl:
I just absolutely love that story.
Also, this one is not so "interesting" for me, as I had (and still have next to) absolutely NO knowledge of anything Naruto before I read this.
Also, this one is not so "interesting" for me, as I had (and still have next to) absolutely NO knowledge of anything Naruto before I read this.
Here's all you really need to know about canon Naruto vs TotOS Naruto is that canon Naruto was a complete Moron. Yes, he does deserve the capital letter there. After learning Kage Bunshin he pretty much didn't bother with any other Jutsu until he learned the Rasengan and even then he didn't even bother mastering the damn thing to be able to use it single handed, instead having to have a clone help him. Upon graduation from the academy due to uncovering a traitor (which got him Kage Bunshin in the first place) he was put on a team with Sasuke Uchiha (moody emo dickish yet supposedly attractive in a bad boy manner antagonist) and Sakura Haruno (Sasuke's number 1 fangirl with a fairly strong dislike for Naruto). They three were put under the command of Kakashi Hatake, Konoha's laziest Jonin. It was a disaster from day one as Kakashi taught Naruto absolutely sweet fuck all save a minor chakra control exercise.

After a bit over six months in Universe and a completely fucked up Chunin exams that ended up with the Sandaime dead and Konoha itself rather badly bruised Jiraiya comes along and takes Naruto on a three year long training trip. Naruto comes back taller, with better Taijutsu, a more powerful Rasengan that he still needs a clone to use and that's it.

He gets a few power ups from various people but if I'm being honest the only, and I do mean only, reason he survived against the revived Rabbit Goddess (Kaguya Otsusuki) was because of absolutely ludicrous levels of plot armor. At the end of Shippuden he marries Hinata who, like in TotOS had a major crush on him since they were both children yet canon Naruto was completely oblivious to it since he had all of the social skills of a rock and had to be hit over the head with a alue by four the size of Mount Everest. Oh, and he made Hokage.

Boruto follows the adventures of Naruto's son, the titatular protagonist Boruto. That series has already been completely and totally borked by the author here so you honestly don't need to know anything except it's already been erased.
Love Naruto doing the official welcome messages to all the notable visitors, complete with the little power flexes that say, "We're glad to play nice, please don't make us disturb the peace. Have a gift for attending, it's something you probably need, according to our research."
Personally, my favourite parts are the ones where everyone is getting along, even if they had past beef with each other. I suppose in this one, Orochimaru didn't have his arms spiritually cut off, so he didn't have issues there. Which would mean he didn't go to Tsunade to get them healed, which in turn means that he didn't have to take a new host so soon after attempting to kill the Hokage. He probably still had to take a new one, but later than he did in canon.

Anyways, every time I saw the people just getting along, it felt like there was a glowing in my heart, to use a metaphorical statement. I look forward to seeing more of that.
I still have to read chapters 35 and onwards...
And here you are and give me another one to read :)

The author posts on a schedule. For Want of an Outfit (~890K words, 169 chapters) on Mondays, Hybrid Hive: Eat Shard? (1.4 million words, 241 main threadmarks) on Wednesdays (with an extra interlude chapter every ten weeks, the next of which is next week), and this fic (~380K words, 70 main threadmarks) on Fridays. He also has a Random Snippets fic (~120K words, 68 main threadmarks) that he posts to, though not nearly so regularly. That's in addition to the completed Mauling Snarks (~1.6 million words, 312 main threadmarks) that you've mentioned (included for those 'new' to @CmptrWz's fics).
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"What else would I call you? You aren't a Kage and have no other suitable titles I'm aware of."
Technically Sennin is a title of religious significance to chakra users that predates the formation of hidden villages...

brb thought vacuum about Tsunade being the only Sannin who isnt a Sennin. wheee word association.
Technically Sennin is a title of religious significance to chakra users that predates the formation of hidden villages...

brb thought vacuum about Tsunade being the only Sannin who isnt a Sennin. wheee word association.
Yeah, but he isn't a Sennin. He is a Sannin. Ichi, Ni, San. Sannin is literally "three ninja".