Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

Y'know, at this point I'm fairly sure the Uzumaki remnant is actually going to turn up soon,
Wasn't there a reference to something being sealed out of time in Uzushio? Something about an experimental way to hide something in time itself, only returning to the normal timestream when called for but that couldn't be used on the living without killing them? If the Uzumaki ever perfected that beyond what Zetsu managed to dig up on it, especially to the point of being able to safely do it for people...

Well, if they did pull off something like that then all copies and knowledge of such a thing would have likely been intentionally destroyed during the invasion to keep their little "Transtemporal Escape Boats" secret from the invaders, in which case there might actually be Uzumaki remnants hanging around in a seal somewhere just waiting for Naruto to stumble across them and unseal them.
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Wasn't there a reference to something being sealed out of time in Uzushio? Something about an experimental way to hide something in time itself, only returning to the normal timestream when called for but that couldn't be used on the living without killing them?
From what I remember the specific thing your talking about would automatically bring the sealed item back if the one to use the technique(seal?) died. not that it couldn't be used on living things.
From what I remember the specific thing your talking about would automatically bring the sealed item back if the one to use the technique(seal?) died. not that it couldn't be used on living things.

Still doesn't rule it out, there are a crap ton of ways for somebody to still be considered 'alive' for a seal, from seeing uzumaki use robots that means they might even have someone cryogenically frozen somewhere.
I'm sure Naruto could whip up a large batch pretty fast that would convince anyone but Konoha Anbu or the Daimyo's security forces.
Pretty sure he could pull that off completely, as long as he has sufficient time beforehand to use paperwork clones to forge paper trails for each individual and place the linked documents in the proper file storage points across the Fire Nation government offices. He already knows where everything needs to go, after all, and is used to creating deepfake documentation for cover identities.
Which they could probably do basically in real time faster then the confirmation requests could be processed.

"God of Paperwork" for good reason.
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We've known that Edo tensei didn't work since Naruto visited the Uzumaki Mask Shrine to gather the Masks back in chapter 7, and found the Death Mask broken
Summoning the Shinigami to seal souls away hasn't worked since the Tome broke the contract.

Edo tensei only stopped working when the tree was fully destroyed and everything it had been gathering (including souls, because it's bullshit) was released.
... why I continue to see this Orochimaru meeting GLaDOS via experiments on seals and the two amoral researchers starting to flirt-via-SCIENCE! afterward?
Honestly, I don't see him as that much different from my view of canon Orochimaru in most respects. :p
It reminds me of one of the Groundhog-style stories where Sakura brings Sasuke to Orochimaru in exchange for training, only to fix a number of the things that he wasn't doing intelligently thanks to lacking the knowledge she'd already picked up from looping.

That sounds like Time Braid, the male power fantasy fic with a female protagonist. ^^
Any story that deals with time travel properly should be seriously weird. Human brains and human language especially, are really not set up for dealing with more than three and a half dimensions and anything other than closed-loop travel starts at five.
So....does this explain why Doctor Who is the way that it is? Also, if people for whatever reason say that Tennant's era as the 10 (and maybe 14)th​ Doctor(s) was(/is) the weirdest, one must take into account that being The Doctor was the guy's dream role, he met his wife during his time as Doctor #10, and he got to be in a Music Video with his favorite band A.K.A. this:


So....does this explain why Doctor Who is the way that it is? Also, if people for whatever reason say that Tennant's era as the 10 (and maybe 14)th​ Doctor(s) was(/is) the weirdest, one must take into account that being The Doctor was the guy's dream role, he met his wife during his time as Doctor #10, and he got to be in a Music Video with his favorite band A.K.A. this:


Pretty much; even if they don't time travel much within a given episode the overall plot, depending on the writers and showrunner, can cover anything between six and multiple nested clusters of seven dimensions. Hell, technically, just walking out of the doors of the TARDIS is inter-reality travel – her interior volume is both infinite and bounded, with it's own separate set of physical laws, fractally holographic, and also all inside that little box. The miracle isn't taking a box and making it bigger on the inside; it's taking everything that a Type 42 TARDIS is, and making it small enough to fit inside our universe.
Eh, except it basically is. It's a Sakura-PoV Chunin Exam Day, and even crosses with Chunin Exam Day with Naruto from that loop occasionally showing up in one of Sakura's loops. And other occasional guest loopers.
Its been a long time since I last read it, but while there was indeed a looping Naruto in Time Braid, IIRC it wasn't the Chunnin Exam Day one. The other loopers were natives of the Time Braid story, not crossovers.
Yeah this depiction of Orochimaru is actually pretty compliant with canon; remember that after being killed or nearly killed several times, and having his plans thougherly thwarted several more times, Orochimaru came to the realization that his methods were flawed. This realization, combined with the fact that he had like three different working methods of immortality available to him, meaning that he wasn't on a 'time limit' anymore, caused Orochimaru to mellow out a lot and become a generally much more reasonable person.

In this instance he hasn't died a bunch, but he has had his entire world upended several times in a row and found himself confronting a number of truths that are fundamentally important to his world view, so he appears to have gone through a similar mellowing process on an accelerated timeline as a result.

Still hilariously amoral and stumbling his way through inventing the scientific method from scratch, but Boruto-era Orochimaru is the kind of amoral mad scientist that can be trusted to not just fuck you over for the hell of it, and he is demonstrably willing to bury the hatchet, which by ninja standards is positively reliable.

At the end of the day, Orochimaru's primary driving motivator is that he wants to learn all the things. He really just wants to be able to look at the universe and go "I understand this." And if presented with undeniable proof that his approach just isn't working, he can and will admit that he has erred and then go on to change how he does things.

Despite surface appearances, Orochimaru is actually one of the most rational and mature characters in the entire setting, which is wild but there you go.
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So....does this explain why Doctor Who is the way that it is? Also, if people for whatever reason say that Tennant's era as the 10 (and maybe 14)th​ Doctor(s) was(/is) the weirdest, one must take into account that being The Doctor was the guy's dream role, he met his wife during his time as Doctor #10...

Fun fact, the series was originally envisioned as educational and the time travel aspects were there to allow different time periods to be showcased. Of course, things started to get weird early on. I think the Dialeks got introduced in the first arc. And the second arc had an anchent Egyptian pharaoh with high a tech super science lab and (I think) a death ray. By the time the 2nd Doctor came about (2nd best one IMO) they had given up on it being a "educational" show and leaned into the weird science aspects.
And the second arc had an anchent Egyptian pharaoh with high a tech super science lab and (I think) a death ray
So you're saying Doctor Who also had Ancient Egyptian Laser Beams!

When will Naruto find the Ancient Uzumaki Laser Beams, because having him scream that his opponent for got about ancient Uzumaki laser beams would be a hilarious surprise attack.
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I find it hilarious that Naruto has built a reputation of the Uzu anbu being untouchable to the point Kisame is deathly afraid of Kyo.
The miracle isn't taking a box and making it bigger on the inside; it's taking everything that a Type 42 TARDIS is, and making it small enough to fit inside our universe.
The TARDIS is not a box that is bigger on the inside. The TARDIS is a pocket dimension with a box-shaped anchor to the rest of reality; the door is an interuniversal portal. That the singular contact point of the demi-plane (or maybe full plane) with our universe is mobile is inconsequential to that nature.