Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN)

So storage seal when they fail cause there contents to vanish into nothing? Or are they assume they broke during the fire and ejected into the fire? The mention of damaging the seal implies the first but also raises interesting question about the limits of storage seal. Could you use a deliberately damaged seal to destroy evidence or a body? And if you can seal someone even briefly can you use it to instant kill them.
Think of a Storage Seal as being more like a portal or a doorway. If you destroy the seal, the contents are still… somewhere, but for all intents and purposes completely inaccessible. If you seal a person away, they might eventually wake up, and start working on a way to get home.
Orochimaru doubted that anything was truly unable to be killed, and personally felt that Konoha hadn't been fibbing when they claimed that the one-tail and two-tails had been killed. He also suspected that the nine-tails was long dead and that there had never been a 'decoy' jinchuriki at all, but wasn't sure where the remnants of that beast had gone since young Naruto hadn't picked up animal features years ago.

And thus yet again Orochimaru proves that his brain works better than his so-called 'colleagues'.
So storage seal when they fail cause there contents to vanish into nothing? Or are they assume they broke during the fire and ejected into the fire? The mention of damaging the seal implies the first but also raises interesting question about the limits of storage seal. Could you use a deliberately damaged seal to destroy evidence or a body? And if you can seal someone even briefly can you use it to instant kill them.
What happens when you damage a storage seal will vary greatly with the seal, what's sealed within it, and how it was damaged.

At a basic level, some seals the items become unrecoverable. Others the failure results in expelling the contents. In a fire it probably doesn't matter which unless you're really good at identifying remains in the ashes.

In my interpretation for this story, anything with sufficient chakra inside causes most storage seal variants to expel their contents upon being damaged because the chakra resists being "lost" like that. This goes double for seals holding living things that generate their own chakra, except that the living thing's chakra immediately starts attacking the seal from the inside. You need a specially designed seal to prevent that, either designed to weather the attack of chakra in some fashion or designed to fail specifically to prevent the sealed-away contents from returning, and even that won't stop some things. Like the tailed beasts before the Tome got involved.

"Lost" items from a damaged seal that didn't expel its contents, techniques that seem to permanently remove items from existence, and other such events eventually feed into the world's chakra and serve as the raw materials for when the opposite happens and chakra creates matter instead.
And thus yet again Orochimaru proves that his brain works better than his so-called 'colleagues'.
He's smart enough to not want to be in the organization, to realize that at the time he was approached he wasn't actually able to say "no", and to know that so long as he plays along he gets the organization's backing in several ways.

As soon as he decides that staying a member is worse than leaving he's going to leave, and feels that they can't stop him anymore.
"Lost" items from a damaged seal that didn't expel its contents, techniques that seem to permanently remove items from existence, and other such events eventually feed into the world's chakra and serve as the raw materials for when the opposite happens and chakra creates matter instead.
What is your opinion on the Creation of All Things technique in relation to the above quote? Is it an exception or not?
What happens when you damage a storage seal will vary greatly with the seal, what's sealed within it, and how it was damaged.

At a basic level, some seals the items become unrecoverable. Others the failure results in expelling the contents. In a fire it probably doesn't matter which unless you're really good at identifying remains in the ashes.

In my interpretation for this story, anything with sufficient chakra inside causes most storage seal variants to expel their contents upon being damaged because the chakra resists being "lost" like that. This goes double for seals holding living things that generate their own chakra, except that the living thing's chakra immediately starts attacking the seal from the inside. You need a specially designed seal to prevent that, either designed to weather the attack of chakra in some fashion or designed to fail specifically to prevent the sealed-away contents from returning, and even that won't stop some things. Like the tailed beasts before the Tome got involved.

"Lost" items from a damaged seal that didn't expel its contents, techniques that seem to permanently remove items from existence, and other such events eventually feed into the world's chakra and serve as the raw materials for when the opposite happens and chakra creates matter instead.

He's smart enough to not want to be in the organization, to realize that at the time he was approached he wasn't actually able to say "no", and to know that so long as he plays along he gets the organization's backing in several ways.

As soon as he decides that staying a member is worse than leaving he's going to leave, and feels that they can't stop him anymore.
Interesting idea. Question are storage seals normally so easy or is the god tree responsible? I could easily see the ninja are actually using some pocket anchored to the tree and when it breaks the tree absorbs the matter. Creation is drawing from this stockpile.

Also question is this set in the same setting as Hybrid Hive? I've been speculating about the mechanics based on what Taylor discovered since things seem to be similar but there seems to be at least some potential differences. Could you confirm if magical physics is the same or different.
Is all magic, yo. magic of fiction, aka suspension of disbelief. Don't torment the author by demanding detail, logical and consistent explanation of the physics of a fictional world, that's not what a story is about. A lore book maybe, but not a story.
Is all magic, yo. magic of fiction, aka suspension of disbelief. Don't torment the author by demanding detail, logical and consistent explanation of the physics of a fictional world, that's not what a story is about. A lore book maybe, but not a story.

Wanting to understand the internal mechanics of the story does no disservice to the author or work in question. Yes, this is fiction, but until the author says we are asking too detailed of questions, or that what we're asking will have to be answered in upcoming chapters, if ever, then the questions will continue, and are not a bad thing.

On the other hand, if you feel this is a derail and want to turn things back towards the story specifics, say so. I admit I don't keep entirely abreast of forum posts on Cmptrwz's stories, as there's generally just too much of it, so whatever caused you to make your comment may have gotten out of line; your post seems, to me, not to be "we're getting into a derail", but to be "this is fiction, so you can't question it". Internal consistency matters to me, so debating whether a given scene meets the benchmarks set by previous updates is very much a valid topic.

In this case, the debate seems to be between what a given poster believes about the source material compared to what is happening in this AU, which admits from the beginning that it is using different fundamental rules than either involved canon.
Theres also the thing where they are using a drasticaly different style of magic to the ones used by Belka midchilda or The secret Kingdom and falls more under raw shaping of things using the Net as a Medium as far as I can tell
Also question is this set in the same setting as Hybrid Hive? I've been speculating about the mechanics based on what Taylor discovered since things seem to be similar but there seems to be at least some potential differences. Could you confirm if magical physics is the same or different.
I thought this was stated right at the beginning of the story (maybe in an Author's Note though) as yes, it's the same verse as Hybrid Hive, but after a very long time.
Interesting idea. Question are storage seals normally so easy or is the god tree responsible? I could easily see the ninja are actually using some pocket anchored to the tree and when it breaks the tree absorbs the matter. Creation is drawing from this stockpile.

Also question is this set in the same setting as Hybrid Hive? I've been speculating about the mechanics based on what Taylor discovered since things seem to be similar but there seems to be at least some potential differences. Could you confirm if magical physics is the same or different.
Storage seals are a function of magic/chakra and would work with or without the tree.

As for the setting? Magical physics have enough variability for it to go either way. :V
I thought this was stated right at the beginning of the story (maybe in an Author's Note though) as yes, it's the same verse as Hybrid Hive, but after a very long time.
:Citation Needed:

I believe there was speculation by posters that it could be, but I've never said one way or another. :p
Pretty sure there is something about Yuuno going looking for other tomes/devices that went missing after learning about the one who became Hive, though I think that was more an author omake thing.
@shade argost That was actually an author omake in HHES that you're thinking of rather than something in TotOS so it doesn't technically count I'm afraid.

@MWKillKenny84 Probably most of the Akatsuki members are gonna bail once they see the writing on the wall. Hidan's only in it for his jollies, Kakuzu for the money while Sasori and Deidara were likely coerced just like Orochi and will probably have GTFO plans. Kisame is a bit of a wildcard as he's kind of a patriot (while also being a bit of a dumbass) so who knows which way he'll swing and Konan is only in it to support Nagato who will likely try to ride this dying ship down in flames because he's got an even bigger set of mental blinkers than Kisame. Finally we come to Zetsu and 'Tobi' who both currently have zero clue about what's really happening and in Zetsu's case probably couldn't believe it anyway even if he did get proof so they're both gonna try to ride it down in flames like Nagato because they pretty much don't have any other choice.
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Finally we come to Zetsu and 'Tobi' who both currently have zero clue about what's really happening and in Zetsu's case probably couldn't believe it anyway even if he did get proof so they're both gonna try to ride it down in flames like Nagato because they pretty much don't have any other choice.

Not to mention that, without the tree, there are no new Zetsus forming, and there's no telling how stable they are without the tree. They might wind up unable to generate chakra and then dying as they run out if they were dependent on the tree's energy gathering functions.
Not to mention that, without the tree, there are no new Zetsus forming, and there's no telling how stable they are without the tree. They might wind up unable to generate chakra and then dying as they run out if they were dependent on the tree's energy gathering functions.
That's a good point actually about Zetsu being potentially unstable and I think the answer there is going to be yes, almost horribly so in fact. Since the Great Toad Sage said that the tree will be fully dead within three years I'd expect Zetsu to gradually weaken before finally giving up completely after probably two years. What effect that'll have on Obito's 'Zetsu stuff' transplanted leg is another question too. Is it still linked to the original or is it now being sustained by Obito? For those wondering Obito had to get a Zetsu stuff leg after his original was destroyed during his fateful meeting with the Uchiha clan that resulted in all but a handful of the Uchiha adults being wiped out.
Pretty sure there is something about Yuuno going looking for other tomes/devices that went missing after learning about the one who became Hive, though I think that was more an author omake thing.
That was in the Hybrid Hive thread, where it was an omake, to announce this story. The thing is, that Yuuno never actually discovered what happened to the TotOS from his universe. Speculation that this TotOS is the same one is just that… until Empress Minerva II shows up anyway.
That had never been properly tested though, because the three-person version wasn't compatible with the single-user versions and you couldn't connect to someone else's seals without their aid. Sadly, this meant that Naruto wasn't going to be able to connect to his father's seals and would have to create yet another network of target formulas for his own use.
Didn't the Toad Sage tell Naruto how to summon clones of his parents? Is the problem that he would need to have a Dad Clone in existence any time he wanted to use the Fourth's seals, somehow, rather than just having to 'connect' once?