Tome of Cosmos - CWMGQ Character Building Thread

(Akashic Pillar) Lilimiria

Future Mrs. Balier

Health: 400
Base Damage: 75
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Magic

Samael's Notes
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Magic
Ability: Spell Boost | Proxy Caster

Garden of Stone
A petrification field.
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Lockdown

Level 2
-Bulwark against the unknown. Health Controller.

Level 2
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 10mph.

Libras Alexandras: The Grand Foundation Of Annihilation
-Lilimiria has perfect recall of everything she has even read. If she has read a book with a magical spell recorded within, she may summon it to her side at any time so long as she recalls the contents. Should a book recording a magic spell she has read be within a hundred yards of her, Lilimiria may exert telekinetic control over it. During battle, Lilimiria may cast one spell recorded within any book she currently has under telekinetic control per book. In order to cast a spell from a book, the book must have it recorded within it's pages.
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Couldn't think of flavor for her controllers.

(Akashic Pillar/Unified Light) Magical Girl Perfect Spear

Sabrina Kilton

Health: 50
Base Damage: 20
Base Resilience: 20
Magic Modifier: 5
Affinity: Death | Power | Story Maker

Final Anthem
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Death
Ability: Sudden Death | Vorpal


Silver Armor
Level 1
-Resilience Controller.

Soldier's Strength
Level 1
-Health Controller.

God Shattering Star
-If an incoming attack or spell is caught, intercept the attack with one of your own. When intercepting an attack, increase your damage by 75% of your opponent's Base Damage. If your damage is higher, negate the attack, break the opponent's weapon, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If your damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation. Deal your own half of the intercept as unblockable damage on top of the results, regardless of whether you win or lose.

Kudos for anyone who figures out what's special for her ability.
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Huh. Is that meant to be a super ability? Because with Sudden Death and Vorpal on her weapon, it seems almost impossible for her to actually lose an Intercept battle, even without that Cleave effect.
Crys really loves that name, doesn't he? Neat example of a personal ability combining multiple generics. (Overwhelm, Cleave, Punch-through, Primordia.) Not sure whether (a smaller scale of, presumably) that kind of thing would happen outside of maker bullshit.

Also, why does she not have a spell? Thought having one was required (Barring a personal ability specifying otherwise.)
Spells aren't actually required but it's recommended. I didn't give her a spell because her whole thing is catch and return.
Spells aren't actually required but it's recommended.
Crys last time you tried to not give a magical girl a spell I smacked you over the head with a newspaper until you gave her one, because a magical girl not hiving a spell is dumb. And it's not like her thing being catch and return prevents her from having a spell. Self buff spell to give her a little bit more damage and put vorpal on her attacks instead of having it as a base property of her weapon. Boom, you're good, hooray.
Y'know what, here, I'll do you one better.

(Akashic Pillar/Unified Light) Magical Girl Perfect Spear

Sabrina Kilton

Health: 50
Base Damage: 20
Base Resilience: 20
Magic Modifier: 5
Affinity: Death | Power | Story Maker

Final Anthem
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Death
Ability: Sudden Death | Vorpal

Blade Breaker
Level 1
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 3
Affinity: Power
Ability: Boost Self | Boost by Modifier | Taunt


Silver Armor
Level 1
-Resilience Controller.

Soldier's Strength
Level 1
-Health Controller.

God Shattering Star
-If an incoming attack or spell is caught, intercept the attack with one of your own. When intercepting an attack, increase your damage by 75% of your opponent's Base Damage. If your damage is higher, negate the attack, break the opponent's weapon, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If your damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation. Deal your own half of the intercept as unblockable damage on top of the results, regardless of whether you win or lose.

Spirit Dias
-Enemies affected by Blade Breaker's Taunt must attack Magical Girl Perfect Spear with a spell, if they are able to do so.
Y'know what, here, I'll do you one better.

(Akashic Pillar/Unified Light) Magical Girl Perfect Spear

Sabrina Kilton

Health: 50
Base Damage: 20
Base Resilience: 20
Magic Modifier: 5
Affinity: Death | Power | Story Maker

Final Anthem
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Death
Ability: Sudden Death | Vorpal

Blade Breaker
Level 1
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 3
Affinity: Power
Ability: Boost Self | Boost by Modifier | Taunt


Silver Armor
Level 1
-Resilience Controller.

Soldier's Strength
Level 1
-Health Controller.

God Shattering Star
-If an incoming attack or spell is caught, intercept the attack with one of your own. When intercepting an attack, increase your damage by 75% of your opponent's Base Damage. If your damage is higher, negate the attack, break the opponent's weapon, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If your damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation. Deal your own half of the intercept as unblockable damage on top of the results, regardless of whether you win or lose.

Spirit Dias
-Enemies affected by Blade Breaker's Taunt must attack Magical Girl Perfect Spear with a spell, if they are able to do so.
Neat. Spirit Dias fits very well for providing an intercept target, and she has enough APT to both cast it and intercept.

What's the actual math on blade breaker?

Is it 100*mm roll, 100 +100*mm roll, (100+base)*mm roll, Base*mm roll+100, or something else? And what does it get added too and when?
Neat. Spirit Dias fits very well for providing an intercept target, and she has enough APT to both cast it and intercept.

What's the actual math on blade breaker?

Is it 100*mm roll, 100 +100*mm roll, (100+base)*mm roll, Base*mm roll+100, or something else? And what does it get added too and when?
It's a straight damage boost, and I had intended for it to be 100*mm roll, but the idea of (100+base)*mm roll is also intriguing...

Anyway, the point is it gives her a way to bait the attacks she's meant to be throwing back, and slightly improves her odds of nor losing horribly due to trying to Intercept as a Story Maker.
(Continuing to post the MGs I post in Discord)

You've already seen one draft of silver key, submitted in Chasing Dreams, where an ability disqualified her immediately. (In my defense, I thought the thing would just be a god, rather than having a world sphere itself. I just liked the ability and didn't want to remove it for the RP.)

Recent Design Notes and Editing: It took me forever to decide on a growth affinity for her and I'm still not sure I chose the right one. I took out her other spell because I didn't think she needed it and realized she could do something similar anyway. I added Agility only recently, in part because of the spell removal and to help "replace" it with her ability to box people in with portals.
Magical Girl Silver Key

Asenath Lovelace


Health: 2400
Base Damage: 1000
Base Resilience: 1050
Magic Modifier: 800
Affinity: Space | Mind | Legend Maker
The Silver Key
-Dagger-sized ornate key.
Level 20
Attacks per Turn: 6
Affinity: Space
Ability: Teleport | Catastrophic Damage
Eldritch Communion
-Share pure meaning.
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Mind
Ability: Sanity Damage | Telepathy | Target by level
Armor of Distance
Level 21
-Hostile effects, such as attacks and auras, consider Silver Key 210 meters further away than she actually is. Controls Resilience.

Continuity of Thought
Level 12
-Controls Health.

Unreal Agility
-Silver Key can perform feats of agility that stretch the laws of physics to their limit.

The Lurker at the Threshold
-Silver Key may hold open or force closed portals and force teleportation or other extradimensional motion to leave one behind. Whenever another creature passes through a portal, she may attack them from the portal as a free action.

'Umr At-Tawil
-Silver Key shares control of World Sphere effects, copying from the user's sheet as appropriate.

Through the Cracks
-When an enemy suffers Sanity Damage, Silver Key may make an Unblockable attack against them as a free action.

An Open Door
-When an enemy casts a spell, they suffer Sanity Damage. They may resist by sealing the spell for the rest of the battle.

Eldritch Truth
-When an ally suffers Sanity Damage, they lose their spell limit and may synchronize spells with Silver Key and each other for the rest of the battle.
This is also a bit of an experiment in including soft mechanic explanations.

She can cut portals in the air with her weapon. It comes out the other side of the portal for the attack. She can choose to go through the portal or not. Portals default to split-second durations, but The Lurker at the Threshold works normally, so she can hold them open pretty much indefinitely. A side mechanic of this is that she doesn't need to worry much about the positioning of her weapon - she can make the blade go wherever she wants with a twitch of her hand.

The CatDam is a fairly limited telefrag effect. While it can come out inside someone, it doesn't actually assume the same space, it just starts inside them. It does not get more damaging if she steps through it, because of Armor of Distance.

Eldritch communion is a momentary mind-meld. Only surface-level things like thoughts are retained for the most part. You can control what you send into it, but most people have some trouble doing so, especially without practice or when not expecting it, so she can usually mind-read enemies with it.

Armor of Distance is completely ridiculous. It's impossible to melee her unless you have a 200-meter plus weapon or some way to avoid it, and ranged attacks can still have trouble. It's basically a layer of expanded space just over her skin/clothes/weapon. Enemies can reach into it, but they can't actually occupy it. It has the neat side effect of letting her fit in tiny spaces, which is very strange when she steps outside a portal that was inside an enemy. Especially since she doesn't get any blood on her doing it.

Now that I've explained that, I'm going to go back and note that the portals she cuts are basically a line in space that she can fit through because she's pretending to be two-dimensional. They expand into usable circles if she holds them open with lurker, though it takes a moment.

The free attack from lurker does let her step through the portal, but it doesn't make a new portal. It still triggers on the initial movement that made the portal. Between Lurker and Agility, she's capable of penning enemies in with portals. It takes a few actions to set up, though.

'Umr At-Tawil is the ability that made me decide to post this sheet now. I'm not sure how it interacts with dragons, but it is probably very bad for the dragon. At the very least, she can destabilize it for a degen effect, and I wouldn't be surprised if she could fight the dragon for control of its body.

Through the Cracks is literally her weapon teleporting through their thoughts and coming out wherever their thoughts connect to their body (i.e. inside their head), so it's usually hilariously lethal on soft mechanics.
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(Unified Light/Counter Force) Magical Girl Birdwatcher(W.I.P)
Savannah Hills
Health: 115
Base Damage: 30
Base Resilience: 32
Magic Modifier: 25

Affinity: Espionage|Cognition|Legend Maker
Head Mounted Computer System
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Espionage | Cognition
Ability: Analysis | Boost Self

Useful for gathering as well as processing information.
Disguise Self
Level x
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Espionage
Ability: Perception Overwrite

Birdwatcher can disguise her form and affinities to appear as another humanoid.

Covert Messaging
Level x
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Espionage
Ability: Telepathy

Birdwatcher is capable of mentally transmitting to, and receiving messages from personally vetted people.
Tradecraft Aptitude
- Between natural talent and experience handling sensitive matters, Birdwatcher's espionage skills are supernatural. She is equally at home negotiating bribes as she is executing black bag operations.

Augmented Cognition
Level x
- Birdwatcher's mental processes are significantly more complex than those of a baseline human. While this doesn't create an empathetic disconnection with others, articulating thoughts verbatim is impossible. She settles for painting broad strokes, and then slowly breaking down details.

Social Engineering
Level x
-Birdwatcher is a capable social engineer, and applies her ability for both above board and unscrupulous purposes. She is well versed in emotional intelligence, persuasion, profiling, reading body language, and modeling human behavior.

Trying out the MG creation process with a spy character inspired by Virginia Hall. Still ironing out the kinks with levels, but would like feedback.

A/N: Working on fixing the mess. I'd have more luck with a real life accordion.
(Unknown) Magical Girl Autumn Rain

Kenzawa Mai

Health: 2,750
Base Damage: 1,200
Base Resilience: 1,000
Magic Modifier: 1,500
Affinity: Storm | Star | Legend

Falling Sky Bladework
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 7 (+1 per odd level)
Affinities: Storm
Ability: Double Hit | Critical Strike

Thunder to Proclaim
Level 10
Base Damage: 2,500
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Storm
Ability: Collateral Damage | Echo

Wavering Droplet Reversal
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Star
Ability: Target Change

Heaven Striding Storm
Level 10
-Health and Resilience Controller.

Impossible Agility
-Magical Girl Autumn Rain can perform feats of agility that are blatantly impossible according to standard physics

Dance Betwixt Droplets

-Magical Girl Autumn Rain automatic dodges any attack bearing a multi-hit ability, or that could be considered a "barrage".

Tempest Comes At Dawn
-Each time Magical Girl Autumn Rain lands an attack with Falling Sky Bladework, gain a stack of Gathering Storm. For each stack, she gains one level of Sprint, with appropriate high speed combat. At 30 stacks of Gathering Storm, it begins to rain. This rain is considered an attack with a base damage equal to (Current stacks X 10).
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If a deaity level person made a autonomous weapon that was a modifier of a group that also applied to itself how would you model it?
I mean that I have a character that made a kind of mantle of power that gives certain people the potential/power to be heroes, and he himself bears on of the mantles, the Justices as I call them are natural born heroes that definitely count as a autonomous weapon, but he is also a justice, so how do you think that would work?
I mean that I have a character that made a kind of mantle of power that gives certain people the potential/power to be heroes, and he himself bears on of the mantles, the Justices as I call them are natural born heroes that definitely count as a autonomous weapon, but he is also a justice, so how do you think that would work?
There is one magical girl whose gimmick is having a spell with the Potential Release ability, which causes the target to become a magical girl, regardless of things like age or gender (the level of another ability puts a limit on the total times ever she can cast it).
I mean that I have a character that made a kind of mantle of power that gives certain people the potential/power to be heroes, and he himself bears on of the mantles, the Justices as I call them are natural born heroes that definitely count as a autonomous weapon, but he is also a justice, so how do you think that would work?
If they're a mortal being, other people don't count as an autonomous weapon. You can build kits that empower people, but they aren't weapons.

If they're a divine being, these mantles wouldn't apply to the being in question, because the mantles would be a part of said being's power being lent out to another. In which case the "justices" would be the weapons and the sponsor would be Justice, or something along those lines.
Part of the problem is that this is a transfer from my own story stuff, and there are differences in how stuff works, that's not even getting into how he jumps all over the power scale at will, from the perspective of people in here. And yes he is definitely divine teir,
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Part of the problem is that this is a transfer from my own story stuff, and there are differences in how stuff works, that's not even getting into how he jumps all over the power scale at will, from the perspective of people in here. And yes he is definitely divine teir,
Well, if he's from somewhere else then he's not really gonna fit the mechanics of things here, exactly. Are you trying to make an expy, or trying to adapt this system to your thing?
(Unified Light / False Heaven) Crystalwatcher


Health: 18,000
Base Damage: 4,000
Base Resilience: 2,000
Magic Modifier: 400
Affinity: Light | Hope

Meteoric Bow
Level 20
Attack Per Turn: 9
Affinity: Light | Hope
Ability: Laser | Heavy Caliber | Critical Strike
Level 10
Base Damage: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Hope
Ability: Juggernaught | Boost-Self
Level 11
-Crystalwatcher is capable of flying at 100mph.

High Speed Combat (LVL 2)
-Archangel Gabriel is capable of tracking objects moving up to 180mph.

Sudden Extinction
-If Crystalwatcher's Judgement is active on her first attack, multiply the Total End Damage of her first attack of the battle by ten and grant it the Apocalypse and Incinerate abilities.

Titan Felling Arrow
-If Crystalwatcher's first attack deals more than a quarter of her target's health on impact, disable all size-based defenses and any form of regeneration it has for the rest of the battle.

Presence of Light
Level 30
-Heals all Allies for 3,000 Health per turn. Damage all Enemies for 3,000 per turn.

Armor of Light
-Auto Negate all spell damage.
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First Edit / Level 1 Version

(Unified Light / False Heaven) Crystalwatcher


Health: 600
Base Damage: 200
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: 20
Affinity: Light | Hope

Light Arrow
Level 1
Attack Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Light
Ability: Laser

Shimmering Light
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Light
Ability: Dazzle | Target by Modifier
Level 1
-Crystalwatcher is capable of floating through the air.

Presence of Light
Level 1
-Heals all Allies for 100 Health per turn. Damage all Enemies for 100 per turn.

Armor of Light
-Auto Negate all spell damage.
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