Tome of Cosmos - CWMGQ Character Building Thread

Regarding Lance Grove - does Size Shift on the spear also apply to her Penetrator Charge spell damage? Seems like an obvious exploit?
It does not, no. Penetrator Charge requires a very specific configuration, and thus can't be adjusted by size shift.

(As a general rule, Size Shift does not play nice with spells.)
Interesting. For Hero Grove's Candle Ability, does that mean Double Hit hits four times, or that each additional hit simply hits twice as hard as it normally does? And does her Engine Ability only work for her regular attacks, or does it also trigger on her spell?
Interesting. For Hero Grove's Candle Ability, does that mean Double Hit hits four times, or that each additional hit simply hits twice as hard as it normally does? And does her Engine Ability only work for her regular attacks, or does it also trigger on her spell?
  1. Double Hit would hit four times, etc.
  2. It applies wherever there's an MM roll.

It does not, no. Penetrator Charge requires a very specific configuration, and thus can't be adjusted by size shift.

(As a general rule, Size Shift does not play nice with spells.)
Also a note on this: She does have a trick involving size shift and her spell, it's just not that direct. Look at her active ability.
  1. Double Hit would hit four times, etc.
  2. It applies wherever there's an MM roll.
Yikes. I can see why you said the Grove girls are badasses. With her basic attack hitting four times and having juggernaut, that alone would make her dangerous. The possibility of her damage tripling and Burning an enemy is really just pouring salt on the wound, and that's not even mentioning the synergy between her Hit by Modifier spell and her Abilities!
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Yikes. I can see why you said the Grove girls are badasses. With her basic attack hitting four times and having juggernaut, that alone would make her dangerous. The possibility of her damage tripling and Burning an enemy is really just pouring salt on the wound, and that's not even mentioning the synergy between her Hit by Modifier spell and her Abilities!
Plus don't forget that her spell can initiate Intercept Conflicts and has a multihit ability.
Even without a spell limit, I don't think Lance Grove is going to be able to use Size Shift specifically with her spell, since you said it isn't usually possible.
At most it would be a series of launched Penetrator Charge spells, methinks.

On the other hand... Does her Bastion combine with Size Shift to make a large shield capable of withstanding 36000-to-66000 incoming damage?

...Yeah, it's pretty clear Lance Grove is more of a support/tank compared to Hero Grove's DPS. In fact the thing that comes to mind that would make Hero Grove even more of a menace is if she gets a personal ability to stack Burn more than three times. Any target of her Juggernaut Rush would probably die in short order even if they have some kind of ability that lets them face-tank the direct damage.

Speaking of... We've seen the Imperial Golem shrug off a spell-inflicted Slaughter effect. Does the Armor of Light of War Angels allow them to shrug off spell-inflicted DoT effects?
Even without a spell limit, I don't think Lance Grove is going to be able to use Size Shift specifically with her spell, since you said it isn't usually possible.
At most it would be a series of launched Penetrator Charge spells, methinks.
Size shift works both directions. Increasing APT for a decrease in damage, combined with a spell that doesn't scale off the weapon damage...
Oooh, right.
There's an effective limit I presume?

I mean my cheat idea with Size Shift (Size Shift on a minion that applies to their entire body, and said minion has Dodge ability to abuse increased APT) also makes use of shrinkage.
So for Lance Grove's Bastion Ability, does an enemy's attack that has Juggernaut have any effect on it, beyond effecting the defensive power that's being multiplied?
You can't divide by a number higher than your weapon level.
So basically much the same limit for Size Shift (downsize) as it is for Splinter. Guessed it would be the case.

Oh. Does Size Shift (downsize) applied to the entire body affect movement speed (negatively), and if it does, would having levels in Sprint/Flight help prevent this?
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So basically much the same limit for Size Shift (downsize) as it is for Splinter. Guessed it would be the case.

Oh. Does Size Shift (downsize) applied to the entire body affect movement speed (negatively), and if it does, would having levels in Sprint/Flight help prevent this?
APT =/= movement speed. There are very few cases where one directly affects the other.
No, but being able to kick 8 times in 10 seconds implies you can move your legs really quickly.
Kicking fast and running are different operations that require different types of exertion.

Like, it's more plausible than most, but it's still not gonna be a safe default assumption.
APT =/= movement speed. There are very few cases where one directly affects the other.
Lost, there's a reason why I specified that the Size Shift (shrink) applies to the entire body in my example.
It's more or less an excuse to have a (usually) 5ft-high monster dog to shrink entirely into a chihuahua-sized package to dodge an attack, move through small tight spaces, or approach someone without raising immediate alarm.

I figure that shrinking on that level would probably impact movement speed in some manner (it's not like people expect a normal worker ant to move as fast as a dog-sized giant ant, right?), and was asking if hard-mechanics-based movement ability (Flight, Sprint) would counteract that.
Lost, there's a reason why I specified that the Size Shift (shrink) applies to the entire body in my example.
It's more or less an excuse to have a (usually) 5ft-high monster dog to shrink entirely into a chihuahua-sized package to dodge an attack, move through small tight spaces, or approach someone without raising immediate alarm.

I figure that shrinking on that level would probably impact movement speed in some manner (it's not like people expect a normal worker ant to move as fast as a dog-sized giant ant, right?), and was asking if hard-mechanics-based movement ability (Flight, Sprint) would counteract that.
Ah. Yes, it would (to both).
Shirou Emiya Edit 2

Second Verse, similar to the First. This character is for a Fate/Stay Night and CMGQ crossover that @LostDeviljho suggested and the rest of the ToHO crowd jumped on. So I apologize early if things get a bit weird.

(Independent) Magical Girl Hero's Heir

Emiya Shirou


Health: 50
Base Damage: 30
Base Resilience: 20
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Hero | Sword | Myth Maker

First Blade
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Sword
Ability: Indestructible

Last Strike
-A divine strike that will never miss.
Level 1
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 3
Affinity: Hero
Ability: Unerring

Heroic Form
Level 1
-The hero's ability to continue on.

Heroic Will
Level 1
-The Hero's ability to stand against the world.

Beloved of [EVERYTHING]
-Hero's Heir is immune to effects that say she "cannot exist". Instead of existing under Gaia's Influence, she exists under the rules of Cosmos.

Beloved of [NOTHING]
-Hero's Heir is immune to effects that would change the basis of her existence. Should such an effect come into conflict with her, she may ignore it whenever convenient.

-Allows the creation and improvement of spells.

The First Blade: Literally a mundane sword that is outright indestructible. It doesn't dull, rust, or age. As far as the Will of Gaia is concerned though, it's just a normal blade.

Last Strike: This spell is functionally an auto-aimer that "Guarantees the Target is Hit". It guides Hero's swing right into the person she is targeting. Whether or not it's fatal is all on her... until she learns how to sub-target it.

Heroic Form: Hero's resilience controller. It also has the passive effect of speeding up her own recovery as well as a "look how cool I am" field that she'll likely never notice.

Heroic Will: Literally what it says. Also her HP controller. It doesn't make her any more robust but turns her into what amounts to "too stubborn to die". So while her body would be reduced to a ruin, she'd still be conscious and able to act.

Beloved of [EVERYTHING] and Beloved of [NOTHING]: The literal representation of the fact she's a ball of alien physics in the Type-MOON universe. They allow her to exist without Gaia obliterating her in a puff of logic. Though at the same time, it renders her available for native/local laws to benefit her.
Danielle Fletcher, Edit 1

Thanks to @LostDeviljho, @Decim, @AsuraKyoko, and other on ToHO for the idea.

Destined for a Worm Self Insert.

(Independent) Magical Girl Second Watcher

Danielle Fletcher


Health: 300
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Evil | Slayer | Myth

Evil Eating Blade
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Evil
Ability: Slaughter

A reflective ritual that returns the target's Karma to zero through physical damage. Infinite Range.
Level 1
Base Damage: Target's Total Battle Output
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Slayer
Ability: Karma

Judge's Raiment
Level 1
-Armor of the adjudicator.

Flesh of Evil
Level 1
-The body to tempt sinners, bait of the trap.

First of Lost
-Second Watcher's first blow of a round always ignores the target's defensive string. If her first blow is some form of intercept, it ignores the incoming damage line. Her own offensive line is doubled if her target does not know who she is.

Court 17
-Second Watcher is aware of the Target's karmic weight.
Second Watcher is utterly lethal to anyone without some form of fast-acting healing ability present, and can kill a normal human in a single blow.

Her spell makes her hypothetically capable of slaying even the greatest opponents of the Worm setting (and beyond), so long as they aren't frugal with their damage output, and so long as they don't possess some form of damage immunity. The two-word qualifier of "Infinite Range" may or may not be able to bypass even multidimensional shenanigans.

To end the Entities utterly, only lacks abilities such as an ability to determine (and target) one's complete Karmic Weight (as opposed to one during the current battle)(unless that is what Penance already does), and an ability like Kinslayer/Familicide, to chain-reaction target everyone that is kin/family to Penance's target, with a Penance of their own.
and can kill a normal human in a single blow.
Not really saying much, tbh.

Her spell makes her hypothetically capable of slaying even the greatest opponents of the Worm setting (and beyond), so long as they aren't frugal with their damage output, and so long as they don't possess some form of damage immunity. The two-word qualifier of "Infinite Range" may or may not be able to bypass even multidimensional shenanigans.

To end the Entities utterly, only lacks abilities such as an ability to determine (and target) one's complete Karmic Weight (as opposed to one during the current battle)(unless that is what Penance already does), and an ability like Kinslayer/Familicide, to chain-reaction target everyone that is kin/family to Penance's target, with a Penance of their own.
I had crys clarify a bit in discord, because the potential interpretations had me a bit leery. To quote:
SW has to stand still and focus on the specified target. It then applies physical damage equivalent to the damage the target has causing during the battle.

They keyed damage cannot be collected from "collateral damage" (damage caused to the battlefield itself), and cannot have a degree of separation from a target. (Meaning only damage caused directly by the target, not a minion or debris from their attack.)​
So no, no killing Endbringers or Entities with that.