Tome of Cosmos - CWMGQ Character Building Thread

(Independent) Magical Girl Equinox

Atlanta Sound


Health: 900
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 750
Magic Modifier: 150

Affinity: Night | Day | Myth

Level 3
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Night | Day
Ability: Return

Celestial Dance
Level 5
Base Damage: 500
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Night | Day | Myth
Ability: Slash Hell

-Be made whole... (only usable in Night mode)
Level 1
Base Damage: (Cumulative damage dealt by all parties since switching to Night mode/last casting of Mend)
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Night | Myth
Ability: Overheal | Rapid Recovery

-Even gods bleed... (only usable in Day mode)
Level 5
Base Damage: 1000
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Day | Myth
Ability: Bleed | Omnipresent | Ray | Catastrophic Damage


Inhuman Skill
-Spend two Actions to nullify an opponent's action.

-Once per turn, Magical Girl Equinox can switch between two "modes", referred to as "Night" and "Day". Upon switching between modes, her base damage and resilience will swap, and her available spells and abilities will change. By default she transforms in "Night" mode, and the stats listed represent such.

Pacifism & Provocation: Level 5
-When in Night mode, all End Damage taken is halved, in Day mode Final Damage dealt is doubled. (Controls Damage and Resilience.)

Harmony: Level 3
-Magical Girl Equinox Regenerates 300 HP per turn. (Controls Health.)
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Random MG I have no real use for.
(Unified Light) Magical Girl Miracle Rain


Health: 3600
Base Damage: 150
Base Resilience: 600
Magic Modifier: 750
Affinity: Faith | Infinity | Myth
Level 15
Attacks per Turn: 2
Affinity: Infinity
Ability: Splinter | Invoke: Miracle Shower
Miracle Shower
-Drops of light. Heals allies, damages enemies.
Level 20
Base Damage: 400
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Faith
Ability: Rain of Light | Heal
Curse of the Heavens
-Miracle Shower seals enemy Flight on hit.

Transcendent Downpour
-Triple the effect of Danmaku derivatives.

Descent from Heaven
-Miracle Rain can attack outside the standard battle zone.

Miracle Elixirs
-Miracle Rain may synchronize with allied spells.

Fortifying Elixir
Level 12
-Controls Health and Resilience.
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this girl before, but never actually shared her sheet, so here ya go.

(Independent) Magical Girl Skybound Princess

Sierra Midland

Health: 250
Base Damage: 50
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 50

Affinity: Sky | Magic | Myth

Caster Gloves
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Masic
Ability: Dazzle | Mana Charge

Bountiful Sky
-Heals target for (damage + MM) initially, and continues to heal equal to MM for (spell level) turns.
Level 5
Base Damage: 1000
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Sky | Magic
Ability: Regenerate

Unseal the Spring
-Forcibly awakens target's Magical Girl powers, disregarding standard barriers such as age, gender, or species. Only usable once per ten spell levels.
Level 50
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Potential Release

False Collateral
-Each turn, add the cumulative base damage of all attacks made the previous turn to her magic modifier.

Wellspring of Power
-Skybound Princess maintains a connection to all those affected by her Unseal the Spring, and is aware of their locations and status at all times. She can add her own Magic Modifier to that of anyone she has a connection to, regardless of distance.
Should she die, those awakened by her Unseal the Spring will lose their powers, though if they could still awaken as a Magical Girl naturally, they will retain their previous level and abilities upon doing so.

(Skybound Princess) ▅▅▅▅▅ Skybound Hero

Sean Midland

Health: 350
Base Damage: 175
Base Resilience: 175
Magic Modifier: 100

Affinity: Sky | Magic | Legend

Skyward Sword
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Sky
Ability: Indestructible | Omni-caster (level 3)

Hurricane Orb
Level 5
Base Damage: 500
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Sky | Magic
Ability: Auto Assault | Detonate

Level 50
Base Damage: Target Health x25
Magic Modifier: 5,000 (25,000)
Affinity: Sky | Magic
Ability: Scale to Target | Total Charge | Target: Army | Apocalypse

-If an incoming attack is caught, intercept the attack with one of your own. If your damage is higher, negate the attack, and deal the difference in unblockable damage. If your damage is exceeded, reduce incoming damage by yours before calculation.

Hero of this Story
-Intercept attacks targeted at allies within range as a free action. Take no damage when intercepting.

You'll Have to Go Through Me
-Skybound Hero may sacrifice his own HP to negate an equal amount of damage done to an ally.

No Man's Sky
-Attacks against airborne enemies have their base power doubled, and ignore defenses.
I did a thing to one of @LostDeviljho 's old sheets:

(Independent) Magical Girl Drakensong

Erza-Beth Vattry

Health: 3,000
Base Damage: 750
Base Resilience: 600
Magic Modifier: 750
Affinity: Sound | Dragon | Myth

Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Sound | Dragon
Ability: Critical Strike | Spell Boost

Bass Booster
-Embeds speaker in solid surface. Speaker echoes all spells at 50% power.
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Sound
Ability: Proxy Caster | Stack By Level

-Shred it!
Level 10
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Sound
Ability: Boost Self | Laser | Channel

Dragon Song
-Truly stunning vocals.
Level 5
Base Damage: 500
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Sound | Dragon
Ability: Ray | Stun | Knockback

-All the decibels!
Level 5
Base Damage: 750
Magic Modifier: 550
Affinity: Sound
Ability: Omnipresent | Echo

House of Rock
-Phantasmal Fortress.
Level 10
Health: 10,000
Base Damage: 2,000
Base Resilience: 2,000
Magic Modifier: 2,000
Affinity: Sound
Ability: Summon | Knockback | Target: Army | Catastrophic Damage

Music of the Heart
Level 10
-Controls HP.

Music of the Soul
Level 10
-Controls Resilience.

Level 5
-Max Flight speed of 40 mph.

You Can't Stop The Rock
-When using Rock☆Star she is surrounded by an aura of soundwaves that deflect all incoming physical attacks unless they possess Armor Pierce or it's derivatives, in which case damage is reduced by 50%.

Lead Guitar
-Allies within hearing range of Drakensong's playing have their stats boosted by 10%.
-If an ally affected by Drakensong's Lead Guitar has the "Dragon" affinity, they are instead boosted by 200%.​

I Hear Thunder, But There's No Rain
-Drakensong is treated as having the "Thunder" affinity wherever useful. If an ally has a water-based Affinity, render them immune to electrical affinities.

This Kind of Thunder Breaks Walls and Windowpanes
-All attacks with the "Sound" affinity are treated as having Collateral Damage. Enemies with earth-related affinities have their Base Resilience reduced by 75%. All allies have their attack treated as if they carry Armor Pierce.

Fortress Called Sound
-Drakensong's stats are increased by 100% when fighting in defense of a location or object. Availability of defensive structures such as castle walls increases them by an additional 300%.

The Greatest Stage
-While House of Rock is upon the field of battle, Drakensong may cast any number of spells equal to half of House of Rock's level at the same time for each action spent. So long as she is singing, House of Rock cannot be damaged.
I was asked to show you some Fairy Warbook Spells. Here we go.

Warbook: Barrier
Single Target
Level 10
Base Boost: 200
Magic Modifier: 1,500
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge | Boost-All | Damage Block

Warbook: Mind's Whisper
Level 30
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Target By Level | Telepathy | Single Turn Effect

Warbook: Firestorm
Level 15
Base Damage: 450
Magic Modifier: 750
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge | Detonate | Burn

Warbook: True Strike
Level 10
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 400
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge | Unstoppable

Warbook: Force Lance
Level 20
Base Damage: 1,000
Magic Modifier: 4,000
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge | Ordnance

Warbook: Vortex Field
Level 15
Base Damage: 150
Magic Modifier: 45
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge | Target By Modifier | Vacuum

Warbook: Suppression
Level 25
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Spellbook Lockdown

Warbook: Ethereal Blade
Level 15
Base Damage: 450
Magic Modifier: 1,500
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge | Ghost Touch

Warbook: Poison Spray
Level 15
Base Damage: 150
Magic Modifier: 900
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge | Poison

Warbook: Shockwave
Level 10
Base Damage: 500
Magic Modifier: 2,000
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge

Warbook: Enlightenment
Level 20
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Analyze

Warbook: Steadfastness
Level 15
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Boost All | Negate Slayer

Warbook: Thundering Roar
Level 20
Base Damage: 400
Magic Modifier: 3,000
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Mana Charge | Stagger

Warbook: METEOR
Level N/A
Base Damage: Target Health x100
Magic Modifier: Target's Health
Affinity: Fire | Wind | Earth | Magic
Ability: Auto Max Charge | Target: Army | Unstoppable | Apocalypse | (Synchronize Only)

Meteor is just for good measure, seeing that we already have its effect. Interesting to know is that it is a Spell known to every Death Squad.

It is also cast by at least two Fairies and takes five turns to complete. More Fairies can be added up to five, each one slicing one turn off the time requirement.
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I felt like making Junko, but didn't feel like submitting her, especially as she's kinda scary. Have simple death.
Magical Girl Pure Grudge


Health: 500
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 75
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Refinement | Hatred | Myth
Seven Pure Flames
Level 1
Attacks per Turn: 1
Affinity: Hatred
Ability: Double Hit
Simple Spell for Cornering a Trapped Rat
Level 1
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Refinement
Ability: Undodgeable | Bind

Pristine Spell for Killing a Person
Level 1
Base Damage: 20% Target Health
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Refinement
Ability: Juggernaut | Scale to Target
Pure Hatred
-She has Superslayer.

Purified Form
Level 1
-Controls Health and Resilience.
(Avatar of Horror) Tower of Flesh


Health: 5,500
Base Damage: 25,000
Base Resilience: 1,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Horror

Hammer of Flesh
Level N/A
Attacks per Turn: 1
Affinity: Horror
Ability: Crush

Falling Sky
-The tower of flesh can hit half the battlefield with each attack. When it dies, it launches an attack, but it's killer may choose which side of the battlefield it flattens.

(Avatar of Horror) Mana Node


Health: 15,000
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 500
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Horror

Mana Discharge
Level 10
Base Damage: 500
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Horror
Ability: Perpetual Caster

Unstable Discharge
-Whenever the Mana Node takes damage, it casts Mana Discharge against the entire battlefield. It cannot otherwise act.
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Here, have a Demon.

(Duchess Maya) Lilith


Health: 25,000
Base Damage: 5,655
Base Resilience: 8,600
Magic Modifier: 2,000

Affinity: Hugs

Heart Tail
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Hugs
Ability: Juggernaut | Spell Boost

Heartful Wave
A powerful, lavender beam attack that comes from the heart... on Lilith's tail.
Level 10
Base Damage: 23,500
Magic Modifier: 3,000
Affinity: Hugs
Ability: Ordnance | Detonate | Ray

Share a Shard of Happiness
-Lilith may increase any one stat except ApT by 1 for each time she hugs someone new.

Gentle Heart's Serenade
Level 4
-Allies fighting by Lilith's side double their ApT.

Level 7
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 60mph.

High-Speed Combat (Lvl 1)
-Lilith can track and react to enemies moving at up to 90mph.
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On a related note, how much of her current stats is from levels and how much is from hugs? Invisitext is good.
No Invisitext needed... or useful. This Ability's gains can change so quickly that pinning them in her sheet is futile.
I do have them noted, though.

Her base stats are:
Health: 1,250
Damage: 100
Resilience: 150
MM: 200

Heartful Wave
Damage: 350
MM: 300

And to the point at which this sheet exists, she has hugged 53,655 different people.
No Invisitext needed... or useful. This Ability's gains can change so quickly that pinning them in her sheet is futile.
I do have them noted, though.

Her base stats are:

And to the point at which this sheet exists, she has hugged 53,655 different people.
Yeah, to avoid changing the numbers constantly, the invisitext that can help is "this is how much she gains from each level". Basically the info you just posted.
About Non-Human Characters
A Word About Non-Human Character Sheets
With some Death Squad mixed in

So, some people on Discord mentioned that we do not really know how to make Fairies. Which confused me a little, until I realised that one little detail is drowned out by the Magical Girls being special snowflakes everywhere.

Quite simply, everything in this setting can be built in the same way. This is a rule you can always adhere to.

Magical Girls are special insofar that they start out with powerful Abilities, and can grow incredibly fast compared to everything else in this setting.

So here are a few guidelines about the matter.

1) Most non-humans start with stat-boosts or other 'easy' Abilities, some get more complicated (read: powerful) stuff to start. The latter category is mainly strong Demons and Angels

2) Their starting numbers depend on their race; usually, it suffices to look at the mook-sheets on mainline's front page to get an idea for how to distribute them. Controllers for Health and Base Resilience depend on the race; Fairies usually get none, for example.

3) As they age, they slowly amass higher numbers and more powerful Abilities. In general, it takes a lot of time. Your bog-standard Demon Foot Soldier can potentially get enough stuff to challenge seasoned Legends and maybe even some Epics, if he survives a few millennia.

4) The amount of time is somewhat dependant on the base of a given character, but also on their race; Elven champions, even though there are few of them, reach their height within a few decades at most.

5) Take heed of just one thing: Affinities; non-humans rarely have anything that would be conceptual (e.g. Journey, Purity, Skill), though some quite broad concepts are more common (e.g. Life, Death, Time, Magic). With some thought, you can usually translate concepts into things to attribute them to, though (e.g. Journey -> Boot, Purity -> Water, Skill -> Champion); it works better for some than for others
Look at the bottom for a more detailed explanation.

Or, TL;DR: You can build everything not human the same way as a Magical Girl, just be mindful of the starting stats, the timespans involved, and the Affinities they get.

Now that we have the basics, let us look at an example: The Fairy Death Squadron.

Quite simply, Death Squads are spec ops. Few make it through boot camp, and even fewer survive their first few engagements. This weeds out those only slightly above average; the Fairies that survive about ten missions are either outstanding or outright prodigies.

So, let us see the kind of things a veteran Death Squad of fourty missions could do. I will truncate their Spell-lists because there would be tons of Warbook-Spells in there, which I really do not want to list.

(Unified Light / Fairy Home Realms) Clover


Health: 500
Base Damage: 2,000
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: 80,000

Affinity: Magic | Forest

Fairy Force Lance
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Magic | Forest
Ability: Spell Boost | Anti-Parry | Unstoppable

Mana Bulwark
Level 30
Base Boost: 7,500
Magic Modifier: 150,000
Affinity: Forest
Ability: Mana Charge | Boost-All | Damage Block

Pollen Beam
Level 30
Base Damage: 9,000
Magic Modifier: 75,000
Affinity: Forest
Ability: Mana Charge | Apocalypse | Quadra Magic

Level 10
-Can take to the air and fly ut up to 90mph.

High-Speed Combat (Lvl 2)
-Clover is capable of tracking and reacting to opponents moving at up to 180mph.

Arcane Armour
-Clover's defensive modifier rolls are always maxed. All offensive Abilities hitting her are reduced by one tier; if they only have one tier, they are reduced in power by 50% instead.

Magic Mastery
-Clover may cast up to two Spells each turn, and spend any number of actions on charging a Spell. She can move and fight as normal while charging, and her charges can only be interrupted by herself.

Warp Charge
-Clover may spend an action to close into melee range with an opponent.

-Take note of how she can get herself a 150k shield to her guaranteed 80k defense, while also reducing Unstoppable hitting her to Juggernaut and Smite to Judgement. Any attack without at least 50k damage is meaningless against her.

(Unified Light / Fairy Home Realms) Vivi


Health: 300
Base Damage: 2,500
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 120,000

Affinity: Magic | Sun

Fairy Mana Dagger
Level 25
Attacks Per Turn: 13
Affinities: Magic
Ability: Spell Boost | Vorpal | Modifier Save

Flowey Shield
Level 30
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinties: Sun
Ability: Auto Counter | Modifier Save

Solar Beam
Level 20
Base Damage: 6,000
Magic Modifier: 50,000
Affinity: Magic | Sun
Ability: Mana Charge | Metafracture | Hypersonic 3

Level 14
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 130mph.

High-Speed Combat (Lvl 2)
-Vivi is capable of tracking and reacting to opponents moving at up to 180mph.

Bright Defender
-All opposing damage has to run against allied Damage Reduction, even if it normally would not.

Smiling Sunflower
-Whenever Vivi casts a boosted Spell, she may double MM and treat it as Base Damage instead.

Actinic Light
-When in an Intercept-conflict, Vivi may autocast Solar Beam and layer it into her attack. Does not trigger Smiling Sunflower.

-Just so it is clear, her dagger controls her damage and the shield her MM
-also a team-Ability that makes everyone able to survive damaging auras and the like

(Unified Light / Fairy Home Realms) Selene


Health: 400
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 75
Magic Modifier: 40,000

Affinity: Moon | Wind

Lunar Lotus
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Moon
Ability: Spell Boost | Multi-Caster (Lvl 10) | Omni-Caster (Lvl 5)

Storm Fang
Level 25
Base Damage: 25,000
Magic Modifier: 25,000
Affinity: Wind
Ability: Vorpal | Juggernaut | Erase

Lunar Wind
Level 25
Base Damage: 5,000
Magic Modifier: 100,000
Affinity: Moon | Wind
Ability: Apocalypse | Murder | Ray

Level 13
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 120mph.

High-Speed Combat (Lvl 2)
-Selene is capable of tracking and reacting to opponents moving at up to 180mph.

Caster's Circle
-Any opponent who gets closer than 30m to Selene receives one of her regular modifier rolls in direct Health damage each turn they remain within that range.

The Mana Tide
-Ray may trigger off of Multi-Caster, and, if all actions are used on it, count Omni-Caster's level as Selene's ApT. Every trigger doubles the modifier roll of the first, until the maximum is reached.

Ethereal Reaper
-All defenses based on being Intangible or otherwise too fleeting to be hit properly are disabled against Selene's attacks.

-The Mana Tide basically lets Ray work off of Omni-Caster's Level if she commits to a full turn of it, and has it trigger 11 times per 'action' either way

(Unified Light / Fairy Home Realms) Lyria


Health: 450
Base Damage: 3,000
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 40,000

Affinity: Life | Song

Song Staff
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 10
Affinities: Song
Ability: Omni Caster (Lvl 10) | Priority Boost

Song of Life
Level 35
Base Heal: 7,000
Magic Modifier: 35,000
Affinity: Life | Song
Ability: Mana Charge | Overheal

Fairy Requiem
Level N/A
Base Damage: 100% Lyria's Current Health
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Life | Song
Ability: Damage by Health

Level 12
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 110mph.

High-Speed Combat (Lvl 2)
-Lyria is capable of tracking and reacting to opponents moving at up to 180mph.

Vibrant Echo
-All allies reroll their modifier roll and pick the better result.

Aria of Power
-If Fairy Requiem is cast, Lyria's Health resets and her MM is increased by the amount of Health she was above her maximum. It may not grow beyond ten times her regular MM.

Serenade of Silence
Level 34
-While Lyria sings, all enemy Spells at level 17 and below are halved in power; all enemy Spells below level 11 are sealed entirely.

Serenade of Silence grows by 1 level of weakening per 2 levels of the Ability, and a third of the level for sealing.

(Unified Light / Fairy Home Realms) Khio


Health: 400
Base Damage: 12,500
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: 75,000

Affinity: Ice | Abyss

Dark Crystal Scepter
Level 25
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Ice | Abyss
Ability: Juggernaut | Freeze

Cold Grasp
Creates crystal-clear shards of ice that pierce all enemies
Level 30
Base Damage: 300
Magic Modifier: 30,000
Affinity: Ice
Ability: Mana Charge | Chill | Target by Modifier

Level 19
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 180mph.

High-Speed Combat (Lvl 3)
-Khio is capable of tracking and reacting to opponents moving at up to 270mph.

Master Skill
-Khio May sacrifice three actions to negate an enemy's action.

Frozen Coffin
-If Khio negates an attack, she may cast Cold Grasp as a free counterattack.

Eyes of Black Ice
-Every time Khio kills an enemy, her ApT reset.

-she is this team's melee-specialist

Technically, each of them would have another bunch of offensive and supportive Warbook-Spells, but we can just imagine those being there. Seeing their personal Spells should be enough.

Addendum in regard to Affinities.

As mentioned, conceptual Affinities are not available to non-humans. They appeared with the advent of humanity, and only knowing about/interacting with them made it possible for the others to unlock those as well.

What is a conceptual Affinity? Well, everything that sounds complex likely is. As a rule of thumb, you can assume any term that can not be described easily in a single sentence is conceptual. This is a rule of thumb, do not try to apply it to literally everything.

Examples: Victory, Journey, Protection, Decay

What is not? Everything not in the above category. Generally, simple terms and physicals objects are assuredly not conceptual. All of them are fair game for non-humans.

Examples: Champion, Boot, Shield, Skeleton

The examples for non-conceptual, in this case, are meant to describe terms which fit the respective examples for conceptual. In general, you can usually find something from the latter category to substitute an Affinity from the former.

Non-conceptual Affinities are usually more specific than conceptual ones; this does not mean anything, there is still some variety in what kind of effects they can get.
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5) Take heed of just one thing: Affinities; non-humans rarely have anything that would be conceptual (e.g. Journey, Purity, Skill), though some quite broad concepts are more common (e.g. Life, Death, Time, Magic). With some thought, you can usually translate concepts into things to attribute them to, though (e.g. Journey -> Boot, Purity -> Water, Skill -> Champion); it works better for some than for others
Conceptual Affinities are less rare (but still rare) if it's the third or later affinity, right (not that it's common for anything that's less than a few hundred years old or an angel to get those)?
Arcane Armour
-Clover's defensive modifier rolls are always maxed. All offensive Abilities hitting her are reduced by one tier.
How does this interact with abilities that don't have a lesser tier, such as Armor Pierce and Sudden Death?
Bright Defender
-All opposing damage has to run against allied Damage Reduction, even if it normally would not. Vivi's Solar Beam Spell can not be sealed.
Does this affect status effects, such as Burn and Poison?
And Metafracture auto-kills Dark Stars.
Huh? Since when? I know that Grand Dispel fucks them up horribly, but wouldn't Metafracture just punch through all defenses (both stat and ability) of them, but still need to go against their Health?
Ethereal Reaper
-All defenses based on being Intangible or otherwise too fleeting to be hit properly are disabled against Selene's attacks.
Doesn't False Existence count as being too fleeting?
-are you seeing the up to 77,000 Overheal? Keep in mind that she gets to cast 35 of those on herself per action, and has ten actions per turn.
Just gotta stay away from those Current HP based Scale to Target attacks.

Thankfully those are rather rare.
Frozen Coffin
-If Khio negates an attack, Cold Grasp may be cast as a free counterattack, except that its Target by Modifier is replaced with Boost by Modifier.
Does this amplify the number of Chill stacks inflicted?

And can this target a Continental god either by focusing a ton of hits on the same target or by using the Boost by Modifier version?
-Conceptual Affinities are less rare (but still rare) if it's the third or later affinity, right (not that it's common for anything that's less than a few hundred years old or an angel to get those)?

-How does this interact with abilities that don't have a lesser tier, such as Armor Pierce and Sudden Death?

-Does this affect status effects, such as Burn and Poison?

-Huh? Since when? I know that Grand Dispel fucks them up horribly, but wouldn't Metafracture just punch through all defenses (both stat and ability) of them, but still need to go against their Health?

-Doesn't False Existence count as being too fleeting?

-Does this amplify the number of Chill stacks inflicted?

-And can this target a Continental god either by focusing a ton of hits on the same target or by using the Boost by Modifier version?
In order:
-No conceptual Affinities before the Akashic Pillar emerges, or someone had contact with a human before somehow; so unless something you build got their newest Affinity within the last ~10 years of mainline, the answer is likely no.

-Armor Pierce gets negated entirely, as does every other first-tier Ability aside from some. Sudden Death, due to being Sudden Death, negates the Ability instead. Same for Supremacy, and maybe some others (not sure right now, and unwilling to go through the whole Bible).


-Since it was made. Metafracture is "all magic is gone in this place", and Dark Stars are pure magic. If they get hit by that, they cease to exist.

-...potentially, would have to ask Crys to be certain


-Maybe, depending on circumstances
No conceptual Affinities before the Akashic Pillar emerges, or someone had contact with a human before somehow; so unless something you build got their newest Affinity within the last ~10 years of mainline, the answer is likely no.
Huh? I thought it was that they existed but just were stupidly rare outside of high end members of Thirteenth Hell and False Heaven?

Aren't things like OG Gabriel's Salvation and Revelation affinities conceptual (her third and fourth affinities)?
-Armor Pierce gets negated entirely, as does every other first-tier Ability aside from some. Sudden Death, due to being Sudden Death, negates the Ability instead. Same for Supremacy, and maybe some others (not sure right now, and unwilling to go through the whole Bible).
Wasn't sure on Sudden Death since that ability alone wouldn't prevent it from dealing damage. Sudden Death would be trying to reduce the raw defensive stats, if anything.

But yeah, should it just be assumed as "if there's no lower tier because it's a weak ability it's negated, but if there's no lower tier because it's a unique high end ability it either gets unaffected or has its effectiveness reduced a bit"?
Since it was made. Metafracture is "all magic is gone in this place", and Dark Stars are pure magic. If they get hit by that, they cease to exist.
No, "all magic is gone" is the dispell line. Metafracture is "I'm gonna treat this magic like it never existed". Dispel removes, MF ignores.
Huh? I thought it was that they existed but just were stupidly rare outside of high end members of Thirteenth Hell and False Heaven?

Aren't things like OG Gabriel's Salvation and Revelation affinities conceptual (her third and fourth affinities)?

Wasn't sure on Sudden Death since that ability alone wouldn't prevent it from dealing damage. Sudden Death would be trying to reduce the raw defensive stats, if anything.

But yeah, should it just be assumed as "if there's no lower tier because it's a weak ability it's negated, but if there's no lower tier because it's a unique high end ability it either gets unaffected or has its effectiveness reduced a bit"?
No comment about Gabriel. I know the reason, but that would be spoilers.

Yes for the rest.

No, "all magic is gone" is the dispell line. Metafracture is "I'm gonna treat this magic like it never existed". Dispel removes, MF ignores.
grumbles quietly about misunderstandings and goes to change stuff
You all likely remember this chick from Chasing Dreams. Decided to edit her some for likely future use in other things.

@Naron, I would like to know if this is any better then her original mess I built under that initial misunderstanding.

(Counter Force/Unified Light) Magical Girl World's End

Victoria Milford

Health: 450
Base Damage: 150
Base Resilience: 125
Magic Modifier: 200
Affinity: End | Light | Legend

Light From World's End
A beautiful glow that reminds those that see it of happier days. Memories that have come back to protect them in the present.
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Light
Ability: Shapeshift

Light From World's End
Gather light. Every ounce and instance of it, and unleash it all in a single cataclysmic burst fit to sweep the world away.
Level 1
Base Damage: 5,000
Magic Modifier: 100 (500)
Affinity: End
Ability: Total Charge | Ordinance

Final Regalia
Level 1
-A divine armor meant to resist the greatest of enemies.

Pinnacle of Form
Level 1
-The final form of man at the end of the world.

Blessings From The End of the World
-A composite ability that subsumes and fuels all of her other abilities.
  • Mana Force
    If Magic Modifier roll is less than 30% of the maximum possible, roll again. If Modifier roll is 50% or higher, double damage and treat attack as having Unreal Strength. This ability is Recursive.
  • Radiance That Shines to The End of The World
    Charging Light From World's End increases World's Ends' Base Damage by a percent equal to how charged Light From World's End is. (Eg. 40% charged increases her base damage by 40%.) World's End may withold firing her spell to retain this damage increase, but each turn after a full charge is reached, she takes 1% of her max health in backlash damage until the spell is released or canceled.