Tome of Cosmos - CWMGQ Character Building Thread

Compiled Magical Girl List (Except QQ)
Missing: Mainquest thread, UtOS Updates, Hellfire Unused, anything QQ-only, Discord-only
Last Updated: 8/27/2021

Definitively Canon
Solid Core
Solid Drive
Judgement Drive
Judgement Core
Juggernaut Drive
Goddess Gold
Goddess White
Red Rose
White Knight or White Knight
Goddess Grey
Goddess Red
Candy Heart
Blue Sky
Sixth Heaven
Maiden of the East
Maiden of the West
Brilliant Key
M.E.C.A. Force
Silver Hero
Solar Radiance
Lunar Radiance
Grey Champion
White Soul
███████ Thorn Warden
Horseman of Death
Horseman of Famine
Horseman of War
Horseman of Pestilence
Red Knight

The following Magical girls also appeared, but only briefly and never in combat. There is a significant chance they do not match their current/original sheets, but they exist in some form. (TODO: Links)
Twilight Eclipse
Sundown Eclipse
Summer Queen
Winter Queen
Summit (Probably not the UtoS version)
Crystal Mage
Inferno Mage
Raging Heart/Destined Lightning/Night Sky
Fable Heart
Warped Mirror
Limitless Horizon (Mention only, no appearance)
The following Magical Girls are mentioned only in voting options. They may not match the linked sheets. (TODO: Links)
Crimson Hood
Flawless Paladin
Sumire Saber
Sakura Saber
Madama Morte
Wild Heart
Internet Explorer
Plant Queen
Dragon Queen
Game Queen
Beastly Maiden
Forest Guardian
Heavenly Destroyer
Melodious Siren
Shining Scholar
Dark Judge
Silver Chevalier (Might be the same as Chevalier?)
Ashen Saint
Pristine Saint
These may not have a set place in-setting, but were made by Crys/Lost or effectively accepted by them.
RP Canon
They exist(ed) but might not have followed exactly that series of events.
And somewhat less confirmed as Canon

Potential Canon
Good RP Sheets. @Mellithae bias may apply. May have been privately updated for reuse. They probably exist in some form that may not match this exactly.
Good sheets from other sources. Similar conditions....These are all mine, but that's cause no-one else posts (not-yet-canon) MG sheets in the Tome. (Okay, there's like 5, but I don't like any of them.) There would be more here if some of the discord sheets were posted here.
Dubious Sheets from any source. Didn't collect outright bad ones. Bias applies (I'm sorry reaper), but most of these are mine, so. Significant choice of Private Updates.

Canon-Compliant but...
I do not write well

They might still exist, but most of those events didn't happen.
Todo: the rest

Alternate Canon
Magical Girl ERROR/End

Previously Canon
Magical Girl Scarlet Empress and Her Legion (Unified Light / Burning March)
The Man Who Speaks In Hands (Unaligned / Need a translator page)
Magical Girl Clockwork Prism (Unaligned / The World Machine / Tick Tock)
The World Machine (Unaligned / Slow Growth)
Magical Girl Fable Heart (Unified Light / Team HEART / Pocket Trauma)
Magical Girl Sundown Eclipse (Unified Light / Eclipse Sisters)
Magical Girl Twilight Eclipse (Unified Light / Eclipse Sisters)
Magical Girl Silver Chevalier (Unified Light / I want to be, the very best!)
Team: ROUND TABLE (Unified Light / Insanity is Contagious)
Magical Girl Lunatic Psyker (Unified Darkness / Unlimited RAGE!!)
Magical Girl Arc Mastermind (Unified Light / Pop quiz / All the dynamos)
Magical Girl Armageddon Hound / Hound of the Apocalypse (Unified Darkness / Burn it all / Elves are crunchy and taste good with A1 steak sauce / You mean Fairies dear)
Magical Girl Atlantis Thunder (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / BFG / Boom)
Magical Girl Atlantis Flame (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / Get fired up)
Magical Girl Atlantis Blade (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / Chop, chop, chopchopchopchopchop / Princess of Atlantis / "No I'm not." / "Yes she is, don't let her lie to you.")
Magical Girl Atlantis Guardian (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / "STOP TOSING THAT DAMNED NUKE!" / "IT'S NOT A NUKE!")
Magical Girl Atlantis Ether (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / New Girl / MG Squared)
Magical Girl Primary Wiccan (Unified Light / Was actually a pretty nice girl)
Magical Girl Monster Keeper (Unified Light / Wants a Zoology Major)
Professor ElRoi (Unified Light / Counter Force / Civilian Contractor)
Magical Girl Pitch Black (Unified Light / Independent / Like to sit in the middle of nowhere and meditate)
Magical Girl Insight (Unified Light / Red Rose's protégé / Shut Up Shirley)
Magical Girl Crimson Hood / Nightmare of Crimson (Unified Light / Independent / "Are you afraid?" / "Of THe biG BaD WoLf?")
The Moores Family (Unified Light / Oldest Half Elf / Winds up being a MG)
Magical Girl Flawless Paladin (Unified Darkness / Everyone knows she's a spy / Not very good at this is she?)
Magical Girl Mystic Wraith (Unified Light / Independent / Ghost Story Anyone?)
Magical Girl Emerald Blossom (Unified Light / Independent / I got nothing)
Magical Girl Steel Monsoon (Unified Light / Big Gun, Little Girl / Try not to think about wardrobe malfunctions)
Magical Girl Good Hunter (/人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\ Spoilers /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\)
The Paleblood Moon (/人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\ Spoilers /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\)
Magical Girl Sumire Saber (Unified Light / Saber Sisters / Theoretical Infinite Blocking Skills)
Magical Girl Sakura Saber (Unified Light / Saber Sisters / Use Friendship For Infinite Power!)
Magical Girl Echo Dervish (Unified Light / Independent / White Soul's Spiritual Successor / Slightly more Stable)
Magical Girl Madama Morte (??? / Traumatic Event Ho! / Hates Goddess Red)
Magical Girl Titan Killer (Unified Light / Not Actually a Girl)
Magical Girl Mysterious Heroine χ (Unaligned / Please insert bullshitium complaints into the invisible box over there)
Magical Girl Drakensong (Independent / Unaligned / Best Musician)
Magical Girl M.E.C.A. Force (Unified Light / Can't nerf shit)
Magical Girl M.E.C.A. Force (As of her appearance in-quest)
Civvie (Unaligned / Hidden Power / The Hommando's Mechakemi Is Real)
Magical Girl Warped Mirror (Unified Light / Fun~ House)
Magical Girl Prisma Drake (Unified Light / Always be the Dragon)
???? Thorn Warden (Unified Light / He was blackmailed into it initially)
Magical Girl Equinox (Independent / Cruel Dawn / Calming Evening)
Magical Girl Rose Encore (Unified Light / Egotistical)

Magical Girl Blue Dragon / The Blue Dragon (Unaligned / Follow the Wind)
Magical Girl Solar Radiance (??? / Got Mindfucked)
Magical Girl Lunar Radiance (??? / Solar Radiance / Got Mindfucked, then Mindfucked the Mindfucking)

Magical Girl Scholar of Catastrophe (Unaligned / I'd tap dat)
Magical Girl Summer Queen / Magical Girl Winter Queen (Unified Light / Love playing their little game)
Chronos and the Clockwork Dames (Unaligned / He was stronger once upon a time)
Calamity!Chronos (The Original Concept of Time)
The Fairy Tail Four Five (Old) (Unified Light / The Fairy Tale Girls)
Magical Girl Dark Reaper (Unified Light / Do the Space Warp)
Magical Girl Plant Queen (Unified Light / Plant Kingdom)
Magical Girl Dragon Queen (Unified Light / Yes, her name actually is Tiamat)
Team RIOT (Unified Light / LETS START A RIOT!!)
The Primals (Unified Light / Early Birds did not get the worm)
...the Four Horsemen (Unified Light / Goddess Grey Wants To Talk Copyright)
Magical Girl Nightmare Monarch (Unified Light / Innocently Terrifying)
Magical Girl Shining Scholar (Unified Light / Counter Force / VL / Insert Spell Check Joke Here .JPEG)
Magical Girl Black Fractal (Unified Light / Don't Look in the Box)
Team CUTE (Unified Light / Please ignore the implied fridge horror)
Team RESEARCHER (Unified Light)
Emissaries of Light (Unaligned Front)
Magical Girl Huntress of Darkness and Magical Girl Bloody Nightmare (Unified Light / Alucard is on a walk / Integra needs laid)
Magical Girl Otherworld Guide (Unified Light / Glowy)
Magical Girl Princess Peach / Nightmare of Peach (Unified Light / Unaligned / The castle is missing)
Magical Girl Evil Overlord (and her bitches minions / Independent)
Magical Girl Hopekiller (Independent / And Her Dance Squad)
The Seven Deadly Sins (Variable / Independent / Sloth is a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass)
Magical Girl Reaper of Madness and Black Blood (Unified Light / Loony Room +1)
Magical Girl Storm Empress (Unified Light / Collateral Damage Woman / Bayoneta's cousin no one talks about / ALL THE LIGHTING!!)
Magical Girl Critical Reviewer (Unified Light / Back Line)
Nightmare Hunters (Unified Light / Much better / Blessing of the Infernal / Blessing of the Divine)
Team SLAYER (Unified Light / Are you scared of the dark?)Team SLAYER (Part 2) (Unified Light / You should be~)
Magical Girl Harmonious Priestess (Unified Light / Inheritor of Red)
Magical Girl Echidna (Independent / Mother of Monsters / All My Yes)
Magical Girl Symphonic Conductor (Unified Light / Sing Softly)

Magical Girl Red Comet (Unified Light / Fifth in Line / Technically a respawn but ain't)

(Nix's Warden)
Magical Girl Silent Murder (Unified Darkness / Stab Happy)
Magical Girl Dark Judge (Unified Light / No one expects the inquisition! / Hiding all the trauma)

Magical Girl Summit (Unified Light / Before and After)
Magical Girl Will'o'Wisp (Unified Light / Counter Force / Psychological Warfare much?)
Antonio "Tony" Menendez (Unified Light / Go loud)
Natalie (Independent / Kleptomania For The Win / Walking RPG Stereo Type)
Magical Girl Illuminator (Akashic Pillar / Spell-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam)
Magical Girl Twin Legacy (Unaligned / She's just a kid)
Fiodur (Unified Darkness / Thirteenth Hell / Usable!)

End-Bringer (Yggdrasil's guard dog)

Magical Girl Breakfast Call (Unified Light? / All the fridge horror)
Magical Girl Gift Wrap (Unified Light / Bonus Fridge horror)

Magical Girl Raging Heart (Independent / Unified Light / Walking Traumatic Event)
Magical Girl Destined Lightning (Independent / PTSD is a Thing)
Magical Girl Night Sky (Independent / Unified Light / Pet Nightmare / Pocket Apocalypse)

Dream Heart (Independent / Team HEART / Dead On Arrival)
Magical Girl Soul Record (Variable / Respawn Hell)

(Dream Logic)
Magical Girl Burning Savior (Unified Light / Betray your allies! Get bonuses!)
Magical Girl Lucky Ace / Magical Girl Sinful Sound (Independent / Unified Light / Wanna Be Lucky / Easy to Abuse)
Magical Girl Grey Skies / Magical Girl Wrathful Dragon (Unified Light / "Depression" of enemies / Just punch harder)


Priestess of the Moon / Moon Rider and their 'Mounts' (Unified Light / Strange relationships)
Crystal Mage / Inferno Mage (Unified Light / Unified Darkness / Back Stabbing Bitches)
Magical Girl Machine Code (Unified Light / Counter Force / I can so totally see her as friends with Limitless Horizon)
Nightmare of the Night (Hayate / Took the bat like a champ)
Zumwalt-class Guided Missile Cruiser (Unified Light / Counter Force / Still a destroyer)

The Purpose (Geometrically Screaming)

ZETTA_FEMTO (Somewhere around Cosmos' Vocal Cords)
Magical Girl Medical Sniper (Unified Light / The stealth healer)
Magical Girl Determined Dunce (Unified Light / Died Early / And Painfully)
Magical Girl Grief Lantern (Unified Light / Her End was Painful)

Beth Squad (Unified Light / Counter Force / Would Witchout, but Can't)
Magical Girl Limitless Horizon

Magical Girl Final Shot

Magical Girl Shining Key

Magical Girl Wild Heart
Magical Girl Mageslayer (Unified Light / w00000000000000000000t)

Magical Girl Singing Knight (Unified Light / Not sure if those shorts go with that outfit...)
Magical Girl Rock Destroyer (Unified Light / Edited by @LostDeviljho)

Magical Girl Dark Steel
Magical Girl Snow Gourd

Magical Girl Dwarven Overseer (Unified Light / Counter Force / Losing isn't fun if you can die when you fuck up / Doesn't mean spitting out random fortresses behind enemies lines isn't though / Have some more "Happy Fun" Stuff)
Noncanon but Valid
Crossovers Inc.

I'm not doing Libra's Lament or Firequest. Or those 3 one-post quests.
Last edited:
Compiled Magical Girl List (Except QQ)
Missing: Mainquest thread, UtOS Updates, Hellfire Unused, anything QQ-only, Discord-only
Last Updated: 8/27/2021

Definitively Canon
Solid Core
Solid Drive
Judgement Drive
Judgement Core
Juggernaut Drive
Goddess Gold
Goddess White
Red Rose
White Knight or White Knight
Goddess Grey
Goddess Red
Candy Heart
Blue Sky
Sixth Heaven
Maiden of the East
Maiden of the West
Brilliant Key
M.E.C.A. Force
Silver Hero
Solar Radiance
Lunar Radiance
Grey Champion
White Soul
███████ Thorn Warden
Horseman of Death
Horseman of Famine
Horseman of War
Horseman of Pestilence
Red Knight

The following Magical girls also appeared, but only briefly and never in combat. There is a significant chance they do not match their current/original sheets, but they exist in some form. (TODO: Links)
Twilight Eclipse
Sundown Eclipse
Summer Queen
Winter Queen
Summit (Probably not the UtoS version)
Crystal Mage
Inferno Mage
Raging Heart/Destined Lightning/Night Sky
Fable Heart
Warped Mirror
Limitless Horizon (Mention only, no appearance)
The following Magical Girls are mentioned only in voting options. They may not match the linked sheets. (TODO: Links)
Crimson Hood
Flawless Paladin
Sumire Saber
Sakura Saber
Madama Morte
Wild Heart
Internet Explorer
Plant Queen
Dragon Queen
Game Queen
Beastly Maiden
Forest Guardian
Heavenly Destroyer
Melodious Siren
Shining Scholar
Dark Judge
Silver Chevalier (Might be the same as Chevalier?)
Ashen Saint
Pristine Saint
These may not have a set place in-setting, but were made by Crys/Lost or effectively accepted by them.
RP Canon
They exist(ed) but might not have followed exactly that series of events.
And somewhat less confirmed as Canon

Potential Canon
Good RP Sheets. @Mellithae bias may apply. May have been privately updated for reuse. They probably exist in some form that may not match this exactly.
Good sheets from other sources. Similar conditions....These are all mine, but that's cause no-one else posts (not-yet-canon) MG sheets in the Tome. (Okay, there's like 5, but I don't like any of them.) There would be more here if some of the discord sheets were posted here.
Dubious Sheets from any source. Didn't collect outright bad ones. Bias applies (I'm sorry reaper), but most of these are mine, so. Significant choice of Private Updates.

Canon-Compliant but...
I do not write well

They might still exist, but most of those events didn't happen.
Todo: the rest

Alternate Canon
Magical Girl ERROR/End

Previously Canon
Magical Girl Scarlet Empress and Her Legion (Unified Light / Burning March)
The Man Who Speaks In Hands (Unaligned / Need a translator page)
Magical Girl Clockwork Prism (Unaligned / The World Machine / Tick Tock)
The World Machine (Unaligned / Slow Growth)
Magical Girl Fable Heart (Unified Light / Team HEART / Pocket Trauma)
Magical Girl Sundown Eclipse (Unified Light / Eclipse Sisters)
Magical Girl Twilight Eclipse (Unified Light / Eclipse Sisters)
Magical Girl Silver Chevalier (Unified Light / I want to be, the very best!)
Team: ROUND TABLE (Unified Light / Insanity is Contagious)
Magical Girl Lunatic Psyker (Unified Darkness / Unlimited RAGE!!)
Magical Girl Arc Mastermind (Unified Light / Pop quiz / All the dynamos)
Magical Girl Armageddon Hound / Hound of the Apocalypse (Unified Darkness / Burn it all / Elves are crunchy and taste good with A1 steak sauce / You mean Fairies dear)
Magical Girl Atlantis Thunder (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / BFG / Boom)
Magical Girl Atlantis Flame (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / Get fired up)
Magical Girl Atlantis Blade (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / Chop, chop, chopchopchopchopchop / Princess of Atlantis / "No I'm not." / "Yes she is, don't let her lie to you.")
Magical Girl Atlantis Guardian (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / "STOP TOSING THAT DAMNED NUKE!" / "IT'S NOT A NUKE!")
Magical Girl Atlantis Ether (Unified Light / Team ATLANTIA / New Girl / MG Squared)
Magical Girl Primary Wiccan (Unified Light / Was actually a pretty nice girl)
Magical Girl Monster Keeper (Unified Light / Wants a Zoology Major)
Professor ElRoi (Unified Light / Counter Force / Civilian Contractor)
Magical Girl Pitch Black (Unified Light / Independent / Like to sit in the middle of nowhere and meditate)
Magical Girl Insight (Unified Light / Red Rose's protégé / Shut Up Shirley)
Magical Girl Crimson Hood / Nightmare of Crimson (Unified Light / Independent / "Are you afraid?" / "Of THe biG BaD WoLf?")
The Moores Family (Unified Light / Oldest Half Elf / Winds up being a MG)
Magical Girl Flawless Paladin (Unified Darkness / Everyone knows she's a spy / Not very good at this is she?)
Magical Girl Mystic Wraith (Unified Light / Independent / Ghost Story Anyone?)
Magical Girl Emerald Blossom (Unified Light / Independent / I got nothing)
Magical Girl Steel Monsoon (Unified Light / Big Gun, Little Girl / Try not to think about wardrobe malfunctions)
Magical Girl Good Hunter (/人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\ Spoilers /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\)
The Paleblood Moon (/人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\ Spoilers /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\)
Magical Girl Sumire Saber (Unified Light / Saber Sisters / Theoretical Infinite Blocking Skills)
Magical Girl Sakura Saber (Unified Light / Saber Sisters / Use Friendship For Infinite Power!)
Magical Girl Echo Dervish (Unified Light / Independent / White Soul's Spiritual Successor / Slightly more Stable)
Magical Girl Madama Morte (??? / Traumatic Event Ho! / Hates Goddess Red)
Magical Girl Titan Killer (Unified Light / Not Actually a Girl)
Magical Girl Mysterious Heroine χ (Unaligned / Please insert bullshitium complaints into the invisible box over there)
Magical Girl Drakensong (Independent / Unaligned / Best Musician)
Magical Girl M.E.C.A. Force (Unified Light / Can't nerf shit)
Magical Girl M.E.C.A. Force (As of her appearance in-quest)
Civvie (Unaligned / Hidden Power / The Hommando's Mechakemi Is Real)
Magical Girl Warped Mirror (Unified Light / Fun~ House)
Magical Girl Prisma Drake (Unified Light / Always be the Dragon)
???? Thorn Warden (Unified Light / He was blackmailed into it initially)
Magical Girl Equinox (Independent / Cruel Dawn / Calming Evening)
Magical Girl Rose Encore (Unified Light / Egotistical)

Magical Girl Blue Dragon / The Blue Dragon (Unaligned / Follow the Wind)
Magical Girl Solar Radiance (??? / Got Mindfucked)
Magical Girl Lunar Radiance (??? / Solar Radiance / Got Mindfucked, then Mindfucked the Mindfucking)

Magical Girl Scholar of Catastrophe (Unaligned / I'd tap dat)
Magical Girl Summer Queen / Magical Girl Winter Queen (Unified Light / Love playing their little game)
Chronos and the Clockwork Dames (Unaligned / He was stronger once upon a time)
Calamity!Chronos (The Original Concept of Time)
The Fairy Tail Four Five (Old) (Unified Light / The Fairy Tale Girls)
Magical Girl Dark Reaper (Unified Light / Do the Space Warp)
Magical Girl Plant Queen (Unified Light / Plant Kingdom)
Magical Girl Dragon Queen (Unified Light / Yes, her name actually is Tiamat)
Team RIOT (Unified Light / LETS START A RIOT!!)
The Primals (Unified Light / Early Birds did not get the worm)
...the Four Horsemen (Unified Light / Goddess Grey Wants To Talk Copyright)
Magical Girl Nightmare Monarch (Unified Light / Innocently Terrifying)
Magical Girl Shining Scholar (Unified Light / Counter Force / VL / Insert Spell Check Joke Here .JPEG)
Magical Girl Black Fractal (Unified Light / Don't Look in the Box)
Team CUTE (Unified Light / Please ignore the implied fridge horror)
Team RESEARCHER (Unified Light)
Emissaries of Light (Unaligned Front)
Magical Girl Huntress of Darkness and Magical Girl Bloody Nightmare (Unified Light / Alucard is on a walk / Integra needs laid)
Magical Girl Otherworld Guide (Unified Light / Glowy)
Magical Girl Princess Peach / Nightmare of Peach (Unified Light / Unaligned / The castle is missing)
Magical Girl Evil Overlord (and her bitches minions / Independent)
Magical Girl Hopekiller (Independent / And Her Dance Squad)
The Seven Deadly Sins (Variable / Independent / Sloth is a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass)
Magical Girl Reaper of Madness and Black Blood (Unified Light / Loony Room +1)
Magical Girl Storm Empress (Unified Light / Collateral Damage Woman / Bayoneta's cousin no one talks about / ALL THE LIGHTING!!)
Magical Girl Critical Reviewer (Unified Light / Back Line)
Nightmare Hunters (Unified Light / Much better / Blessing of the Infernal / Blessing of the Divine)
Team SLAYER (Unified Light / Are you scared of the dark?)Team SLAYER (Part 2) (Unified Light / You should be~)
Magical Girl Harmonious Priestess (Unified Light / Inheritor of Red)
Magical Girl Echidna (Independent / Mother of Monsters / All My Yes)
Magical Girl Symphonic Conductor (Unified Light / Sing Softly)

Magical Girl Red Comet (Unified Light / Fifth in Line / Technically a respawn but ain't)

(Nix's Warden)
Magical Girl Silent Murder (Unified Darkness / Stab Happy)
Magical Girl Dark Judge (Unified Light / No one expects the inquisition! / Hiding all the trauma)

Magical Girl Summit (Unified Light / Before and After)
Magical Girl Will'o'Wisp (Unified Light / Counter Force / Psychological Warfare much?)
Antonio "Tony" Menendez (Unified Light / Go loud)
Natalie (Independent / Kleptomania For The Win / Walking RPG Stereo Type)
Magical Girl Illuminator (Akashic Pillar / Spell-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam-Spam)
Magical Girl Twin Legacy (Unaligned / She's just a kid)
Fiodur (Unified Darkness / Thirteenth Hell / Usable!)

End-Bringer (Yggdrasil's guard dog)

Magical Girl Breakfast Call (Unified Light? / All the fridge horror)
Magical Girl Gift Wrap (Unified Light / Bonus Fridge horror)

Magical Girl Raging Heart (Independent / Unified Light / Walking Traumatic Event)
Magical Girl Destined Lightning (Independent / PTSD is a Thing)
Magical Girl Night Sky (Independent / Unified Light / Pet Nightmare / Pocket Apocalypse)

Dream Heart (Independent / Team HEART / Dead On Arrival)
Magical Girl Soul Record (Variable / Respawn Hell)

(Dream Logic)
Magical Girl Burning Savior (Unified Light / Betray your allies! Get bonuses!)
Magical Girl Lucky Ace / Magical Girl Sinful Sound (Independent / Unified Light / Wanna Be Lucky / Easy to Abuse)
Magical Girl Grey Skies / Magical Girl Wrathful Dragon (Unified Light / "Depression" of enemies / Just punch harder)


Priestess of the Moon / Moon Rider and their 'Mounts' (Unified Light / Strange relationships)
Crystal Mage / Inferno Mage (Unified Light / Unified Darkness / Back Stabbing Bitches)
Magical Girl Machine Code (Unified Light / Counter Force / I can so totally see her as friends with Limitless Horizon)
Nightmare of the Night (Hayate / Took the bat like a champ)
Zumwalt-class Guided Missile Cruiser (Unified Light / Counter Force / Still a destroyer)

The Purpose (Geometrically Screaming)

ZETTA_FEMTO (Somewhere around Cosmos' Vocal Cords)
Magical Girl Medical Sniper (Unified Light / The stealth healer)
Magical Girl Determined Dunce (Unified Light / Died Early / And Painfully)
Magical Girl Grief Lantern (Unified Light / Her End was Painful)

Beth Squad (Unified Light / Counter Force / Would Witchout, but Can't)
Magical Girl Limitless Horizon

Magical Girl Final Shot

Magical Girl Shining Key

Magical Girl Wild Heart
Magical Girl Mageslayer (Unified Light / w00000000000000000000t)

Magical Girl Singing Knight (Unified Light / Not sure if those shorts go with that outfit...)
Magical Girl Rock Destroyer (Unified Light / Edited by @LostDeviljho)

Magical Girl Dark Steel
Magical Girl Snow Gourd

Magical Girl Dwarven Overseer (Unified Light / Counter Force / Losing isn't fun if you can die when you fuck up / Doesn't mean spitting out random fortresses behind enemies lines isn't though / Have some more "Happy Fun" Stuff)
Noncanon but Valid
Crossovers Inc.

I'm not doing Libra's Lament or Firequest. Or those 3 one-post quests.
We might also need the non-mg characters as well...
How it started
(Unified Light) Magical Girl Soul Remix

Maddie Grayson

Health: 200
Base Damage: 60
Base Resilience: 30
Magic Modifier: 60
Affinity: Rebirth | Alteration | Story

Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Alteration
Ability: Instant Manufacture

Level 1
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Rebirth
Ability: Echo

Soul of Theseus
-Upon death, Soul Remix's soul is absorbed by her killer. After 6 hours, Soul Remix is reborn from their body, replacing one item of her sheet (other than the rebirth affinity and this ability) with an equivalent item from her killer's.

Level 1
-The conservation of her continuity. Controls Health.

Level 1
-Her capacity to weather adversity. Controls Resilience.

How it's going
(Unified Darkness) Magical Girl Soul Remix

Maddie Grayson

Health: 2,000
Base Damage: 360
Base Resilience: 300
Magic Modifier: 360
Affinity: Rebirth | Violence | Myth

Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Power
Ability: Juggernaut | Smash

Level 20
Base Damage: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Detonate

Soul of Theseus
-Upon death, Soul Remix's soul is absorbed by her killer. After 6 hours, Soul Remix is reborn from their body, replacing one item of her sheet (other than the rebirth affinity and this ability) with an equivalent item from her killer's.

Level 10
-The conservation of her continuity. Controls Health.

Level 10
-Attacks lower level than this ability cannot reduce defenses in any way. Controls Resilience.

High Speed Combat (LVL 2)
-Soul Remix is able to track objects moving up to 180mph.

Presence of Light
Level 10
-Heals all Allies for 1,000 Health per turn. Damage all Enemies for 1,000 per turn.

The Juggernaut
-Every time Soul Remix lands a damaging attack, she gains a stack of Momentum. Whenever she would be struck by an attack that would damage her, automatically expend one stack to negate that attack.

Vicious, Venomous
Level 3
-Soul Remix multiplies all poison damage she deals by the level of this ability.

Beyond the Bluesky
-Soul Remix can optionally make all attacks from a above, as though through orbital support.
How it started
(Unified Light) Magical Girl Soul Remix

Maddie Grayson

Health: 200
Base Damage: 60
Base Resilience: 30
Magic Modifier: 60
Affinity: Rebirth | Alteration | Story

Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Alteration
Ability: Instant Manufacture

Level 1
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Rebirth
Ability: Echo

Soul of Theseus
-Upon death, Soul Remix's soul is absorbed by her killer. After 6 hours, Soul Remix is reborn from their body, replacing one item of her sheet (other than the rebirth affinity and this ability) with an equivalent item from her killer's.

Level 1
-The conservation of her continuity. Controls Health.

Level 1
-Her capacity to weather adversity. Controls Resilience.

How it's going
(Unified Darkness) Magical Girl Soul Remix

Maddie Grayson

Health: 2,000
Base Damage: 360
Base Resilience: 300
Magic Modifier: 360
Affinity: Rebirth | Violence | Myth

Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Power
Ability: Juggernaut | Smash

Level 20
Base Damage: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Detonate

Soul of Theseus
-Upon death, Soul Remix's soul is absorbed by her killer. After 6 hours, Soul Remix is reborn from their body, replacing one item of her sheet (other than the rebirth affinity and this ability) with an equivalent item from her killer's.

Level 10
-The conservation of her continuity. Controls Health.

Level 10
-Attacks lower level than this ability cannot reduce defenses in any way. Controls Resilience.

High Speed Combat (LVL 2)
-Soul Remix is able to track objects moving up to 180mph.

Presence of Light
Level 10
-Heals all Allies for 1,000 Health per turn. Damage all Enemies for 1,000 per turn.

The Juggernaut
-Every time Soul Remix lands a damaging attack, she gains a stack of Momentum. Whenever she would be struck by an attack that would damage her, automatically expend one stack to negate that attack.

Vicious, Venomous
Level 3
-Soul Remix multiplies all poison damage she deals by the level of this ability.

Beyond the Bluesky
-Soul Remix can optionally make all attacks from a above, as though through orbital support.
I assume she's technically killable if the last person she killed dies before she takes them over?
I assume she's technically killable if the last person she killed dies before she takes them over?
She doesn't take them over, she explodes out of them like a chest-burster, only sparklier because she's technically popping out of their soul.
And no, because she would pop out of their corpse, or if the corpse was destroyed, their ghost.

She's Soul Record's teammate; that trio's whole thing is breaking the immortality clause, but in an undesireable way.
How it started
(Unified Light) Magical Girl Soul Remix

Maddie Grayson

Health: 200
Base Damage: 60
Base Resilience: 30
Magic Modifier: 60
Affinity: Rebirth | Alteration | Story

Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Alteration
Ability: Instant Manufacture

Level 1
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Rebirth
Ability: Echo

Soul of Theseus
-Upon death, Soul Remix's soul is absorbed by her killer. After 6 hours, Soul Remix is reborn from their body, replacing one item of her sheet (other than the rebirth affinity and this ability) with an equivalent item from her killer's.

Level 1
-The conservation of her continuity. Controls Health.

Level 1
-Her capacity to weather adversity. Controls Resilience.

How it's going
(Unified Darkness) Magical Girl Soul Remix

Maddie Grayson

Health: 2,000
Base Damage: 360
Base Resilience: 300
Magic Modifier: 360
Affinity: Rebirth | Violence | Myth

Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Power
Ability: Juggernaut | Smash

Level 20
Base Damage: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Detonate

Soul of Theseus
-Upon death, Soul Remix's soul is absorbed by her killer. After 6 hours, Soul Remix is reborn from their body, replacing one item of her sheet (other than the rebirth affinity and this ability) with an equivalent item from her killer's.

Level 10
-The conservation of her continuity. Controls Health.

Level 10
-Attacks lower level than this ability cannot reduce defenses in any way. Controls Resilience.

High Speed Combat (LVL 2)
-Soul Remix is able to track objects moving up to 180mph.

Presence of Light
Level 10
-Heals all Allies for 1,000 Health per turn. Damage all Enemies for 1,000 per turn.

The Juggernaut
-Every time Soul Remix lands a damaging attack, she gains a stack of Momentum. Whenever she would be struck by an attack that would damage her, automatically expend one stack to negate that attack.

Vicious, Venomous
Level 3
-Soul Remix multiplies all poison damage she deals by the level of this ability.

Beyond the Bluesky
-Soul Remix can optionally make all attacks from a above, as though through orbital support.
So does Soul Remix have a repeatable purchase of "Placeholder" Ability, which is basically fodder for replacement?

Also, at least one War Angel was chestbursted to make this character sheet.
She doesn't take them over, she explodes out of them like a chest-burster, only sparklier because she's technically popping out of their soul.
And no, because she would pop out of their corpse, or if the corpse was destroyed, their ghost.

She's Soul Record's teammate; that trio's whole thing is breaking the immortality clause, but in an undesireable way.
Good to know. Just note that the SCP Foundation has been notified :V
So does Soul Remix have a repeatable purchase of "Placeholder" Ability, which is basically fodder for replacement?
I don't think she needs one, since she has a multitude of abilities. It's more likely in my mind that her shop get's abilities related to her new affinity from whatever she remixed into being upon death (since she doesn't have many if any of them prior), and when she dies, she then just replaces ones that isn't useful to her. The same idea applies to her spell as well, I expect.
If she tried, her very essence would break apart upon the golden soul that is the rules :V
One. Who said she's going on that literal suicide mission willingly?

Two. I don't comprehend that explanation.

Three. Irregardless. There's a not-insignificant chance Power Negation would protect Goddess Gold by disabling the effect of Soul of Theseus.

Four. Depending on interpretation, Mandate (the ability that protects Goddess Gold from status effects) would consider Soul of Theseus taking effect as something it should oppose, and that would indeed spell doom and final death to Soul Remix.
Makes me interested - why wasn't she ever sent to get killed by Goddess Gold?
Gold would be able to capture rather than kill her. Trivially, at that.

Also if y'all want to actually find a loophole, she's the only Soul Re-X who doesn't have an answer to "death of natural causes with no actual culprit"
Gold would be able to capture rather than kill her. Trivially, at that.

Also if y'all want to actually find a loophole, she's the only Soul Re-X who doesn't have an answer to "death of natural causes with no actual culprit"
I was imagining more a scenario that UtOS Greater Nightmare, Herokiller Mica, used to get close enough.

Namely, going out as a part of a large army, provoking Goddess Gold into indiscriminately deleting said army with Soul Remix inside, and thus sneaking a kill.

Honestly this method should work marvelously (on paper) against just about any opponent with a focus on mass combat. Dropping a METEOR on her is just inviting her to nom a Fairy's magical modifier. I mean, it's an item on said Fairy's character sheet.

Though I do wonder if Soul Remix chestbursts only one random synch-caster, or all of them at once for effectively a Clone-Self effect.
I was imagining more a scenario that UtOS Greater Nightmare, Herokiller Mica, used to get close enough.

Namely, going out as a part of a large army, provoking Goddess Gold into indiscriminately deleting said army with Soul Remix inside, and thus sneaking a kill.

Honestly this method should work marvelously (on paper) against just about any opponent with a focus on mass combat. Dropping a METEOR on her is just inviting her to nom a Fairy's magical modifier. I mean, it's an item on said Fairy's character sheet.

Though I do wonder if Soul Remix chestbursts only one random synch-caster, or all of them at once for effectively a Clone-Self effect.
only one, and ATM I don't have stats as a valid target for replacement just so things don't get ultra confusing.
What happens to Soul Remix if she's killed by a sync spell?

Does it pick a random person from those participating in the sync, or does the ability crap out because there isn't a single killer?
What happens to Soul Remix if she's killed by a sync spell?

Does it pick a random person from those participating in the sync, or does the ability crap out because there isn't a single killer?
Look, any time you have multiple options and one of them is "Remix's ability craps out because X", assume it's one of the other ones.

(It picks randomly, yes.)
Behold, the number... three? most badass angel currently alive.

(Unified Light / False Heaven) Selector Leliel

A.K.A. Angel of Night/Leli/"Oh no."

Health: 360,000
Base Damage: 13,500
Base Resilience: 6,000
Magic Modifier: 1,800

Affinity: Glory | Night | Battle

(APT growth: +1 per 6 levels)
Level 30
Attacks Per Turn: 7
Affinity: Glory | Night
Ability: Vorpal | Cleave | Catastrophic Damage | Multi-Slash

Level 30
Attacks Per Turn: 7
Affinity: Night | Battle
Ability: Mana Pierce | Modifier Save | Primordia | Multi-Slash

Level 30
Base Damage: 9,000
Base Resilience: 9,000
Magic Modifier: 9,000
Affinity: Night
Ability: Boost-Self | Vacuum | Consume

Level 50
Base Damage: 15,000
Magic Modifier: 5,000
Affinity: Glory
Ability: Superslayer | Planet Cracker | (Variable)

Flight: Level 37
-Selector Leliel is capable of flying at 360 mph.

High Speed Combat (LVL 5)
-Selector Leliel are able to track objects moving up to 450mph.

Dual Wield
-Selector Leliel can utilize both of her weapons simultaneously.

The Dark of the Night
-Selector Leliel's traits register as their inversion wherever beneficial.

Glory of Valhalla: Level 30
-Selector Leliel heals 6,000 health each turn. Every five turns, her Base Damage doubles.

Devouring Dark
-Every time Selector Leliel is struck by an attack while Soleater is active, add the attack's Magic Modifier roll to a pool. Soleater's boost is increased by an amount equal to this pool.

Star's Light
-When Dawnbreaker is cast, the stats and abilities of all spells to have struck Selector Leliel since the beginning of combat or the last casting of Dawnbreaker (whichever is most recent) are added to Dawnbreaker. Devouring Dark's pool is emptied and added as an additional Magic Modifier roll.

Selector's Armor
For one always is the first to the fray, so that all others may follow in their wake.
-If Selector Leliel is in combat with a chosen enemy, any attack or hostile effect from other sources is nullified. All incoming damage is reduced by 50%. Glory of Valhalla triggers twice each turn.

Intimidating Presence
-The target of Selector Leliel's focused attention has their Health-controlling ability reduced by 5 levels, reducing their maximum HP proportionally. If the level would be reduced to or below 0, this kills the target.

Eternal Night
-If one of Selector Leliel's attacks is evaded or negated by an opponent with more actions left than Leliel, refund that attack.

Glorious Vanguard: Level 9
-Increases the level of ally movement abilities by 9, and their High Speed Combat by 1. The first two successful attacks against Selector Leliel heal rather than harm her.

You know what Flight does.

  • "Razorwing": Angel feathers serve as force projectors. Massive amounts of practice allows this to be refined and focused, effectively turning every feather on the wing into an invisible cutting beam. Damage is approximately calculated as 10 x Flight Level x Number of feathers striking target.

Level 30
Base Damage: 9,000
Base Resilience: 9,000
Magic Modifier: 9,000
Affinity: Night
Ability: Boost-Self | Vacuum | Consume
Okay, this just struck me. Does Soleater boost Leliel's Base Damage, Resilience, and Magic Modifier by 9000 each, or is there a magic modifier roll involved to determine the boost when cast?