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Edit Jan. 2019: This quest contains coarse language.

Edit Sept. 2019: because many people...
A Father's Concern (Canon Omake)
@AoMythology I am not sorry!

After putting Rin to sleep you head to the kitchen and sigh. She was such a smart child, it was almost scary. Another Genius. The world must hate you.

You love your daughter, but sometimes you wish she wasn't so smart. When she asked what a Shinobi was, you were surprised before remembering her age.

You weren't so surprised when she asked when the Academy accepts students. Your lips quirk upward at that.

She doesn't understand the danger of the Shinobi life. No one really does until they experience it. You could be raised on countless war stories and mission tales that just went wrong and still not be ready.

Still, if there was one good thing that came from your talk, you got her to promise not to graduate before eleven. You know how graduating early can effect a child, all you need to do is look at your son. He was so much more innocent and carefree before graduating. Sure the war might be over now, but the fear of Rin losing that innocence and carefreeness?

You hope it won't happen for many, many long years to come. So you can actually raise this child properly.

You sigh again when you think of Shisui. You messed up there. Constantly going on missions, the rare times you were home you were mostly training him, and how you pressured him into graduating early. Sometimes, you wonder if he resents you for what you did. You know you do. That's why you had Rin in the first place. To try and rectify that mistake.

But it seems you were 'blessed' with another genius. One that seems intent on keeping pace with Itachi. The poor child that, if rumors are to believe, will be graduating at six. That, no matter what, you don't want to happen to Rin.

That, you promise to yourself. Your daughter will grow up as slowly as you can to protect her from the harsh world. So she can make friends and talk about clothes and boys and...

...god you are going to need a drink.
The first Omake for this quest has arrived!
A Mother's Pride (Canon/Semi-canon)
@AoMythology AND IT IS DONE!

You are Uchiha nee Uzumaki Korin. The proud mother of two children and wife of Uchiha Suiho. And currently, gossiping with the other Uchiha wives and shopping. The current topic was your daughter, Rin.

"Korin-San, how has your second little Genius been doing?" Asks Sara-San, Haru-San's wife, with a giggle. She always wanted the newest gossip.

"Oh yes, how is Rin-Chan doing?" Inquired Yui-Chan, wife of Reo-San, a small grin on her face. Like you, she wasn't an Uchiha by blood, so the two of you get along quite well.

"She's doing great." You state with a proud smirk. And it was true, especially in the light of learning that your daughter had inherited a rare sensing ability even in the Uzumaki Clan.

"Oh? You haven't looked so proud since she took her first steps." Replied Sara, obviously trying to get the information out of you. You may as well divulge.

"She recently told me that she can sense others. Without having her Chakra unlocked." I add in the second part quickly before they can interrupt.

"Really? Is that even possible?" Exclaimed Yui, eyes wide. You notice even Sara is surprised, making you smirk. Almost nothing surprises that woman.

"Yep! It's a rare trait in the Uzumaki Clan. Normally it's difficult to direct without Chakra but I'm confident my daughter will be able to figure it out." You boast as you grab a couple fresh tomatoes.

"That's impressive! Hey, you're a sensor, right Korin-San? You planning of teaching your daughter your ways?" Sara asks, an obvious tease, but not an unwarranted one.

"Of course! My family has been great sensors for generations! My son may have missed out on it, but my daughter has enough talent for the both of them!" You boast grinning wide.

"That's a bold claim Korin-Chan." Giggles Yui, a hand obviously hiding a smile.

"Claim? Hah! I am making no claims, it's a promise!" You state filled with determination. You know Rin will be a great sensor and you will help her with it! The two others giggle at you while picking up their own groceries.

After your statement the three of you finish shopping and go to a Dango stand for a small snack.

"So, any progress on any other fronts?" Sara asks smirking. The question makes you think for a moment.

"Well, her grandmother says she's an absolute genius when it comes to understanding theory and reading." You say with a small hum.

"Oh? Anything else?" Yui asks you, looking intently at the tea in her hands.

"Well, she's apparently quite good at Caligraphy as well. May have to bust out the old seal set and start teaching her the Uzumaki specialty. See if she has inherited the talent for it." You say, trying to remember where you put the damned thing.

"How about Shisui? How has he been dealing with a little sister? Still fawning over her?" Sara asks jokingly, mirth shining in her black eyes. You laugh at the question.

"I think it's gotten worse actually." You comment with amusement. You swear with how much he finds over Rin that he loves her more than you and his father. The thought makes you laugh again.

"Really? Those poor boys won't know what hit them when her brother notices them." Sara says jokingly.

"Poor Rin. She'll never get a boyfriend." Yui giggles. The two comments get you to start laughing as well.

"I don't doubt it! But that's only if they survive Rin herself first. Let me tell you, she's going to be a heartbreaker." You reply as your laughter settles down to giggles.

"So has she been trying to imitate her brother at all? I remember when Itachi tried to imitate his father one day and hurt himself." Yui, the sweet angel, asks in concern.

"Not at all. Though he did teach her the handseals to The Goukakyuu no Jutsu." You comment with a chuckle and shake of the head, remembering how upset Suiho was at that. Who knew for someone so worried about her rate of growth wanted to teach her the handseals?

"Really? And she understood it?" Sara asks, curiousity shining in her eyes. You nod in response.

"Rin-Chan really is smart. I almost wish I was that smart when I was her age." Yui giggles with a grin. You shrug in response.

"It's a bit troublesome honestly. Did you know we once lost track of her when she first began walking?" You ask laughing. The little girl had been in her room reading some book. But Shisui and Suiho both were panicking and had no idea where she was until you got home. That had been a funny moment for you, a terrifying event for the boys, and just confusion and smothering for Rin as she tried to reach for her book.

The three of you get up and pay for the bill, having finished your snacks and began to walk back to the Clan compound.

"So, any plans on when you are entering your little genius in the Academy?" Sara inquires curiously. Last time she asked you weren't quite sure, but seeing your daughter now?

"Suiho talked about it for awhile and we agreed to let her enter a year early." You inform them with a proud smile. Your daughter was certainly a source of pride for you of late. You didn't know that you'd give birth to another Genius. But it's certainly something you are proud of.

"A year early? You think she'll be ready for that?" Asks Yui, a bit of tentative. You snort at the question.

"Think? I know! Not only will she enter early, she'll be the top of her class!" You boldly state with absolute certainty, much to the amusement of the others.

The three of you talk for a bit longer before arriving at the compound and going your separate ways. You chuckle as you think of your daughter. Yes, for some unknown reason, even now, you were suspicious of her back then. Now though?

She, next to Shisui is your pride and joy. And you will be happy to watch her blossom into a beautiful, mature woman.

1,026 words! Longest Omake I ever made!
A Brother's Love (Canon Omake)
@AoMythology crosses arms

Omake cannon, FIRE!!!

Your name is Uchiha Shisui, also known as Shunshin no Shisui. Son of Uchiha Suiho and Uchiha nee Uzumaki Korin. And the proud older brother of Uchiha Rin.

So very proud. You are considered a Prodigy. One of the Uchiha's and Konoha's finest. Second to only a hand full of people. And if you are right? One more will be added to those select few.

Rin. You named her after Obito's teammate who died protecting the village from a Bijuu going berserk in the village by killing its container. Herself. When you named her that, you were hoping it'd be in an equally great achievement will be done by her.

Without the suicide part. You give a dark chuckle at that. It pains you to even think of your sister getting hurt, let alone die. Which is why, instead of trying to figure out how to talk the Clan down from rebellion, you are writing and discarding training plans for your sister.

You'd never let your loyalty to both the Clan or Konoha. But you have found yourself a third loyalty to your sister as her nii-San. So you are preparing training schedules for her.

From what you know about what happened with the Chakra nature training, you know your sister as two things. Stubborn and a Perfectionist. You also know she has an ego and it's your duty to help stroke it.

So you are going to help with making her the best of her class by training her in something that no one else her year will be taught for awhile! Kunai and Shurikan throwing! Maybe you should also teach her the Gokakyu no Jutsu? You know your dad wants to teach her it but maybe you can talk him into speeding up the process? She has done the Leaf Burning exercise. So maybe you'll have some luck?

Anyways, you should teach her how to survive in the wild, the local plants and what's safe and not safe to eat and set up camp. If she doesn't already know half that stuff.

You snort in amusement and shake your head. Rin mystifies you at times. You swear she knows things she shouldn't know. And she's much more mature for her age than she should be. ...for the most part at least. But no matter what, she's still your sister and you love her.

So you continue your planning on what you should do for Rin's training. Maybe you should teach her about the Sharigan or give notes on what a Shinobi should know as a Genin and Chunin?

Oh! You could teach her tree walking! Your sensing skill isn't as great as Mom's or Rin's but even you can tell that Rin's Chakra has risen dramatically in the past year. It could be bad if she lets that get out of hand while neglecting Control. Which means you should write down notes on how to properly Water Walk as well so she can get started on her own if she finishes tree walking while you are on a mission. You get the feeling she won't be happy if you made her wait. Or maybe she'll figure it out herself?

You laugh at that thought. It would not surprised you if she actually managed that. God your little sister is a genius!

Honestly? You understand your father's worries. You have them too, of what if Rin graduates early. But she's strong. You are certain she'd be able to survive the woes of early graduation like you did. The stress and grief. And you will be there to help her through every step of it. But you'd prefer it if she did grow up not graduating early. To keep that innocence and prevent heartbreak. To be able to make friends her own age and have crushes…

...crushes. The world around you becomes clearer and more detailed. Oh you know if any boy breaks her heart you will personally make him pay.

Had anyone been around at the time of that thought they would hear Uchiha Shisui chuckling darkly whilst having his Mangekyo Sharigan active staring into the distance.

And it is done.
Heart to Heart (QM Omake)
An Omake of my own, crossposted from SB, so that DarkKing98 doesn't get all of them.


Omake: Suiho

A nameless person who protects peace from within the shadow of self-sacrifice... that's what a true shinobi is.

That's what your father taught you, and what you told Shisui in turn. Did he have to learn so well, though?

And Fugaku is repeating the same mistakes you made. Damn fool! Like the talk of treason isn't enough!

Shisui has inherited all the best from both clans he is descended from. Nobility, a desire for freedom tempered by discipline; not to mention the physical gifts, like very large Chakra reserves and near-perfect control. And a touch of sensor talent, to boot.

Korin might not think much of Shisui's Chakra sensory, if she even realized he has inherited that from her line, but that combined with the Sharingan and his incredible reflexes allows for a Body Flicker that has become enough to possibly challenge the Raikage in a few years. You don't doubt that, if his growth doesn't slow down significantly, he'll be Kage level at fifteen. Fifteen!

His Wind nature is so well-developed, especially in collaboration jutsu with the crows, that he can devastate entire battlefields. He can even use it without hand-seals, to supplement his secondary Fire element. There has even been talk of him learning a third element, though he has put it off to master what he already has; he is not quite even fourteen, and he'll be a Jounin by this time next year, most likely.

His Genjutsu is quite likely the best in history, above such legendary masters as Uchiha Madara, Senju Toka and Senju Tobirama. Hell, even your cousin Mikoto struggles to keep up with your son, and she is a true Grandmaster that subdued the Hachibi AND the Nibi Jinchuuriki when fighting against Kumo, at the same time, without the Mangekyo. At the age of seventeen. And then proceeded to survive the Third Raikage's rampage through messing with his senses and her own strong Lightning affinity, despite his Raiton Chakra Mode being nigh-impenetrable, even by Genjutsu.

But then, why do you feel so ashamed of yourself? Why?

You know the answer to that.

It's because nobody should have to grow up that quickly.

Shisui is one of the rare few who maintain their good nature through early graduation and loss of teammates. Still, there are times when you see a forlorn expression on your son's face, and sometimes, his good humor is just a facade. The signs are there, and you know him well.

You sit at the porch outside your home, next to Shisui, in silent companionship. You break that silence to ask a question that has long been plaguing you.

Before you can think it over, you say, "do you resent me, Shisui? For robbing you of your childhood? For pushing you to graduate early?"

Shisui looks at you askance. "What brought this on?" He says.

You don't say anything.

Shisui says, "let me think how to phrase this," and you know he's seriously considering your question. Then, he says, "someone has to do it."

"Huh?" You say, confused.

"Someone has to step up and sacrifice their childhood, in order for others to sleep easy. I don't resent you, because I'm glad to be a shinobi, to have graduated early, so that others don't have to."

Your eyes water. You are seriously proud of your son right now. But there's another question. You say, "what about Rin?"

Shisui says, "do you know who I named her after, Dad?" Instead of an answer.

"You named her after Obito's teammate, right? But what does that have to do with anything?" You say.

"...Nohara Rin died at thirteen, sacrificed her life, in order to save the village from the wrath of a Bijuu. The Sanbi, to be exact," Shisui says.

You nearly sit up, horrified. "Then...?" You say.

"Rin will walk her own path," Shisui says, "if that involves early graduation, or worse, it's up to her. I will try to convince her otherwise, though."

"You trust the judgment of a child too much," you say.

"...Maybe," Shisui says, "but there is something about her that makes me believe in her; perhaps it's natural charisma, or something else. But I can't shake the feeling that she's wiser than she lets on."

You sigh. "This conversation got too heavy too quickly," you say.

"Well, it's not me who brought up the heavy stuff," Shisui says.

"True enough," you admit.

You are going to need sake; maybe your mother will be willing to let you get into her stash, or maybe your friend Shigaru will buy a round.


Added information: Uchiha Mikoto in the Stats Sheet! Added information: Shisui's stats in the Stats Sheet! Added information: Sarutobi Shigaru (Konohamaru's father and Asuma's brother, OC) Added information (to compare and contrast): Sarutobi Asuma!
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A Brother's Legacy (Canon Omake)
@AoMythology Omake Crosspost time!

Here you are again, ruffling your hair. You are Uchiha Shisui. And the whole Clan rebellion is starting to tear you apart. So you begin writing.

A year ago you were here writing what to train your sister Rin in to prepare her for life as a Shinobi. Now? Now you feel like your back is against the wall and you have to choose between your loyalty to the clan and to Leaf. You'd rather die than choose. So in case it comes down to it, you are writing down two things. An apology to Rin, and small tips on how to be a Shinobi. Along with tips on how to use the Shunshin like you do.

Now, you spent a lot of time figuring it out. And you don't want anyone to accidentally find this and take it with that secret, especially if they are the enemy to the village. So instead, you'll be writing hints to figure out the secret easier.

Also, thank god for mother, you are using your less well known sealing skills to secure it even more. To be specific you are creating a blood identifier lock seal. All that's needed is a drop of your blood or the drop of a family members blood to unlock it. A very complicated, but secure, seal. Some may call it paranoia. You call it being prepared.

Anyways it's not just notes of how to be a good Shinobi. It's also notes on how to live well. How to move past grief and hardships. How to work past feeling in a rut and against an unbreakable wall. And how to work with others.

God, you remember some of the absolute bastards you had to work with and how you wanted to Genjutsu some so badly. But teamwork is an important skill and so is self restraint. Something Rin has to work on.

Thinking of things to work on, you should write down some tips on proper Sharigan mastery. Using it is easy but like all bloodlines mastering the thing is very difficult to pull off. Besides, these notes will be a good review for yourself as well! Even dead you will prove yourself helpful to your sister!

You give a sad chuckle at that. Of course if she finds this, you hope it's with you still alive. It's the far more preferable outcome than the alternative.

You think of your family. Your friends. Along with the village and the clan. You think of everything important to you. And send out a mental prayer that your plan will work.

There are no certainties in life. You found this out well and early in life. So you know things might never turn out like you expect them to. For all you know, the clan may chicken out of rebelling tomorrow!

...heh. As if it was only that simple. You let out a depressed sigh. You don't like such somber, dark moods. You wish you had someone here to lighten things up a bit. But you intentionally chose this time to be able to focus.

If you have time between acting as a spy and plotting how to prevent a rebellion, maybe you can take Rin out around Leaf and show her some cool places to see. So she can see the beauty of the village and the good hiding spots if the worse comes to worst.

Before you realize it you realize that you finished writing your notes. And after a short while you finish the seal as well.

After seeing everything done and hiding the small box in a hard to find location, you sigh. Maybe you should spend some time with Rin to cheer up a bit? Maybe help a bit with her Taijutsu.

There we go.
Pranking With Naruto (Semi-canon?)
What Rin was doing was stupid, petty and spiteful.

She wasn't sure how Naruto talked her into it.

"And, done!" Naruto shouted.

"Cool, pass the yellow paint, I need it for Minato's hair," Rin replied.

Naruto didn't respond. "Naruto?" Rin asked.

Rin jumped to the top of the monument and looked around. Naruto wasn't anywhere to be found.

But there was a ninja that looked completely unimpressed with Rin chewing on a senbon needle. Busted.

"Been busy, kid?" the man said, nonplussed.

Rin did the most ninja thing she could think of. "Ultimate super-attack-no-jutsu, she shouted, making a dozen complex hand signs as the other ninja took a ready stance. Jokes on him! She had already replaced herself with a log and jumped off the monument on the second handsign!

Oh wow, there were a lot of annoyed looking ninja at the bottom of the cliff.

Think, think... "Smoke!" Rin shouted with a tremendous exhale of breath, blinding everyone below. Then as she touched the ground, she used a quick transformation to look like the senbon guy at the top of the cliff.

As the mist cleared and the ninja glanced around, shouting "Where did she go" and other such things, Tohsaka shouted out, "check the nearby shops, she has to still be near!"

Various low-level ninja ran too and fro and she looked upon her work.

While she had captured the 4th Hokage's appearance almost perfectly as he would have appeared if he was a woman, Naruto went with much more crude grafitti, smacking spirals over the other 3 faces and other such nonsense doodles.

Damn that Naruto abandoning her. She would need to get revenge on him later. Habanero in his ramen ought to do it.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, turned to look behind her, and saw senbon chewing guy again, still looking completely unimpressed. The guy she was currently disguised as.


Naruto was so in for it later, the traitor.


Someone else can do the clone omake if they want. This was more fun.
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Fun With Water Clones (Canon?)
I only do this because I had a funny idea I wanted to do. It's not like I like you or anything. [/tsundere mode]


"Mama, Mama, look, I learned how to do clones!" Rin said excitedly, standing next to a duplicate of herself.

"Impressive," Korin Uchiha said. It really was. As she looked over the clone she couldn't see a single flaw with it. Sure it didn't move at all, but this was Rin's first clone, so it was to be expected, "You were having so much trouble with that technique, what changed?"

"Oh, I gave up on the academy stuff and just made it using water chakra. It was so much easier!" Rin boasted. "And this clone is physical, unlike those academy clones! It's way better than the one Papa was teaching me!"

"Don't lie," Korin said casually.

"I'm not mama, see, touch it!" Rin said, dragging her mother over to the clone.

She was impressed, the clone was really there. Rin said she did this with water? How? Why? This had to be a hundred times more difficult than the academy version.

Looking at her daughter's hopeful smile, Korin grinned and held Rin in a tight grip.

And then Rin popped.

Korin was soaking wet, and Rin's previously motionless "clone" was laughing at her.

"I told you my clone was better!" Rin said.

Korin didn't get mad. Instead, she took on a sly smirk.

"Mama?" Rin asked, nervous.

"Come here you," Korin said, grabbing Rin in a tight hug.

"Wait, Mama, you're soaking wet, stop it Mama, no fair, no fair," Rin laughed.

"This is what you get for playing jokes on Mama!" Korin replied. "Now come on, let's get changed. Then we can bake you some cookies to celebrate!"

"Yay! You're the best mama ever!" Rin replied.


What do you guys think?
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First Friend (Non-canon/Semi-canon Omake)

You are Uzumaki Naruto! And you are going to become Hokage one day dattebayo! Then the village will have to acknowledge your existence and respect you! You were currently enjoying some Ramen at Ichiraku's, one of the few places that actually allow you service. A place you enjoy eating at, since the chef is one of the few people that respect you.

You grin as you begin eating more eagerly. Today you had met someone who you think will actually befriend you! Her name was something Rin. She is kind of weird, but nice! So you like her.

"Oh? What's got you in such a good mood Naruto?" The chef asks in amusement.

"I made a friend my own age today!" You say cheerfully while eating.

"Oh? A friend huh? What's their name?" The chef asks surprised. You don't blame him since you were starting to lose a bit of hope too.

"Her name is Rin! She's weird but also very nice!" You say happily before remembering what she did when you last called her weird. "Uh, please don't tell her I said she was weird." You request politely.

"I won't." The chef promises laughing, making you grin.

"So yeah, she's really weird. Like she's so focused on being 'polite' and stuff." You say with annoyance. Who cares about manners besides stuffy old people?

"Sounds like a good person for you to be friends with." The chef says with a laugh. It takes you a moment to realize why.

"Hey!" You complain with a pout. That was not funny!

"Sorry, sorry." The chef apologizes chuckling. "Hey, how about next time to bring this Rin girl here and you both can get a bowl of ramen on the house?" The chef offers with a small grin.

"You got yourself a deal!" You shout energetically with a huge grin. You know Rin is going to love this place! After all, who doesn't love Ramen?

"So Naruto, you're starting the Academy next year. You think you'll see your friend there?" The cook asks you.

"Of course I will! Because a nice person like Rin-san will totally be an awesome ninja! Not as awesome as I will be of course, but still!" You state to the cook confidently. And you are confident because why wouldn't everyone want to be a ninja? The Old Man is sort of cool and he's been a ninja for years!

The cook just simply chuckles at your statement and shakes his head before allowing you to finish your Ramen.

I am not proud of this. I'd have liked another 80-120 words. But it fights me too much to try. Hope you still enjoy it though.
Ninja Master, Uzumaki Naruto (Canon/Semi-canon)
@AoMythology Fire the cannons again!

You are Tohsaka Uchiha Rin. And you are getting very pissed off at this blonde idiot. Whoever said orange was a unstealthy color was an idiot! A complete and utter idiot!

At some point Naruto started wearing this orange get up. Not the best looking thing in the world but it he seemed to love it so you didn't say anything. Now though? Now you are going to burn it after this!

You are playing Ninja. Typically finding Naruto is easy, his large reserves being a dead give away. But right now? Not so much.

Sure you can find his general location. But it's now Autumn. Which means leaves change colors. Such as orange. Now the blonde idiot has a natural camouflage you need to pick out of from and by the time you spot him and get to where he was he disappears on you! It's humiliating.

You'd make some clones to go after him, but that'd pretty much be admitting defeat at this point and you are not one to admit defeat! So you will get him if it's the last thing you do, or your name isn't Rin!

"I'm going to get you ya blond bastard!" You shout up at the tree he's in. As you begin climbing it you hear the same laugh he always has. Oh you are going to make him pay for dragging you all around the village.

Well, not ALL the village. A rather small part actually. But this has been going on for half a hour and you're beginning to tire. Not that you let it show of course. You have a reputation damn it!

The process repeats itself for another hour as you begin to completely exhaust yourself. How do you get him down here and be able to grab him? Your stomach rumbles and you smirk. An idea coming to your mind.

"Man this is hard finding him. I could use some food." You say beneath the tree he's in. "Perhaps I'll go get some Ichiraku Ramen before continuing trying to get Naruto. Shame he can't come with." You countinue saying under the tree before walking off in the general direction of the stand.

"No wait! Take me with you!" Naruto shouts dropping down from the tree. You smirk as you rush straight at him and tag him.

"Got you!" You say victoriously with a grin. Naruto blinks as he realizes what happened and pouts.

"No fair Rin! Now to apologize we need to go for Ramen, got it?" He demands. You giggle at how cute it is.

"Fine." You agree, rolling your eyes as Naruto celebrates.

Poor, poor Rin.
Suiho Omake by LightLan (Canon)
First attempt at an Omake ever. Enjoy @AoMythology

Your name is Uchiha Suiho, retired Jounin of Konoha, Husband to Uzumaki Korin, proud father of Shisui and Rin.

Rin continues to astound you. Hampered on creating a normal clone due to her high chakra density she made a water clone. And an earth clone. While hearing how Rin pranked her mother was amusing and assuaged your heart that she still had her childhood, it is also cause for worry.
For now Korin believes Rin to be waternatured. It is only a matter of time for that lie to be revealed. And Korin was never one to downplay achievements. More likely she'll brag about her genius daughter during her next shopping trip with Yui-San. Once she finds out Rin already has finished all five elemental transformations it won't be long and the whole Clan will know.

Which is why you and Shisui are keeping it a secret. Fugaku would pressure you more than he already does to get her trained faster.

What you fear most though is what happens once Korin finds out you have deceived her. The woman has a temper as you have just recently been reminded. It turns out Rin found a relative with her sensory talent. The explosion upon Rin telling Korin about him was completely unexpected. It seems the Hokage has lied about him to Korin. You have never seen her so furious - not even when Shisui had accidentally destroyed a keepsake from her mother - and barely managed to keep her from doing something shortsighted for now. You only hope that her newfound anger does not drive her to extremes.

Meanwhile Rin continues to befriend her newfound relative who turned out to be the host of the Kyubi. While you do not hold the boy accountable for what the beast did, you know not all share your sentiment. There certainly will be coming some trouble from this, but you will not forbid her from seeing a - however distant - relative. And it is amusing to watch her fail to find the boy hiding inside the leaves. You smile at remembering that sight. Maybe you should teach her how to hide better though. Especially how to hide her chakra from sensors. It has increased by quite a bit the last year after all.
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