Titans DC - The Edge strikes back

So let me get this straight. To avoid becoming like Batman, who kills people, Dick Grayson runs away to Detroit. To fight crime. By killing people.

Honestly, the more I hear about this show, the more I think that creators of this had some kind of a personal vendetta against Teen Titans as a concept. In other words:
What's next, they're going to have Beast Boy chow down on a meat-lover's pizza?
You know it'd almost be worth it if this was some season long mirrorverse episode. Like this all takes place on Earth-3 and you don't find out until the end when they fight the real Titans. Or maybe if they used the same sort of jokes from Teen Titans Go but played them all totally straight.
Jesus Christ, this is the whole "Fuck Marvel" at the Suicide Squad premier all over again...

Did someone's cousin approve this decision? WB, how can you keep fucking up like this? It is basically a statistical anomaly.
The funny thing is there are a lot of ways this could work, and none of them seem to be on display. Like you could make a pretty good deconstruction of the teen sidekick trope. After all putting teenagers in dangerous situations where violence will ensue and death is possible is going to fuck people up. Like instead of Robin being all "Fuck Batman" edgy teen rebellion focus on the fact he's a child solider. People get hurt and even die in fist fights all the time. If someone acted the way he did it's inevitable that someone is going to end up dead. By sheer odds someone is going to get a skull fracture or suffer internal bleeding and die. So use that. With Raven she's literally the anti-Christ who wants to save the world. Her comic character is filled with angst and drama just ready for the mining. Beast Boy turns into some of the most dangerous animals on Earth. There's no gental way for a Grizzly Bear to hit someone. He's going to kill people all the time in a fight. Not to mention the fact that everyone he's ever loved has dead or abandoned him. His jokes are outright said to be a coping mechanism to deal with his trauma. StarFire's life is Game of Throne's meets Star Wars. It wouldn't take much to get a Watchmen like subversion of the genre to really take a look at what people like this would be like in the real world.

Or on the flipside turn this into a dark comedy like Deadpool or Rick and Morty. Like if the idea is to say Suck It to people who say DC is too dark, play into that. Have dark violent shit happening and have the characters just play it off. Don't take the darkness seriously. Have the Titans joke about how fucked up this all is, how silly and absurd it is that they're a bunch of kids in tights fighting mob bosses with stupid names selling drugs on playgrounds. Laugh with the audience. Look at Teen Titans Go, it's not a great show, but it's dark as hell. Despite the color scheme the show is full of violence, death, and the heroes are major sociopaths who are unable or unwilling to learn from their mistakes. Play on that theme and explore the insanity these characters exist in while being just empty violent sociopaths who are giggling their way through the void.
At least that show had the excuse of coming out at a time where superheroes were nowhere near where they were today and it was pretty in keeping with the general tone of TV at the time. DC had only really done one unsuccessful Superman film and the Dark Knight Trilogy and MCU phase one was not even up to Thor. So really the idea of a dark edgy take on Wonder Woman wouldn't have sounded so stupid. It was terribly executed but at least the elevator pitch was solid. Compare that to the Titans which is coming out at a time where DC itself is moving away from the ultra dark tone after repeated failings and being shown up by the more sincere MCU while everyone else is making fun of this shit. Like it should be pretty obvious why this won't work.
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