Thor: Ragnarok

FYI, if Super Hitler, Invincible Space Nazi, showed up in Washington DC tomorrow, and declared that he was going to turn America into the Fourth Reich so they could go back to terrorizing and genociding the untermensch, I would bet you literally all the money that exists on Earth that the entire US military would not get up in his face, and fight him in a hopeless battle, and die doing so, forcing Super Hitler to rely on an army of undead SS veterans.

So no, the Asgardians aren't "retroactively the bad guys" simply because they're haunted by the sins of their past.
prolly the fact that "white" people don't have a shared heritage based on, for example, abduction and forced homogenization like black people in America and "white culture" is largely a racist reaction to black civil rights and doesn't really exist outside of Klan/Nazi/Trump rallies :V

Now, if you wanna talk about Polish culture or Russian culture or Welsh culture or French or Italian or German or Dutch or Scottish or Finnish culture then hey, there's some stuff you can look up to if you've really got an itch to reconnect with your good European heritage. But if you go looking for "white culture" all you're gonna find is white hoods and burning crosses.
That's really not fair either; there's very much a shared positive culture in America that is very white and plenty of celebration about it. I don't see how that's under attack though unless you want to count the unveiling of TSwift as a reptilian
FYI, if Super Hitler, Invincible Space Nazi, showed up in Washington DC tomorrow, and declared that he was going to turn America into the Fourth Reich so they could go back to terrorizing and genociding the untermensch, I would bet you literally all the money that exists on Earth that the entire US military would not get up in his face, and fight him in a hopeless battle, and die doing so, forcing Super Hitler to rely on an army of undead SS veterans.

So no, the Asgardians aren't "retroactively the bad guys" simply because they're haunted by the sins of their past.

It's not like the movie ends with Odin saying "Asgard isn't a place, it's a people", which inspires Thor to finally self-actualize as a hero and focus on saving the people of Asgard instead of the city/planet/whatever itself. Asgardians themselves are innocent and worthy of preserving, but the world built on Odin and Hela's conquests is literally rotten (oh hey isn't it funny how Odin's treasure vault is built on top of a massive tomb?) and needs to be destroyed, so that the people can start over without being burdened by the sins of the past.

Fuck, the movie even has Loki doing the exact same thing Odin did, what with putting on a comically terrible play that attempts to retroactively cast Loki as a hero worthy of songs and legends.
That's really not fair either; there's very much a shared positive culture in America that is very white and plenty of celebration about it. I don't see how that's under attack though unless you want to count the unveiling of TSwift as a reptilian

I mean she is kind of taking flak recently for Reputation and some unintended unfortunate racist undertones... :V
Question: When did it become wrong for white people to have something to look up to? More precisely, when did it become against the rules to depict a mostly white civilization as virtuous?
Why do the Nordic guys with the funny helmets have to be bad while the barbarians we saw pillaging in the second movie are suddenly just common folks being oppressed by the evil space vikings?

I don't like the idea of retroactively turning the Asgardians into the bad guys just to satisfy the director's politics.
No one has said in this thread that it's wrong for white people to have something to look up to and at this point you're unironically spouting the rationale for #ItsOkToBeWhite .

(which, for those of you following along at home, was an online twitter/meatspace leafleting campaign, created by /pol/ and the Daily Stormer i.e. actual Nazis, with the express aim of stirring shit by insinuating that white people across America and the world are culturally homogenous, totally united across the entirety of their history, and massively oppressed somehow)
No one has said in this thread that it's wrong for white people to have something to look up to and at this point you're unironically spouting the rationale for #ItsOkToBeWhite .

(which, for those of you following along at home, was an online twitter/meatspace leafleting campaign, created by /pol/ and the Daily Stormer i.e. actual Nazis, with the express aim of stirring shit by insinuating that white people across America and the world are culturally homogenous, totally united across the entirety of their history, and massively oppressed somehow)
The whole point there was to get people to go "white culture is bad" and radicalize the normies... which I'm kind of worried about. Not so much that it'll turn Joe Smith into a Nazi but make him distrust the left and the media even more. Don't play the troll's game.

I mean she is kind of taking flak recently for Reputation and some unintended unfortunate racist undertones... :V
Which is the most dumb of controversies. I mean come on, if anyone is allowed to take potshots at Kanye I think the snake qualifies.

Regardless @Mark , what part of white culture are you not allowed to do these days? I'm honestly curious
And yet...we clearly see from the last two movies, that ASGARD didn't conquer the 9-realms in the last 5,000 years. Asgardian lifespans are between 4 and 5 thousand years. Putting aside the fact that we don't know when Bor died in the MCU and when Odin first became king.... when exactly is this conquest supposed to have taken place? It would almost certainly have had to be within the lifespan of living memory .....meaning Odin could not have covered it up like this movie claims.
Man, why is it now that you care about continuity when Thor 2 established both that the Convergence happened 5,000 years ago and Asgardians could live just as long. There was an issue of time anyway.
The whole point there was to get people to go "white culture is bad" and radicalize the normies... which I'm kind of worried about. Not so much that it'll turn Joe Smith into a Nazi but make him distrust the left and the media even more. Don't play the troll's game

Okay, then let's play a different one.
What is white culture? Open question for @Mark as well!
Okay, then let's play a different one.
What is white culture? Open question for @Mark as well!
I'd argue that in America there's quite a variety of lily white cultural activities (namely being legally white, not in terms of excluding non whites), from the more redneck camping to country music to NASCAR (94% white!).

Frankly a better question is probably what culture is in the first place.
The whole point there was to get people to go "white culture is bad" and radicalize the normies... which I'm kind of worried about. Not so much that it'll turn Joe Smith into a Nazi but make him distrust the left and the media even more. Don't play the troll's game.

Which is the most dumb of controversies. I mean come on, if anyone is allowed to take potshots at Kanye I think the snake qualifies.

Regardless @Mark , what part of white culture are you not allowed to do these days? I'm honestly curious

Who here badmouthed 'white culture'? We're not on Twitter the injunction "Don't play the troll's game" is like 5 weeks late and on the wrong website my dude.

Who here badmouthed 'white culture'? We're not on Twitter the injunction "Don't play the troll's game" is like 5 weeks late and on the wrong website my dude.

prolly the fact that "white" people don't have a shared heritage based on, for example, abduction and forced homogenization like black people in America and "white culture" is largely a racist reaction to black civil rights and doesn't really exist outside of Klan/Nazi/Trump rallies :V

Now, if you wanna talk about Polish culture or Russian culture or Welsh culture or French or Italian or German or Dutch or Scottish or Finnish culture then hey, there's some stuff you can look up to if you've really got an itch to reconnect with your good European heritage. But if you go looking for "white culture" all you're gonna find is white hoods and burning crosses.

Never too late to avoid making bad tactical moves. Not that it'll help much in this super particular case but it's a good habit
I do find it ridiculous to think that the director was saying that western civilization needs to be burnt down entirely when the character played by the director himself delivered a speech about how the ruined Asgard could become a place of safety for refugees, even if it does end up a punchline.
I do find it ridiculous to think that the director was saying that western civilization needs to be burnt down entirely when the character played by the director himself delivered a speech about how the ruined Asgard could become a place of safety for refugees, even if it does end up a punchline.
Except he didn't say the first thing.
I do find it ridiculous to think that the director was saying that western civilization needs to be burnt down entirely when the character played by the director himself delivered a speech about how the ruined Asgard could become a place of safety for refugees, even if it does end up a punchline.

ehhh, not really?

"The foundations are solid!"
"Oh wait nevermind."
I'm not arguing that the MCU isn't an interpretation crafted from mythology, what I'm saying is that we had an established backstory for Asgard with established characters from the first two movies.... and then this director came along and rewrote it to fit what he wanted.
The entire first movie is about Asgard clashing with a disenfranchised rival kingdom that Odin conquered aeons ago who are trying to get back a) their kidnapped prince, b) an ancient relic of theirs that Asgard has stashed away in its treasury like the Elgin Marbles. The second movie opens with an ancient war between the two dominant god-cultures of the time, with the triumphant Asgard banishing the losers to suspended animation in another realm.

Did you actually watch either of those two movies?
The entire first movie is about Asgard clashing with a disenfranchised rival kingdom that Odin conquered aeons ago who are trying to get back a) their kidnapped prince, b) an ancient relic of theirs that Asgard has stashed away in its treasury like the Elgin Marbles. The second movie opens with an ancient war between the two dominant god-cultures of the time, with the triumphant Asgard genociding the losers, while a small force fled to suspended animation in another realm.

Did you actually watch either of those two movies?
FTFY, Everyone assumed that the Dark Elves were extinct.
The entire first movie is about Asgard clashing with a disenfranchised rival kingdom that Odin conquered aeons ago who are trying to get back a) their kidnapped prince, b) an ancient relic of theirs that Asgard has stashed away in its treasury like the Elgin Marbles. The second movie opens with an ancient war between the two dominant god-cultures of the time, with the triumphant Asgard banishing the losers to suspended animation in another realm.

Did you actually watch either of those two movies?
FTFY, Everyone assumed that the Dark Elves were extinct.
Thor is actually a history of the West! It all makes sense now! You beat up the commie elves, lost generation the Ice Giants, and form your nation through good old imperialism. By Odin it was there all along we were just too blind to see it.
Whoa, I've never thought about all the implications in this movie and took everything at the face value.

Honestly, this is fascinating. And this topic is... rather close to home. In all the wrong ways.
I have never been less ironic in the past few minutes at least.
I'm honestly not sure what the fuck is even going on anymore after someone decided that @Jace911 mocking the ahistorical and decidedly (even more actively and aggressively than usual) white supremacist conception of 'white culture' as conceived of by a small number of American fascists was somehow a bad tactical manoeuvre so I'm going to go have dinner