Round 10 Vote Roundup
[Council] (
How is it exactly that everyone on the Council forgot to add 'Council' to their vote this Round!?)
- Make or Change Rule
- "Allow for role changes, in exchange for the loss of a round of action, rioters and concil members can now switch thier roles" (
Grant Rioters and Council Members means to change their role in the Quest)
No Roll Required (I'm probably going to do this as its own writeup to make sure none of the details are overlooked)
[Riot Boost] Build long house
- (
I find it [equally?] amusing that somehow only one person voted for Riot Boost this round. But such is life!)
Riot! Actions
1) Address Problem
- Naysayers Want Chicken (How?)
-- A: Accompany a rioter on their beast hunting expedition. Bring emergency sod.
-- B: Wild chickens sleep in trees, right? Search the forests for poultry. We won't need to tame it if we're just planning to give it to the Naysayers as an offering, so a wild chicken should do... and if I can't find or catch any birds I can at least get a few more sticks on my way back, right?
-- C: Assist in the collection and delivery to Naysayers of a chicken.
-- D: Try to lure out a chicken. What do chickens eat, anyway?
- 5 Players: Crawkid, Random Reader (A); Sir Plusse (B); Cubbyhb1 (C); Phervygbahrcaid (D)
- +4 Teamwork; 4d5 SMT (+2 Sod, +1 Wooden Trowel), 1d5 STR (+1 Wooden Trowel)
2) Address Problem
- Naysayers Want Chicken (How?)
-- Reality has denied being a chicken, therefore chickens are not par of reality. Thus it logically follows that I must dive into the realms of fantasy to find chickens.
- 1 Player: WallFlower
- 1d4-2 SPK
3) Work on Project
- Longhouse
-- A: Third times the charm - try and craft tools for the Longhouse project, or at the very least try and make progress towards making crafting easier.
- B: Crafting: Primitive Axe
-- attach a sharp stone to the end of a stick using vines or maybe strong grass.
- 1 Player: Shade31415 (A), Jack727 (B)
- +1 Teamwork; 1d5+1 SMT, 1d4+1 SMT (+1 Stone Wedge)
4) Work on Project
- Manifest Edge
-- Sharpen my claws and teeth and malices against a tree.
- 1 Player: Half Moon
- 1d4-1 SPK
4.5) Join the Lord of the Edge and attempt to master her technique to imbue my claws and beak with the mighty power of EDGE, which even reality fears.
- 1 Player: NSchwerte
- 1d4 SPK (Dis)
5) Address Problem
- Missing Sod (If the Naysayers weren't behind the missing sod, then someone or something else must be. I will muster all of my shenanigans and spy on the sod 24/7 until the cause of the disappearance is found.)
- 1 Player: rush99999
- 1d5 SHN
6) Work on Project
- Quest Lab
--A: Now that the Naysayer threat has been... mollified, best to get back to building up the Quest Lab.
--B: You going about this the wrong way. You need to work smart, not hard. Time to make tools.
- 2 Player: Mindris (A), _Plague Doctor_ (B)
- +5 Teamwork; 1d5 STR, 1d4 SMT
7) Work on Project
- Other (What?): Magic, i have sticks for a fire, ihave water I have the air a piece of ground, now time to put all together with a drop of blood and start bringing magic to the world.
- 1 Player: Dinfinity
- 1d4 SPK
8) Address Problem
- Edgy McEdge Face
-- Find a very *very* dull rock, so dull that one would say it has Anti Edge, so dull that its Round. then rub it all over Edgy McEdge Face with it till she Loses her Edgy personality
- 1 Player: thatguy99998
- 2d4 SPK (UnlmAdv)