a Quest (OR..."Come Sail Away: A Council/Riot Hybrid Quest Where You're Trying to Build a Ship")

I will say here right now that if someone stronger than Rover 1 doesn't appear to use the Sledgehammer, then I'll switch my vote to using it instead of letting it be unused by any specific Rioter
[X][Council] War Planning
[X][Riot Boost] Defend quest
[X][Direct Action] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.

A long thought dead council member emerges from under a rock.
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Rioters! I believe in your strength and solidarity! I fully believe, nay Know!, that you will prevail in this most trying of times. I shall be literally behind you the whole way, cheering you on.

Naysayers delenda est!
I will say here right now that if someone stronger than Rover 1 doesn't appear to use the Sledgehammer, then I'll switch my vote to using it instead of letting it be unused by any specific Rioter
I could try and use it, if you want? I already get one advantage from a skill though (two rolls w/skill, three with spear), it might be better to give someone else (like you) two extra advantages, rather than hog all five potential rolls myself (hammer + str + up to 3 adv).

...Does advantage from weapons count towards the player's stat, or the weapons roll?
[X][Riot!] Crafting
-[X] I shall light the tips of branches on fire and hand them out as torches, to really complete the image of an angry mob
[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.
[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.

[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Try to find a place to hide and ambush the naysayers when they approach.
[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.

[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Close in on those spear wielders and clobber them with the superior arms of a wooden club.
Round 19 Results
I've delayed this for way too long.

Locked...and loaded.
Scheduled vote count started by Space Jawa on Dec 24, 2024 at 12:35 AM, finished with 37 posts and 19 votes.
  • 5

    [X][Direct Action] Address Theoretical Problem
    -[X] Future Negative Rioter Status (Drag back rioters who get injured in the fighting and treat their injuries)
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[x] Literally throw recalcitrant rioters at the naysayers lines. Wave after wave of quester dea... Victories will surely win the day!
  • 14

    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.
  • 12

    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Throw sod at them to distract them!
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Join up with the biggest group of Questers and use our best axe to split the Naysayers' heads (or whatever else happens to be conveniently in-range - I'm not in a position to be picky about targets).
    --[X] If someone attempts to lay a trap (even just the trip-with-Ropevine thing I previously outlined), wait on the other side to try to bait the Naysayers into charging straight through it.
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Use Shenanigans to wage warfare of both the guerilla and gorilla variety on the Naysayers.
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Join up with the biggest group of Questers and use our best spear to poke at Naysayers from a safe distance.
    -[X] If applicable try and flank them with the axe guy.
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Give the pile(?) of Dirtworm Steaks a forlorn look. Briefly fantasize about charging the Naysayers vested in Dirworm Regalia. The steaks your armor, weapon, and snack. Commiserate with one of the not-all-there Rioters.
    -[X] Instead grab a stone spear, the pointy end aimed towards the Naysayers. They want to intimidate you with their numbers and reach, return the favor.
    -[X] Don't believe the Naysayers if they 'come in peace'. There's no way they're merely using the Quest as a shortcut. All they'll get from you is silence and pain.
    --[X] Don't get closed in, always ensure you have space enough to maneuver. If your spear gets stuck, you'll have to rely on your hands. If that happens, shake the nearest Naysayer.
    --[X] Stay mobile, thrusting when appropriate. Don't thrust the shield Naysayer. Flit between Rioters if able.
    --[X] Don't lose sight of the other Rioters, especially the Delicious Beast. Buff Muscles Naysayer Woman seemed fixed on kidnapping your fellow Rioter.
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Rover 1 grabs on to the Stone Sledgehammer and prepares to use it, it will only relinquish the sledge to another rioter of higher strength
    -[X] Alternatively it grabs a spear and joins the primary group
    --[X] With the Sledgehammer Rover 1 moves to a slightly farther point from the other rioters to avoid friendly fire, it will focus the heavy enemies with this heavy weapon
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Grab a long thick stick and swing it about like a sword
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Attempt to construct some makeshift weaponry to use.
    [X][Riot!] Crafting
    -[X] I shall light the tips of branches on fire and hand them out as torches, to really complete the image of an angry mob
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Try to find a place to hide and ambush the naysayers when they approach.
    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] Close in on those spear wielders and clobber them with the superior arms of a wooden club.
  • 1

    [X][Signup] Rioter
    -[X] Password? "To War!"
    -[X] Nifty Identifying Quest Name, quippy phrase, or brief distinguishing feature for flavor purposes (Keep it short!) (Optional): Name is Leonore, female.
  • 1

    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
    -[X] I grab food that can be stolen and try and weaponize my embarrassment to convince the chickens or whomever else is laughing at me that helping me relocate the hideout so that it would be more entertaining to have me succeed in storing my our stuff in the hideout so that have an incentive to return with another utterly embarrassing performance.
  • 4

    [X][Council] War Planning
    [x][Council] Implement a Policy
    -[x] What Policy?
    --[x] Declare War on Naysayers
  • 1

    -[x] Give a pat on the back to any rioter that gets wounded and needs healing. Good job fighting and healing, mate
  • 1

    -[X] 1x Dirtworm Steak (heal to full)
  • 3

    [X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
  • 1

    [x] [Naysayers] Join
    -[x] at least they let me just do what i wanted to do!
So, uh...I am actually finally getting to this, but for some reason it appears that the votes are very screwy for some reason I can only guess at, so it's going to take more work than anticipated to actually go through and figure out what the actual vote totals are.
Round 19 Results (Organized-ish?) New
Trying to lay out the votes so I can properly tally them to do the turn...
(Obviously, if anyone notices me missing anything feel free to speak up)​

[x][Council] Implement a Policy
-[x] What Policy?
--[x] Declare War on Naysayers


[X][Council] War Planning


[X][Council] War Planning


[X][Council] War Planning

The Chilly One

Riot Boost

[X][Riot Boost] Defend quest


[X][Riot Boost] Defend quest


[X][Riot Boost] Defend quest

The Chilly One

Direct Action
[X][Direct Action] Address Theoretical Problem
-[X] Future Negative Rioter Status (Drag back rioters who get injured in the fighting and treat their injuries)


[X][Direct Action] Defend Quest
-[x] Literally throw recalcitrant rioters at the naysayers lines. Wave after wave of quester dea... Victories will surely win the day!


[X][Direct Action] Address Theoretical Problem
-[X] Future Negative Rioter Status (Drag back rioters who get injured in the fighting and treat their injuries)


[X][Direct Action] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Direct Action] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.

The Chilly One

-[x] Give a pat on the back to any rioter that gets wounded and needs healing. Good job fighting and healing, mate


Riot Votes
[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Join up with the biggest group of Questers and use our best axe to split the Naysayers' heads (or whatever else happens to be conveniently in-range - I'm not in a position to be picky about targets).
--[X] If someone attempts to lay a trap (even just the trip-with-Ropevine thing I previously outlined), wait on the other side to try to bait the Naysayers into charging straight through it.

Sir Plusse

[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Throw sod at them to distract them!


[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Throw sod at them to distract them!


[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Use Shenanigans to wage warfare of both the guerilla and gorilla variety on the Naysayers.


[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Join up with the biggest group of Questers and use our best spear to poke at Naysayers from a safe distance.
-[X] If applicable try and flank them with the axe guy.


[X][RIO(t![?])] Defend Quest
-[X] I grab food that can be stolen and try and weaponize my embarrassment to convince the chickens or whomever else is laughing at me that helping me relocate the hideout so that it would be more entertaining to have me succeed in storing my our stuff in the hideout so that have an incentive to return with another utterly embarrassing


[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Give the pile(?) of Dirtworm Steaks a forlorn look. Briefly fantasize about charging the Naysayers vested in Dirworm Regalia. The steaks your armor, weapon, and snack. Commiserate with one of the not-all-there Rioters.
-[X] Instead grab a stone spear, the pointy end aimed towards the Naysayers. They want to intimidate you with their numbers and reach, return the favor.
-[X] Don't believe the Naysayers if they 'come in peace'. There's no way they're merely using the Quest as a shortcut. All they'll get from you is silence and pain.
--[X] Don't get closed in, always ensure you have space enough to maneuver. If your spear gets stuck, you'll have to rely on your hands. If that happens, shake the nearest Naysayer.
--[X] Stay mobile, thrusting when appropriate. Don't thrust the shield Naysayer. Flit between Rioters if able.
--[X] Don't lose sight of the other Rioters, especially the Delicious Beast. Buff Muscles Naysayer Woman seemed fixed on kidnapping your fellow Rioter.

Random Reader

[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Rover 1 grabs on to the Stone Sledgehammer and prepares to use it, it will only relinquish the sledge to another rioter of higher strength
-[X] Alternatively it grabs a spear and joins the primary group
--[X] With the Sledgehammer Rover 1 moves to a slightly farther point from the other rioters to avoid friendly fire, it will focus the heavy enemies with this heavy weapon

Robot # 207

[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Grab a long thick stick and swing it about like a sword


[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Offer anyone who approaches a potana in these trying times
--[x] make it clear if anyone touches your plants. Problems will start. They are your emotional support plants.


[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Attempt to construct some makeshift weaponry to use.


[X][Riot!] Crafting
-[X] I shall light the tips of branches on fire and hand them out as torches, to really complete the image of an angry mob

Space Murica

[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Try to find a place to hide and ambush the naysayers when they approach.


[X][Riot!] Defend Quest
-[X] Close in on those spear wielders and clobber them with the superior arms of a wooden club.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.

Sir Plusse

[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.

Random Reader

[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.

Robot # 207

[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.

Space Murica

[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


[X][Cooperation] Defend Quest
-[X] Details: Grab spears, hatchets, knives and whatever is at hand, gather into a group to try and intimidate them but above all else, don't let the quest fall easily.


-[X] 1x Dirtworm Steak (heal to full)


[x] [Naysayers] Join
-[x] at least they let me just do what i wanted to do!

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