a Quest (OR..."Come Sail Away: A Council/Riot Hybrid Quest Where You're Trying to Build a Ship")

Round 18 Results
Still wanted to vote this round?

Scheduled vote count started by Space Jawa on Sep 21, 2024 at 1:45 AM, finished with 24 posts and 17 votes.
  • 14

    [X][Riot] Continue using my hatchet to cut the trees we've collected into a more conveniently-usable form.
    [X][Riot] Get knife, go to grasslands/plains? Cut down and bring back the long grass for supplies
    [X] [Riot!] Panic about if past memories were real and try to create statues from past memories using Sod and Dirt
    [X][Riot!] Address Problem
    -[X] Negative Rioter Status (Apply Aloe Vera gel to @Half Moon 's face wound, to test if medicine works generically or for specific injuries.
    [X][Riot!] Build a secret forest hidout using any locally sourced improvised materials you can get your hands on.
    [X][Riot!] Attempt to use an piece of aloe and other herbs like it to try and make a healing poultice
    [X][Riot!] Attempt brick making by combining grass and clay and then roasting that in the fire
    [X][Riot!] Crafting
    -[X] Spears
    --[X] Sharpen long sticks
    [X][Riot!] Crafting
    -[X] Simple Construction Equipment, which will then be given to anyone in need of it.
    [X][Riot!] Write In!
    -[X] Trip Advisor
    --[X] Your latest trip during your most recent trip made said trip quite a trip, leaving you literally and metaphorically tripped up. With new reports of naysayer activity, supposedly within the forest, you suspect there's more to your stumbling about than you'd thought. Approach @GrayGriffin and determine a course of action.
    ---[X] Thank the Orb of Floof for helping you get back to the Quest and for the snack, then break off towards the feathered rioter. Keep an eye and an ear out for any trouble - especially on the Forest. You'd grab a walking stick, but for now, wood is your enemy. Grab a fistful of sod instead.
    [X][Riot!] Crafting
    -[X] Chop the Large Log (and any other logs gathered on the turn) into boards
    --[X] Stone hatchet
    [X][Riot!] Use the Stone Hatchet Assembly Package to make a Hatchet for @Dragonofelder
    [X][Riot!] Step 1 of the plan has worked - now to pull on that connection and summon a spooky minion! You're on the cusp of something - you can feel it. (although that might just be the shiver down your ghostly spine).
    [X][Riot!] Write In!
    -[X] Give Random Reader advice about how to best forage in the forest, including various potential pitfalls to watch out for and the resources that we most need from there.
  • 14

    [X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
    [X] [Cooperation] Dig out the Longhouse
    [X][Cooperation] Search Unexplored areas for new herbs.
  • 8

    [X][Eat] Dirtworm Steak
    [X] [Eat] Try to eat some Love Nothing
    [X][Eat] Mushroom
  • 3

    [x][Council] Implement a Policy
    -[X] Anti-Questor Activities Committee, modified
    --[X] If any Naysayer is seen in our territory, Questors are to politely tell them that this is our area just as they have theirs and they should leave. Now. If they refuse, or if the same Naysayer/s come back, the Rioters are encouraged to throw mud, rocks or other such items at them or to drive them out in the way you prefer.
    [x][Council] Implement a Policy
    -[x] Anti-Questor Activities Committee
    --[x] Questors are to throw mud, rocks or other such items at a naysayer any time they see a naysayer in our borders or neutral territory. We shan't stoop to un-questorlike activities like dishonorable eavesdropping or spying anymore
  • 3

    [X][Riot Boost] Make bricks
    [X][Riot Boost] Hatchet production
  • 3

    [X][Direct Action] Gather resources
    -[x] Logs
Wow. Here comes Big Reality again coming into our quest and putting its boot down. Boohoo you have to eat food and you can't force the weather to be better. The vote is locked too now?

The fact that Reality needs to escalate to such extreme measures as stopping us from voting means that reality is clearly getting desperate.
Round 18 Vote Roundup

[Council] Implement a Policy
- Anti-Questor Activities Committee, modified
-- If any Naysayer is seen in our territory, Questors are to politely tell them that this is our area just as they have theirs and they should leave. Now. If they refuse, or if the same Naysayer/s come back, the Rioters are encouraged to throw mud, rocks or other such items at them or to drive them out in the way you prefer.
(No Roll Required)

[Riot Boost] Make bricks
(No Roll Required)

[Direct Action] Gather resources
- Logs

Cooperation Action
[Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
- 11 Votes + 3 Alt
-- Sir Plusse, Crawkid, N39TUN3, WallFlower, Space Murica, Jack 727, Random Reader, Dragonofelder, Robot # 207, Shade31415, GrayGriffin; + GleamingKyler111, Mindris, Dinfinity
- 14d4+14 (+3 Stone Hatchet, +2d6 Stone Spear*2, +2 Primitive Stone Knife, +1d3 Shoddy Stone Mallet, +2 Stone Hammer, +1d4 Stone Sledgehammer)

Riot! Actions

1) Crafting
- A) Use the Stone Hatchet Assembly Package to make a Hatchet for @Dragonofelder
- B) Chop the Large Log (and any other logs gathered on the turn) into boards
-- Stone hatchet
- C) Continue using my hatchet to cut the trees we've collected into a more conveniently-usable form.
- D) [Council Direct Action]
[Direct Action]+3 Players: Robot #207 (A), Dragonofelder (B), Sir Plusse (C)
- +3 Teamwork; 1d5 SMT (+1d4 Stone Chisel), 1d4 STR (+???), 1d5 STR* (+2d4+2 Stone Hatchet), 1d4

2) Get knife, go to grasslands/plains? Cut down and bring back the long grass for supplies
- 1 Player: Crawkid
- 1d5 SMT (+2 Primitive Stone Knife)

3) Attempt brick making by combining grass and clay and then roasting that in the fire
- 1 Player: Space Murica
- 1d4+1 SMT (+1d4 Stone Chisel)

4) Crafting
- Spears
-- Sharpen long sticks
- 1 Player: Jack727
- 1d6+1 SMT (+1 Stone Wedge)

5) Crafting
- Simple Construction Equipment, which will then be given to anyone in need of it.
- 1 Player: Mindris
- 1d8 SMT (adv) (+2 Stone Hammer)

6) Address Problem
- A) Negative Rioter Status (Apply Aloe Vera gel to @Half Moon 's face wound, to test if medicine works generically or for specific injuries.
- B) Attempt to use an piece of aloe and other herbs like it to try and make a healing poultice
- 2 Players: N39TUN3 (A); Dinfinity (B)
- +1 Teamwork; 1d6 SMT* (+adv Bone Scalpel), 1d5 SMT (+1d8, +1 Adv Roll, +1 Base Adv, +1 Adv Stone Sledgehammer)

7) Write In!
- Trip Advisor
-- A) Your latest trip during your most recent trip made said trip quite a trip, leaving you literally and metaphorically tripped up. With new reports of naysayer activity, supposedly within the forest, you suspect there's more to your stumbling about than you'd thought. Approach @GrayGriffin and determine a course of action.
--- A) Thank the Orb of Floof for helping you get back to the Quest and for the snack, then break off towards the feathered rioter. Keep an eye and an ear out for any trouble - especially on the Forest. You'd grab a walking stick, but for now, wood is your enemy. Grab a fistful of sod instead.
- B) Give Random Reader advice about how to best forage in the forest, including various potential pitfalls to watch out for and the resources that we most need from there.
- 2 Players: Random Reader (A); GrayGriffin (B)
- +1 Teamwork; 1d4 SMT, 1d5 SMT (adv)

8) Build a secret forest hidout using any locally sourced improvised materials you can get your hands on.
- 1 Player: Wallflower
- 1d4-1 SMT (+3 Stone Shovel)

9) Panic about if past memories were real and try to create statues from past memories using Sod and Dirt
- 1 Player: GleamingKyler111
- 1d4 SPK (+1 Wooden Trowel)

10) Step 1 of the plan has worked - now to pull on that connection and summon a spooky minion! You're on the cusp of something - you can feel it. (although that might just be the shiver down your ghostly spine).
- 1 Player: Shade31415
- 1d5 SPK (+1d6 Stone Spear)

Eat Actions
A) [Eat] Dirtworm Steak
- Sir Plusse, Crawkid, N39TUN3, Mindris, Dragonofelder, Shade31415

B) Try to eat some Love Nothing
- GleamingKyler111

C) Mushroom
- Robot # 207
Space Jawa threw 14 4-faced dice. Reason: Cooperative Patrol Total: 41
4 4 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 1 1
Space Jawa threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Cooperative Stone Spear Total: 10
5 5 5 5
Space Jawa threw 3 3-faced dice. Reason: Cooperative Mallet Total: 8
3 3 3 3 2 2
Space Jawa threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Cooperative Sledgehammer Total: 1
1 1
Space Jawa threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Super Speedy Ax Craft Total: 4
4 4
Space Jawa threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Super Speedy Ax Craft Chisel Total: 1
1 1
Space Jawa threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Logwork Total: 3
3 3
Space Jawa threw 2 4-faced dice. Reason: Logwork Hatchet Total: 3
2 2 1 1
Space Jawa threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Logwork Council Total: 1
1 1
Space Jawa threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Grass +2 Total: 1
1 1
Space Jawa threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Brickwork+1 Total: 3
3 3
Space Jawa threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Brickwork Chisel Total: 3
3 3
Space Jawa threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Spearcraft+2 Total: 2
2 2
Space Jawa threw 2 8-faced dice. Reason: Constructioncraft+2 Total: 5
3 3 2 2
Space Jawa threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Aloe Vera A+1 adv Total: 5
3 3 2 2
Space Jawa threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Aloe Vera B Total: 2
2 2
Space Jawa threw 3 8-faced dice. Reason: Aloe Vera B Sledge Total: 11
7 7 3 3 1 1
Space Jawa threw 2 4-faced dice. Reason: Trip Learner Total: 7
4 4 3 3
Space Jawa threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Trip Teacher Total: 6
3 3 3 3
Space Jawa threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Secret Base +2 Total: 1
1 1
Space Jawa threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Memories +1 Total: 2
2 2
Space Jawa threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Spooky Gamble Total: 4
4 4
Space Jawa threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Spooky Spear Total: 7
6 6 1 1
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So as a side thought, I'm wondering people haven't used any banked dice yet because

A) They're being forgotten
B) You're not sure how they're used
C) You just don't want to use them
D) Other
E) Two or more of the above
So as a side thought, I'm wondering people haven't used any banked dice yet because

A) They're being forgotten
B) You're not sure how they're used
C) You just don't want to use them
D) Other
E) Two or more of the above
I thought about it, but unfortunately for me "Summoning a spooky minion in a ritual on a whim" didn't count for any of the categories of the ones we had.
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It won't, not unless the Naysayers intentionally try to, maybe, but in that case you would have a revenge target?

Also my rolls are still looking good, thankfully the one wasn't on the main roll
Round 18 Results (Part I) - Border Patrol
The Quest is on high alert for Naysayer funny business.

The Rioters collectively patrol the quest borders in shifts. The council shifts policy towards actively driving off any Naysayers caught sneaking around.

As far as you can tell, it works pretty well. A few Naysayers are spotting either sneaking about or sneaking up, though with the amount of activity going on dedicated to putting a stop to their snooping, they quickly turn around and sneak off again.

As far as you can tell, the Naysayers really don't learn anything new that they didn't know already.

And ominous feeling lurks in the air.

Are they merely scouting to keep an eye on what you're up to? Or are they trying to gather intelligence for their own plans?

And if so, just what might those plans be...?

As far as you can tell, you've put a stop to the Naysayer snooping for now.

But if the Naysayers really are plotting something, how long might you have to prepare for it?

Or might it be too late already...?
Round 18 Results (Part II) - Work Continues
While the ominous atmosphere regarding the Naysayers casts a long shadow, the quest attempts to overcome it by continuing with business as normal. Among the most normal of this business is to refine your resources in order to have what you need for your major projects.

Among the biggest of these is harvesting one of the cut trees for wood that can be used for making stuff.

The robot helps indirectly, assembling the ax pieces. While it isn't completed quickly enough to make immediate use of, it still ensures that your quest now has a second stone hatchet it can use.

The rest of the wood crew focuses on the tree directly. Unfortunately, their work is significantly hindered. While they try their best to help, the Council proves to be a hindrance to the work, as the three individuals over-supervise. They stand too close, they give unnecessary advice, and their 'help' mostly consists of telling the actual questers how to do their jobs that they already know how to do.

While the rioters do clear off a heavy portion of the sticks attached to the log - which provides a significant bounty of comparatively minor resources - they make little real progress in actually turning the log into wooden boards.

@Robot # 207 gets +1 SMT XP!
@Dragonofelder gets +1 STR XP! Strong upgrades to 1d5!
@Sir Plusse gets +1 STR XP!

1 Stone Hatchet Assembly Package has become 1 Stone Hatchet (Average Quality)!
50 Assorted Short Sticks gained (10 Thin Average, 10 Small Average, 10 Good, 10 Thick Average, 10 Thick Good)!
25 Medium Sticks gained (20 Average Quality, 5 Good Quality)!
Medium Tree (Stripped) has been harvested of Medium and Small Sticks!

There continues an effort to make bricks, especially now that there is a fire to actually bake said bricks.

Alas, work does not go as planned. The biggest obstacle becomes that while there is a desire to use grass to make said bricks, you don't actually have any grass to use. There is an effort to acquire such grass, but the chef who goes to collect it gets hung up on not actually locating any grass that match the desired standards.

Nothing much is accomplished as result, but at least you keep the fire going.

@Crawkid gets +1 SMT XP! Smarts upgrades to 1d6!
@Space Murica gets +1 SMT XP!

1 Average Quality Medium Stick spent on Fire!

War is in the air. You can feel it.

You can also feel that if you were forced to go to war soon, you would be woefully underprepared.

You try to rectify that by constructing weapons. Alas, the looming shadow of war occupies your thoughts and clouds your judgement.

You're not completely unsuccessful in your efforts, but you'd probably rate your work as 'mostly unsuccessful'.

But one additional spear is probably better than nothing, regardless of its quality.

@Jack727 gets +1 SMT XP!

1 Average Quality Long Stick has become 1 Wooden Spear (Average Quality)

There is always a need for more tools, and you try to fill that need.

Alas, the shadow that looms over the quest prevents your work from living up to the usual high standards that you and the quest are accustomed to.

But you do produce something, and something is usually better than nothing.

@Mindris gets +1 SMT XP!

1 Short Stick (Good Quality), 4 Short Sticks (Thick, Good Quality), and 1 Medium Ropevine have become 1 Wooden Mallet (Poor Quality)!

I expect one or two more updates to complete the turn, hopefully it won't take another week and a half each to get them completed.
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Round 18 Results (Part III) - It Instead Took the QM Roughly Two and a Half Weeks to Get the Next Update Completed...
An overlooked problem facing the quest is a matter of injuries. While only a couple of rioters currently carry injuries, there exist rioters with injuries none the less. There also exists a list of dead rioters, confirming that rioters are absolutely not immortal.

With a threat of conflict looming in the air, addressing wounds is at least as important as ever, if not more so.

You attempt to find a reliable means to address this concern by turning to the recently acquired leaves of aloe vera.

Working as a team, you cut several of the leaves into small pieces, then use a hammer that is hilariously oversized for the job to then crush the leave slices into a rudimentary gel.

You waste no time putting the gel to the test by applying it to the wounds of one of your fellow injured rioters. While there is an expected initial sting, it gradually gives way to a soothing feeling with a hint of a chill.

You feel pretty confident that while not fully automatic, the application of this natural, rudimentary medicine will allow for the wounds to fully heal, if perhaps with a scar left behind to show for it.

@Half Moon is no longer Uncomfortable! Half Moon is no longer Shaken! Half Moon is HEALING +1! Half Moon HP is now 4/5!

@N39TUN3 gets +1 SMT XP!
@Dinfinity gets +1 SMT XP!

6 Aloe Vera Leaves have become 2 Aloe Vera Gel (1 Spent)!

"Medicine" Discovered! It does the body right when the body has suffered wrongs.

An atmosphere of exploration remains in the air, either in spite of or because of the recent failure to accomplish much with recent ventures.

But with that less than stellar performance, foresight leads to seeking advice and mentoring first. For that, you go to the one rioter who has verified knowledge and experience with such things.

Your fellow feather rioter is all too happy to share said knowledge, though you get the impression that teaching it is not something this person is prepared for. Fortunately, your eagerness to learn more than makes up for it, and by the time the basic lessons are finished, you feel better equipped to take on the wilderness. Not on the same level of expertise as the person you just learned from, but better prepared none the less.

However, with the time it took to learn these lessons, you're not left with much time to actually do any of said exploring.

This time, at least.

@Random Reader gets +2 SMT XP! Smarts upgrades to 1d5!
@GrayGriffin gets +1 SMT XP!

Random Reader gains "Apprentice Forest Ranger" Skill! Gain a Reroll the first time you roll a '1' on an action that involves forest knowledge, or roll with Advantage when taking an action that involves Forest knowledge when in Teamwork with a Rioter who has a higher level of 'Forest Ranger' skill!

In contrast to the stranded rioter who takes interest in getting a basic education, you set out gung-ho for the woods to build yourself a nifty secret hideout crafted from the natural resources around you.

And you amaze even yourself with what a magnificent secret hideout you construct! You would swear that never before and never again will there ever be so magnificent a secret forest hideout such as yours.

Alas, you quickly realized you may have outdone yourself too much. As after you've completed your hideout, the moment you turn your back on it, you quickly discover you have absolutely no idea how to find it again, and probably never will.

It's just that big a secret.

@WallFlower gets +1 SMT XP!

You actively panic as you contemplate your lack of shapeshifting powers. You certainly don't have to panic, but you decide to anyway; it makes you feel strangely better for some paradox of a reason.

You contemplate your memories - the memories you think you have - and question if those memories are truly real at all. You're certain you can shapeshift! Or at least that you should be able to shapeshift!

But you can't shapeshift, and you don't know why. Could your memories be false? Are you not actually who you think you are?

What even brought you here? What is your story? If you have memories of a life from before your arrival, then certainly there must be a story behind it all. Perhaps that could explain it?

Or perhaps it doesn't actually matter. Perhaps all that really matters is that you are here now, that as far as you can tell you don't have any special powers, and that rather than focusing on the past and what you can't do you should instead focus on the future and what you can do to help these fellow Rioters you find yourself in the company in and who you shouldn't know nearly as much about as you do.

But hey, sometimes panicking is more fun that way.

@GleamingKyler111 gets +1 SPK XP!

GlamingKyler111 is now Shaken (Identity Crisis)!

So despite the fact that it has taken far, far longer to complete this part than I hoped or intended, I'm going to end Part III here; in part to actually get it out after far too long and in part because I kind of need to figure out what I'm actually doing with that spooky minion action.

But Part IV will for certain be the final part of Round 18 before updating stats and such so I can finally move the game forward to Round 19.
Round 18 Results (Part IV) - Powers Beyond
You've formed some kind of connection with an otherworldly force. The spooky feeling that runs down your spine is proof of that.

Whether from foolishness or bravery, you attempt to build on that.

You try to will the connection to produce some kind of result. Alas, after extensive efforts attempting to yield some kind of result, no result is yielded.

That is, until you have a dream. When or why you start dreaming, you're not quite sure, but that's beside the point.

The point is that in your dream, you find yourself in a field. It's a rather generic field, which keeps you from realizing that you're dreaming at first. But there's a haunting atmosphere in the sky. The land around you is largely devoid of features.

Except...that guy.

Yes, that guy. That guy way over there in the distance. That guy who's kind of nondescript, but he's staring at you.

Just standing there and staring at you. Menacingly.

You blink, and when you open your eyes again, he's suddenly closer.

You look around, and when you look back at him, he's suddenly closer.

You're at a loss as to what to do. You blink again. He's suddenly closer.

And before you know it, he's right in front of you. A haunting, otherworldly figure, who looks down upon you and stirs up primal feelings of terror from within your deepest subconscious.

And then... open your eyes, and find yourself lying on the ground in the middle of the quest. The color has drained from your body, you're breathing heavily, and you feel a cold sweat on your body.

But you are still alive.

And other than the overriding sense of fear, you're unharmed.


You're also left with a certain clarity - your initial attempts to summon an otherworldly minion attracted the attention of some kind of otherworldly, supernatural force that now has you directly in its sights.

Such powers are not lightly messed with. They're probably better off not messed with at all. But if you do insist on messing with them, you should probably make certain you know exactly what you're doing.

The most reliable feeling of clarity you feel tells you that you have absolutely no idea what you are doing in so much as the slightest.

@Shade31415 gets +1 SPK XP!

Shade 31415 is now SHAKEN (Haunted)!

If there's one thing the Quest currently has in abundance, it is food. Enough that for the time being, nobody has to worry about it running out.

Of course, that can only last for so long, but for the time being, food is not an issue. And so you eat in a state of contentment knowing that your stores are secure for the moment.

As most people enjoy the supply of Dirtworm steaks, it is indeed a very enjoyable meal that leaves you feeling full and even a little restored.

Well, for most of you, at least, as one outlier insists on not eating anything. Maybe it has something to do with that Identity Crisis problem? Someone might want to look into that.

@GleamingKyler111 is now HUNGRY!

1 Mushroom Eaten!
34 Dirtworm Steaks Eaten!

@Crawkid regains 1 Health! Crawkid Health is now Full!
@Half Moon regains 1 Health! Half Moon Health is now Full!

With that, Round 18 is finally - finally - finished.

After I get the quest stats updated, we can finally - finally - move on to Round 19, which should be a really fun time.
Round 19 Prelude - "War Were Declared"
Despite the quests many setbacks, progress continues, albeit at an unreliable pace. Even so, progress is progress, and you've made such great sides in figuring out how things work and how to make said progress.

All things considered, it would seem that the only thing really stand in your way right now is time and your own determination to continue the quest.

Everyone hears as a horn blows in the distance. It is an ominous noise, the likes of which usually doesn't mean anything good.

Turning to the sound of the noise, there can be seen approaching in the distance a relative army of Naysayers. Some you recognize, many you don't, and all of them are armed in some fashion. You estimate about two dozen of them are coming, with a single goal in mind - to say the ultimate 'NAY!' to your quest.

While the situation certainly looks grim, there are a few things in your favor. First, that the Naysayers have so brazenly announced their approach so far out - there's not enough time to prepare more defenses or 'real' equipment to fight them off with, but you might just have enough time to get your act together and form a defense strategy using the stuff you already have.

Second, the manner of their attack says that they don't think very highly of you on a quality level, which means they're ripe for getting caught off-guard by underestimating what you're capable of.

Third, that you have the power of TEAMWORK on your side - if you can rally together and work as a united front, then things might actually be more in your favor than they might appear.

One thing is all but certain, though - that there will be no peaceful solution out of things this time...

The Naysayers have officially declared war.

There was even a military trumpet blast and a meme making it official and everything.

So now comes the part where you have to - at minimum - defend yourselves.

What you have to work with is what you already have - while you could try performing emergency preparation actions, odds are slim to none that they will not be ready in time, so they won't actually provide any benefit to defending the quest from the Naysayer attack.

The good news is that due to the very serious nature of what's happening and the implications involved, I'm not going to thrust you headlong into the fight right away.

Instead, in order to help you maximize your chances of winning - or at least survive - what you're getting first is a discussion round.

During this Prelude discussion round, you will have an opportunity to plan your battle strategy and otherwise coordinate with your fellow questers in order to maximize the effectiveness of your defense using what you already have available to you.

You can also use this time to ask me for any details on specifics about the battle, so you can get a better understanding about the situation and get as clear a picture of it as possible in order to make the most informed decisions possible.

This doesn't mean you can ask things like "What is the most effective strategy?" and expect me to just tell you "Here's how you win", but I will clarify things like "What kinds of weapons do they have?" or "Can the Council actually do X to defend the quest from the Naysayers?"

This discussion period will end either in about 1 week, or else when a number players equal to over half the current total player count votes to effectively say "I'm tired of talking, let's get to the action" which will officially send to the 'real' start of the turn, that is the part where most turns normally start. Given that the current total player count is listed as '36', that means that 19 players will have to vote to skip whatever's left of the pre-battle discussion round.

And because there is technically a kind of voting involved, I will also open the game up to new player signups at this time if anyone is interested in getting in right when you might be most likely to die.

Begin Round 19 Now (Don't wait for the end of the one-week battle planning discussion period, let's get to voting for battle actions now!)
[ ] [Battle] Start! (You don't have to vote for this and probably shouldn't vote for this unless you really are impatient to get the battle started ASAP)

Signup Votes (Which half of this quest do you want to be a part of?):
[ ] [Signup] Council
-[ ] Password?

Those who Sign up as 'Council' usually get two three votes below; Including 1 [Council] Vote, 1 [Riot Boost] Vote, and 1 [Direct Action] Vote.

[ ][Signup] Rioter
-[ ] Password?
-[ ] Nifty Identifying Quest Name, quippy phrase, or brief distinguishing feature for flavor purposes (Keep it short!) (Optional)

Those who Sign up as 'Rioter' get a single vote below; They can vote for 1 [Riot!] action.

Change Roles (Swap from 'Council' to 'Rioter' or Vice Versa):
[ ][Change Role]
-[ ] Council to Rioter
--[ ] Password?
--[ ] New Nifty Identifying Quest Name, quippy phrase, or brief distinguishing feature for flavor purposes (Keep it short!) (Optional)
-[ ] Rioter to Council
--[ ] Password?

Those who Change Role may not include a vote for any other action alongside it.
How are the Naysayers equipped?

They're not too far ahead of what you have access to. Weapons like knives, spears, axes, etc. The most they have are outright swords with a shield or two thrown in. No dedicated range weapons (though they could still try chucking knives or spears at you)

Or are you looking for more in-detail person-by-person counts?

Edit: there is 24 of them correct?

Yes, you can plan as if there are 24 of them.
They're not too far ahead of what you have access to. Weapons like knives, spears, axes, etc. The most they have are outright swords with a shield or two thrown in. No dedicated range weapons (though they could still try chucking knives or spears at you)

Or are you looking for more in-detail person-by-person counts?
How many are equipped with actual weapons vs tools vs Some stick they found vs just their fists?

Edit: How determined/unified does the group seem. Any cliques or stragglers.
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How many are equipped with actual weapons vs tools vs Some stick they found vs just their fists?

One is packing just his natural home-grown guns more commonly referred to as 'muscles'.

The rest are armed with what could be classified as genuine weapons (keeping in mind that items such as hatchets can be equally classified as a 'tool' or a 'weapon').

But none are wielding anything like, say, a shovel or a stick you could just pick up off the ground somewhere.

The most prominent weapon they're carrying are assorted spears; like your own quest, none of them are carrying any 'extra' weapons, the closest any of them are either wielding a pair of knives or a weapon and a shield. But for example, anyone carrying something like a hatchet or a spear isn't also carrying a sword or a backup knife so if any of them do try throwing anything at you they'll be left with, at most, a shield (and obviously their feet and fists).

Among the few of 'ups' you have on them is that none of them have anything equivalent to your Stone Sledgehammer.