a Quest (OR..."Come Sail Away: A Council/Riot Hybrid Quest Where You're Trying to Build a Ship")

Traitors trying to stab us in the back in our war against reality deserve nothing less

Rioters beating up the Council because they pissed off Reality 🤜🤛Rioters beating up the Council because they didn't keep pissing off Reality

So...hows the council looking? the updates seem like youre not doing all that well

Don't worry, the lightning had already fried most of my nervous system, so the beatdown wasn't that painful. But thanks for asking!
The good news is reality seems to have accepted that as enough punishment. Which thank God. I can't really think of anything else that isn't becoming Palpatine and I'd rather face some punishments then that.

For brainstorming concil stuff. I am thinking about some form of just. Letting the concil switch

Need to think on it to make it fair, because this isnt a punishment. But I would also like to not have to repeat this.
Round 9 Results (Pt III) - Business As Usual
While a solid block of Rioters ensure that the Naysayers can't just walk all over the Quest at will, the remainder go about business mostly as usual. There are things that need doing other than dealing with Naysayers, after all.

Some would say that finding an excuse to not be present when the Naysayers arrive is a sign of cowardice.

You prefer the term 'practical'. After all, your fellow Rioters are sure to engage in some epic fight to defend the quest against the Naysayers, and you? You'd just be in the way. Better put your presence to work doing better things like being somewhere else, doing something more productive.

And frankly, there is very much a need for resources, and you're hard pressed to get those needed resources standing around here.

With another Rioter joining you, you head off to collect wood. Lots of wood. As much wood as you can collect in however long it takes for the Naysayers to no longer be present when you get back. What kind of wood is a matter of minor debate between the two of you, but you reason you can probably figure it out by way of just seeing what you come across.

Your wood gathering efforts yield a rather successful bounty. Not only do you find a rather nice looking fallen log that will be exactly what you need as part of the Longhouse support structure once you clean it up, you also find a lesser log that you could probably cut up for wood resources. Fortunately, the quest has the stone axe to help with that, so you'll be able to get a start on that before having to spend the time assembling other tools.

After all, what could possibly happen to the stone axe in the time it takes you to get back to the quest?

Aside from that, you gather a small bounty of sticks that should work wonders for a wide assortment of crafting projects.

Yes, it is a very good thing you weren't present when the Naysayers showed up, because if you were you wouldn't have acquired all these resources.

@Jack727 gains +2 STR! Strength upgrades to 1d5!
@Phervygbahrcaid gains +1 STR!

Jack727 has gained "Prospector +1" Skill! +1 to actions for finding and gathering resources!

1 Large Log gained! (Sturdy, Raw, Excellent Quality)
1 Medium Log gained! (Raw, Average Quality)
7 Long Stick gained! (Average Quality)
3 Long Stick gained! (Good Quality)
5 Short Stick gained! (Thin, Average Quality)
5 Short Stick gained! (Thick, Average Quality)
5 Short Stick gained! (Thick, Good Quality)

While gathering resources goes well, work on the Quest Lab proceeds with lesser success. There is, unfortunately, the matter of the rain. Water likes to flow down, and dirt doesn't like to play nice when it gets wet. Oh sure, it makes it easier to dig up, but that's because it doesn't like to stay together.

You decide you might as well go about the whole 'basement' thing the old fashion way, just digging out the entire basement and building up a basement ceiling-turned-first-floor-floor after the fact, rather than trying to use the dirt as a natural floor.

Working diligently, you dig a foot down halfway across the layout, leaving you with a 15'x30' hole in the ground next to a set of dirt stairs.

Only 7 and a half more to go!

@_Plague Doctor_ gains +1 STR!

450 Lumps of Dirt gained!

Quest Lab now has 15'x30'x1' foot hole in ground!

Magic is real.

If it's not, you will make it real.


That somehow is the big question - You suspect a project is the best way to unlock the secrets of magic. How to proceed with said project, that's a question in and of itself.

You theorize that perhaps surrounding yourself with all the elements in some form will allow you to immerse yourself in them and, in effect, 'become one' with the elements, and by extension unlock the secrets needed to perform magic.

As far as plans is one.

One that probably needs less 'ideas' and more specific planning beyond 'gather things together', as well as better consideration of surroundings since among other things, the only place you're currently certain there is a river happens to be to the southeast where there is already an abundance of earth.

Well, technically stone.

Or hey, maybe ambiguity is the right route after all and you're just thinking about it too hard.

But what do I know, I'm not the one trying to be a wizard here.

@Dinfinity gains +1 SMT XP!

You try not to think about the Naysayer as you make yourself scarce and make some tools.

Key word: Try.

Unfortunately, you know how sometimes, trying not to think about something makes you think about it more?

Yeah. Regardless of what the Naysayers may do to the Quest, for the moment, they've already invaded your head and hold an iron grip on your thoughts.

@Shade31415 gains +1 SMT XP!

You set about with the goal of making a whittling rock.

Before you begin, you try to think of a good whistling tune. Good whittling requires good whistling.

You spend so much time on the matter of whistling that nothing related to whittling actually gets done.

@The Froggy Ninja gains +1 SMT XP!

Having tragically found your way to this quest for reasons too tragic to think about, you would be remiss to stick around if all there is to be found here is more tragedy.

You're not exactly sure what you find as you observe the ongoings, but based on what you pick up, you're pretty sure that 'Tragedy' is not what you have to worry about here.

What you pick up on instead is, summarized in a word...


@XylemAmethystone gains +1 SMT XP!

That should cover the remainder of Round 9, please stand by as I get the between-Round voting running for people to have fun with until Round 10 begins.
Getting the collecting buff was unexpected. Not going to complain about that though, Guess I'm grabbing stones next to start work on tools.
Special 9.5 Inter-Round Suggestion Vote
Thanks to...certain circumstances...during Round 10 the Council will be facing a restriction on their normal council vote.

What can I say? It can be hard to think when you've just been roughed up by a large gathering of Rioters and Naysayers working together*.

As such, while the Riot Boost vote will occur as normal, for the primary Council vote the Council will be limited to selections provided for them. No write-ins allowed, no open-ended options. Instead, the council will be provided with a list of options to choose from, and will be limited to the listed options and those options alone.

What those options are - that is up to you (mostly). While I will be providing a list of options of my own, I'm also going to make it more fun by using the time it takes me to get Round 10 up and running to allow anyone (other than current council members) to vote for suggestions of their own.

Here's how it works:

1 - Anyone who is not a current member of the council can vote, including Rioters and people who aren't even currently part of this quest.
2 - Each person who votes is limited to voting for a single suggestion.
3 - Every suggestion voted for will be included as an option for the Council to vote for (Subject to Change) - that this is a vote is primarily for sake of keeping a record and ensuring people don't try to sneak through multiple suggestions. There's no rule against voting for a suggestion someone else has already voted for, but practically speaking it (probably) won't result in anything other than your vote going to waste.
4 - The vote will last until I'm ready to make Round 10 start and there will NOT be the standard 'last call' post. The window to post a suggestion vote could end at any time and will end without warning. If you want to get a suggestion in, do it now; you're always free to change your vote if you think of a better one later so long as the vote is still open.
X - The rules for this vote subject to change if I think of a rule that really should be here.

Have Fun! :V

[ ] Council Vote Suggestion (What?)

As this is a vote - unconventional though it may be - also feel free to use this as an opportunity to sign up for the quest if you'd like!

Signup Votes (Which half of this quest do you want to be a part of?):
[ ] [Signup] Council
-[ ] Password?

[ ][Signup] Rioter
-[ ] Password?
-[ ] Nifty Identifying Quest Name, quippy phrase, or brief distinguishing feature for flavor purposes (Keep it short!) (Optional)

*Mass Hysteria!
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[X] Start project tool creation.

Our rivals have better equipment then us currently, this is a state of events that cannot stand. In addition we desperately need the tools for pretty much all the current projects.
well im still debating but...since I was invited to add something...

[x] Council Vote Suggestion: Put together a scouting party for chickens
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[X] Allow for role changes, in exchange for the loss of a round of action, rioters and concil members can now switch thier roles

It's a bit unrefined, but it's the core of the issue here.
If the concil is messing up, just stack the concil. If it's doing well, go back to farming.
*taps forehead*
It's simple maths
[X] Council Vote Suggestion (What?): see if we can get more entities representing concepts to interact with us or if the only one is reality.
[X] Council Vote Suggestion (What?)
-[X] Popular uprisings should always be opposed by a army of loyalists to the council to be an official rebellion. The Council reserves the right to conscript any player to the loyalist army up to the number of dissidents try need to quash. The Council will reserve the right to beat up, fine or send strongly worded letters to anyone not not fulfilling their duties.

Rebellions should have two sides fighting.

EDIT: grammer
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[X] Start project tool creation.
-[X] Create a basic Bow, afterwards, mass produce it for the rest of the Rioters

Looks like I'm helping out one, I'll see what I can do. Weapon making has been my side hobby for awhile. Might as well get started with a basic bow
[X] Allow for role changes, in exchange for the loss of a round of action, rioters and concil members can now switch thier roles
We need this. Can't think of anything myself, personally, though admittedly that may in part be due to how utterly disappointed I am with our current council.

...though I've never been great at administration in strategy games, so that probably plays a rather large part too. I can probably be reasonably sure that I'll never be a Council member in this quest just because I'd have no idea what to do with it.
We need this. Can't think of anything myself, personally, though admittedly that may in part be due to how utterly disappointed I am with our current council.
To be honest, it's kind of hard to make good progress when:

a) We don't really have an objective on this quest other than "do stuff".

b) There are many projects going at the same time.
I think I now have all the quest stats updated from Round 9.

As always, please let me know if I've missed or make a mistake on anything.

(And of course, remember to get a suggestion vote in if you have an option you'd like to see the Council have the opportunity to vote for).
I kind of want to make my suggestion from a while ago about changing the password, but I would actually rather have a serious vote pass, so I won't.