The Young Xian of the Celestial Realm: Space Cathay 4x Warhammer 40k Quest

[X] Plan: Vermindun Pt. 2
--[X] Orders
---[X] Transition overall from elastic defense to a more rigid, positional defense.
---[X] Split reserves/reinforcements into two categories: support groups and strike groups.
---[X] Support forces will respond to threatened breakthroughs in the defensive lines, counter-attacking and plugging as needed.
---[X] Strike groups will go after Skaven planetcraft and secondary leadership, including and especially those likely to take over in the event of the primary leaders dying.
--[X] High Magic
---[X] (x2) Collapse Builds On Misfortune: Use concentrated Yin-Yang to amplify the disunited and traitorous actions and unstable technology of the various Chaos factions. Lowers the reliability of Skaven armies and navies. Amplifies infighting, cooperation and disunity penalties suffered by Chaos forces.
---[X] Tides in the Void: Use spatial or other appropriate magic to pull Chaos fleets into Skirmish/Clash and inhibit Withdrawal.
---[X] Release of Death: Take advantage of Shyish's zenith, and curse the enemies, so that each life lost, machine destroyed, and cessation of will sap the enemies of their power. Death hungers to drag everything into its embrace, and so each death within the opposition's ranks will rip their vitality and will away from them, to join the dead beyond the world of the living.
---[X] Edict of Harmony: Reinforce the walls of realspace to suppress daemon summoning and Skaven reality-tearing superweapons.
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Those of descent from formerly imperial populations were kept well away from the Imperium, far too many awkward possibilities raised themselves to allow them to see the Imperium again. Not simply out of a fear of diplomatic incidents, but a simple lack of trust, with Xinyi putting her thumbs on this particular scale.

As much as she chided Xiang for saying it out loud, she regarded the imperial creed, the cult mechanicus, and the imperial truth as the ideals of backwards savages. All three demanded obseiance to Imperial authorities, and no one who wasn't willing to denounce it if asked could be trusted to stay there long term.
This is a bit weird since it seems like a bit odd considering that in the previous updates it was a few things were stated

-After the big purges the descendants of imperial citizens were supposed to be equals of everyone else in the Celestial Realm and it seemed like they had assimilated into normal society.Except now it's stated that the descendants are apparently not trusted to be around IoM formations?

- It also stated in previous updates that as long as you weren't advocating anything antigovernment you could worship watered down versions of the Imperial Cult,a large amount of Imperial Truth adherants actually lived in Celestial Realm and that certain creeds of the Cult Mechanicus were perfectly fine living in Celestial Realm.Now it's stated that even if you're completely loyal and in a government approved version of say the Cult Mechanicus you still aren't trusted?
This is a bit weird since it seems like a bit odd considering that in the previous updates it was a few things were stated

-After the big purges the descendants of imperial citizens were supposed to be equals of everyone else in the Celestial Realm and it seemed like they had assimilated into normal society.Except now it's stated that the descendants are apparently not trusted to be around IoM formations?

- It also stated in previous updates that as long as you weren't advocating anything antigovernment you could worship watered down versions of the Imperial Cult,a large amount of Imperial Truth adherants actually lived in Celestial Realm and that certain creeds of the Cult Mechanicus were perfectly fine living in Celestial Realm.Now it's stated that even if you're completely loyal and in a government approved version of say the Cult Mechanicus you still aren't trusted?
At least part of this is because the Imperium of Man hates heretics more than it hates heathens so letting the Imperials see them would cause issues. The other part is that Xinyi is trying to clamp down on possible spies while the Imperials are inside her territory. It's not meant to be an ideal, flawless solution because Xinyi is a flawed person with her own prejudices.
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At least part of this is because the Imperium of Man hates heretics more than it hates heathens so letting the Imperials see them would cause issues. The other part is that Xinyi is trying to clamp down on possible spies while the Imperials are inside her territory.
what about the religion part since in other updates it was mentioned that as long as you're part of the Imperial Truth/Cult Mechanicus/Imperail Creed wasn't seditious you could worship it fine and there were mentions of sects of the Cult Mechanicus that were perfectly fine withthe government/AI but then we have Xinyi saying that even if you worship a Celestial Realm version of the above you were still a future traitor.
what about the religion part since in other updates it was mentioned that as long as you're part of the Imperial Truth/Cult Mechanicus/Imperail Creed wasn't seditious you could worship it fine and there were mentions of sects of the Cult Mechanicus that were perfectly fine withthe government/AI but then we have Xinyi saying that even if you worship a Celestial Realm version of the above you were still a future traitor.
They're still seen as a liability for interaction with the IoM. They're allowed to vibe and live within the realm, but they are not to interact with the Imperium. Especially since the Imperium and Realm do not actually recognise each other as valid states. The Imperium does not offer diplomatic recognition as we understand it to anyone so that it can go to war whenever it wishes without a declaration because the Emperor declared that the Imperium shall be the sole nation in the stars save for disarmed protectorates, the Realm in exchange regards the Imperium as a borderline lawless wasteland of unreasonable barbarians and retrograde savages.

Also this is Warhammer "Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods. " Forty Thousand.
They're still seen as a liability for interaction with the IoM. They're allowed to vibe and live within the realm, but they are not to interact with the Imperium. Especially since the Imperium and Realm do not actually recognise each other as valid states. The Imperium does not offer diplomatic recognition as we understand it to anyone so that it can go to war whenever it wishes without a declaration because the Emperor declared that the Imperium shall be the sole nation in the stars save for disarmed protectorates, the Realm in exchange regards the Imperium as a borderline lawless wasteland of unreasonable barbarians and retrograde savages.

Also this is Warhammer "Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods. " Forty Thousand.
I feel that the celestial realm is correct in not really regarding the Imperium as a non entity. I mean, it hasnt really been a unified state since the great crusade over ten thousand years ago. and even then it was full of unreasonable barbarians and retrograde savages.
So, research idea, seeing as I would be amazed if we didn't get Star's Wisdom next Turn.

Nanite Holograms.

Holograms are nothing more than light, and as such, don't have any physical substance to them under most circumstances. Hardlight exists, but it tends to be difficult to make anything more complicated than a simple shape with it, and it's certainly not something most factions can just set up projectors for wherever they like as they can with regular holograms. Nanomachines to flash-assemble a body can get around this, allowing an artificial intelligence to actively assist in it's repairs so long as a supply of nanites is available. Further reduces casualties suffered by mechanical units as they can either repair far more rapidly, or 'resleeve' with greater speed. Allows ship avatars and the like to gain bodies of their own on a regular basis, which can be liquidated and rebuilt whenever they wish, moderately improving their morale and performance. Dramatically enhances resistance to boarding on ships, particularly larger ones, as nanites can assemble into weaponry and defenses to aid in the defense.

This is inspired by Nicole the Holo-Lynx from Sonic's Archie Comics. It's also a thought I had regarding our android friends. If they can resleeve into a new body, augmenting the process so they can do so more quickly should be possible, and nanites can custom-build bodies en masse. Currently, they probably aren't advanced enough, but Star's Wisdom might get them over the hump there.
reposting discord lore

Spartakrod (Fae/They) — Today at 6:30 PM

Kharonus: One of the most mysterious entities in Nagash's court, Kharonos was there, tending to the River Shyish in the warp when Nagash claimed the Obsidian Throne of the afterlife, and offered their services without hesitation as the Mortarch of the Ferry to the Lord of the Dead. Kharonus is difficult to classify, seemingly able to manifest in the materium without the usual limitations attached to warpspawn but also seeming to be truly undying, though such has only rarely been put to the test. It was Kharonus who offered Atraya access to the first nine books of Nagash to show her and her followers a way that they could pounce upon a universe weakened by the great war against chaos and a means with which to vanquish all threats to the Imperium, and it was Kharonus who would ferry them to offer their services as Mortarchs.

What Kharonus wants is largely unknown, as they largely remain outside of the internal politicking between the Mortarchs and the Gods of Death, willing to offer their services so long as they do not directly contradict the whims of Nagash. But it is known that they are tremendously patient, having offered aid to Falamaug that would one day give rise to Desigotha and the Dragon-Break, and were content to simply wait for the fall of the Eldar to introduce true mortality to them rather than stick his oar directly into the wars of vengeance. What is known though, is that the Ferryman seems to be a master of time and space, granting those who cleave to his patronage mastery over its ebb and flow and allowing them to navigate the eddies of the warp in ways almost no others can manage.

Though the scholars of the various organisations dedicated to understanding the powers of Death do note another curiosity. For one sees, whereas Nagash would prefer the Undead to rule over the Living, whispes say that Kharonus has perhaps more far reaching ambitions. At least, if the doctrine of his Mortarch Cult that holds that life itself is an obscenity and death is a void; thus only undeath is worth cosideration; is to be taken at face value. And it is difficult for beings of the warp to fully conceal the totality of their natures after all. Why Kharonus diverges from the general mantra of Nagash though, if there is any particular reason, is unknown. But it means that realms that devote themselves to his patronage are truly dead places, and so very, very dreadfully quiet save for the persistent noise of ticking clockwork.
i deleted the numerian interlude because it might be a spoiler. to make up for it, heres some lore @Spartakrod posted today that isnt a possible spoiler, given its a faction overview like the reposted khrave lore

Spartakrod (Fae/They) — Today at 12:14 AM

Novaya Kislev: The Ice Realm and one of the greatest bastions of the Holy Alliance, Novaya Kislev is heavily defined by its religious ties to the Great Orthodoxy and the worship of Ursun and his twelve chief disciples amidst the pantheon: Shalyak the healer, Tor the Thunderer, Dazh the Sunbringer, Morzona of Winter, Giltine of the Dead, Klavitch the Maker, Krasnabog the Warrior, Valaztyn the Magician, Radana the Beautiful, Rodinon the Handsome, Brynopt of the Void, and Lairanna of Fate. It is this faith that helps to keep the forces of Chaos within the Eye of Horror; the Eye of Terror's twin part of the "face of Slaanesh" constellation; at bay.

A diverse realm of many peoples, of many ethnicities and species, Kislev is a land known for both its mastery of defence and its highly mobile, fluid approach to warfare that when combined with the rituals that allow its craft to traverse the warp unusually quickly for humann crafted vessels; allow them to rapidly respond to situations. The divide that birthed the Zavkom Union was ultimately born of the split between the followers of the Spirits represented by Mother Ostankya and the Kislevite Dragons, and those that wished to be faithful to Ursun and the Ice Court, though the divorce was largely amicable as they integrated well with the Northern Collective's members after leaving on their own terms and built their own nation; reunited with those Kislevite souls of the old world that joined Xen Yang rather than Sigmar.

The Kislevite people are frugal but fond of sharing, regarding resources as paradoxically, being too precious to hoard. Accumulating too much for oneself is seen as a sinful offence, and is regarded as a sign of Chaos Corruption for which the punishment will be swift and prompt. It is also this attitude that means that Chaos struggles to find purchase amidst their ranks, as their combination of faith, collectivist attitudes, the general lack of extreme poverty or ambition, sheer hatred of the dark gods, and the protections of their gods mean that most of the dark gods' threat to them is external rather than internal. Indeed, the Daemons of Chaos refer to them collectively as "the Obstinate" as they frustrate the designs of the dark gods to no end.

They are however, rather uncompromising, regarding any lapse of dedication to fighting the enemies of all peoples as they term them as a personal moral failing. The Ice of Kislev can thaw when the last Daemon is gone, the last Undead is put to rest, the last Greenskin is broken, the last Tyranid is dead, and so on so forth. To have any less dedication would be an offence, a sin, and Kislev scourges such sin swiftly. And the general attitude of that all must do their part means that one should expect that others in the Mir will likely report anything untoward in a hurry, and if enough feel something is amiss; take matters into their own hands.

The Kislevites also notably have a borderline fanatical hatred of the Imperium, regarding the Imperium as having furnished the forces of Chaos with some of its most elite warriors and remembering well the depredations of Horus and Edda during the heresy. To them, no matter how much time passes, the Imperium will always be guilty for the Horus Heresy and all of its people will forever bear that shame. The Space Marines in particular, are regarded as all tainted and in military situations; are put to death in Orthodox rituals upon being captured that involve killing the Astartes with thirteen implements; each taking after one of the highest gods before feeding the ritually purified remains to sacred bears.

Novaya Kislev often interacts with the collective, with which it maintains good relations with along with the Dawi and the Kyn. But they are also known for hosting many major wormhole and warp current trade nodes that bring great wealth and exotic luxuries into their coffers, as well as the strength of their defences against the eye of horror, including the Chernokrepost

A series of fortifications made out of the ritually purified power armour of dead black legionaries and Undivided Chaos Warriors erected at the fortress world of Vygrad as a taunt to the Black Legion that their walls will never yield and every failed conquest will only make these fortifications stronger with the bones of their dead. Including sixty four members of the Ezekarion; a mockery made to match the Black Legion's former numeral designation and also to offend the despoiler as much as possible with the displayed corpses of his friends, arrayed as the centrepiece of the central room in a tower made of blessed ice and countless dead chaos space marines and warrior power suits.

@Chimeraguard Figured that the divide between the spiritualistic and theistic wings of Kislevite faith would work well for the split betwee the mostly Imperial, Tsarist, and Rurikid inspired Kislevites and the mostly Soviet, Futurist, and Pagan inspired Zavkomites.

The Factories and the Old Spirits vs the Ice Court and Orthodoxy basically
@Chimeraguard Figured that the divide between the spiritualistic and theistic wings of Kislevite faith would work well for the split betwee the mostly Imperial, Tsarist, and Rurikid inspired Kislevites and the mostly Soviet, Futurist, and Pagan inspired Zavkomites.

The Factories and the Old Spirits vs the Ice Court and Orthodoxy basically

Ironic that the more "traditional" group is the one with more modern design. Interesting choice, @Spartakrod!
Huh, just read the newest addition to the talons of the imperium unit roster and of all the things, I did not expect these guys to be canon to the quest.

I'm still laughing from this.

Also, horrifyingly these guys are only categorized as under elite infantry and not the top category super infantry. Mind you, apparently just three pillars can fight angron to a standstill.
Huh, just read the newest addition to the talons of the imperium unit roster and of all the things, I did not expect these guys to be canon to the quest.

I'm still laughing from this.

Also, horrifyingly these guys are only categorized as under elite infantry and not the top category super infantry. Mind you, apparently just three pillars can fight angron to a standstill.
Excuse me, WHAT?! Fabstodes are canon?

I thought GW hated fan content.
Huh, just read the newest addition to the talons of the imperium unit roster and of all the things, I did not expect these guys to be canon to the quest.

I'm still laughing from this.

Also, horrifyingly these guys are only categorized as under elite infantry and not the top category super infantry. Mind you, apparently just three pillars can fight angron to a standstill.
I added that. Thanks.

Also, it's not canon yet. I sure hope that it becomes canon.

Honestly I planned to add the web way watch and black cell guard as the super infantry.
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Huh, just read the newest addition to the talons of the imperium unit roster and of all the things, I did not expect these guys to be canon to the quest.

I'm still laughing from this.

Also, horrifyingly these guys are only categorized as under elite infantry and not the top category super infantry. Mind you, apparently just three pillars can fight angron to a standstill.

Where is this?