Extremely Good Office Pen - It seems to have infinite ink. Ink can change colors as the user wishes. Tasks seem to be completed faster and easier, as the user's dexterity and effective wits (for task) soar. Can be used on virtually any surface as easily as on paper (office building's walls are now forevermore covered in chibi Japhris fanart.)
This seems like quite the useful utility item we have here, probably counts as a minor narrative buff when needed. Is there any particular items we would thus want to imbue accordingly?
[X] Dwindle, But Only a Little

We can always try to be more aggressive when we're on our way out of here.

On the subject of enhancing specific items, I have no idea how we'd explain this but it could be handy to enhance our detector, maybe get some extra artifacts that don't count towards pissing off the forest.
Well that is absolutely impressive. Ability to just improve dozen of items is .. something. Of course, right now we want to be impressive so we have more opportunity to more around and Dwindle for major projects. Even minor improvements - making self repairing, durable, comfy and environmentally resistant clothes, impossibly sharp extending sword, infinite ammo aimbot Mach 20 anti-magic guns etc. would all be relevant, and we can apparently just make a bunch of those.

But that's just neat, the true prize are major objects. We can split these in three groups: a very useful items of power such as that compass that can search out relics, creating a item of power using something truly unique such as our Masks, and going out of our way to maximize what our elf girl can do. Question here becomes how much we want to risk for the later; it goes without saying that the place where most power lies are also the place where big scary things are.

Rather than thinking off possible items, lets think of what do we want to do. Do we want to just create useful items until we leave the world, or do we want to create stuff that makes us stronger and lets us search out hotspots of power, to brave true dangers of this world for maximum power?

[X] Dwindle Everything

Nah, we'd win
Alright, lets think about stuff. Some time ago, a some kind of magic fallout happened that spread a huge ass fucking forest all over the world. Thanks to Japhris, we know that this is thanks to Arcanist kind of mana, so we can make an assumption that some kind of ritual, experiment or perhaps will of Earth awakening infused world with extra mana, which in turn empowered the trees as they are likely most receptive to those kind of things, causing whole forest invasion thing. We know from this:
One fateful autumn morning fifteen years ago, it was simply as if a forest on one of the continents became a hive of maddened influence; fresh saplings becoming thousand-ringed titans overnight and spreading new generations of trees within the same amount of time.
That there is an actual source of this mana. So this tsunami of power comes from there. Natrually, our overall goal should to go there and try to either claim source for our own, or have Japhris push her powers to absolute limits(if possible in positive feedback loop where she constantly uses Arcanist powers to improve her mask to be better at improving the mask etc). However, lets ask ourselves a more pertinent questions.

One. Trees contain mana. Is this mana generated by the trees, or do they accumulate mana from the environment, similar to Japhris' pedant? What is the rate of generation/accumulation? If they merely accumulate mana, can we find a way to drain mana from the environment directly ourselves? I except this to be a little bit of column a and a little bit of column b.

Two. Mana infuses objects to create relics. Is it possible to drain relics? This might useful against monsters of this world, as they are presumably animals infused by mana, although we can expect such monsters to be more resistant to the drain than just trees. We could also use relics to drain them and make our own relics. Following this logic, hunting down hotspots of mana(read: really powerful monsters) is likely to results in great rewards.

Three. Animals can be infused by mana. Can we also be infused without becoming forest monster? This could result in FREE powerups, which is always neat.

Four. There was a source of mana. We would need to find a forest where this all started and take Japhris there. With her in tow there might be a non-combat way to resolve this, so that is very interesting. In a very likely scenario that this was done by something, there might be a faction of humans or beings protecting or otherwise having certain interests we might have to fight against. It is my current hypothesis that parasite we detected earlier is a part of this; there is likely some kind of shadow magic cabal running around.

Five. Our Contamination reacted strangely to Japhris doing her thing. There are some easy parallels to make between what she is doing and Contamination, however we lack information to make informed deductions just yet.

So what is our goal? Well, of course, to gain control over as much mana as we can to make something cool. The logical extreme is to use all of this world's mana for that, but every major amount would work. The two ways to accomplish this are either finding a source of mana, or by creating a positive feedback loop with Japhris and push it as far as it can go. Or, realistically, both of those together. In the interim we want to make things that would help with this - relics that enhance our combat, recon(i.e. item that searches major spots of mana worldwide), travel(some kind of fast flight item for the entire group would be ideal, maybe get a plane and enhance it/have Musurov play with it) should help us find major spots of power and claim them for ourselves.
[X] Dwindle, But Only a Little
Whether we're focusing our haul or not, I don't want to push things in terms of total magnitude. If we want to do that, we should do it when we intend to leave, wear a danger-sense mask of some kind, and step onto the street immediately at the first sign of any trouble, minimizing the risk.

Regarding a Mask of Dorian, iirc we've been told that such masks fixate really fast, so that's an issue.
It is very sus that they have magic detectors that can just detect what items do. Like, that is not a small technological feat to make something like this. Doctor should look into it, especially if we can improve on its design to our end. This means that they can detect items we are trying to smuggle; on the other hand, normalizing that we do have relics on ourselves is good way to work around detection.

Useful minor items we could do are - full suits, enhanced weapons(guns and our sword), enhanced mask crafting tools. We can test enhancing masks on our Midnight copy mask, if we want.

How many relics do we want to keep, and how many to give away?
Further commentary from Birdsie on discord.
The problem is that Dorian himself might hesitate given what these sorts of masks do historically.
The last guy to try this exact kind of thing was buried with his mask and woke up five days later, breaking through his coffin, returning to his workshop, and creating more of himself - then planting himself on more bodies, dead and alive.
That's how the Tranzirnate (Tranzirn Republic, named after Ilario Trazirn) came to be.
This sure looks like "auguries look bad" territory to me. Let's not.

[X] Dwindle, But Only a Little
[X] Dwindle Everything

No further comment.
Huh. So super Dorian mask sounds like overdosing on opposite of Facelesness. Facefulness? So if we try to do that (we should not), we should have Andrei keep a big bottle of Facelessness to spray us with the moment we go hyper-narcissist after putting it on... or after going hyper-anything after putting it on, who knows what would a self-mask do to a person who's missing a chunk of their soul-brain and soul-heart.

It just sounds worse and worse the more I think of it. Only thing this idea needs is an excessive amount of Contamination on the mask. And going into Import debt to do it.

[X] Dwindle, But Only a Little

We can always do Unlimited Hubris Works later, having gained knowledge and preparation. We have time.
Since we're talking about references from events on Drethir, I think it's more likely it's just a consequence of final-fixating- merging your identity with- a Mask that represents 'the concept of yourself, but {bigger}', rather than a distinct phenomenon from it. It was a normal lifemask, as far as Dorian knows; not one with the special Mask ability to infuse the bearer with bonus identity.
The thing with ramp is that you gotta do it sometimes, and sooner you start, the easier it gets.

That being said, the path to victory that I can see is following the parasite plot point. If my assumptions are correct, human military is infiltrated by the same people who are in control of the global mana source(or at least in the control of the coolest artifacts/most power). So we just bring artifacts back to impress people, then start working our way up the ladder until we realize how the conspiracy operates, find people who are not compromised and then help them take over, we should be in good position to get good shit and bail with this world being better for our actions.

We should make sure that we don't get nuked/colony dropped in case this turns into some kind of civil world though.
Relic Craft
[X] Dwindle, But Only a Little

Sincerest apologies about the long wait, but I was drawn into a vortex of fun side activities, some genuine work, and a few real-life distractions that altogether culminated in that, although I knew I should update, I either didn't have the ability to do so, or the mental energy to write left afterward.

This one will be mostly a build vote - it is actually better in one regard it took me a while to update, since I came up with even more ideas for relics you can acquire.


Here are six (6) natural relics you found, aside from the Jacket (and not-so-technically the Pen):

A pair of earphones, which, if powered, produce a calming background noise of nature, such as the sounds of a beach or a calm forest birdsong. Afterward, if the wearer directs their attention to something in their environment, such as an individual or an item, and mentally prompts it, the earphones provide narration or description of the object. This content is usually the same length (about two to five sentences) and sometimes produces information no one could reasonably extract via simple observation. The voice seems to be the wearer's own, although dissonant, distorted (in a manner that makes it appear slightly feminine), and slightly staticky.

Using them repeatedly seems to cause the statements to become shorter and less useful, although this passes with time. This is especially apparent when spammed on the same object. As this relic is relevant in researching their properties, all information provided via earphones is noted under each other relic.

Steak. Cooked (well-done) and visibly unspoiled and untouched by wildlife, despite probably having been here for over a decade. Untested for obvious reasons. Suspiciously found in a broken fridge (despite its 'prepared' state.)

'A supernatural steak. You can eat it if you want, but honestly, I wouldn't indulge in it, if I were you. Unless you want to see things you weren't meant to.'
'A well-done steak. It's lying there, waiting to be eaten.'

A safety pin, the nature of its anomaly is unclear. Testing on a piece of paper and a map shows no overt effect, nor on human skin or forest leaves (attached to a larger plant or not.) Interestingly enough, it seems to act as an insulator and is non-magnetic.

'A small relic safety pin. It doesn't seem like much. It might have a secret use or it might be a completely worthless trinket.'
'No idea what this does. It looks like a safety pin.'

Acoustic guitar. Confers the skill to play itself onto whoever holds it. The level of skill attained is described as 'adequate for a professional performance, but not astonishing.' No other apparent effects.

'That's a really nice guitar. Hm. You should try playing it. Maybe something interesting will happen?'
'An acoustic guitar. It sounds normal but your heartbeat will quicken if you play it.'

Glasses. Worn, they make the wearer appear oddly unassuming and trustworthy, although still recognizable. The effect becomes obvious in retrospect once they are removed, but not if the wearer leaves eyesight; the removal effect seems global, once they are taken off. Once put back on, this does not cause previous memories to once again become unassuming, nor does it kick back in globally until the wearer is viewed again. Trustworthiness is compelling but not absolute; Andrei Musorov was asked to self-harm and refused the order, Linneas and Japhris were asked by Dorian and almost did before the order was rescinded. This might require more testing.

(On their own.) 'Glasses. They seem rather elegant. Perhaps if someone here wore them, something good or bad might happen?'

(While worn by Andrei Musorov.) 'It seems that Andrei looks very elegant in those glasses. He is also curious how this is affecting the earphones you're wearing.'

(While worn by Linneas.) 'Linneas. Dependable and always ready to render aid.'

(While worn by Japhris.) 'She's so cute in them! Also seems like they have the best effect on her because she is already very innocent-looking.'

A crystal vase. All floral organisms placed within appear to mutate rapidly, completing the process within an hour, resulting in a new genetically related and similar-looking organism that ends up producing a fruit, and then dies. Was tested on a variety of forest flora, producing one rose-fruit, leaf-fruit, and grass-fruit; there was not enough time left to test more. Fruit not fully consumed, for fear of potential poisoning, but the taste tests (licking) indicate surprisingly good flavors on a couple of them.

'A relic of Taure's forests. It's a crystal vase, but if you put in a plant, it'll grow into something magical.'
(Regarding rose-fruit.) 'A rose-fruit. It probably tastes kind of like a dumb strawberry shake with rosy aroma mixed in. It might make you more attractive for a bit if you eat it.'
(Regarding leaf-fruit.) 'I honestly have no idea what this is. Some kind of leaf-fruit, maybe. Eat it and find out?'
(Regarding grass-fruit.) 'Tastes like grass. This is not for culinary indulgence, but perhaps it might do something else if used correctly. Or you can eat it anyway.'

Other earphones tests:

On a mirror reflection of yourself

'This is you, Dorian Croft the maskmaker, sole survivor of the ancient and noble Croft lineage of the Drethir Empire. One sorry and uncreative oaf nowadays. Well, anyway, I could keep going on and on but you seem to actually know yourself pretty well for a human being.'

'A mirror reflection of yourself. It seems accurate.'

'Why are you staring at yourself? You aren't that attractive for a noble.'

'Dorian Croft, the first of his name. A noble, become a King.'

'You're starting to get hungry since you've been out here so long. You should find sustenance or you might starve. I'd be sad if you starved.'

On Andrei

'Musorov is a fake surname. He was actually born Morozov. It's because 'musor' means trash.'

'A man with multiple doctorates. He's rather intelligent. Interested in science, broadly, in all of its glory... and its terror.'

'His abilities and lifelong pursuit of excellence... probably mean something. I have no idea this time.'

'This is Andrei Musorov, although he used to be Morozov. His senses are very fast. Yes, fast. You'll figure it out eventually, maybe.'

'Andrei Morozov. Good doctor of Waterside. He sometimes considers if your oneiric detachment is curable, but he doesn't even know what it's called.'

On Linneas

'Linneas, an ex-Pawn of the Argent Kingdom, now a Pawn of yours. He is a young man with dark hair and very dark eyes. His parents were verrry interesting - immigrants from the other place.'

'He grew up bullied and in poverty but became very strong as a result. Not physically strong, but the other kind of strength.'

'It has been a very rough couple of months for this young and determined man, but pushing on through hardship is all second nature to him. His family is dead like yours, but he looks only forward, unlike you.'

'Linneas. What is there to even say? A heart full of sorrow, a mind full of determination, and feet that carry him after his new King.'

'It is easy for him to be loyal to you. Simply by saving his life from a villain, you are already better than his previous King.'

On Japhris

'Inside of her veins is a form of blood older than your entire homeworld. Fear its power, for your ilk are nothing but dust before it.'

'Hm, a part-elf. Oh, she has a little crush on you! Cute. It's because you try to be so kind. She doesn't even know it yet, though.'

'If you are feeling bold, ask her to Dwindle more of the forest into me. It could backfire, but it might be worth the risk if you want more information on anything.'

'A part-elf. She's malnourished and not feeling well at the moment, the poor thing.'

'She's simultaneously scared and comforted by the forest around you. Its essence and power conform with her nature and origin; like a bird raised in a cage, suddenly experiencing the warmth of a nest.'

The forest itself

'It doesn't seem to hate humanity. This is simply nature taking its course, as cruel as it might be.'

'I know what you are trying to do. But I don't know where the forest came from. I know some things, not all things.'

'Nature, green in tooth and claw. You should be afraid. Your kind aren't the apex predator here.'


Now, choose what items you'd like to craft with Arcanism.

Import: 8.6

You have seven (7) Dwindlings to perform. As a side note, something that Dorian will have noticed is that infusion of an item with mana (as Japhris calls it) makes an object more resistant to Contamination, as small emissions feel as if they bounce off in fractional quantities off of relics.

Voting by plan is recommended. Here are several options:

[ ] Enhance Relic: [Choose Relic] (1 Dwindling per) - Enhance a relic's overall might and effect, as an entire block's area is artificially Dwindled to empower its function. After one use, it generally doubles its overall power or expands its versatility slightly. It falls off slightly with multiple uses. This can be used on one of the below.

[ ] Enhance Mask: [Choose Mask] (1 Dwindling per) - Enhance a Mask's Potential, as if its accumulated facetime were more extensive. This is not a straightforward translation of power, and it works better on masks with an identity attuned to nature. Weaker masks are more receptive. For a mask at 20 Potential, expect Potential to increase to as much as 40; for a mask at 40 Potential, don't expect it to rise above 50; for a mask at 60 Potential, a single Dwindling may only provide a few points of Potential each.

[ ] Verdant Crown (1-7 Dwindlings) - A crown made from a collection of vines and thorny branches, it fits snugly on its wearer's head, emanating a subtle aura of omnipresent and stultifying authority. This relic is designed specifically for Dorian Croft and very slightly enhances his accumulation of Kingly Power, as well as lends its own power to determine the influences of his Kingdom, which henceforth verges closer towards becoming the Verdant Kingdom, making attainment of Powers related to nature and life easier, and Powers of the opposite alignment (artifice and matter) more difficult. This could include synergies with your Viscerality down the line.

Any relic can be enhanced with additional Dwindlings, but given this one's (hopefully) interesting potential, extra details have been appended to it specifically.

Each Dwindling can enhance its power. Benchmarks:
1 Dwindling - If worn, slightly increases Kingship gains, and infuses all future gains with moderate Verdant thematics.
4 Dwindlings - If worn, moderately increases Kingship gains, infuses all future gains with moderate Verdant thematics, grants influence over lesser animal life, hardens against harm from mundane floral lifeforms, and mildly increases Visceral attainment speed.
7 Dwindlings - Once worn, it bonds to its wearer. Can bond to a mask instead. Almost doubles Kingship gains, infuses all future gains with strong Verdant thematics, grants near-flawless control over most (mundane) animal life, hardens against harm from even slightly supernatural floral lifeforms, and noticeably increases Visceral attainment speed.
-[ ] Enhanced Effect [2 Import per] - Increase Verdant Crown's power as if an extra Dwindling's power were attained. Can choose to do this multiple times.

[ ] Backpack of Holding (1 Dwindling) - A simple backpack that conceals an extradimensional space, measuring about six times of its apparent external volume. Supernally durable, as a prerequisite; even a minor tear or rupture might vent out its contents with extreme speed.
-[ ] Enhanced Effect [1 Import per] - Double interior space of backpack. Increase its durability moderately; currently hardy enough to weather all but your party's strongest concerted offence, or concentrated use of Gamaliel Contamination Protocol.

[ ] Drethirian Saber (1 Dwindling) - The one you've practiced with for years. Infused with mana and made into a relic, it acquires the enhanced durability of most relics, but also increases its own ability to part material, as well as overall power when swung with intent to harm; this is sufficient to be relevant when wearing a combat mask such as the Crimson Lost, or its evolved variant, the Blood Hunter.
-[ ] Enhanced Effect [2 Import] - Immunizes the saber to acts of betrayal. It cannot betray the hand of its owner; conceptually bound, it can be recalled even at vast distances, and is absurdly difficult to be divested, whether via a disarming maneuver or seizure when its owner is unconscious, and so on... unless Dorian wishes otherwise. If wielded by another hand than your own, it'll betray them in turn, always loyal to you, its true master. It will never strike you and deal you wounds, nor do the same to a friend or ally. This also enhances its cutting power and overall strength slightly; the saber cannot help but maintain determination in aid of your goals.

[ ] Noble Cloak (1 Dwindling) - A cloak of raven-dark, a piece of original attire you carried with you ever since Drethir. If enhanced as a relic, it becomes more comfortable and offers slight protection against the elements, beyond its usual remit. However, its most noticeable ability is the selective lightness it confers on its wearer, able to make its wearer swifter and keener in motion, without compromising strength or durability.
-[ ] Enhanced Effect [2 Import] - It also imparts grace and charisma, as well as improved social instinct, about on par with your former gains from the Glass Webweaver.

[ ] Labcoat (1 Dwindling) - An enhancement chiefly for Dr. Musorov's benefit, make his most beloved labcoat a subject of Dwindling infusion. This'll grant the usual improvements of durability and tear resistance, but also confer some resistance to spilled chemicals and undesired physical non-kinetic forces on its wearer, making them more durable across the board to almost everything that isn't straightforward kinetic energy.
-[ ] Enhanced Effect [1 Import] - It now also quickens its wearer's thoughts, up to thirty percent faster, and very slightly improves their sensorium.

[ ] Empowered Armor (1 Dwindling) - The armor you have already has some impressive technical capabilities, but you could easily improve its function. However, explaining the nature of such a relic may be difficult if you intend to give this up to your employers. Overall, the armor enhances its wearer's attributes and offers supernal protection; back on Demimonde, it would've been capable of protecting you even from assault by a determined and frenzied werewolf.
-[ ] Improve all suits - Instead, distribute the Dwindling across all of your armored suits. This splits the effect between them, offering everyone equal protection.
-[ ] Enhanced Effect [2 Import] - Armor is now self-repairing, and will integrate upgrades and modifications into these self-repairs, within reason. If all suits are improved, this effect still applies at full force to all of them.

[ ] Andrei's Journal (1 Dwindling) - A diary that Dr. Musorov's been keeping, on his findings and various miscellaneous thoughts. Effects of infusion are difficult to predict, but might result in a tool which aids thinking in some manner.

[ ] Write-in - (Any item you could reasonably have, find, or gather within your environment is applicable to Dwindling-based mana infusion. Other examples of infusable objects might include: shoes, underwear, knives, forks, a computer, a PDA, your Visceral implants (although this is risky), and more.)

If somehow roused to recall its existence, you cannot find Seizes-the-Night's grape anywhere on you.

Finally, you should consider what relics you'd like to surrender - if any at all - to your employers. Consider the odds of receiving another assignment during your remaining time on Taure and the potential benefits of receiving a second opportunity such as this, if not an even better one - giving up a good haul here could mean a monumental one later.

[ ] Give Up: (write-in)
[ ] Give Up No Relics
Last edited:
[ ] Enhance Mask: [Choose Mask] (1 Dwindling per) - Enhance a Mask's Potential, as if its accumulated facetime were more extensive. This is not a straightforward translation of power, and it works better on masks with an identity attuned to nature. Weaker masks are more receptive. For a mask at 20 Potential, expect Potential to increase to as much as 40; for a mask at 40 Potential, don't expect it to rise above 50; for a mask at 60 Potential, a single Dwindling may only provide a few points of Potential each.
Fucking lmao

Alright, this is an update
I feel like, while the headphones are very good, they'd do more good for the scientists here then they'd do for us. But I'd quite like to keep the glasses, and whatever we create for ourselves.
I'm surprisingly salty that "Dwindle so that we are enemies with the forest but not so much that we have a chance to fight off a reprisal" won by a landslide.

Anyway, the most obvious powers are nature mask with 40 potential, upgraded Armor, and maximum Verdant Crown (up to 11 charges is theoretically possible). It'll be up to the better plan makers to decide how many mystery boxes we pick up. Labcoat seems like the obvious utility pick but it is less quirky than some of the other options.

Going with the spirit of the update, one of our dwindling could be returned as evidence that we should be sent on more missions.