An answer to the Shiplords?
Okay my panic was too intenalized-
The Authority wants to talk with the humans, right?
But, problem- This won't be as simple as merely say, negotiating a ceasefire, thank you Gyrians. And sure Hivjin Sphere we are not but uhh.
Shiplords have gone full cruelty for cruelty's sake in their effort to protect the galaxy-Well.
Yeah no. Maybe if we were alone but we're not alone we've reached out to races who want ou from under the Tribute system.
And even if that status was extended to humanity we'd have to turn a blind eye to those still under the tribute system…
But anyhow!
War is about to be on because Humanity too powerful and worse, powerful in a WEIRD way that might enable things that make the Shiplords freak.
And we've been on the pilgrimage and hoping to complete it to learn enough to basically replace the Consolat, and sooth the psychological wounds wound into Shiplord Culture so they can unclench and actually honestly consider peace terms that will work long term and nyarrgh.
Hoping Amanda can make the tally checks if we get the info for her to be able to do it on 'auto-pilot' as it were, so that those last update's don't involve us having to deliver the masterstroke sentences of Amanda's final BEFRIENDING speech to the Shiplords…
As for what do now?
Hahahaha as if I think I actually understand the situation enough to vote here!