Wait, he's going to have the same name as Faultline's teammate? I fear that could cause some confusion.
Wait until the Snail gets told HIS true name by Taylor. Which is a confrontation I am really looking forward to. Heraldry is going to have some fast friends among the entire C53 population.
Might even change his name to 'Whateverhistruenamewas' the Snail.
And well, Gregor Luganov was Trainwreck's real name in this timeline. Or maybe it was in canon? Who can say but Cauldron.
His rebrand will be pretty interesting too.
Don't worry, I plan on having Trainwreck Gregor join the party very soon. I'm having fun writing his scenes and figuring out his eventual aesthetics- in fact, I recently had a bit of a brainblast as to what his 'theme' could be as a heroic cape. As for Madison, she'll also be joining in during the second arc.
I actually hadn't really considered Aisha as a possible party member. Now that I have... well, I don't think she's a good fit to the team I'm going to build. Taylor's team (whose name I still can't nail down) is going to be fairly serious (at least in public), and rather knight/medieval-chivalry focused. Aisha, as much as I love her, would be a poor fit for such a group. Definitely a friend, maybe even something like Allie's assistant, but I can't see her as chivalrous. Good? Yes. Noble? Ehh.
Deeeefinitely looking forward to that! Gregor/Trainwreck will be an awesome friend. Projection Quest showed how crazy Trainwreck can get, but once he starts using the system along with Taylor? Ooooh dear oh dear.
And yeah, looking forward to Madison too. I love Madison redemption fics.
And yeah, Aisha will make a better mascot char. Though hopefully she can be prevented from triggering in this timeline. Hanging out with Taylor and the others could help with that.
Though I'm really looking forward to interacting with the Undersiders and dealing with Coil eventually. The Dungeon that will spawn will be kinda crazy, I expect.
But yeah, Aisha could be a friend, at least.
Wow, high praise. I'll try to live up to it.
Don't worry about it. Just enjoy your muse and have fun. That will be enough to make sure it becomes a wonderful truth.
*snrk* Sounds like Mouse Protector would fit right in with this group, aside from the fairly serious part.
God I hope Mousie shows up. Ha! She and Taylor would get on so well.