Year 1 After Arrival Results Part III
The city is troubled enough already without the complications of kowtowing to a god most of them hardly know the name of. Privately you are certain that some more lasting arrangement will have to be reached. This is not Creation and you are going to need all the help you can get, both in recovering the legacy of the Sezekan-That-Was and in guarding Sezekan-That-Is. But that is a matter for another time, for now most of the people are in high spirits that the City Father has returned to you and 'the proper rites' are being practiced once again. The artisans in particular have been all but blowing out the doors trying to take advantage of the new blessing.
For his part Da Wei seems touched, though he tries not to show it too obviously. The mask slips most often around children whom he dotes on, often conjuring small treats and passing them into their pokers to find later with the skill he must have gained in the days when Sesekan was an important trading city and the haunt of many pickpockets. The custom of trying to slip small gifts into the possession of friends without them noticing is already starting to spread with the inevitable malicious pranking that comes with it having been put a stop to hard by an irate Carry.
Mayhap in time Sezekan will grow into a trading city once more in this strange land.
Sezekan gains Blessing of Da Wei: The City Father will, for a small consideration, enhance any bureaucratic or infrastructure working within the city (Add +15 to any stewardship action once per year)
Intrigue: Skulking in the dark has never been among your skills and to be entirely fair it has not been a skill of Sigh of the Flutes through the Willow Branches. He is more the sort to offer a willing ear and let the secrets of others flow unbidden towards his ear, but now there is a whole world out there and you would rather find out about it before it finds out about you... or worse ends up at your walls
Choose Two Actions
[] Willing spies: Given that Bron was inclined to sell his soul to you odds are he would sell his ears and voice for less. Easier to spy on the wingless when one is wingless also
DC 25
Reward: The beginnings of a spy ring among the Norscans
Cost: 2 Wealth
Result: 25 (Success)
All your attempts to make clear that you are not of the Wyld seem to have done little good as the Skorlmlings do not seem to have a name for Essence or 'more than mortal' that does not reference the power of the Wyld, and so for all they are polite in their dealings with Little Flute it mostly comes in the form of polite refusal of any and all 'gifts' and attempts to recruit them, that is until he realizes that they simply do not see how passing on rumors could be worth the price of that he is offering. So in the end he throws up his hands and does it their way, has them kill a goat and offer dramatic promises of service. You even partake in one of them.
Mental note, stay farther from the goat when the woman who 'prefers an axe' has a go at it. Goat's blood does not make a good addition to your wardrobe.
Reward: The start of a spy-ring in Skorlm
[] Petty spirits of the air: Little Flute has always had a gift for conversing with and gaining the confidence of the lest elemental spirits, perhaps in another life he would have been a sorcerer, in this one he is a whisperer whose voice carries far. From small spirits great things may be heard
DC 55
Reward: Learn more about the local gods and elementals
Cost: None
Roll: 24 (Critical Failure)
Sigh of the Flutes through the Willow Branches has had no luck trying to commune with the small spirits of the air within Sezekan itself, he suspects because it is a place filled with interlopers and bright with unfamiliar essence... and so he and a small detachment of Wyldguard set off south just out of sight of the walls to try again. The skies there are well scouted and you had all through safe.
What finds him is not an elemental, no spirit of the wind even the most fierce, but a mad puss-dripping horror of the Wyld that seems to have been begotten in mockery of your people, cursed with the most unlovely features of woman and vulture and boiling with foul inchor. Fortunately Sigh of the Flutes through the Willow Branches managed to hold the thing's claws at bay long enough for his escort to rescue him and slay the thing. It did not even leave behind a body, evaporating instead into a cloud of noxious gas. Alas the wounds it has inflicted are much more long lasing.
Consequence: Sigh of the Flutes through the Willow Branches Gains Trait: Wyld-Sickness, whatever this ailment it it clings virulently even to the flesh of the Exalted wracking him with coughs, shakes and a growing purulent inflammation (-2 to all stats)
Learning: The domain in which you feel the most at ease and yet also in which you have the most skilled councilor. Granted Shae can be a little intense at times, but that is a small price to pay for such dedication
[] Ship of the Air: Well alright more of a boat but the Fast Courier Excellent Air Boat has the potential to solve one of the most pervasive limitations of your military, which is only being able to carry what they can take on their backs into the air
[Shae Project]
DC: 80
Reward: Fast Courier Excellent Air Boat ready for deployment
Duration: 2 Turns
Cost: 100 Wealth
Result: 101 (Critical Success)
The restoration of the broken vessel continues apace with a mixture of cheerful cursing of the last engineer to run the thing and the occasional arc of blue-green flame arcing thirty feet in the air in a 'mostly harmless display'. No one wants to take a bet on that 'mostly'.
A surprising amount of the Courier Boat's construction and operation proved to be wholly mundane, from the mechanism of the air screws to the gas sacks which can 'under emergency conditions' be filled with hot air, Shae believes she could design an Air Boat which uses no Essence and could be crewed exclusively by mortals and which would still function adequately, allowing for long distance trade carrying more than can be borne on the backs of the traders and easing logistics for
Reward: Restoration proceeds smoothly; plans for non-Essence air boat prototype unlocked
[] A Study of Taint: the locals claim the taint is particularly strong, turning the night when the false-Luna is full, though they are so poor at astrology that they cannot even predict that. Still, patience can make up for a lack of data. Stake out some beasts for a longer period of time under observation and see what happens
DC: ???
Reward: Information, more options relating to Wyld taint
Result: 100 (Success)
The results are instructive it stomach churning. The beasts are for the most part resistant to the 'normal' levels of taint present in the ground and the air, though one mouse did produce a litter of mutant offspring which devoured the mother with no more than normal exposure that was very much the outlier. On the other hand the beasts exposed to the green moon showed manifold horrific mutations, most of which aided in some way in the capture and devouring of live prey. Herbivores gained a taste for meat, some gained entire new heads and digestion tracks, almost all subjects showed increased aggression and elevated pain. It was as though something actively wanted to turn them into weapons, not merely to twist them to fit a particular story or the incomprehensible recombination of the Wyld.
The confirmation of a guiding intelligence came when a stag which had been captured and staked under the light of the false-Luna twisted into a more human-like shape gaining a semi-bipedal stature, enlarged brain and changes to the denture and head consistent with a carnivore... and then it started speaking.
From context most of what it said are curses and war cries as it attempted to strike down the guards and escape, but the language does have some similarity to Norscan.
Use of charms was required to calm the mutant and even so it proved worryingly resistant. If this process it commonplace in this land than one has to assume there are far more of these warlike flesh-devouring mutants out there being directed by some intellect beyond the bounds of the world.
Reward: Information about mutation, controlled beastman prisoner
[] Enchanting workshop: a Savant of the Old Realm would weep to hear you call it that, bit for your purposes a spear that is a little sharper or armor that is a little harder could save a life
DC: 45
Reward; Improve the quality of the Wyldguard
Duration 2 Turns
Cost: 20 Wealth
Result 52
While the training of enchanters does not capture the imagination as much as the study of ancient wonders nor does it have the alure of peril that this ancient land offers it is no less vital and so far at least it continues smoothly
Reward: Progress [Will finish in 1 Turn]
OOC: Since I know you guys are going to ask, yes, the Beastman only speaks beast tongue since he used to be s stag, but you can learn it because linguistic charms are just as strong as the social charms you used to calm him down.