You are Tymin son of Forren of the clan Blacklocks, a Dwarf. Your clan has lived in the south of the Red Mountains, called Orocarni, since the First Age. Born in the year 2860 of the Third Age, much of your early life is spent being taught Khuzdul, the secret language of your ancestors, and Iglishmêk, the gesture language. These are considered too important to allow to change, so they are not spoken to outsiders, and children are forced to master them early and perfectly.
Only a third of Dwarves are born female, and not all She-Dwarves choose to marry. Your father, Forren, distinguished himself due to his
[ ] Martial prowess
[ ] Knowledge of Runes and lore
[ ] Skill as a miner and craftsman
Dwarven parents are devoted to their children, wanting them to grow up to be strong. Who are you closest to?
[ ] Your father, Forren, is a reasonably respected, yet unimportant Dwarf of the Blacklocks clan. He's traveled to nearby Avari and Variag settlements nearby to trade with them. He knows how to fight and craft, as well as has knowledge of lore, though is only notable in one of these areas.
[ ] Your mother, Genl, has rarely been beyond the halls of the clan, yet her position as a She-Dwarf means that she is skilled at keeping things livable in even the worst conditions, and the fact that female Dwarves are kept secret from outsiders means that she is better than most in the arts of concealment and deceit.
You love to listen to the tales of far off lands and deeds long past. Of the mountain halls of Khazad Dum, Erebor, Gundabad, and Dain's Halls. All ancient citadels of your race, all lost to Dragons and Orcs. You especially enjoy hearing about
[ ] Wizards, Elves and the fight against the forces of Darkness
[ ] The Forces of Darkness, Melkor and his creations
[ ] Heroic Dwarven warriors like Durin and Azaghal
[ ] Magic, doesn't matter what form it takes or where it comes from
[ ] Great treasures and artifacts like the great weapons of the elven lords, and the hordes of the Dragons
[ ] Bloodshed, goodguys or bad, gets the blood pumping