Does JIraya get a pass too? And yes, I do believe there are ways for Naruto to grow up an orphan:Certainly.
And we know, OOC, that the likeliest reason Minato's teammates got no development is because Kishimoto didn't plan that far ahead.
IC though?
There is no way Naruto would have grown up an orphan if there was a surviving member of his father(or his mother's, for that matter) genin team resident in the same village. And retired.
Certainly not while Jiraiya is alive to guilt you into doing shit about it.
Kakashi gets a pass because he was a teen at the time, and in ANBU; not a good headspace for taking care of normal kids, and no time.
1) The team member didn't like Kushina
2) The team member had ties to Danzo (that dark skinned kid just reminds me of Danzo very much for some reason) / intelligence community / was on a long term assignment at the time
Others too, probably.