And we know, OOC, that the likeliest reason Minato's teammates got no development is because Kishimoto didn't plan that far ahead.

IC though?
There is no way Naruto would have grown up an orphan if there was a surviving member of his father(or his mother's, for that matter) genin team resident in the same village. And retired.
Certainly not while Jiraiya is alive to guilt you into doing shit about it.

Kakashi gets a pass because he was a teen at the time, and in ANBU; not a good headspace for taking care of normal kids, and no time.
Does JIraya get a pass too? And yes, I do believe there are ways for Naruto to grow up an orphan:
1) The team member didn't like Kushina
2) The team member had ties to Danzo (that dark skinned kid just reminds me of Danzo very much for some reason) / intelligence community / was on a long term assignment at the time

Others too, probably.
Does JIraya get a pass too? And yes, I do believe there are ways for Naruto to grow up an orphan:
1) The team member didn't like Kushina
2) The team member had ties to Danzo (that dark skinned kid just reminds me of Danzo very much for some reason) / intelligence community / was on a long term assignment at the time

Others too, probably.
-Jiraiya is a wandering spymaster. Emphasis on wandering. You don't give that sort of person a baby to raise. Let alone a jinch.
-Ties to Danzo is even stronger reason why he'd have gotten the kid; Danzo still was in favor with Sarutobi at the time . And that's assuming that Jiraiya would have trained a Danzobot.
-You do not have to like a friend's wife to take care of his orphaned kid. Especially when said wife is dead.
-Longterm assignments do not last 13 years.
If he was away, he'd have been back right quick after Konoha got attacked by the Kyuubi and it's Kage killed; a general mobilization would be almost mandatory at that point.
Besides, I thought you said the guy was a retired chuunin?
[X] Get food?
[X] Ichiraku Ramen - Cheap and quick; you'll need to save your ryo for later, and if the food takes too long Sakura will fall asleep again.
[X] Ask her about Shikamaru​
-Jiraiya is a wandering spymaster. Emphasis on wandering. You don't give that sort of person a baby to raise. Let alone a jinch.
-Ties to Danzo is even stronger reason why he'd have gotten the kid; Danzo still was in favor with Sarutobi at the time . And that's assuming that Jiraiya would have trained a Danzobot.
-You do not have to like a friend's wife to take care of his orphaned kid. Especially when said wife is dead.
-Longterm assignments do not last 13 years.
If he was away, he'd have been back right quick after Konoha got attacked by the Kyuubi and it's Kage killed; a general mobilization would be almost mandatory at that point.
Besides, I thought you said the guy was a retired chuunin?
Yes? At the moment, as I envision him. I'll admit to not having thought much about what it would mean for Naruto, but, really, the connection, in my mind at least, is just not there for Naruto to be adopted.
He was on a mission escorting a bunch of merchants when a hit-squad of ninja from another village tried to kill them. Itachi and Kakashi were sent to rescue him and the other Konoha nin involved, and then eliminate everyone involved.

Gai refused to abandon the mission when all the other guards went back to the village, so he got a front row seat to Kakashi and Itachi executing everyone involved except him. His response was basically "Kakashi what the fuck"
I'm trying to imagine how to translate "Kakashi what the fuck" into Gai-speak.

But, uh, Gai going, "Kakashi what the fuck" would be a pretty armor-piercing question all on its own.
I'm trying to imagine how to translate "Kakashi what the fuck" into Gai-speak.

But, uh, Gai going, "Kakashi what the fuck" would be a pretty armor-piercing question all on its own.
Then again it's called Black Ops for a reason. Konoha stop doing it, she's eaten alive by the other countries that do. Sad fact of life that happens even on real life, and you can't exactly criticize it because it brings results, so it will continue being done in the future.
I'm trying to imagine how to translate "Kakashi what the fuck" into Gai-speak.

But, uh, Gai going, "Kakashi what the fuck" would be a pretty armor-piercing question all on its own.
At the time Kakashi blew off Gai's protests. Him doing so was the key factor in Gai (along with Asuma and Kurenai) petitioning the Sandaime to pull him off of ANBU duty and assign him to be a Jounin-sensei
Gai refused to abandon the mission when all the other guards went back to the village, so he got a front row seat to Kakashi and Itachi executing everyone involved except him. His response was basically "Kakashi what the fuck"

when you say everyone involved, do you mean in a "no witness" way or "no prisoners" way?
ah, well that's a lot less fucked up. Possibly even only a bit fucked up if none of them tried to surrender. Though given how Gai reacted, it probably was more in line with executing surrendering prisoners than letting enemy combatants bleed out where they fell.
[X] Get food?
[X] Ichiraku Ramen - Cheap and quick; you'll need to save your ryo for later, and if the food takes too long Sakura will fall asleep again.
[X] Ask her about Shikamaru
[X] Get food?
[X] Ichiraku Ramen - Cheap and quick; you'll need to save your ryo for later, and if the food takes too long Sakura will fall asleep again.
[X] Ask her about Shikamaru
Wait, can we ask about shikamaru without kind of pushing against our orders? Unless I missed something, nobody else knows yet that the order changed, which means our asking about shikamaru in particular seems kind of weird. I really don't want to contravene the hokages order over something this small.
Wait, can we ask about shikamaru without kind of pushing against our orders? Unless I missed something, nobody else knows yet that the order changed, which means our asking about shikamaru in particular seems kind of weird. I really don't want to contravene the hokages order over something this small.
Dosu's death was announced publicly. The official story is he challenged Gaara to an unauthorized duel and was killed. Not like they could really hide his death, and Sound doesn't give a shit (Because it's Sound). Tenten however is banned from telling anyone she A) saw it personally happen and B) anything at all to do with the business with Kabuto and Sand.
And I will point out that Namikaze Minato's family, loved ones and teammates have a pretty piss poor survival record.
His wife, two of his students, his wife's entire extended family both Senju and Uzumaki......odds there is anyone alive is pretty infinitesimal.
Minato was definitely an orphan himself as well. The closest thing he has to a remotely canon relative (other than Naruto) is one of the protagonists from the official Naruto MMO, who is a blue-eyed, blond-haired, wind-natured kunoichi who uses the Rasengan-and even then, the connection is never made explicit.
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Minato was definitely an orphan himself as well. The closest thing he has to a remotely canon relative (other than Naruto) is one of the protagonists from the official Naruto MMO, who is a blue-eyed, blond-haired, wind-natured kunoichi who uses the Rasengan-and even then, the connection is never made explicit.
Wait, there's an official Naruto MMO?
And are we sure that kunoichi isn't just Naruto crossdressing as he does whenever he wants to get shit out of older men?:V
Alright Thanks!
[X] Get food?
[X] Ichiraku Ramen - Cheap and quick; you'll need to save your ryo for later, and if the food takes too long Sakura will fall asleep again.
[X] Ask her about Shikamaru
Wait, there's an official Naruto MMO?
And are we sure that kunoichi isn't just Naruto crossdressing as he does whenever he wants to get shit out of older men?:V
Yeah, though it's flash based.
As to her just being Naruto in disguise....well, it's arguable, given many of her attack moves are just versions of either Naruto or Temari's jutsu. Either way, I'd say it's the premise of a fairly workable fanfic.
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Go out to the ANBU place with Sakura, ask her about her relationship with Ino, and their teams (AKA Shikamaru, as well as Sasuke and Naruto if you can swing it) try to get in good with Minato's maybe-retired teammate and see what kind of info you can dig up on the Yondaime. Because TenTen with the Hiriashin would be goddamn frightening.
Dosu's death was announced publicly. The official story is he challenged Gaara to an unauthorized duel and was killed. Not like they could really hide his death, and Sound doesn't give a shit (Because it's Sound). Tenten however is banned from telling anyone she A) saw it personally happen and B) anything at all to do with the business with Kabuto and Sand.
In canon weren't they only told this at the start of the tournament?

Fake Edit:
Yeah, double checking the manga, at the start when they gathered in the arena, Shikamaru noticed that Dosu was missing, and when they showed the altered match tree, the manga specifically showed Naruto, Shikamaru, and Temari's surprise, with Shikamaru wondering if Dosu forfeited. While I'm not surprised that Naruto didn't know, if there was any sort of public announcement like that I'd expect that Shikamaru would be aware of it, and Temari not knowing seems to indicate that Gaara didn't mention having killed Dosu to anyone, and that Baki didn't tell her either. Also, publicly announcing those details hints to their enemies that there was another witness to the duel, and by extension to the meeting between Kabuto and Baki.

That said, the only actual objection I have to canon being altered like this is that I'm of the opinion that the public announcement should have been mentioned somewhere in the story itself, if only to make things less confusing for those catching up later by only reading the story posts.
In canon weren't they only told this at the start of the tournament?

Fake Edit:
Yeah, double checking the manga, at the start when they gathered in the arena, Shikamaru noticed that Dosu was missing, and when they showed the altered match tree, the manga specifically showed Naruto, Shikamaru, and Temari's surprise, with Shikamaru wondering if Dosu forfeited. While I'm not surprised that Naruto didn't know, if there was any sort of public announcement like that I'd expect that Shikamaru would be aware of it, and Temari not knowing seems to indicate that Gaara didn't mention having killed Dosu to anyone, and that Baki didn't tell her either. Also, publicly announcing those details hints to their enemies that there was another witness to the duel, and by extension to the meeting between Kabuto and Baki.

That said, the only actual objection I have to canon being altered like this is that I'm of the opinion that the public announcement should have been mentioned somewhere in the story itself, if only to make things less confusing for those catching up later by only reading the story posts.
Huh, you're right. I was basing this off the Anime where Temari and Kankuro were literally like 40 feet away standing guard when Dosu challenged Gaara.

Now here, Temari wasn't there because she was in the hospital, but Kankuro still was. And as for why they made the announcement, Baki told them what happened. Why he told them one of his students "murdered" a sound genin I'll leave to you guys to figure out.

But yes, I should have made that announcement more clear in the story. That one's on me.
Huh, you're right. I was basing this off the Anime where Temari and Kankuro were literally like 40 feet away standing guard when Dosu challenged Gaara.

Now here, Temari wasn't there because she was in the hospital, but Kankuro still was. And as for why they made the announcement, Baki told them what happened. Why he told them one of his students "murdered" a sound genin I'll leave to you guys to figure out.

But yes, I should have made that announcement more clear in the story. That one's on me.
Ok, so, who wants to speculate on the potential butterflies regarding Sand being aware that Leaf knows that they are conspiring with Sound to attack the Leaf? (In contrast to canon, where Sand's involvement was unknown until the attack, and Leaf only knew that one of the other villages was conspiring with Orochimaru's Sound to attack them, but not which one.)

As a side note (heh), why was Hayate's last act drawing the music note symbol for Sound? Kabuto had been exposed as a Sound spy by Kakashi, Hayate was trailing Kabuto and discovered he was plotting with Baki from Sand. He was then fatally wounded by the Sand jonin, and his lact act, to pass along what vital info he had discovered, was to draw the symbol for Sound. My only guess is that he was delirious from pain and blood loss, and didn't realize he was passing on the wrong information. (It didn't matter because we saw Baki as well, but still, it doesn't make sense.)
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