Sakura friendship attained! Gotta collect them all. We should spend at least one day a week training with her. Get her up at the crack of dawn and put some muscle on her while she trains our magical skills. It will be great!
We need to improve ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu to improve our chakra rating, right? Sounds like between Sakura and Gai we've found some ideal partners.
I'm pretty sure we need to do the regular Chakra training techniques (water walking) and then practice a bit with Gen or Ninjutsu. Not sure about Taijutsu honestly, Crilltic's only said Chakra Rating is used for Nin and Gen, nothing about how it interacts with Tai.

I was kind of pushing for Gen since we would be able to disguise our weapons with it. Which we can also do with Essence, but our Chakra pool will be much larger than our mote pool.
[X] Sure! - Unlocks Sakura as a training partner. (Boost to Ninjutsu and Genjutsu Training). Finishes Sakura intimacy. However, she expects you to actually spar with her. Increased chance for encountering Team 7 members in random encounters.
- [X] Yes. Modify the training schedule.
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[X] No thanks - Sakura locked out of training resources. Reduced social options for interacting with her. Completes Sakura Intimacy.

- - -

Ewwww... Sakura, we need more Temari friemy time!
I'm pretty sure we need to do the regular Chakra training techniques (water walking) and then practice a bit with Gen or Ninjutsu. Not sure about Taijutsu honestly, Crilltic's only said Chakra Rating is used for Nin and Gen, nothing about how it interacts with Tai.

I was kind of pushing for Gen since we would be able to disguise our weapons with it. Which we can also do with Essence, but our Chakra pool will be much larger than our mote pool.

Hmm, might want to see if Sakura is up for learning water-walking with us. She'll learn it near instantly, but she can give us tips. We can try sparring on the water surface, which for once will favor Sakura.
Hmm, might want to see if Sakura is up for learning water-walking with us. She'll learn it near instantly, but she can give us tips. We can try sparring on the water surface, which for once will favor Sakura.
And start working on her Stamina for her Chakra Pool probably. I wonder what her stats are like since her Chakra pool is supposed to be fairly low, but she has staggeringly good control of it (partially due to how small it is I think).

We can probably ask Gai to get us started on the Water Walking and then let him go off and do Jonin-y stuff.

Also, I thought we had done this but apparently I was wrong, we haven't actually hammered out what we want to get for the month. Even tentatively.

The only things locked in this week are the Awareness Excellency and Charm and Water Walking. With four slots to each, which means between Water Walking and Genjutsu we could easily spread out a training slot every two/three days or so to working with Sakura?

And like I noted above, we'll want to make a plan of what we want for the month. Just so it's synergistic instead of spazzy for the invasion. If that's still on track anyway.
But you just lean to the side, letting the force of her punch carry her past you, and then gravity does the rest as she hits the ground with a grunt. She lashes out again, but you drop your head back and the uppercut sails past your chin. "Come on, you're going to have to try harder than that!" But she tries again and again, but she flinches back whenever she looks at you directly. Making it trivially easy to dodge whatever she throws at you, and all she ends up getting for her trouble is her face in the dirt. "Don't let a little fear bother you, push past it! Where's the girl who broke through a Yamanaka special by sheer willpower?"

"You'" She pants, but she lunges again. You can see her gritting her teeth as her fist barrels toward you face, you let that one get close. Her knuckles almost kissing your cheekbone as you tilt your head.

"Come on! Find those limits! Push past them! Never give up!" Her other hand comes up, aiming to catch you as you dodge, but you brush that out of the way. Her foot lashes out, driving at your knee, but a short hop brings you out of range. Then you smirk, time to take it up a notch. Your own taijutsu skills aren't the best by the standards of your team, but for this they're more than sufficient. Your hand lashes out, catching her shoulder and throwing Sakura off-balance, then you knee comes up. She coughs as the wind is forced from her lungs and she goes sprawling. "That it?" You quirk an eyebrow out at her gasping form, "Giving up now?"

Shakily she gets to her feet, brushing the dirt off of her dress, "I..thought you'd...just dodge."

"Wanted to see if you'd get up after getting hit." You smirk, "And you did! So come on, show me what you got!"

This will never not be relevant.
We might as well just learn Ninjutsu with her that should improve our Charka levels as well and we learn a jutsu.

Also I can't find Ninjutsu or Genjutsu on our list of skills. Also do we need to learn the side step technique when we already have substitution?
We might as well just learn Ninjutsu with her that should improve our Charka levels as well and we learn a jutsu.

Also I can't find Ninjutsu or Genjutsu on our list of skills. Also do we need to learn the side step technique when we already have substitution?
Side-Step is both Reflexive and a Surprise Negator, which means we don't need to see it coming to dodge it.

On a similar note, I'd recommend dropping two slots of Water Walking to do next week with Sakura (and 4 slots of Genjutsu over the following two weeks after that) and start on one of the other Charms we were looking at.
Hungry Tiger Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Melee 2, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Solar warriors make themselves one with their blades. The Exalt spends one mote and makes a Melee-based attack. This Charm allows the Solar's player to count extra successes on the attack roll twice for the purposes of determining raw damage.

Dipping Swallow Defense
Cost: 2m
Mins: Melee 2, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Martial, Mirror (Elegant Flowing Deflection)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The maneuver named Dipping Swallow Defense restores defensive advantage to a beleaguered or overextended fighter. This Charm is used in response to an attack. It allows the Exalt to ignore all penalties that apply to her Parry DV when resolving that attack. Her Parry DV is still 0 if it's inapplicable, but it takes no further penalties.
This Charm negates penalties to the Exalt's Melee-derived Parry DV.

Whirling Brush Method
Cost: 4m
Mins: Linguistics 1, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The diplomats of the Unconquered Sun write with a swift and elegant hand. This Charm supplements a dramatic action to write something down—be it a copy of an existing book, the transcript of a live conversation or an original work. This Charm allows the character to write at (her Essence x 10) times her normal speed. Instead of dedicating 30 hours to copying a manuscript, an Essence 2 character might finish it in an hour and a half. Instead of six hours writing and polishing a treaty, an Essence 3 Eclipse might prepare it in 12 minutes.
Or alternatively, as fictionfan kind of brought up, start training our Dodge up to 3 dots to get the ever so helpful, and cheap, Reflexive Side-Step Technique.
Callously...Sakura probably doesn't offer a heck of a lot right now. Still, it might as well be worth cultivating her and eating the loss on time to hedge against standard canon apprenticing w/ Tsunade and where she really has some attraction.
Hmm, the Reflexive Side-Step Technique combos really well with the substitute technique.

It is basically a perfect Dodge.
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[X] Sure!
- [X] Yes. Modify the training schedule.

More chances to meet with Naruto are always appreciated (delicious, delicious main character exp...).
Getting a head-start in expanding our social circle is nice too. Sakura isn't the greatest this early in canon but eh. Sparring on water sounds alright.
If you mean "Fills in a duty similar to the Substitute tech that said tech can't even dream of doing" then yes, it combos.
Reflex Sidestep Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The heroes of the dawn are in tune with the Essence of the world. The Exalt invokes this Charm in response to an unexpected attack. The attack is no longer unexpected (but if an appropriate Charm, it remains unblockable). This allows the character to use his Dodge DV and Charms such as Seven Shadow Evasion against the attack.
That doesn't let you dodge better it just lets you dodge when surprised. That is why substitution should work so well with it.

In fact I think we might be better off with.
Surprise Anticipation Method
: 1m
Mins: Awareness 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

In this degenerate time, the Lawgivers depend on a preternatural sense for danger. This Charm guarantees success on any valid Awareness roll to notice immediate mortal danger. This Charm works whether in or out of battle, awake or asleep. If the Exalt has a chance to notice a surprise attack during a prolonged struggle, a dart blown at him in the jungle, an invisible opponent or a cleverly concealed pit, he does so.
If the Exalt's player must make such a roll and has a chance of failing it, and if the Solar can invoke this Charm, this Charm invokes itself automatically. At that time, if the player has a Combo containing this Charm, he may declare the use of that Combo instead of just the Surprise Anticipation Method Charm.
Surprise Anticipation Method does not invoke itself if the character has already used his Charm for the action, if the character does not have any motes of Essence, if the character is Inactive and cannot become active, if the character is already certain to succeed on the Awareness roll or if the character cannot normally attempt an Awareness roll.
We already have the awareness for it and it does the same thing. In fact it is more flexible because it allows you to use other defenses besides dodge. Also Awareness is favored skill and dodge is not.
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@Crilltic It's five training actions for non-favored/caste abilities, right? So it would be five for Dodge dots 2, 3, and another 5 for the Charm? ...We need the Excellency as well, don't we?

That's ten days of training actions of the 24 we have left (Not counting tomorrow/the day after since we already have a half-finished Charm), with another four (overall) going to Water Walking and Genjutsu.

Ten days would be enough for another Five Charms after that. And we should probably have Dipping Swallow and Bulwark on that, the former of which is above and the latter of which basically negates the penalties to... it's either dodge or parry when you are facing multiple opponents. Basically let's you treat it like you are facing every enemy 1v1 for the purposes of defending yourself.

Uju is more on the ball with this, but there's probably a set of three offensive Charms we could snap up that would be useful. Just not sure which three would synergize best.
Reflex Sidestep Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Dodge 3, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The heroes of the dawn are in tune with the Essence of the world. The Exalt invokes this Charm in response to an unexpected attack. The attack is no longer unexpected (but if an appropriate Charm, it remains unblockable). This allows the character to use his Dodge DV and Charms such as Seven Shadow Evasion against the attack.
That doesn't let you dodge better it just you dodge when surprised. That is why substitution should work so well with it.

In fact I think we might be better off with.
Surprise Anticipation Method
: 1m
Mins: Awareness 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

In this degenerate time, the Lawgivers depend on a preternatural sense for danger. This Charm guarantees success on any valid Awareness roll to notice immediate mortal danger. This Charm works whether in or out of battle, awake or asleep. If the Exalt has a chance to notice a surprise attack during a prolonged struggle, a dart blown at him in the jungle, an invisible opponent or a cleverly concealed pit, he does so.
If the Exalt's player must make such a roll and has a chance of failing it, and if the Solar can invoke this Charm, this Charm invokes itself automatically. At that time, if the player has a Combo containing this Charm, he may declare the use of that Combo instead of just the Surprise Anticipation Method Charm.
Surprise Anticipation Method does not invoke itself if the character has already used his Charm for the action, if the character does not have any motes of Essence, if the character is Inactive and cannot become active, if the character is already certain to succeed on the Awareness roll or if the character cannot normally attempt an Awareness roll.
We already have the awareness for it and it does the same thing.
I am remembering someone arguing why Side-Step was better, but can't recall it. It's probably something to do with the wording of both. You do have to be careful about that when reading the Charms as it might be something completely different than what you thought it was because of one misremembered word. Yes, that has happened in quests before I've played.

I think it was @notthepenguins actually.
Dawww, Tenten is so adorable when she tries to fight the inevitable. The Youth is flowing through her, YOSH! Now we need to work on becoming friends with Hinata so we can push the two of them together... teehee. :p
Dawn is the Youth of the Sun!
Callously...Sakura probably doesn't offer a heck of a lot right now. Still, it might as well be worth cultivating her and eating the loss on time to hedge against standard canon apprenticing w/ Tsunade and where she really has some attraction.

Not really, she offers training in skills we lack trainers for, and it has to be noted that regular genjutsu defense is key to not spending a lot of willpower just brute forcing it, while it won't work very well on Gaara, there's more than just Gaara in play here

[X] Sure!
- [X] Yes. Modify the training schedule.
I am remembering someone arguing why Side-Step was better, but can't recall it. It's probably something to do with the wording of both. You do have to be careful about that when reading the Charms as it might be something completely different than what you thought it was because of one misremembered word. Yes, that has happened in quests before I've played.

I think it was @notthepenguins actually.
I looked back on it. The reflexive side step allows you to dodge attacks even when awareness is impossible. I am not sure how that is possible considering Surprise Anticipation Method even works with arrows being shot at you from miles away, but @notthepenguins was concerned about it. I think Surprise Anticipation Method is better because it also work on any danger not just attacks. It even works if you are about to drink poison. And considering how much less investment it is I think we should go with it.
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I looked back on it. The reflexive side step allows you to dodge attacks even when awareness is impossible. I am not sure how that is possible considering Surprise Anticipation Method even works with arrows being shot at you from miles away, but @notthepenguins was concerned about it. I think Surprise Anticipation Method is better because it also works dangerous that are not attacks.
Not everything gives you a check (or an Awareness check) to remove the surprise. A fair number of things just make attacks Unexpected - for instance, a genjutsu that did not allow you to perceive a threat in the first place might well bypass Awareness entirely.