To be fair, she triggers her anima power reflexively, and that levies a -1 external penalty on enemy attacks, while boosting her own DVs by 2.Bit chancy for my taste. I do not like the odds of surviving a Jonin opponent long enough to make the golden pillar.
Still, a little chancy.
Awareness 5.There is also the issue of Tenten even noticing the fight in the first place. I think she may be busy being a bit shocked from Garaa giving Dosu a hug. Or even Gaara detecting her which is also just as bad.
Hayate certainly isn't going to be trying to keep quiet.
Nor, I presume, is Tenten, not after watching Dosu get splattered.
If Tenten raises the alarm, Baki, as jounin-in-charge, has to be there to deal with the fallout.
Which means he can't be off skulking and meeting with Kabuto.
Which means Hayate can't run into them.
"He came right at me, and I stood my ground. It was self-defense."Yeah, Tenten going to be a bit busy with the "Holy fuck Gaara just ripped that guy apart" thing.
Still a better fate than what happened to his teammates.
Poor teenage schmucks.