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Princess Genevive is the Crown Princess of the Knight World of Etumer. Beautiful, kind, and noble.

She has lived a sheltered life of privilege and luxary for all her young life, but with the coming of the Dark Imperium, all must now fight for the survival of the Imperium itself. Innocence is no defense to the horrors of war.

Genevive will learn the cruel truth: In the Grim Darkness of the 41st Millenium, There is Only War.


Defender of Holy Terra
Fighting the Forces of Evil Across the Cosmos
It is the 41st Millennium. The God Emperor has long been confined to his holy throne, and in that time there has been much to threaten his Imperium of Man. Vile heretics in service to the Ruinous Powers of Chaos connive and fight to destroy any semblance of order. Foul Orks wage their campaigns across the galaxy to crush and destroy all in their path. Upstart Tau attempt to expand their territory. The Eldar scheme and unleash their unknowable and brutal plots. And across the Galaxy, there is much worse to fear. To be a man in this time is to be one insignificant speck among billions of billions. Forget all that is good and hopeful, for in the grim dark future, there is only war. There is no peace among the stars, just blood and carnage, and the laughter of cruel Gods.

You are an Imperial Knight. A scion of a Noble House upon one of millions of Feudal Worlds in the Imperium of Man. By luck, or perhaps cruel fate, your world is a Knight World, where the greatest knights have the opportunity to pilot mighty mechs in service of the God-Emperor. You are one of those knights. This is your first deployment, your first battle. Now is the time to prove yourself against the enemies of mankind.

But to begin with, who exactly are you?

[] Name

[] Gender

[] Planet Name

4. Background:

a. [] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.

b. [] You are a fairly well-of noble. Your house is of good standing with the current King and your situation is decent. You have much to gain, and quite a bit to lose.

c. [] Your family is in about as bad times as it is possible to be. Your head of house is an idiot who lost much of the family fortune. You have lost all honor that would normally be granted to one of your station. All you have left is your Knight, and the chance to regain your honor in the fires of war.

d. [] Write-in

[] Personality

a. [] Paladin of Virtue: You are an avatar of the ideals of chivalry. Noble, bold, and courteous, you treat all with honor and respect.

b. [] Swashbuckling Rogue: You are a knight, yes, but that doesn't mean you hold to all edicts. Sometimes, chivalry is limiting, and a bit of cleverness and manipulation goes a long way

c. [] Brutal Thug: To hell with honor, to hell with virtue, to hell with chivalry. You reject these meaningless virtues in favor of one simple truth: there are foul monsters to purge, and you are going to be the one to purge them.

d. [] Write-in

[] Name of the Knight-Mech
[X] Third Princess Alexandrite Vanatus Restora IV

[X] Shatterface IV, a large moon orbiting a gas giant, prized for it's rich deposits of precious gems

[X] Write in: As the Third Princess of the royal line of your world, while you lived in the lap of luxury, you had made peace early on that the throne would never be yours; your calling would lie elsewhere, in whatever use was found for you. It is fortunate then, that your Knight was available, as you had never sat well with the delicacies of the courts.

[X] Write in: Pragmatic nobility- While you can hold yourself to the uptight standards of nobility, it is not something that comes naturally to you, and you do not act as formally as one might expect of someone in your position. Furthermore, you are exceedingly pragmatic; the first things to be discarded in war are fairness and ideals, and the unholy filth that assaults the imperium never had them to begin with, so if compromising the noble values you were brought up with is what it takes to ensure victory, you shall do so.

[X] Terras Lightning Trapped-In-Diamond

Character idea is that they're high nobility, but not in the direct line, and especially not the sort of person who would be a good fit for more standard royal purposes, so was surreptitiously given the Knighthood as a means of taking them out of the way somewhat, while still being useful.
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[X] Third Princess Alexandrite Vanatus Restora IV

[X] Write in: As the Third Princess of the royal line of your world, while you lived in the lap of luxury, you had made peace early on that the throne would never be yours; your calling would lie elsewhere, in whatever use was found for you. It is fortunate then, that your Knight was available, as you had never sat well with the delicacies of the courts.
[X] Paladin of Virtue: You are an avatar of the ideals of chivalry. Noble, bold, and courteous, you treat all with honor and respect.
[X] Terras Lightning Trapped-In-Diamond
[X] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III

[X] Female

[X] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)

[X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.

[X] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.

[X] Righteousness of Soul

If we're going to be a princess then we're going all the way with no brakes on this crazy train.

Now we just need over the top dresses and drill hair and we're set. :V
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Come on people we need to be the prettiest princess of them all.

Plus we'd be opening the path to more world-building. Having a character that is eager to explore the Imperium while being high enough station to do so gives us some major plot opportunities since the character would be going in blind which also opens some massive world building opportunities.

Imagine the eagerness of exploring a hive city floating in the clouds of a gas giant or a forge world created from the shattered remnants of a planet that has gone exterminatus.

So many world-building opportunities await us.
[X] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III

[X] Female

[X] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)

[X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.

[X] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.

[X] Righteousness of Soul
[x] Sir Vali Harkonis Pegon Kona, of House Verlithus

[x] Male

[x] Rondar VII

[X] Your family is in about as bad times as it is possible to be. Your head of house is an idiot who lost much of the family fortune. You have lost all honor that would normally be granted to one of your station. All you have left is your Knight, and the chance to regain your honor in the fires of war.

[X] Write-In
-[X] Long has been the decline of House Verlithus, and your Uncle is but the latest of a line of idiots, having lost much of the family fortune. Only through good luck and great chivalry have you kept even a measure of your honor, enough that you can, with your knight, perhaps gain back some of that which was lost. Surrounded at all times by those who would seek to gain from your family's loss, you must be virtuous and chivalric in all things, but your attempts to treat those with honor and respect fall short, with laughs behind your back making you bitter and resentful, though you dare not show it. You can only find solace in one thing: bringing death to the Imperium's enemies. Desperately, feverishly, you throw yourself into it, hoping that some shred of dignity might be reclaimed in the crucible of war.

[X] Knight-Mech's Name: Verlithian the Defiant
Just want to make a quick note that any change to a category will make it count as a different concept.
Okay I'm sold.

[X] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III

[X] Female

[X] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)

[X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.

[X] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.

[X] Righteousness of Soul

I'm gonna need some ojouhoho-sama for this.
[] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III

[] Female

[] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)

[] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.

[] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.

[] Righteousness of Soul

Guys vote for this.

Having a character be eager to discover the Imperium (good and bad) is a massive storytelling opportunity.

Edit: and someone posts the moment I do.

I'm gonna need some ojouhoho-sama for this.
Sure, why not.

We're taking a ride on a crazy train.
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[X] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III
[X] Female
[X] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)
[X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.
[X] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.
[X] Righteousness of Soul
[X] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III

[X] Female

[X] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)

[X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.

[X] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and
do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.

[X] Righteousness of Soul
[X] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III

[X] Female

[X] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)

[X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.

[X] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.

[X] Righteousness of Soul
[X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.
[X] Paladin of Virtue: You are an avatar of the ideals of chivalry. Noble, bold, and courteous, you treat all with honor and respect.

These are the only two choices that I care about at the moment.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by MysticKnightJoe on Dec 4, 2017 at 10:13 PM, finished with 14 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III
    [X] Female
    [X] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)
    [X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.
    [X] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.
    [X] Righteousness of Soul
    [X] Third Princess Alexandrite Vanatus Restora IV
    [X] Shatterface IV, a large moon orbiting a gas giant, prized for it's rich deposits of precious gems
    [X] Write in: As the Third Princess of the royal line of your world, while you lived in the lap of luxury, you had made peace early on that the throne would never be yours; your calling would lie elsewhere, in whatever use was found for you. It is fortunate then, that your Knight was available, as you had never sat well with the delicacies of the courts.
    [X] Write in: Pragmatic nobility- While you can hold yourself to the uptight standards of nobility, it is not something that comes naturally to you, and you do not act as formally as one might expect of someone in your position. Furthermore, you are exceedingly pragmatic; the first things to be discarded in war are fairness and ideals, and the unholy filth that assaults the imperium never had them to begin with, so if compromising the noble values you were brought up with is what it takes to ensure victory, you shall do so.
    [X] Terras Lightning Trapped-In-Diamond
    [X] Third Princess Alexandrite Vanatus Restora IV
    [X] Write in: As the Third Princess of the royal line of your world, while you lived in the lap of luxury, you had made peace early on that the throne would never be yours; your calling would lie elsewhere, in whatever use was found for you. It is fortunate then, that your Knight was available, as you had never sat well with the delicacies of the courts.
    [X] Paladin of Virtue: You are an avatar of the ideals of chivalry. Noble, bold, and courteous, you treat all with honor and respect.
    [X] Terras Lightning Trapped-In-Diamond
    [x] Sir Vali Harkonis Pegon Kona, of House Verlithus
    [x] Male
    [x] Rondar VII
    [X] Your family is in about as bad times as it is possible to be. Your head of house is an idiot who lost much of the family fortune. You have lost all honor that would normally be granted to one of your station. All you have left is your Knight, and the chance to regain your honor in the fires of war.
    [X] Write-In
    -[X] Long has been the decline of House Verlithus, and your Uncle is but the latest of a line of idiots, having lost much of the family fortune. Only through good luck and great chivalry have you kept even a measure of your honor, enough that you can, with your knight, perhaps gain back some of that which was lost. Surrounded at all times by those who would seek to gain from your family's loss, you must be virtuous and chivalric in all things, but your attempts to treat those with honor and respect fall short, with laughs behind your back making you bitter and resentful, though you dare not show it. You can only find solace in one thing: bringing death to the Imperium's enemies. Desperately, feverishly, you throw yourself into it, hoping that some shred of dignity might be reclaimed in the crucible of war.
    [X] Knight-Mech's Name: Verlithian the Defiant
[x] Sir Vali Harkonis Pegon Kona, of House Verlithus

[x] Male

[x] Rondar VII

[X] Your family is in about as bad times as it is possible to be. Your head of house is an idiot who lost much of the family fortune. You have lost all honor that would normally be granted to one of your station. All you have left is your Knight, and the chance to regain your honor in the fires of war.

[X] Write-In
-[X] Long has been the decline of House Verlithus, and your Uncle is but the latest of a line of idiots, having lost much of the family fortune. Only through good luck and great chivalry have you kept even a measure of your honor, enough that you can, with your knight, perhaps gain back some of that which was lost. Surrounded at all times by those who would seek to gain from your family's loss, you must be virtuous and chivalric in all things, but your attempts to treat those with honor and respect fall short, with laughs behind your back making you bitter and resentful, though you dare not show it. You can only find solace in one thing: bringing death to the Imperium's enemies. Desperately, feverishly, you throw yourself into it, hoping that some shred of dignity might be reclaimed in the crucible of war.
[X] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III

[X] Female

[X] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)

[X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.

[X] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.

[X] Righteousness of Soul
Character Profile
[X] Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III

[X] Female

[X] Etumar (Administratum designation: Eter 4)

[X] Son or Daughter of the King. You are the Heir Apparent to the entire planet. This means you've had a lot of privileges that others simply don't have. It also means that the weight of expectation is on you. Don't disappoint.

[X] Personality: You are the princess of the kingdom-world of Etumar in service of the god-emperor, you strive to live to the ideal your station demands and do not expect that to change anytime soon. You must admit an eagerness to witness the God-Emperor's Imperium. The myths and legends are so utterly unbelievable that you must see if it is true especially those of the Emperor's angels.

[X] Righteousness of Soul

You are Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III, the crown princess of the Kingdom-World of Etumar. All your life you have been trained in the arts needed to be a great Queen. You are an expert of politics and etiquette, and are well-versed in Imperial lore. You have inherited the Knight Righteousness of Soul to be your personal weapon of war. Your father, King Uriel XV, is rather protective, and has kept you sheltered from much of the world. Now, after much argument and discussion, your dream has been achieved. Your father has agreed to allow you to go off-world and fight. You are being sent alongside your younger sister, Third Princess Alexandrite Venatus Eriventa IV, and a young knight named Sir Vali Harkonis Pegon Kona, of the recently disgraced House Verlithus. You three Knights are to join up with Brigadier General Tycho Helios of the Kratos Armored 7th. General Helios is a close friend of your father, and has agreed to help acclimate you to the ways of warfare. Finally, you will get to see the Imperium of Mankind in all its glory! You will battle the God-Emperor's enemies in glorious combat! What grand wonders will you witness!

Character Profile:

Skill Plus: +2 to Social Checks, you have been trained all your life in etiquette and politics.

This quest works on a 3d6 system, depending on the difficulty, the DC to perform an action can be lower or higher. How much you surpass or miss it by determines how much the character succeeds or fails. Currently, Genevive has one skill increase due to her background: Social. We get three more skill increases by vote.

[] Hand-to-Hand Combat
[] Knightly Munitions
[] Knightly Dueling
[] Defense
[] Mechanics
[] Medicine
[] Social Skills (From +2 to +4)

Thought of the Day: On the battlefield, valour is the lifeblood of victory.
[X] Knightly Munitions
[X] Defense
[X] Social

Is how I see our skillset- we're the more regal noble, we sit back and fight at a distance keeping ourselves safe, and not particularly specalised in mundane matters outside of the knight
[X] Knightly Dueling
[X] Defense
[X] Social Skills (From +2 to +4)

We didn't come all the way out here to become a glorified artillery piece. Go big or go home.
[X] Knightly Munitions
[X] Knightly Dueling
[X] Social Skills

I suggest we keep a more rounded loadout (while still regal) in the case we face Orks or Tyranids.

Rather not be caught without a weapon in the case a bio-titan decides we'd be a great snack.