Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - The Practice War | Page 88 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9
[18] The Lance
[18] The Helm
[16] Harmonic Core
[14] Breaking the Lords
[11] Hidden Dagger
[8] Ride the Wind
[6] The Great Wall
[2] In The Wind
-[2] The First Hidden Weapon: Probe the Shiplord response briefly, keeping as many Insight Focused on them as you can. Learn all you can and, assuming the Shiplords don't have an obvious way to make this an idiotic tactic, take
the first good opportunity to hit them with the Two Twenty Three.
-[2] MTB's write in (ie: wait for The Hidden Dagger)
-[2] Vision can parallel process quite effectively, right? Have Vision
also work some on the home-front. Get a [email protected] -like project for this, if we need extra computing power.
[2] Expect the Shiplords to target the
Calypso. We want the
Calypso to live. Prepare accordingly. If we have a Tactical Genius or two, we may convince the Shiplords to overextend, giving the 223 a perfect opening...
[2] John cracks his knuckles, drinks an extra cup of coffee, and
prepares for cyberwarfare.
[2] Do we have a good teleporter or portal-maker (codename: Mover)? Preferably, Mover would be from the 223, of course... If so, have Mover stay away from actual combat, and focus on relaying troops. In particular, have Mover ready to evacuate the Calypso if need be. Also note: a Portal master would synergize
brilliantly with The First Hidden Weapon.
[2] Olympus Protocol: A step back from the
Calypso, placing Vega on one of the Mars orbitals will put her in a much safer place in range of the Two Twenty Three, but will make it far harder for her to exert the power of her Focus on the battle as a whole.
[1] Dancer on the Breeze
[1] You will commit to Kalilah Mishra's actual deployment when you have more information
[1] Adamant: The same argument for placing Vega back on one of the orbitals applies equally to yourself, but so do all the downsides, in some ways even more so. You are not a Harmonial, and so you must be where the connections lie to find them.
-[1] Write in
-[1] Point offence for the 223.
[1] Before the battle, sanitize the public network of any information regarding the 223, Practice, or other vital assets.
-[1] Shut down and/or disconnect non-critical systems.
--[1] Physically disconnecting power cables and removing any batteries is strongly recommended.
--[1] If power down isn't possible, physically disconnecting network cables and removing wireless devices is the next best option.
--[1] Any system that will remain powered must be backed up to offline storage.
-[1] Non-emergency use of the public network during the battle is prohibited.
--[1] Deploy low-tech radios to emergency personnel as a backup.
-[1] Give the 'loose lips sink ships' speech to get public support.
-[1] These restrictions will be removed after post-battle cleanup when we know we are secure again.
Task: Vision and Minister Marcus Romero
Task: Anything else?
Total No. of Voters: 20