I think what I'll probably do is have a final vote for speculative write-ins for people to take part in in the next post, with the option for none if people don't like any of those available.
I think that is a good compromise between player participation and quest manageability. For the write-in vote - depending on number of write-ins, perhaps an ordered vote?
Amending vote, since Breaking can't be delayed. :(

[X] Hidden Dagger
- [] The First Hidden Weapon: Probe the Shiplord response briefly, keeping as many Insight Focused on them as you can. Learn all you can and, assuming the Shiplords don't have an obvious way to make this an idiotic tactic, take the first good opportunity to hit them with the Two Twenty Three.

[X] The Lance
-[X] Point offence for the 223.

[X] Breaking the Lords
-[] Be prepared to disconnect if they get in over their heads.
-[] Monitor our own networks and be prepared to switch to defence if we must.

[X] Harmonic Core

[X] The Helm

[] If the situation calls for it, Vega and Amanda can deploy from the Calypso to join the 223, but they serve best working together on the command ship.

[X] Before the battle, sanitize the public network of any information regarding the 223, Practice, or other vital assets.
-[X] Shut down and/or disconnect non-critical systems.
--[X] Physically disconnecting power cables and removing any batteries is strongly recommended.
--[X] If power down isn't possible, physically disconnecting network cables and removing wireless devices is the next best option.
--[X] Any system that will remain powered must be backed up to offline storage.
-[X] Non-emergency use of the public network during the battle is prohibited.
--[X] Deploy low-tech radios to emergency personnel as a backup.
-[X] Give the 'loose lips sink ships' speech to get public support.
-[X] These restrictions will be removed after post-battle cleanup when we know we are secure again.

Edit: Crossed of redundant and not-allowed choices.
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- [X] The First Hidden Weapon: Probe the Shiplord response briefly, keeping as many Insight Focused on them as you can. Learn all you can and, assuming the Shiplords don't have an obvious way to make this an idiotic tactic, take the first good opportunity to hit them with the Two Twenty Three.

-[X] Be prepared to disconnect if they get in over their heads.
-[X] Monitor our own networks and be prepared to switch to defence if we must.

[X] If the situation calls for it, Vega and Amanda can deploy from the Calypso to join the 223, but they serve best working together on the command ship.

All of these are either integrated parts of the options already, or simply infeasible. You cannot get the best of both worlds here, that is in fact the point of the choices involved. If Vision and Marcus are knee-deep in breaking into and wrecking the Tibute Fleet networks, they won't be able to pull back out to defend if or when the Shiplords hit back against your own networks. That's what the rest of the Ministry of Security is for.
All of these are either integrated parts of the options already, or simply infeasible. You cannot get the best of both worlds here, that is in fact the point of the choices involved. If Vision and Marcus are knee-deep in breaking into and wrecking the Tibute Fleet networks, they won't be able to pull back out to defend if or when the Shiplords hit back against your own networks. That's what the rest of the Ministry of Security is for.
Ok, fine. No cookie for me. *pouts*
Note: I'm not sure how the tally program deals with strikethrough formatting. I know all other formatting is stripped when counting up votes, so you may need to take the X's out of your non-voting lines to make sure they're not counted.
I think it strips strikethrough, but I'll err on the side of caution. Thank you.
The program looks for [ ] with an X in the middle, and reads that as the vote. It also only reads the last post you did that had a vote in it.

So if you ever want to change a vote, you can do it without editing the old one, and if you want to strike through your subvotes like you did there, just remove the X and the program won't 'see' it.
Strategic Asset Deployment: Custom Votes
Final vote tally, progressing to write-in sub-vote.

Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - The Practice War | Page 88 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9

[18] The Lance
[18] The Helm
[16] Harmonic Core
[14] Breaking the Lords
[11] Hidden Dagger
[8] Ride the Wind
[6] The Great Wall
[2] In The Wind
-[2] The First Hidden Weapon: Probe the Shiplord response briefly, keeping as many Insight Focused on them as you can. Learn all you can and, assuming the Shiplords don't have an obvious way to make this an idiotic tactic, take the first good opportunity to hit them with the Two Twenty Three.
-[2] MTB's write in (ie: wait for The Hidden Dagger)
-[2] Vision can parallel process quite effectively, right? Have Vision also work some on the home-front. Get a [email protected] -like project for this, if we need extra computing power.
[2] Expect the Shiplords to target the Calypso. We want the Calypso to live. Prepare accordingly. If we have a Tactical Genius or two, we may convince the Shiplords to overextend, giving the 223 a perfect opening...
[2] John cracks his knuckles, drinks an extra cup of coffee, and prepares for cyberwarfare.
[2] Do we have a good teleporter or portal-maker (codename: Mover)? Preferably, Mover would be from the 223, of course... If so, have Mover stay away from actual combat, and focus on relaying troops. In particular, have Mover ready to evacuate the Calypso if need be. Also note: a Portal master would synergize brilliantly with The First Hidden Weapon.
[2] Olympus Protocol: A step back from the Calypso, placing Vega on one of the Mars orbitals will put her in a much safer place in range of the Two Twenty Three, but will make it far harder for her to exert the power of her Focus on the battle as a whole.
[1] Dancer on the Breeze
[1] You will commit to Kalilah Mishra's actual deployment when you have more information
[1] Adamant: The same argument for placing Vega back on one of the orbitals applies equally to yourself, but so do all the downsides, in some ways even more so. You are not a Harmonial, and so you must be where the connections lie to find them.
-[1] Write in
-[1] Point offence for the 223.
[1] Before the battle, sanitize the public network of any information regarding the 223, Practice, or other vital assets.
-[1] Shut down and/or disconnect non-critical systems.
--[1] Physically disconnecting power cables and removing any batteries is strongly recommended.
--[1] If power down isn't possible, physically disconnecting network cables and removing wireless devices is the next best option.
--[1] Any system that will remain powered must be backed up to offline storage.
-[1] Non-emergency use of the public network during the battle is prohibited.
--[1] Deploy low-tech radios to emergency personnel as a backup.
-[1] Give the 'loose lips sink ships' speech to get public support.
-[1] These restrictions will be removed after post-battle cleanup when we know we are secure again.

Task: Vision and Minister Marcus Romero

Task: Anything else?

Total No. of Voters: 20

So for the final baselines:

223: Hidden Dagger
Kalilah: The Lance
V&M: Breaking the Lords
Vega: Harmonic Core
Amanda: The Helm

Now for the custom votes. This is to allow you some degree of fine-grain control over your planning, but in general most of your suggestions have been ones already integrated into the plans. Your War Office is quite good at its job, and Lina is an excellent tactician - she has people to fill in the strategic needs on demand. At present, you have one available write-in that I can find, if I did miss one yell at me to let me know. More write-ins are welcome if people have any ideas, and if I see the seed of a good one I will tell you. Assume that I am speaking as Lina or Marcus for the purposes of this. Any extras I'll add in as we go.

This is a ranked vote, primarily in the event that more write-in options are added. It will dictate the attention given to each one. Please order votes by preference.

[] Full Network Security
Before the battle, sanitize the public network of any information regarding the 223, Practice, or other vital assets. Shut down and/or disconnect non-critical systems. Physically disconnecting power cables and removing any batteries is strongly recommended. If power down isn't possible, physically disconnecting network cables and removing wireless devices is the next best option. Any system that will remain powered must be backed up to offline storage. Non-emergency use of the public network during the battle is prohibited. Deploy low-tech radios to emergency personnel as a backup. Give a 'loose lips sink ships' speech to get public support.

These restrictions will be removed after post-battle cleanup when we know we are secure again.
[] No Changes

Due to the nature of this vote, and how it's designed to let you be creative, I'm going to impose a six hour voting moratorium to let people talk specifics. I understand that I've given you a few days on this already, but there were other votes in play there too. This allows for focus, without the need to worry about time pressure in coming up with ideas. Voting moratoriums aren't something I intend to do often, but for things like this where the granularity is more fine and also player driven, I feel they could be useful.

No votes until 22:25 GMT please.
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This is a big deal IMO and I think it does need to be discussed. I like the idea but we need to have a fallback plan in case they try to ping us before they get into engagement range.
Already answered - doesn't work like this. BtL triggers when the SL access the no longer existing hooks in our network; Vision and Marcus use this connection to enter the SL network and do what they can.
The timing is up to the SL, not us.

@ [] Full Network Security
Pro: I proposed the predecessor, I'm biased. Besides that, it protects vital secrets.
Con: The SL will know that sth. is up, but Marcus and Vision attacking will mask that. It also sets a potentially dangerous precedent with regard to freedom of information; on the other hand, that freedom isn't worth too much if you get processed into blood paste by the SL.
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Already answered - doesn't work like this. BtL triggers when the SL access the no longer existing hooks in our network; Vision and Marcus use this connection to enter the SL network and do what they can.
The timing is up to the SL, not us.
Sadly, this will most likely be the first thing they do when they ping their Hub and don't get a response, as part of their pre-battle setup procedures. In other words, at least several hours before the shooting starts.

@ [] Full Network Security
Pro: I proposed the predecessor, I'm biased. Besides that, it protects vital secrets.
Con: The SL will know that sth. is up, but Marcus and Vision attacking will mask that. It also sets a potentially dangerous precedent with regard to freedom of information; on the other hand, that freedom isn't worth too much if you get processed into blood paste by the SL.
They will know something is up the moment they confirm their Hub is down. Hopefully that kind of thing happens often enough that they won't worry too much about it.
I've tried to address the freedom angle by restricting it to the engagement and cleanup. I also specifically exempt offline storage from the sanitation requirement. I'm only going that far because failure here could get our people killed. Even if Marcus and Vision were on the defensive, I would still want these precautions taken.
Something I think Amanda would do; I guess it will mostly just add to the stories' background.
[ ] Sophont rights act - workgroup assembly
What is a sophont, how is that measured, and what right's does it have? Pertains to humans, and non-humans (our potential alien visitors and also the SL). Also pertains to our AIs, like Vision and the unison platforms. For the latter, questions - from a legal point of view - like 'are human and bound unison platform one or two entities' or 'is the destuction of a unison platform murder' should be answered.

I really don't expect kilobytes of legalese to read within this quest; I would like to know that these questions do have an answer.

@ "Breaking the Lords" - should we trigger always, or only if the battle is imminent? For example, if the SL try to subvert Mars orbitals when engaging us, that would be a good (feasible) time. Less so when a scout enters the system and probes the network.
Already answered - doesn't work like this. BtL triggers when the SL access the no longer existing hooks in our network; Vision and Marcus use this connection to enter the SL network and do what they can.
The timing is up to the SL, not us.
I think you misread my question. My point is: GIVEN that the timing is up to when the SL choose to attack us, and CONSIDERING that we're discussing scheduling Operation: Hidden Dagger to initiate when we respond to that attack, what is our fallback plan if the SL's infostrike comes at an inopportune time?
I think you misread my question. My point is: GIVEN that the timing is up to when the SL choose to attack us, and CONSIDERING that we're discussing scheduling Operation: Hidden Dagger to initiate when we respond to that attack, what is our fallback plan if the SL's infostrike comes at an inopportune time?
Yes, I misread.
Answer: none so far.
  • don't strike
  • strike for limited gain, risk SL sending a courier (or escort) back with this info
Action: Discussion
Considering that Amanda's major boost here is having the collective eyes of all of humanity upon her as she fights for them, we might want to be careful about just how much of the civilian network we shut down.
Considering that Amanda's major boost here is having the collective eyes of all of humanity upon her as she fights for them, we might want to be careful about just how much of the civilian network we shut down.
If the SL didn't make the subliminal message hoax true, then broadcasting shouldn't be too bad. Of course, afterwards that network must be purged again - I'd bet we use digital (holo)TV.
Oooookay. War stuff time now. Welp. *puts on cheerleader outfit*
Seeing as I really don't have too much confidence in myself with this stuff, I'll probably just be a cheerleader for now so...

*shakes pom poms vigorously*
Goooo us! Grind those Shiplords into dust! We won't stop until there is nothing left but rust!
So the way I see it... There are five possibilities.

(1) The Shiplords make their infostrike BEFORE they reach engagement range.
(2) The Shiplords make their infostrike as they engage us.
(3) The Shiplords make their infostrike in response to our first counterassault.
(4) The Shiplords defer their infostrike until they feel they need to weaken us.
-- (4a) They strike offensively, after the battle has been going for a while, as a show of force.
-- (4b) They strike defensively, in an attempt to disrupt our forces if it looks like we might be doing too well.

Each of these (1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b) potentially has a different response.

My thoughts on the matter...

(1): Proceed with Hidden Dagger as written, don't worry about coordinating with Breaking the Lords.

(2): This could swing either way, as (1) or as (3); discuss. (I lean towards (1) but (3) is a strong choice.)

(3): This is the best-case scenario, allowing us to strike with Hidden Dagger and Breaking the Lords in parallel.

(4a) and (4b): There comes a time when we just can't wait any longer, and we need to define in advance when we want to execute Hidden Dagger if the infostrike doesn't come near the beginning of the encounter. This is, I think, the point that needs the most discussion.
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(4a) and (4b): There comes a time when we just can't wait any longer, and we need to define in advance when we want to execute Hidden Dagger if the infostrike doesn't come near the beginning of the encounter. This is, I think, the point that needs the most discussion.
Easy. If we use HD and the SL "don't feel the need to weaken us" and therefore don't use the hooks, we cannot use the infostrike. And we lost the fleet, most likely. In that case, power down Vision and hide as best as can be, because in that scenario we lost. This battle.

@ 1) - What would be the gain of striking?
Do we have any info about SL psychological warfare? Especially what they might be susceptible to?

That's a negative, ghostrider.

In relation to the interaction between Hidden Dagger and Breaking the Lords, Hidden Dagger is designed to hold back the Two Twenty Three until you have a firm read of Shiplord point defence systems, so that they're ready when you deploy them. You play it a little safer on the first strike, which means your strikefighters will take heavier casualties across the board, but it means that when you commit the Two Twenty Three, they'll know what they're going in against.

You trade some human lives for a better chance for your Unisonbound to survive when they go in. Given that Unisonbound are at present irreplaceable, the fighter crews understand.

As to the gain in striking early, simply take it as read that I will not be a dick about this. When the Shiplords trigger their hooks will depend on a modified roll I'll make, but Marcus and Vision will be able to make something of it regardless (assuming they don't botch horribly). In the middle of the battle just means they can be louder about it.
You trade some human lives for a better chance for your Unisonbound to survive when they go in. Given that Unisonbound are at present irreplaceable, the fighter crews understand.
That might not be true if you count at the end of the battle. Than it depends on the effect the 223 had, versus the effect they would have had in a first strike with higher casualties.
And if we loose all fighters in both scenarios, it didn't matter.
And no, I really really don't like that sort of math/mindset, but I like being alive to regret better than having died.