Polyglot of Chimera
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"A stop" relative to what? Are you telling me that the Practice War universe has a privileged inertial frame of reference? Do they have an aether there? How much of modern (non-Practice/Secret) physics is completely different in the Practice War universe?
The vector created by the reactionless drive ceases to apply, and as the drive doesn't impart velocity except when it's running, you come to an immediate stop relative to that no longer existent vector.
It doesn't cancel out solar motion and the like, mainly because it never applied it.
Could inviolate matter be used to create an timatter or micro-singularity drives if combined with gravity based shielding for containment?
Any chance of creating time dilation or time stasis fields?
Together they could potentially form really powerful non-secret sublight drives. Maybe even relativistic drives if there big enough in comparison to the craft they are mounted on.
Why would you want to make a reaction drive when you can relatively easily construct reactionless ones capable of .2c?
Fuck no.
You know, using Practice kinda makes it rely on Secrets type BS. Also you're playing fair with Newton, and that's...not great for combat operations.
@Snowfire we can't (currently) use The Sixth Secret for Inviolate Matter but ... what about the opposite? Using Inviolate Matter as the substance to build nanomachines out of?
The energy matrix requires a large enough area to stabilise. Nanochines are definitely right out.
Would it stand up to Amanda's Sunbeam, the one we created with Purify that could destroy all life on Earth in a matter of seconds (and frankly ought to have vaporized both of our fleets just from the refracted and reflected beams)?
Let's be upfront here; that was a focused, high energy density exotic matter release channeled by a mnemonic into directed form specifically so that it didn't blast the entirety of both fleets to cinders, and Mars along with it.
The transfer medium most definitely wasn't light. There was some bleedthrough, sure, but the primary component was a burst of high energy exotic matter. As to if Inviolate Matter could stand up to it? Well that's what testing is for.
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