That's simply the type of quest - a good part mystery, where the rules governing the quest (in-game reality) are not all known. Might be worth a tag and/or clarification on the first page?
Edit: If you add something to the first page, make sure to mention that questions are welcome, but that 'you don't know, and you know nobody that does' is a valid answer.

What tag would you suggest, if I could ask? And I'll definitely add something in to that effect, thank you.

Did I answer your questions, or were there more specifics you were looking for? Can't promise I can give you answers, but asking doesn't hurt. I think I've clarified things as much as I can, but if you are looking for a specific answer, I can try.
What tag would you suggest, if I could ask? And I'll definitely add something in to that effect, thank you.

Did I answer your questions, or were there more specifics you were looking for? Can't promise I can give you answers, but asking doesn't hurt. I think I've clarified things as much as I can, but if you are looking for a specific answer, I can try.
Tag: ... ... best I can think of now: 'players are not omniscient'
Questions: yes, until, in course of the quest, something new comes up - there's a reason DnD has tons of rules (besides making money), and still requires a GM and has lots of forum discussions.
The specific questions I posted were literally stream of consciousness to show that the rules as written leave a lot of room for speculation.
@MTB and all else, I've added in the tag and something on the first post about player knowledge.

Suggestions and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I'll post Tactics 5 in the next hour or two.
Ok, yeah, this is on me. I've put direct statements of what the Directives are out before, but I seem to have said a slightly different thing when I've done so each time and they're buried quite deeply in the thread if you want to go looking for them. So, to clarify!

The Directives
  • You shall forsake the First Secret (the only form of FTL that appears to exist)
  • You shall not go beyond your star (clear, to the point)
  • You shall forsake the Second Secret (hyperadvanced biotech, what humanity used to build the Dragons)
  • Delve deeper into the Void at your peril (Not an extinction level threat from what you've seen, but a hefty warning nonetheless)
@Mandabar has expressed it rather more clearly, to be honest. The fourth point on the list was something humanity was told, but other races have discovered Secrets after the Shiplords made them a Tributary and have not been wiped out. So it appears to be more of a warning of some sort instead of a 'you do this and you die' type thing.

I am very sorry if this has cost you time, this is part of why I'm working on the Compendium tab, but finding everything I've said isn't easy across 154 pages. That's no excuse, as I should have done something like it from the beginning, just trying to explain. Again, sorry :(

Y'know, put that way, #4 almost looks like a friendly heads-up from somebody who's learned the hard way...

Say @Snowfire , there isn't a way for someone to use other people to fill up their imprint to the max, right?
Cuz I could see some Evul Person who disagrees with Amanda doing that

This was the first thing I suggested. Now I feel bad.
So the only remaining question I have is...

Does the Void refer to legal laws? :p
(I'm done)

Sorry about that, it was just that I hadn't seen details like your list in any of the linked main story posts, and only joined in a few turns ago.
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Does the Void refer to legal laws? :p
(I'm done)

Probably not ;)

Sorry about that, it was just that I hadn't seen details like your list in any of the linked main story posts, and only joined in a few turns ago.

Really not a problem. I think it's helped me improve the quest a bit for new players, which is always a bonus. If you would be willing to tell me what you think of the Directives section of the Compendium tab, and the note on Player Knowledge in the OP, I'd be very grateful to have your opinion on if it would help avoid this sort of misunderstanding with future new folk.

Update will go up in the next hour!
Probably not ;)

Really not a problem. I think it's helped me improve the quest a bit for new players, which is always a bonus. If you would be willing to tell me what you think of the Directives section of the Compendium tab, and the note on Player Knowledge in the OP, I'd be very grateful to have your opinion on if it would help avoid this sort of misunderstanding with future new folk.

Update will go up in the next hour!

*looks over it*

Ok, I'd add something about the social change on Earth (Circles and how people have changed due to the President's actions... and maybe a reference to the way the players discovered the First Secret works. (As I said, portal hoppingThe Jump Drive from Battlestar Galatica is VERY different from warp travel, and until you said otherwise that is what I thought the FTL in game was)

Maybe add a threadmark for those posts showing off the cool ships or tech we developed, the posts outside the main ones I mean. At least the photo of those ships. :D
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The Second Battle of Sol: Tactics 5
Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - The Practice War | Page 148 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[14] Resolution: The Shiplords will breach the flag bridge before your Heartcircle can reach them, but you're not incapable of defending yourself now that you've recovered. With Vega and the Spoken Miracle given to Lina and her staff, you should be able to hold with a minimum of losses. You'll use this time to get ready for the breach and welcome them like any good host.
[2] Purifying Harmony: Vega and you created the Unisonbound, and you are among the strongest of them all. Although she will be distracted by the links she's holding between so many, she should still be your match given her skill with Kagiso, and you know now that she can drop them without destroying all her work. Take the fight to the Shiplords, for it is you they must want, and face them directly with all the power available to you. Given what you just did to Lina and her staff, that may well be far more than you'd ever considered possible.

Total No. of Voters: 16

With Lina and her staff now far more effectively protected, you discarded the no-doubt reckless idea of going out to meet the Shiplord assault team. Even if it would be immensely satisfying to surprise them like that, the main reason for doing so had just become far less pressing. You hadn't known the full capabilities of what you'd created for Lina then, but you were confident in its ability to protect them if they fought using the protections afforded to them by the Flag Bridge's design. Speaking of which, you needed to make sure they were ready.

"Lina, we don't have much time before they breach, and I suspect that if I stop them again they'll just stop caring about cutting through politely like they're doing. What I've given you will be effective, no doubt, but I can't see it holding fully if they just blow the door open." Lina grimaced, and you could tell she really wanted to disagree. But just as you with her a few moments ago, she recognised futility when she saw it. She also knew what you were asking before you'd even gotten to the question.

"I'll set up the automatics." She said, and you heard the faintly disapproving smile on her lips in her next words. "Shall I assume you and Vega will be acting as our screening element after the Shiplords clear them?"

"That's correct." You replied, looking over at your Harmonial friend, and nudging her gently through your Unisonbound links.

:You going to be ready?: You asked, pitching your mental voice low, so as not to distract Vega from the complex work you could feel her moving through.

:Just making sure that the other Harmonials will be able to hold things together if I have to drop my own concentration on the network links.: She said. :The Fleet seems to be doing fine, but I'm more worried about the forces here on the Calypso. The Shiplords are throwing everything they have at us.:

You looked up at the security layout on Plot 2, and your lips tightened as you saw the truth of her words reflected there. Be it the loss of Kalilah on the line or simply the random swing of battle, your line was contracting now. You hadn't lost any of the Two Twenty Three, but it had been a close run thing in a few places. They were rotating combat teams as the security perimeter fell back to cover a smaller area, and the Restorer Focused were working themselves to the edge of exhaustion, but they were holding.

:We need to get out there.: You said, and you were angry now. Those were your friends, and you couldn't protect them. It was almost enough to make you consider trying to punch through the assault team, but you forced the thought aside. Vega probably could tell, but she didn't comment, so you turned your attention back to Lina.

"Then I'm only going to ask one thing, Amanda." She told you, and you cocked your head inquisitively. "Get into position, and then leave everything else to me and my team. We know how to use the automatics to best effect." You felt the peculiar sensation of the more extended link narrowing its focus to just the two of you.

"You're not a soldier Amanda." She said gently. "And if you're going to fight the people outside and win, you need to be in the right place for it. I know that takes time for you, especially with personal level combat. So take that time now, instead of in the midst of battle. Understood?"

"I…yes. Yes, understood." You said quickly, and Lina nodded gratefully before the channel widened to include the rest of the bridge.

"Nick, set the automatics to Olympus Two." She said crisply. "You'll need to modify it for the President, and Minister Cant, but we have tac-specs on hand. Anne, Peter, help me with the locker deployables." You couldn't help the smile as you watched Lina shift back into high gear so effortlessly, but it was a transitory thing. Because she was right, you weren't a soldier, even after all the training you'd absorbed as the nominal leader of the Two Twenty Three. You could fight, all Unisonbound had had to learn how, but it had always been incredibly hard to do so.

Your opponents had always been drones or other Unisonbound, to be fair, not beings that had created ships that perverted the very core of your Focus. That helped, it helped a lot, but it also wasn't quite enough to get you to the place in your mind where you could balance the need for violence against your Focus. Tip too far in either direction and you'd become useless or outright dangerous; Lina had been correct when she'd said you needed time to get ready.

You glided across to just outside the automatics' area of effect and set yourself down, feeling the deck below you, then expanded your perception globe to encompass the bridge and everyone on it. You might not be there yet, but there was a way to bridge the gap, something that keyed into the same part of your Focus that you'd used to Practice Lina's armour into a Miracle. You still couldn't understand how you'd done that, or more precisely where the energy and clarity had come from, but you left those questions for later.

The Shiplord assault team was coming after you, but in doing so they would be attacking others too. Lina and her staff, Vega, all the security personnel and Unisonbound fighting and dying in the security line. All of it because the Shiplords were after you, and right now you could use that to protect your people.

Light flared around your gloves.

Why they'd come for you didn't really matter. They were here to kill, twist or break you, and you wouldn't let them. They had power, but so did you, and if you had to bring it down to defend others you would.

The light flowed out between your hands, forming the unadorned staff that you'd learnt to use in close quarters. It was anachronistic, you knew, but all of the Unisonbound who had reached the same level as you had found a form that best suited their energy. Those that didn't already have a weapon of their own, that is, which made the short list of Masters even shorter.

You brought the energy construct down in front of you, and breathed out slowly, watching it ripple in front of the door. The sparks of light tracing down through it had almost completed their task, but not quite yet. And you were ready.

: Vega?: You asked again, and a bright affirmative was your only reply. Beneath it you could feel her moving through the same process you had, aligning herself with the purpose that her network was supporting, and focusing it into herself. It was a minor application of what Marcus did, if you weren't mistaken. She'd be beside you when you needed her.

"Ready on your end, Lina?" You asked.

"All set. I'm not sure how much damage the automatics will do, but it'll give us a chance to get some shots in." She replied.

"Alright." Pointing out that this was meant to be a defence never even crossed your mind, after all you weren't going to entirely defensive in your actions. Not this time. The you who had refused to pull a gun wasn't dead, but she'd come to accept a hard truth about reality, that sometimes there were those who needed to be fought. And after what you'd seen of them, the Shiplords definitely qualified.

"Integrity dropping to critical levels, they'll be in here any moment now." Anne called out, and you set your weapon in front of you, the aquamarine light around it intensifying. This was one place where Sidra was utterly invaluable, stabilising a construct that in the end almost certainly would cause harm.

"Three percent," Anne counted out. "Two percent. One perc-energy spike!"

Dynamic Entry: 89 + 52 (Martial) + 30 (We Shall Take This Field) + 30 (Combat Chassis) vs 79 + 16 (Martial) + 65 (Practice) + 40 (Unisonbound Master) + 20 (Defensive Preparations) + 15 (Not One Step) = 201 vs 235. Failure

The door all but blew apart in front of you, and you acted without thinking. Your staff blurred around in a warding motion, and light burst outwards to form a shield that contained the sudden burst of energy.

:Well, that confirms that they could have blown their way in here, but didn't want to for some reason.: You thought, staring into the sudden maelstrom of weapons fire as the automatics cut loose. Here and there you could pick out movement as the assault team moved in, and you snapped your staff through another sharp motion, drawing the energy of the shield back around it.

Beams of light shot around you as Lina and the bridge crew opened fire with small arms. It wouldn't do much if the assessments of Shiplord combat chassis were correct, but not much was still hurting them, and they didn't have any drones to screen them. You wondered why that was as you gathered more energy around your staff, and then thrust it forward into the mix of energy fire pouring into the silhouettes in front of you. Accessing the bridge's combat systems made it a lot easier to aim, and you'd picked out the more menacing one that looked just like the one Vega had called a commander of some sort.

Fire The Breach: 69 + 42 (Martial) + 15 (Veteran) + 10 (Practiced Leadership) + 10 (Miracle of Victory) + 25 (Harmonial Link) + 30 (Power of Practice) + 20 (Rally to the Heart) + 10 (Prepared Positions) vs 78 + 45 (Martial) + 15 (Veteran) + 20 (Integrated Command Circuits) + 80 (Willing Martyrs) + 30 (We Shall Take This Field) + 10 (How Dare You Live) = 231 vs 268. Failure

The bolt of energy shot across the small space between you, and a hand of the humanoid form flashed up to stop it. Four fields of light that looked for all the world like wings burst from its back, and your energy burst parted harmlessly around it. It looked across at you, and you felt a cold malevolence pouring from its featureless helmet as it lowered its arm to glare through the fire of the swiftly dying automatics.

Bursts of energy silenced the last of them, and the commander swept its hands out, a shimmering field of light clearing away the residue of the explosions. Three of the suits around it sported burn scars and wounds from your welcome, but none of it appeared serious.

You felt Vega's presence just forward of you, her hands sheathed in light. As an Adept, the energy she could call needed no set form to be used fully. Then the world seemed to slow as the Shiplords surged forward, two making to move around one side towards the bridge staff, whilst the other four angled in on you. Three were aiming for Vega, leaving you for their commander, and your friend's voice was very calm in your mind as she pre-empted your question.

:I have them.: She sent, indicating the three charging her with a strand of thought, and for once you didn't have any desire to argue. There was an utter certainty in her tone that she couldn't have faked. :Their commander wants you.: Her certainty edged into confidence, this directed at you, and just as grounded as her own certainty.

:So give it what it wants.: She sent, voice turning savage in the instant before contact. :It won't break you.:

Two of the Shiplords, both with lightly damaged combat suits, are going after the bridge crew. Amanda is moderately concerned about this, but cannot focus on them.

Three, one lightly damaged, are engaging Vega. She seems entirely confident in her ability to handle them. Amanda believes her.

The commander of the assault team is attacking Amanda. Amanda is unsure of what to expect, but has had time to prepare herself, and has used her energy to manifest a staff to defend and attack with.

Three of the Shiplord combat suits are Lightly Damaged. The Bridge's automatics are Moderately Damaged. All organic human assets are currently Undamaged.

How do you defend yourself?
[] Be As Water: Your fully defensive option. Dodge the Shiplord's attacks, but stay close enough to keep it interested in you as a target. Likely your best chance to avoid damage, but gives no opportunities to hit back unless your opponent really messes up. (This is what Vega will be doing. No ability to counterattack except in the event of a Greater Success or higher on your defence rolls)
[] Steadfast: Your Aegis is among the, if not the, strongest of all the Unisonbound. Let him try to break it, and see if his own defences are up to the task. (This will allow for strikes back at your opponent, and also works well with the abilities of your Aegis)
[] Words of Power: You have Spoken twice now in a very short time, and you believe you are beginning to understand how to do so reliably. Although this understanding may be fleeting, it is yours for now. You should use it. (Special option, let your Aegis take the blows and strike back with Spoken Word. Please specify your intent with this. If you wish, you can specify an exact word, but more general intent will do.)
[] Write-in
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Personal combat is...begun! Many thanks to everyone for being so patient whilst I worked through the issues @GamingGeek so rightfully raised. Also (once again) check out the Compendium tab if you have any questions, it should be able to answer a lot now that I've added in some suggestions. I'll get to the ships and some of the other things...later.

Anyway, here you are, facing down a Shiplord.

Have fun :p

Oh yeah, and this is what the Shiplord Commander looks like.

This would be from the moment it stopped the energy bolt you fired at it. It's linked below as well, because I forgot to put it in here first time around.
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What is the one thing a post scarcity society needs?

Rather obviously, the answer is entertainment. if we were to have access to their society, I'm sure that we would find truly wonderous works of art and great philosophical works exploring the universe... and some redneck hillbillies that like indiscriminate hunting. The differences between the two would explain why the rules exist. Some, maybe even most, of the shiplords see other species much in the same way we do, as cute little animals that should best be observed without interfering with them (or in a zoo). So basically they set things like hunting seasons and allowable weaponry (sound familiar) as well as encouraging a certain code of conduct.

Gambling also is pretty timeless, explaining why a species that doesn't manage to kill a single tribute ship gets destroyed (not worth playing, basically). Before hearing of the nano-biogoo, I assumed that the taking population was used in much the same way as the hunger games... Drop them off on some rock with other tributes and gamble on the outcome. Hell, you could make an entire league out of that, the prices for winning possibly being no tribute taken from the homeworld next season, reinforcements from the homeworld instead of a new battlefield and the big one, communication with the homeworld. It then makes sense to take most adults, as that pushes scientific advancement alot for next time and gives basically an instant army. The communication prize is so vsluable because it means a species becomes aware of the game and can prepare it's tribute accordingly.

Of course, I may be completely wrong, but that would explain the various oddities in their behaviour.
What was that WIlling Martyrs bonus, if it's not a spoiler? I would have expected to see something like that if one of the lesser attackers blocked the blow for the commander, but I don't think something like that happened?
[X] Steadfast: Your Aegis is among the, if not the, strongest of all the Unisonbound. Let him try to break it, and see if his own defences are up to the task. (This will allow for strikes back at your opponent, and also works well with the abilities of your Aegis)
What was that WIlling Martyrs bonus, if it's not a spoiler? I would have expected to see something like that if one of the lesser attackers blocked the blow for the commander, but I don't think something like that happened?

Note that your action to defend the breach failed, but several of the Shiplords took damage. That should explain a little of it.
Yes, it's a spoiler for me to come right out and say it, but I'll lampshade a little.
[X] Steadfast: Your Aegis is among the, if not the, strongest of all the Unisonbound. Let him try to break it, and see if his own defences are up to the task. (This will allow for strikes back at your opponent, and also works well with the abilities of your Aegis)
At the moment I'm feeling we should go for a full turkey and do 3 words of power in a row.

[x] Words of Power
-[x] Resolve the Inharmony via Resolution?

You have Spoken twice now in a very short time, and you believe you are beginning to understand how to do so reliably. Although this understanding may be fleeting, it is yours for now. You should use it. (Special option, let your Aegis take the blows and strike back with Spoken Word. Please specify your intent with this. If you wish, you can specify an exact word, but more general intent will do.)

Intent... Intent... Hmm. Resolution? Fix the inharmony?
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...Their being psyched up to martyr themselves seems to be a big advantage for them. There are a lot of things that don't really play into Amanda's milieu so to speak, but getting people to understand each other and want to live is very much up her alley. We might be able to exploit that.
Oh, hell! I forgot the picture for the Shiplord Commander suit!

This would be from the moment that they stopped the bolt of energy Amanda fired at them. Adding into my post-update post for the other readers.