For Amanda personally, it strongly attaches to her affinity to music and her approach to Practice. Consider how much there is to build on in music, and in humanity's attachment to it. There's mathematical mysteries, the "music of the spheres", the emotional tides... if one Word can lead to another, there's a lot of intriguing possibilities that Resolution could build upon. A lot of flexibility, a lot of conceptual territory that could be covered.
Yeah I'm really digging what you're saying. It has so many connotations and meanings.
Still really nervous about Purify.
*Words that convince*
Inspiring speech from TheEyes, Goodbye Purify from my vote.
In that context, "Purify" is going further down this path of isolationism. With none of the connotations of collectivism that the other Word choices have, and indeed with the actions that Amanda has already begun to undertake in the update, pulling Callypso out of position on her own prerogative, I'm very concerned that choosing this as her Word means that Amanda is choosing to embrace the idea that she should be in charge, rather than be the "first among equals" that she has previously striven to become. And, as much as we occasionally joke around here about Amanda being declared God-Empress of Mankind, that's a very dangerous attitude for her to consciously decide to basically imprint as a core part of her personality.
I really don't see how you get this from "Purify", since it has nothing to do with leadership.
EDIT: And also in case it matters I'm going to put Unity on in case my vote for Unison doesn't get treated as a synonym.
I advise just switching whole hog to "Unity", because the way the tally system works they are counted as entirely different things, so Unison will probably disappear into the void from lack of other votes, and Unity will be one point less than what you would prefer. Now is a terrible choice to use two words for one thing, especially if others tag along!

I normally don't encourage this sort of thing, but vote tactically! Ugh, now I feel unclean.

I advise just switching whole hog to "Unity", because the way the tally system works they are counted as entirely different things, so Unison will probably disappear into the void from lack of other votes, and Unity will be one point less than what you would prefer. Now is a terrible choice to use two words for one thing, especially if others tag along!

I normally don't encourage this sort of thing, but vote tactically! Ugh, now I feel unclean.

The entire point of the ranked system is to mitigate tactical voting. It is perfectly acceptable for @Coda to list both.
I really don't see how you get this from "Purify", since it has nothing to do with leadership.
Unlike Liberty and Unison, which are Words designed as declarations that the Shiplords simply don't fit, or Resolution which I presume is an empowerment designed to make the Medicament easier to handle, Purify is a command. "Purify" commands Amanda's Practice to scourge what she considered unclean or unworthy. And good thing it does, too, because if everyone had gone with "Purity" instead then the immediate effect could backfire as well, enhancing the Medicament's already fairly pure Evil and making it even harder to damage.
The entire point of the ranked system is to mitigate tactical voting. It is perfectly acceptable for @Coda to list both.
Which is why I'm okay with using that dreaded terminology, since it was unlikely to descend into a horrible mess. I'm more worried about him accidently kicking off a sort of anti-tactical vote, by splitting one-concept word into two words that would be counted seperately.

Paranoid? Probably, I blame it being my idea :p

Unlike Liberty and Unison, which are Words designed as declarations that the Shiplords simply don't fit, or Resolution which I presume is an empowerment designed to make the Medicament easier to handle, Purify is a command. "Purify" commands Amanda's Practice to scourge what she considered unclean or unworthy. And good thing it does, too, because if everyone had gone with "Purity" instead then the immediate effect could backfire as well, enhancing the Medicament's already fairly pure Evil and making it even harder to damage.

I picture "Resolution" as taking the dissonance of the Mendicant and... well, resolving it. Turning it into support for the 'harmony' of the human side in some sense.
I picture "Resolution" as taking the dissonance of the Mendicant and... well, resolving it. Turning it into support for the 'harmony' of the human side in some sense.
This is why I voted for it. It directly addresses the discord Amanda feels, without the stronger possible repercussions from Purify. The latter is good because it gives direction to her outburst. My ideal would be something that combines the two, but I don't know how to express that.
I advise just switching whole hog to "Unity", because the way the tally system works they are counted as entirely different things, so Unison will probably disappear into the void from lack of other votes, and Unity will be one point less than what you would prefer. Now is a terrible choice to use two words for one thing, especially if others tag along!
It's ranked, not weighted. Options get dropped from votes as they fail to achieve popularity and the remaining rankings stay in the preference order they started with.

Also Snowfire has the power to merge together similar options in the NetTally UI as well.

Resolution which I presume is an empowerment designed to make the Medicament easier to handle
If you want a verb, Resolve is an option.
It's ranked, not weighted. Options get dropped from votes as they fail to achieve popularity and the remaining rankings stay in the preference order they started with.

Also Snowfire has the power to merge together similar options in the NetTally UI as well.

If you want a verb, Resolve is an option.
'Resolve' doesn't have the musical connotations that Resolution has. Not being a verb is it's primary weakness, but it is closer to Amanda's nature than Purify. *sigh*
If you want a verb, Resolve is an option.
I actually don't want a verb. I admit this part is pure speculation on my part, but it makes sense to me that nouns/adjectives would be more "Guidance/Insight"-themed, whereas verbs would be more "Command"-themed, at least when you think about Power Words, and I'm more of the opinion that we should be aiming for something Guidance-themed.

To stretch a metaphor, to me it's the difference between the Light Side and Dark Side of the Force: Light Side is about becoming a partner, guiding your power and being guided by it to a desired outcome, while Dark Side is about controlling your power and pushing it into an outcome you choose. In this way, going for a noun/adjective gives up some of the direct control of what the Practiced effect is, but it will also likely have fewer unintended side effects, in particular because we really don't know enough about what we're doing to properly command Practice to do anything and have it happen exactly how we want it.
I'm not sure if people know what they're voting for in the long-term with Purity... But then, neither do I! Personally, the absolute worst case scenario (that I think is plausible) is that the voter-base discovers that human civilization has taken an un-palatable turn, and Amanda will suffer an identity-crisis (and a bit of guilt, throw in a dash of PTSD) while trying to turn things around while fulfilling expectation inside a high-stress work environment.

And then we can officially add Soap-Opera/Dramas to things that we can compare this too! OOOOH, and since the Circles were her brain child, she's also a single mom with an absurd amount of kids! HAHA!

[1] Purify
[ ] Liberty
[] Resolution
[] Unity
[] No
[3] Death
[2] Silence

Purify in this context is decontamination of pollution, debridement of septic wounds, excision of cancers, cleaning of virus laden code. Using it now no more implies suppression of people and ideas than it does recrystalising pharmaceuticals.

We see life but twisted into horror and pain. Death is all the mercy we can give it.

Its screaming is messing us up. Let us Silence it for all our sakes.

Life hungers, it reproduces, it competes. In the case of this life's previous forms it fights. Liberty strikes me as asking for a black goo incident. That strikes me as a tactic only to be used in someone else's solar system and preferably not then.

edit: swapped Silence and Death because Amanda is a musician.
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Purify in this context is decontamination of pollution, debridement of septic wounds, excision of cancers, cleaning of virus laden code. Using it now no more implies suppression of people and ideas than it does recrystalising pharmaceuticals.
OK, but what do you see for it implying for Amanda, the 223, or our Civilization at large? Remember, Snowfire is describing this as the most important vote in the game, so it's going to have FAR REACHING CONSEQUENCES.

Doesn't mean that Purify we'll turn us into crazy crusaders, but it isn't going to leave us unchanged either.

[1] Purify
[2] Resolution

I want to address the argument that 'liberty' and 'unity' are better words than 'purify' on grounds that many terrible things were done in the name of purity.

While I don't want to reiterate others and my own arguments about positive meanings of purification, I want to note that liberty and unity have their own ugly dark sides and are not inherently nice concepts. People can be united around pretty ugly ideas and/or tyrannical leaders as WWII can easily demonstrate. We don't actually have any evidence that SLs don't fit 'unity' - they very well may be a very united society, hell, even goo may be some sort of their idea of unity (it worked for reapers). And liberty also have its downsides. Liberty not bound by conscience is a terrible thing, leading to absolute egoism. Liberty without any form of control can pretty easily degrade into rule of the strong or social darwinism.

Liberty and unity are somewhat antithetical to each other and need to be in balance in a healthy society and I don't want to skew that balance with power word.

Actually, @Snowfire, will "balance" work? Balance is a good thing to have in majority of situations - be it an inner balance as in harmony and calm, balance between some extreme concepts in society or even balance as in "not falling". It can also stand in for "justice" or "retribution" in this situation, as in "balancing the scales".
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@LockedMind Hmmm... Right, you've convinced me.

We're overthinking it. :p Yeah, it'll probably turn out all right in the end. Looking forward to how it all turns out.

I don't mean 'purify' in the historically-inappropriate sense. It's intended to be cleansing, yes, but cleansing of things that aren't even remotely human. This is more akin to purifying a sewage spill, and I don't think that's a bad thing. In contrast to that, I'm far more worried about "Unity", and "Liberty" scares me when applied to khaki goo. So, let's just--

[1] Purify
[2] Resolution
[3] Silence
[4] Unity