[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
[X] Monk
[X] Plan Reaching Heaven Through Violence
-[X] 15 Physical Attack
-[X] 10 Mag. Def
-[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception"
-[X] Upgrade "Body Over Mind"
-[X] Upgrade "The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form"
-[X] Upgrade "Ambition to Reach Heaven"
I don't know. It's your choice how you spend your ability points, not mine. I just said that it is possible to spend ability points from the new class tree into abilities you got from the previous class tree.
Do the options we're given continue to scale? So the level 1 abilities for the same class will be different between if that is our first class tree or our third?
So the game was fairly P2W right? What are the chances theres some gacha equipment that'll negate an enemies critical attack once per fight?
So the game was fairly P2W right? What are the chances theres some gacha equipment that'll negate an enemies critical attack once per fight?
Well, I did say you could create items and post them. You can go as bullshit as you want and I'll add it to the cash shop at an appropriate price for it.
Of course a moderate kind of bullshit power, not Word-class level. That's a bit too much.
Yes. They'll scale and they'll definitely be stronger than the first class abilities you got at level 1 but not that strong but it'll definitely scale into a higher level.
Honestly it sounds like our ideal plan is to pick our most important class at the last opportunity so that after we respec we can spend 100 abilities thingies on abilities that start at the lvl 60 base line rather than be forced to waste 60 points on the inferior classes.
Well, I did say you could create items and post them. You can go as bullshit as you want and I'll add it to the cash shop at an appropriate price for it.
Of course a moderate kind of bullshit power, not Word-class level. That's a bit too much.

Well, any particular layout you want? I was thinking something like this.

Cloak of Shadows
A cloak that seems to envelope and obscure the body.
Once per battle negate an enemy critical. Recharges once battle is finished.
Upgrade-able through ??? to negate consecutive/more critical hits per battle.
Well, any particular layout you want? I was thinking something like this.

Cloak of Shadows
A cloak that seems to envelope and obscure the body.
Once per battle negate an enemy critical. Recharges once battle is finished.
Upgrade-able through ??? to negate consecutive/more critical hits per battle.
That is good! I'll add it to the cash shop when I'll come back home.
Well seeing as we're Monk-eying about:

Oni Monk's Rosary
Legend has it that an Oni Monk who seeks worthy foes sent this into the world. A string of 108 smooth wooden beads in a loop, worn braided around an arm like a bracelet, or wrapped around the body like a sash.
One bead changes color for each opponent of equal or higher level slain with natural weapons or monk weapons while wearing it. White for negative karma opponents, black for positive karma opponents and red for neutral opponents.
The effect varies depending on how it is worn.
-Arm: Grants a minor strength enhancement that increases when the number of colored beads reach the thresholds 54,27,9 and 3. When all beads are colored, it also grants armor piercing quality to unarmed attacks and monk special attacks.
-Body: Grants a minor toughness enhancement that increases when the number of colored beads reach the thresholds 54,27,9 and 3. When all beads are colored, it also grants resistance to special attacks.

When all 108 beads are colored, the Oni Monk will challenge the wielder of the rosary. It is rumored that their reaction varies by the color, though the only player who reported their encounter had a completely mixed up rosary.
Hmm, what about a ring based on Frost trolls from Skyrim?

Ring of Troll's Vitality
A ring said to made using numerous troll hearts as a focus. Although the vitality is at times miraculous it still carries a trolls weakness to fire.
A ring that grants regeneration (1 per second) except when the user is attacked by fire or a fire enchanted weapon.
Considering our hit-and-away fighting style I don't think we want a grappling move?
Our defense is pretty weak for a fighter
Instead, lets up the...core-like skills for us

Shouldn't you be taking Burly Brawler instead of Beast Taming if you want to up defences and core skills?
Ring of the Wanderer
"The wanderer goes where they will, undeterred by obstacle." Provides a moderate bonus to Debuff Resistance against effects such as Slow, Entangled, Rooted, etc.

Quick attempt at something to allay some of the concerns. It's basically a lower level version of the Ring of Freedom that negates all binding, paralyzing or other movement obstructing effects.

Necklace of the Hearth
The heat of this enchanted necklace imbues the wearer with strength, as well as providing resistance to being encased in ice.
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EDIT: Another little thing I'll comment on. While trying to unlock all abilities which you will then respec when you'll reach your 100th level could be great in the long-term but its almost definitely not ideal in the short-term. At level 100th, you'll have the stats and equipment expected of a 100 level player but your abilities? All of them aren't beyond Rank 1 and that's extremely dangerous where you'll have difficulties fighting players and NPCs 5 or even 10 levels lower than you or perhaps more, let alone another 100 level player.
The solution is of course doing a respec or two during leveling. Dollars spent, problem solved.
Honestly it sounds like our ideal plan is to pick our most important class at the last opportunity so that after we respec we can spend 100 abilities thingies on abilities that start at the lvl 60 base line rather than be forced to waste 60 points on the inferior classes.
Seems like the best plan, yes.

We should also wait until level 100, and then repeat the following:
1. Suicide ~6 levels down
2. Level up to get back the ability points
3. Spend ~5 ability points to max one ability
4. Spend 1 ability point to lock in a possible new revealed ability (Like TWotADF)

By repeating this, we should eventually unlock a lot of hidden abilities and the like, which should be better than the normal ones.

Edit: Ahh, we will lose the new abilities during the next suicide. I'm dumb. Still, at least this would allow us to scout out these hidden abilities, and eventually we can suicide back to lvl 60 or so and get only the best ones.
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[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
[X] Monk
[X] Plan Reaching Heaven Through Violence
-[X] 15 Physical Attack
-[X] 10 Mag. Def
-[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception"
-[X] Upgrade "Body Over Mind"
-[X] Upgrade "The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form"
-[X] Upgrade "Ambition to Reach Heaven"

Yes we must continue punching good woot.
Are we limited to only Edith as our NPC or can we get more? Not counting mounts and pets obviously.
I've had some time to think of the new mechanics reveals, and I'll share some additional insights, because why not :).

Here is a somewhat vague but still informative guess of our final max-level ability point placement:

1. The mandatory choice -abilities at levels 15,25,30,45,55,60,75,85,90 and possible hidden unlocks from them are all likely very good. Some of them don't have 5 ranks or unlocks though, and the first ranks are free. 15-40? AP
2. The super abilities between levels 90-100. Don't know if these have ranks, but I'd guess they don't unlock any hidden abilities. 10-30? AP
3. The highest scaled abilities between levels 60-90. These will be better than the lower level abilities, and their unlocked hidden abilities should be the best, so they get the most points. 30-75 AP
4. Some carefully selected abilities from levels 15-30 and 45-60. These most likely have to be either really special abilities like the taming one or the social one, or hidden abilities like 'TWotADF', to enter the competition. 0-15 AP

I'm doing this to show that the abilities we get now only matter if:
1. They unlock a special role (scouting, taming)
2. They unlock and guide the possible mandatory abilities and the later classes.
3. They unlock hidden abilities and combination abilities.

This means that we should put our ability points in:getting some key skills to rank 5, unlocking some few new interesting possibilities, and making sure we guide our mandatory-ability possibilities to the directions we want. We should not A. unlock everything, B. spread our points evenly. Getting the best early abilities to rank 5 as soon as possible is paramount, because the later we wait, the more likely it is that the points will be spent on new, better abilities.

Fortunately I think we are doing this pretty decently.
[X] Just end the session here. You can play tomorrow with your friends rather than alone.
[X] Monk
[X] Plan Reaching Heaven Through Violence
-[X] 15 Physical Attack
-[X] 10 Mag. Def
-[X] Unlock 'Beast Taming'
-[X] Unlock 'Sharp Perception"
-[X] Upgrade "Body Over Mind"
-[X] Upgrade "The Way of the Asura's Defensive Form"
-[X] Upgrade "Ambition to Reach Heaven"
It only brings up more concerns. Equipment is meant to bolster our strengths not fix our mistakes.
...you're joking, right? We don't have a lot of class abilities to reduce magic damage and debuff chance with the Fighter class tree so we get items to help with that. When you want to reduce damage you don't try to get slightly thicker skin, you buy armor. Same with this.
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Reminder on the re-grind plots, we DID establish earlier than our character here is mainly a for-fun player, who would not find dumping levels and then grinding them back up particularly enjoyable. Build strategies should be predicated upon what generates interesting mid-term builds, there may not BE a long term(i.e. buy skills you find interesting and max them out, try to find skills which work towards a common strategy, because theres a non zero chance that maximum base skill unlocks would actually leave you far away from all the stuff that comes from evolved and fused skills.)
Are we limited to only Edith as our NPC or can we get more? Not counting mounts and pets obviously.
No, you can have more than Edith with a limit of two NPCs following you around. That limit can be upped. How? Give up your cash! :V

Now that I'm mentioning cash. I've updated the cash shop with all of your suggestions, guys. All were accepted.
Cool, so we don't have to worry as much about Edith having to fill all the gaps in our build. Gives us more confidence to specialize.
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