THE MADMAN THEORY - Try Not To End The World

Name: Omul

Origin Story: Monster to some, icon to others, Omul is in truth just another consequence of 20th century environmental abuse. On February 3rd 2002, a roiling mass of continuously shifting wood, algae, and assorted biomatter tore its way out of the toxic Lake Baikal and began rampaging through the industrial mills that had for decades polluted its shores. What followed was a six day running battle between the Russian armed forces and the Great Green Devil, before Omul reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean and disappeared beneath its waters.

Since then Omul has been both horror and hope the world over, attempting to stabilize the planet's collapsing ecology... and perhaps even helping humanity in the process.

14: Restore the global ecosystem
12: Survive
9: Make friends!
6: Nurture humanity
4: Annihilate industrial movements that despoil the natural world
2: Snack


Some over the years have characterized Omul as a giant dog, eager for affection but unaware of its own size as its rampages through its person's household. There is some truth to this - there have been numerous confirmed reports of Omul recepircating affection from humans, and often seems ignorant to the consequences of its actions. Critics of this view are quick to observe that for all its apparent simplicity, Omul is capable triggering complex chemical reactions and has an extensive understanding of global environmental conditions. Niether could be possible without considerable cognitive abilities equal to or surpassing human levels.

The truth is that Omul is a new and singular intellect, the only member of a species that should not exist in a world far to small for itself. It has never been socialized. It was never taught its limits by kind or cruel sires. It is fundamentally and irrevociably alone in the cosmos, and only knows what instict has imparted and what it has learned itself.


Omul is a towering creature and a powerful floral biomancer. It can promote the growth of plant-life, manipulate its movements and shape, and even create wholly new forms of life capable of the scientifically improbable. Its spread plastic eating algae, grown forests in deserts, and created several superfoods in famine afflicted regions. However, its efforts often result in unexpected consequences. For example, it once seeded a strain of clovers capable of converting airborne carbon dioxide into soil enriching nitrogen across the western coast of North America, which would only later be discovered to trigger anaphylactic shock in many humans exposed to their pollen. While it will always try and correct its mistakes, it is often difficult for Omul to understand when its done harm.

In addition, Omul seems to have an innate sense of the global ecosystem that brings it to points of ecological disaster.

Second Strike (8/20)

Omul has no formal second strike. Instead, the danger it represents lies within it: Over the course of its first confrontation with the Russian military, a wide cordon in Siberia was showered in Omul's blood. Its ichor proved a potent mutagenic, and resulted in an almost alien and rapidly evolving forest developing in a fifty mile wide band between Lake Baikal and the Pacific Ocean. Attempts to clear it have caused it to become increasingly hostile to human life.

Anything but an immediate and near total annihilation of Omul could lead to its blood showering over a vast geographic region, and eventually lead to an ecosystem arising that is incompatible with modern civilization.

Appearance: Omul maintains a quadrepedal form remiscient of a bulky canine comprised almost entirely flora biomatter: Wood, algae, dirt, and peat compromise most of its mass. When docile, sprawling flower platches and fruit orchords emerge along its body. These vanish when its drawn to battle, being replaced by steely brush boasting meter long thorns.
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Name: Wilson "The Phantasm" Goodluck

Origin Story: In late 2001, 19 year old Wilson broke out in a geometric patterned rash on his waist, had a seizure, and disappeared like a ghost through the foundations of the La Ceiban hotel at which they worked. He wasn't seen again until 2003 when confronted by another Power while attacking G4S in Britain but was rather felt through the intervening year - in the form of sinking walls, invisible weapons and the handful of surviving personnel made permanently inaudible at Angola Prison in Louisiana. According to Goodluck he is actually the Wilson Goodluck of a parallel universe, escaping the apocalyptic dystopia by escaping with the fascist regime's prototype world-jumping belt, swapping places with this world's "real" Wilson Goodluck and permanently stranded after the belt fused with him at an atomic level.

15 - Prevent Formation of Megacorps:
will spend up to 30 effort to oppose triggers of private capital achieving territorial sovereignty and private militaries equivalent to the great powers.
12 - Survive: will spend up to 24 effort to oppose triggers of attacks on their person/autonomy.
9 - Oppose Imperialism: will spend up to 18 effort to oppose triggers of expanded Western domination of the Global South.
6 - Abolish the Police State: will spend up to 12 effort to oppose triggers of mass surveillance and other authoritarian shifts in society.
3 - Have An Open Mind: will spend up to 6 effort to oppose triggers of being accused of or pushed into a situation of shutting down debate or acting without considering other points of view.

Above 10 are primarily defensive red-lines your character is willing to die for to oppose an unexpected Superpower attack against, below 10 are primarily character-based/nebulous as they'll rarely interrupt your orders, so around 10 needs to be the most actively pursued - what I want to be doing as a player when not having to defend against existential threats to my whole agenda. 9 will get triggered a lot but I should be doing a high priority action supporting that agenda already each turn, it is my guiding default proactive agenda. So if Goodluck is working to decolonize thought by sabotaging the use of European languages as lingua franca, he might not get around to preventing a US invasion of Brazil. That means theres not a hard Nuclear redline on the issue but instead of more of an escalating proxy conflict.

Simultaneously Wilson the kind concierge, concealing their crippling poverty and hopelessness, and Wilson the gallows-humored resistance leader who almost toppled the totalitarian neo-colonialist megacorps of the other Earth. More at home executing operations than building an establishment around himself, compulsively on the move, an engineer or architect of major undertakings rather than a charismatic leader.

Superpower: Phasing
An invisible saboteur setting invisible fires and silent bombs, attacks by an unseen assailant, is bad enough. But Goodluck can dematerialize himself, sliding through the center of the Earth across the world, or avoiding any danger but the kind of high energy chaos a Superpower or superweapon can muster. He can also do that, to fatal effect, to others in his line of sight, or the terrain around them. Or float under a city dematerializing it's foundations and then watching the buildings collapse. An increasing supply of invisible and inaudible items has littered the world in his wake.

Second Strike: Magnetosphere Assassination
If it was the last thing he ever did, he could sink into the Earth's core and wager his Powers against the immense fundamental forces at play there to, theoretically, cripple it. Assuming he values his own life and deterrence over that of a world he's trying to save.

Appearance: A tall and skinny Afro-Honduran man with closely cropped hair, with a geometric design of scars on his waist that glow green, even through clothing, when he's fully visible. Usually only appears partially, as a floating ghost underneath a invisible rain cloak, with gesturing hands and an expressive, narrow face.
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Nephilim's origin, name and nature is shrouded in mystery. Believed created in a secret Soviet psychic-military program authorized by Yuri Andropov in the late 1970s. Nevertheless Nephilim was the only survivor of the program, and following the collapse of the USSR all records of the program disappeared, and Nephilim with them. In actuality however, Nephilim had relocated to a facility located in Mount Yamantau. Since then the facility has steadily grown, and it is rumored that Nephlim has outposts in Siberia and the Pacific.

14. Global mind domination.
12. Survive as the First Comrade of the world.
10. Perfect the mutation strain virus (MSV).
7. Expand worldwide military capabilities.
4. Prevent capitalist-internationalist cooperation.

In a dark, metaphorical cell in Lubyanka is what remains of Nephilim's personality - what the experiments failed to erase. After the fall of his handlers, the remains came to merge with the conditioned mind they had created. As such, a twisted personalistic marxist-leninism is what drives Nephilim in his mountain lair - he believes that only through him can the internationalist capitalist cabal be dealt with. He has been working on a cure for the capitalists, and he hopes to unleash it - few will survive in the new world.

Superpower: Tech-Psionicality
The extensive experimentation has granted Nephilim extensive powers over the mind, expansive psionics and a slight super intelligence. He can for example: tap into vast psionic powers to mind control those of weaker minds over vast distances, can either 1) concentrate psionic power on one person as to "evaporate" their brains (although with significant risk to himself depending on the target), or 2) inflict a larger area with explosive psionic powers in the form of a psychic blast.

His preferred move of travel for long distances is near instant teleportation, while he prefers to levitate for shorter distances.

Second strike: Capitalist Eradication
In the case that Nephilim should die, a psionic hairtrigger command is sent out to his acolytes, and various secret silos, submarines etc. will unleash their payload on select capitalist cities, with virus bombs, biological weapons, and nuclear weapons.
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Anh "Postcard" Nguyen

A young Vietnamese adult, Anh has an unremarkable backstory. One day, after an extremely awful day of deliveries (have to pay for school! Gotta get a good degree to get a good job! Anything better than fucking deliveries!), they craved a good bowl of phở, and after wishing really, really hard, they found themselves at their favorite stall. Unquestioning of how they got there -- perhaps they passed out and were dreaming -- they swiftly ordered, and began scarfing down their meal. After finally being restored to humanity, they blinked, and realized they were at their favorite noodle stall.

All the way across the city.

It was Monday, September the 10th, 2001.

It is now 2004, and Anh, better known as "Postcard" to their business associates, is still running deliveries -- just around the world, above, and below, carrying the lives of millions in their hands every day. They made their global debut in the aftermath of 2001, showcasing the ability to transport the populations of countries in the space of a single night. The aftermath of Superpower and lesser-enhanced individuals fosters an insane demand for their services to evacuate and quarantine certain locations, to the point where Anh accelerated their plans and created a permanent portal network that connected locations thousands of miles apart as simple as stepping through a gateway.

After inadvertently taking over Vietnam as a base of operations, they've made the most of it, building the nation up as an economic hub and potentially space capital of the world. However, each day finds their responsibilities growing even more, as the number of refugees continue to mount as they move from disaster to disaster.

The Ultimate Delivery Person, also known as Spatial Manipulation. Next day delivery can eat their ass, how about next second delivery. Postcard can move themselves and whatever's in range to wherever they want, fold space to keep themselves and their packages safe, so on and so forth. Teleportation, portal-making, whatever -- if you want something moved, they're your person.

Postcard, in the theme of many an early-20s young adult, is stressed out and anxious, especially now that they're all-too-aware of the weight of lives in their hands. After taking effective ownership of Vietnam, they're now weighed down by the fact that despite the nigh-immunity to all non-Superpower concerns, they now have very large vulnerabilities — vulnerabilities they must keep protected at all times, at all costs.

And yet, they still find that they cannot find themselves regretting their actions. Regretting that things may have come to this, that someone barely out of their teens could make decisions that could alter the fate of the world, but they don't regret that they have the choices that found them being able to save lives, be it through transporting food and water to those in need to extracting cities in the wake of titans.

The events of the past three years have practically inspired both a workaholism as well as a nigh-paranoiac need to keep their identity concealed. On the clock, which these days is nearly their entire waking life, they garb themselves with armored, concealing clothing, striving their best to leave no identifying markers. Space itself is warped around them, a seemingly paper-thin barrier filled within an infinite amount of spatial folds and portals to guard against threats — it's almost left them with a complex about touch. They put forth a cold mask of professionalism, enlightened self-interest, and business-appropriate greed to disguise their motivations and the fact that they in fact do care if millions of people die.

Still, they find ways to center themselves and find a semblance of work-life balance. The ability to be anywhere you want at any time makes for amazing tourism, stargazing, and so on. Anh's main vice is food — and every so often, certain restaurants around the world have an hour of their time reserved, and the very best ingredients provided to them.

...a certain noodle stall is covertly protected at all times by an undisclosed number of agents.

tl;dr: a basically normal person in an insane world who wants to be able to sleep well at night. Has turned into a workaholic, and puts on a mask to facilitate their agendas. May or may not be dissociating, anchored by their work and people.

Although changes appearances fairly often, a consistent theme is fully covering clothes at all time, with some sort of mask or helmet in place that modulates their voice. May or may not like appearing genderless. Certainly appreciates the anonymity.

In the rare occasions they're out in "civilian" clothing, they're an androgynous looking Vietnamese individual, with black hair, needs-more-sun skin, and garbed in comfortable clothing. Finishing off the look is a pair of sunglasses and a surgical mask.

14: Survive
11: Ensure the territorial integrity and functionality of Vietnam and associated business operations within.
9: Ensure the continuance of the Global Portal Network
7: Mitigate mass human casualties.
4: Keep the global business intact and operating
2: Behave in a way that you can sleep at night.
1: Find new places to eat

Second Strike: Dimensional Crash (Out) (20/20)
Postcard is wrapped in innumerable folds of space and portals — although the distance between them and reality appears smaller than a millimeter, it in fact contains a nigh-infinite amount of space, connected to all sorts of places, with portals to the bottom of the sea to an undisclosed distance into the Sun as well as downtown Hanoi, Brussels, and New York City. Inadvertently, Postcard has built a horrific WMD wrapped around them in their search for utility, convenience, and security — if they die, the kindest thing that may occur is that a portal to the sun destabilizes and scorches everything within the nearest vicinity. At this point, however, even Postcard doesn't know what'll happen if they die.

Updated my app a bit, and made a Second Strike with a fair bit more immediate consequences in-line with everything involved and is more thematic as well.

Can't have a Superpower be too normal, but I did want to keep an initially normal human touch that's gotten steadily warped and fucked up through how insane the world is right now. Postcard can functionally go wherever they want, and also has the means to move basically whatever they want, so if they had a basic conscience before things settled into this nuclear standoff I figured they'd actually try to intervene, dimensionally quarantine effects of certain conflicts, evacuate people from nuclear strikes in humanitarian reasons, etc. Taking over a country wasn't ideal but was a means to an end. But yeah, they've gotten constantly flashbanged by what few Superpower or under conflicts there are, or even just regular natural disasters. Huge business opportunities for sure, but yeah, constantly seeing mass death will do that to you.

They are very much interested in commerce but it's also more a means to and end as well -- presenting a blatantly mercenary and business-focused face allows people to have understandable levers to press which is a lot more comforting than an inscrutable monster or an undeniable hero. They've pushed a Global Portal Network to be able to delegate enough work to remain sane, but also to be able to have an excuse to go to countries to "defend their interests" (i.e. limit mass human casualties) etc. Accepting refugees means more workers + talent pool etc.

Something's gotta give eventually though, haha...

Only thing I'm not fully happy with is the Agenda, might need to workshop that a bit.

(Also, yes, I'm now aware that I accidentally gave them Limitless).
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Name: Huma the Human Bird

Huma looks like a beautiful-plumage statue of a bird woman. She has a gray dusty skin like carven stone, red flowing-dancing strands of hair and a lower body covered by a skirt of red scales and feathers. Her wings are also red, contrasted with white and blue, and they come from the back of her head.

Origin Story:
Huma is the third person to bear this name in as many years. The first Huma, believed to be the Iranian mythological bird of paradise, had existed for as long as time itself. She chose to end her eternal flight to help humanity survive its crawling, ongoing apocalypse. She sacrificed her power and passed them on to the second Huma. The second Huma, an Iranian girl born during the Islamist Revolution, sought to become a superhero—fighting against the Basij and guiding the Iranian people toward a freer, more hopeful future. When reprisals targeted her family and community, she decided to hang up the mantle and give up her power to her little sister in exchange for a peaceful life. Soon after the second Huma was assassinated and the violence escalated. The third Huma has learned the awful lesson that giving up this power only leaves her vulnerable, regardless of any promises or convention offered by any persons or organizations.

15 - Make friends (Temporary agenda)
12 - Encourage wise rulership
11 - Survive (Specific: Find safeguards to protect self and future loved ones from reprisal after lost of Superpower)
7 - Remove Superpowers as a singularity in global politics
5 - Don't get hurt again.
3 - Make sister proud
1 - Be a bird

Huma was a normal girl with normal human morality before two extremely interlinked core memory events occur in short succession: becoming the chosen of the god-bird of infinite wisdom and compassion and her sister, their family, their friends and everything within a twenty miles radius dying. Huma is a scared and perpetually exhausted young woman.

Vocal Command.
Huma's voice commands any creature that understands her words, regardless of the medium through which they hear it. These creatures must obey her orders though they are free to interpret them in any way they choose. The power does not affect those who do not speak the languages she knows, and they can easily avoid the effect by muting speakers, blocking their ears, or deafening themselves. Crucially, this is not a psychic power—her commands are rooted in spoken language.
In addition to her vocal command, Huma possesses abilities typical of a bird person: she can fly, resist cold weather, and see farther than a human. She also has the ability to give up her power to another person.

Second Strike (15/20):
Huma's death scream will reverberate through the human psyche, altering one fundamental aspect of humanity. Whether it makes humans kinder, crueler, or more focused on a specific goal, her scream will reshape the course of human evolution. Humanity will survive, but it will be irrevocably changed.
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Name: Wilson Goodluck

Origin Story: In late 2001, 19 year old Wilson broke out in a geometric patterned rash on his waist, had a seizure, and disappeared like a ghost through the foundations of the La Ceiban hotel at which they worked. He wasn't seen again until 2003 when confronted by another Power while attacking G4S in Britain but was rather felt through the intervening year - in the form of sinking walls, invisible weapons and the handful of surviving personnel made permanently inaudible at Angola Prison in Louisiana. According to Goodluck he is actually the Wilson Goodluck of a parallel universe, escaping the apocalyptic dystopia by escaping with the fascist regime's prototype world-jumping belt, swapping places with this world's "real" Wilson Goodluck and permanently stranded after the belt fused with him at an atomic level.

Liberate prisoners (triggered by major attacks, official or otherwise, on the captive population)
12: Survive
9: Redistribute wealth from The West to the Global South (triggered by new trade deals and imperialist wars)
6: Break prisons of the mind (triggered by major ideological or mind control pushes)
3: Punish corrupt authority

Simultaneously Wilson the kind concierge, concealing their crippling poverty and hopelessness, and Wilson the gallows-humored resistance leader who almost toppled the totalitarian neo-colonialist megacorps of the other Earth. More at home executing operations than building an establishment around himself, compulsively on the move, an engineer or architect of major undertakings rather than a charismatic leader.

Superpower: Phasing
An invisible saboteur setting invisible fires and silent bombs, attacks by an unseen assailant, is bad enough. But Goodluck can dematerialize himself, sliding through the center of the Earth across the world, or avoiding any danger but the kind of high energy chaos a Superpower or superweapon can muster. He can also do that, to fatal effect, to others in his line of sight, or the terrain around them. Or float under a city dematerializing it's foundations and then watching the buildings collapse. An increasing supply of invisible and inaudible items has littered the world in his wake.

Second Strike: Magnetosphere Assassination
If it was the last thing he ever did, he could sink into the Earth's core and wager his Powers against the immense fundamental forces at play there to, theoretically, cripple it. Assuming he values his own life and deterrence over that of a world he's trying to save.

Appearance: A tall and skinny Afro-Honduran man with closely cropped hair, with a geometric design of scars on his waist that glow green, even through clothing, when he's fully visible. Usually only appears partially, as a floating ghost underneath a invisible rain cloak, with gesturing hands and an expresive, narrow face.

For what it's worth, "no alternate realities" is in the hard rules on setting stuff.
Name: Sage

Origin Story:
A Vajrayana Buddhist who grew up in socialist Mongolia, his parents had left him to a monastery when he was young as they could not afford to take care of him, and thus he went down the Diamond Path. In doing so, he reached enlightenment and became a bodhisattva. Now he is a community worker and working across borders to improve public welfare.

15 - Ending Wars Quickly
12 - Survive
10 - Stop Injustice in Society
8 - Increase the Sangha
6 - Tibetan Independence
4 - Be Ethical

Personality: A calm figure, a kind figure, one who strives to embody the six paramitas. He endures to help those across the world.

Superpower: Ontologically imprinted, touched by the Buddha Shakyamuni, Sage appears as normal but flight, strength, and speed are par the course of the superhuman, but the main ability lies in chanted tantras and aetheric mandalas affecting reality. He can teach these tantras to his Sangha to empower them at a minor scale and contribute to the voluntary good.

Second Strike: Sage's death will manifest a cohort of 29 Divine Butchers from the karmic aether to surgically hunt down the slayers.

Appearance: A shaven bald and stout middle-aged Mongolian man dressed in a deel and monastic robes.
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It shouldn't really need encouragement, either. The whole point of a second strike is "don't murder me or I'll do X". If you just do X anyway you're too much of a rabid badger to be left alone.
Also, in general-

Be mindful about your Agenda. If a high priority Agenda item gets triggered it will start cancelling lower priority Actions, so if your Agenda is too easily triggered you can end up effectively stunlocked from doing your voluntary actions.
Is my Second Strike valid, NonSequtar? It's non lethal over an arbitrary distance.
Looking over these sheets I really feel for Etienne and Valentina, and also how lucky they both were to develop in a world where their only peers were each other for a good few years.

Registering an interest, if not in making a sheet (I don't have a great idea rn) but in certainly seeing how much faster you get a major continent obliterated than they did in Power Fantasy.
Yeah I am referring to using trickery to purposefully, say, trigger the Malice Protocol or fire the Kill Satellites or whatever.

I don't want to rule it out, but I think it'd basically have to function like a First Strike roll that instead gives bonus effort to the defender, since it's basically in one fell swoop a) taking away a major part of deterrence and b) giving good reason to hit them now, since they're a psychopath who apparently used their deterrence for no reason. So it should be very difficult and risky.

Unless you legitimately trick the player into giving an order to use their Second Strike. If you can somehow manage that.

So I've gone through and logged Agendas for most submissions, adjusting the language to make the defensive interpretations as clear as possible, particularly as the Priority gets higher. (A spreadsheet similar to this will also be used for turn processing during the game, just private.)

Areas of note in current agendas have been highlighted

- Yellow for conflicts. These are people deliberately delivering themselves into my hands for 'what happens if I get forked?'
- Green for survive. People with Survive below 12 might want to reconsider, since that's the threshold for 'automatic response to a First Strike'
- Orange for items I couldn't figure out how to interpret - if you see something in orange and I haven't quoted/mentioned it below, it's probably 'I don't know what triggers this defensively'.
- Blue for potential Etienne Priorities. These are priorities whose defensive interpretation and relative priority seems likely to result in getting dragged into at minimum one conflict and possibly multiple per turn due to needing to get between Superpowers and human lives (either directly or from collateral risk), all nations or global institutions. Now, you can still have these priorities, but I don't want players feeling they can no longer control their character because they had a 'protect the international order' at priority 14 in a world where any one of sixteen assholes can topple a country. This is less concerning at lower priority - I haven't marked anything below priority 6 as an Etienne Priority, and even there it isn't too bad - but can become a severe issue if you have 'priority 14, keep Superpowers from killing lots of people (Superpowers fighting will kill people)'. Of course, you can always say 'yes GM, I want you to jerk me around from conflict to conflict' but I'm going to need a consent form-

Concerns which are more specific and need elaboration are below.

14. Rule the World
8. Protect the Earth's Biosphere
8. Increase the acceptability of non-human life forms
5. Seek out and obtain positions of political power.

So I know I've allowed double ranks, but I'm not sure what having these tied at 8 gives you that's worth the headache. I've deconflicted it in the spreadsheet, tell me if you want it changed.
Also, I think your Prio 5 is covered by your Prio 15? If that's not how you interpret it, let me know.

13 - Maintain the Balance.
8 - Minimize Damage from Superheroes.
7 - Defraud the United States.
I've realized I don't know what 'defraud the USA' would mean. Also, you've got two potential sources of Etienne Priority, which is risky.
15. Ultimo ordine seclorum
12. Preserve Freedom
10. Contain and destroy all superhuman and terrorist threats to American and global security
8. Persevere until the Work is completed
7. Protect the rules-based international order and the freedom of small nations
6. Come the Last Messiah
5. Every battle shall be ended
4. Every idol shall be broken
3. Every yoke lifted
2. And every tear wiped from every eye
1. Survive
Look the joke is funny, I'll give it that, and I'm going to assume 'Preserve Freedom' means 'Preserve the USA's internal systems (of which DORMIN is part)', and also read the Priority 10 as less aggro-
but filling your entire Agenda with a poem is not exactly workable unless you never intend to have an action with priority below 9 where I have to figure out what kind of line they represent. Which is a valid way to play, but is also a bit limiting?

Also, that Priority 7 could be a source of Etienne Priority.

Also also, that's one hell of an AU USA to just throw at me.
11 - Uphold the Nation-States - Defased as it is, the state has its values. The mundane powers must be protected from superhuman agression.
10- Profit/Protect the Company - The expansion of Paradigm is needed to keep the precarious balance. Our mercantile interests won't be threatened.
9- Kill Powered individuals. - The Superpowers are untouchable. Lesser superhumans are not. May they die, for their very existence challenges the world order.
Not sure how to read the Priority 9 defensively at all. Well, I guess 'prevent mass empowerment' but that might not ever happen in the game.

Also, that Priority 11 and even the 10 could also be a source of Etienne Priority, depending on how severe a breach of sovereignty has to be in order for Schema to care, and the inevitable disruptions of Superpower Bullshit. You've also bunched these priorities super close, so you can't fit actions that are like, more important than the finances, less than survival.

And just as a formatting thing, that's a lot of white-space.

Koria (Xinjiang, China), and Kinshasa (DR Congo).
I do kind of wonder at the politics of this, particularly in the DRC at this time.
13 - Peace and Security
12 - The maintaining of his conscience, his personal moral fibre, it would take far more than the threat of his own life to make him compromise his beliefs.
10- The protection of inalienable rights, freedom to worship, freedom to life, and the pursuit of happiness.
9- The protection of his community.
8 - His own life
5 - The exporting of his own ideals, mainly that no man should have the right to kill another man.
3 - The destruction of authoritarianism superpowered or otherwise.
Not sure what's going on with that Priority 13 if Priority 9 is protecting his community, and if Priority 9 is his community, Priority 10 looks like some extreme Etienne priority. That priority 12 suggests he's very deontological, which coupled with how Priority 8 is 'survive' he might be the easiest Superpower to kill because this looks like somebody who will not do collateral damage... except for the fact he has a Hawking Bomb as a second strike? Not sure what to make of all this.
10: Ensuring the success of their business (including Vietnam's territorial sovereignty and facilitating and protecting its sudden world-class spacelift and spaceflight industry. Enlightened self-interest and basic common sense also includes having civilization continue.)
9: Keeping Vietnam running and improving it despite now being its autocrat.
please strikethrough this post since it's outdated
14: Survive
10: Ensuring the success of their business (including Vietnam's territorial sovereignty and functionality, the continuance of the Global Portal Network, etc.)
7: Mitigate mass human casualties.
2: Behave in a way that you can sleep at night.
1: Find new places to eat

Second Strike: Dimensional Crash (Out) (20/20)
Postcard is wrapped in innumerable folds of space and portals — although the distance between them and reality appears smaller than a millimeter, it in fact contains a nigh-infinite amount of space, connected to all sorts of places, with portals to the bottom of the sea to an undisclosed distance into the Sun as well as downtown Hanoi, Brussels, and New York City. Inadvertently, Postcard has built a horrific WMD wrapped around them in their search for utility, convenience, and security — if they die, the kindest thing that may occur is that a portal to the sun destabilizes and scorches everything within the nearest vicinity. At this point, however, even Postcard doesn't know what'll happen if they die.
Agenda looks a little empty, and that 10 priority is a bit stuffed? Like 'protect my business (in Vietnam)' works, but if you're doing a global business now it's both a regional protection one, and a global capitalist one, and it's not super clear what would trigger the global side.

Also the asteroid swarm second strike was fine - you don't need to make a Second Strike immediate, it's more than you have an inverse relationship between how hard to stop it is (including how fast it is), versus how much damage it could theoretically do. So a whole bunch of asteroids hitting in the next few hours is relatively easy to stop, which means you're free to have a lot of asteroids.

12 - Liberate the Mountain People of the Caucasus
11 - Promote Islamic governance in the Caucasus

10 - Survive
9 - Eliminate or Punish those associated with warcrimes (largely Russians) against the Mountain Peoples
6 - Establish the Caucasus Emirate

5 - Promote global Islamist movements
I feel like you've got three different priorities (12, 11 and 6) which are about different aspects of a regional independence/religious project? Also, I'm probably not going to track individual war criminals, so I've altered that priority in the spreadsheet to something which makes sense to me.
  • 14 Prevent Armageddon
  • 12 Survive
  • 10 Do Not Kill / Stay Sane
  • 8 Promote Economic Development / Alleviate Poverty
  • 6 Avoid Superpower Confrontation
  • 4 Make a Friend
So this is interesting, looking at it again. It suggest you will automatically de-escalate from entering a Conflict if the priority of your action is <6, and back off from Violence if the priority is <10. Which is a neat emergent outcome? I'm also not going to interpret 'prevent armageddon' as an Etienne Priority risk, since to my mind it's has a high enough bar that the character isn't going to interfering in every conflict.

On event of Prismatic's death, her worldwide crystalline network will ascend into the air and redirect the energy they are channeling into power grids and crop fields and target them at hostile national capitals, nuclear stockpiles, superpowered strongholds, and various other points of interest that other Superpowers might want to defend across the world, immolating them precisely and gloriously with multichromatic pillars of light.
Given how territorial a lot of Superpowers are, I'm not sure you can assume that the crystals will be everywhere.

I believe this app is outmoded, please strikethrough it so I don't get confused-

10 - Fill the Mycelial Network with glamour, excitement, entertainment, and good company.
9 - Protect the Mycelial Network and its prosperity.
Feel like from an agenda perspective, these would be the same? Also, I'm not sure like- where this is located? Kind of worried it's not going to trigger much if you have a pocket dimension.
Basically all of it requires a material focus and preparation, though he prepares for a lot of contingencies. Most notable is his connection to an ambiguous other realm he calls faerie, and a web of liminal spaces between here and there he calls the Mycelial Network -- step through the mushroom circle and into one of his neverwheres, stuffed with cool people and good highs and the chance to maybe get some of his magic. Part hidden city, part maze of faerie groves, part teleportation network, part supervillain's lair, part Krakoa; above all, a place to find a good party at any given time.

Moving in and out of the Network quickly and unpredictably, an infamous glider that shoots out blaster bolts, the green mask, semi-illusionary "glamours," psychedelic "flash-bombs," human shapeshifting, low to mid level super-physicality, and strange fey drones delivering or operating the others are the most well-known and common manifestations.

And she has a lot of students and clients who have one or two tricks of their own after making a bargain that obliges them to work on her behalf.
Also, this isn't exactly giving me a vibe for what it'd look like when you really flex. Dropping parts of the map into faerie? An army of cultists bound by oath? An army of Something Else? Magic laser beams? If you want to keep it a surprise you can PM it to me.

15: Liberate prisoners (triggered by major attacks, official or otherwise, on the captive population)
I do appreciate specifying what the trigger is - it helps with your other agenda items - but I do worry that I'm not going to have a granular enough track on imprisoned populations and policy impacting them to really play this one well.

15 - Make friends (Temporary agenda)
12 - Encourage wise rulership
11 - Survive (Specific: Find safeguards to protect self and future loved ones from reprisal after lost of Superpower)
7 - Remove Superpowers as a singularity in global politics
5 - Don't get hurt again.
3 - Make sister proud
1 - Be a bird

Yeah not sure how to interpret... most of these?
Also you've given yourself a power that lets you give someone else a Superpower. This is an incredibly dangerous thing if it were known. For you.
And I'm not sure how you'd fight a physical Superpower wearing earmuffs, or an orbital strike.

Is my Second Strike valid, NonSequtar? It's non lethal over an arbitrary distance.
Two concerns:
1) it's not necessarily much of a deterrent, since if the magical bird decides people should be nicer hey maybe it's worth fighting a Superpower to death
2) an arbitrary change to human psychology across the entire globe, forever, could both make writing stuff a bit harder since literally every event is impacted by it on a core level, and it's kind of... that's kind of like a lot of people's victory conditions, you know? Like 'i have successfully rewritten human psychology so we get along/worship jesus/so on' would be how some Superpowers win, so having it as your 'i've lost' button feels wrong
10 - Be Compassionate
9 - Increase the Sangha
8 - Tibetan Independence
You might want to spread out 10/9/8 since you can't fit actions in-between them at present
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So I know I've allowed double ranks, but I'm not sure what having these tied at 8 gives you that's worth the headache. I've deconflicted it in the spreadsheet, tell me if you want it changed.
Also, I think your Prio 5 is covered by your Prio 15? If that's not how you interpret it, let me know.
I'll think about my double 8 ranks, I'm not a huge fan of the wording anyway rn. Having my alien agenda item at 7 suits me fine.

My interpretation of my priority 15 item vs my priority 5 item is that there's always the off chance that Stranger might just decide to take over a country the hard way if he gets cold clocked enough. I think it could be replaced with some agenda item relating to trying to act within the normal bounds of human political thought if you think the current one is too redundant.
I'll think about my double 8 ranks, I'm not a huge fan of the wording anyway rn. Having my alien agenda item at 7 suits me fine.

My interpretation of my priority 15 item vs my priority 5 item is that there's always the off chance that Stranger might just decide to take over a country the hard way if he gets cold clocked enough. I think it could be replaced with some agenda item relating to trying to act within the normal bounds of human political thought if you think the current one is too redundant.

Honestly I'd just say your current agenda is to work within the bounds, and then if you feel like the character should change later, amending Agendas is explicitly allowed.
Honestly I'd just say your current agenda is to work within the bounds, and then if you feel like the character should change later, amending Agendas is explicitly allowed.

14. Rule the World
12. Survive
8. Protect the Earth's Biosphere
6. Increase the acceptability of non-human life forms
5. Act within the bounds of accepted political thought.
2. Protect the people of earth

Yeah that's fair. Something like this, then? I bodged down my alien agenda item to 6 cuz I do want some distance between them.
In order to let "Gain knowledge of Superpowers" be interpreted defensively, perhaps I have a think tank of promising young researchers working on understanding (not recreating, I'm not that stupid, just understanding) superpowers and I'm leaving the day to day work of progressing the field to them while I fly around making observations and contributing insights. Thus I want them to be left alone and allowed to continue the work?
Agenda looks a little empty, and that 10 priority is a bit stuffed? Like 'protect my business (in Vietnam)' works, but if you're doing a global business now it's both a regional protection one, and a global capitalist one, and it's not super clear what would trigger the global side.

Also the asteroid swarm second strike was fine - you don't need to make a Second Strike immediate, it's more than you have an inverse relationship between how hard to stop it is (including how fast it is), versus how much damage it could theoretically do. So a whole bunch of asteroids hitting in the next few hours is relatively easy to stop, which means you're free to have a lot of asteroids.
Struck through my outdated app, and makes sense, I'll try to reshuffle those agendas. I suppose I'll have a higher priority "don't fuck with my home base" and a lower priority thing regarding the more global thing.

I'll think a bit harder on the Second Strikes, thanks for the commentary!
Dr. Extinction

Name: Dr. Katryn Meiring, Dr. Extinction

Origin Story:
Once a humble geologist from South Afrika, Dr. Katharina Meier's life as took a drastic turn after her discovery of a mysterious meteorite during an excavation—a remnant of the Chicxulub impactor. The link between this meteorite and the catastrophic global extinction event overwhelmed her with the power of extinction as it melted into her body putting her into a half ghostly state. Yet, instead of granting the ability to bring death, she found herself endowed with the strange power to revive the deceased—though only as shadowy echoes of their former selves, devoid of full sapience.

Now Doctor Extinction is trying to stop mankinds rampant ways, be it with hurting the powerfull or appearing in the public to spread her message, once Dr. Extinction was used to mock her, but now she is wearing that badge with some pride , even if it always good as a intro during a Talk show.

15: Prevent a total biosphere collapse
12: Survive
10: Be Gaias vengeance against the powerful.
8: Use the Media and public speaking to spread my message
6: Try to stop Superpowers from destroying ecosystems
4: Fund measures to recreate destroyed Species
2: Preserve Humanity.

The psychic trauma of being tied to such a massive extinction event and feel all that death has caused Dr. Meier to become... unhinged. She now firmly believes in the Gaia Hypothesis and has dedicated herself to preventing another catastrophe of similar scale. She considers the preservation of Earth's balance to be her ultimate mission.
Human Greed, in her eyes, stands as one of the leading causes of species extinction. Thus, she has taken matters into her own hands, already eliminating some of its most prominent figures—such as the tragic demise of the Exxon board during a meeting, when they encountered ghostly saber-toothed tigers, and the fate of Chevron-Texaco and its lawyers.
Still no is is stopping her from doing public speaking in places like the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002.
Anger and fear are wavering inside of her, she is afraid of her own powers and so every outlet that she gives it is also used by her to control it. She is afraid of how killing has become so easy for her now but she can't show that to anyone and so she rides the Smilodon before she devours herself.

Superpower: Summon the bygone
Though Dr. Meier may not be the most dangerous of those with superpowers, the meteorite fragment's connection to the Chicxulub crater and the boundary between life and death grants her unnerving longevity and ghostly resistance. Yet, she fears that, should she lose control, this fragment might continue to act on its own—propelling her into the role of a vessel for Gaia's wrath.

While resurrecting an army of the undead may serve little purpose, the reappearance of undead dinosaurs has left a significant impression on those who encounter them. Splat.
And death is never to far on earth and so the fuel for her powers.

Second Strike: Unleashed Ancients (15/15 Effort)

It has been hypothesized that should she die; the fragment would continue to puppet her body or that Gaia would act on a more radical measure to curtail humanity's desire to harm the planet which is its cradle. It is only known that knocking her out once lead to a uncontrolled army of spectral and foiled animals rampaging in the whole state rising up from all the things that man has made out of dead animals.
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