THE MADMAN THEORY - Try Not To End The World

C: "You can and do implant pathogenic time bombs in people that are incredibly difficult to detect. I'm going to have a hard enough time screening colonists already, and letting you anywhere near those efforts would be a grave error on my part. The ban stands for pragmatic reasons alone."

We maintain that inter-superpower negotiations and assurances of the demilitarization of space are a far more effective deterrent than ineffective screenings. We are willing to provide a demonstration.

Does Protean maintain the intelligences of all integrated beings and merely let one run on the hardware at once? Or destroy the intelligences apart from a superficial level to permit them to recreate their personality?

Protean would maintain that they are, in fact, actively alive but having too many talking at once distresses non-integrated humans, animals, and similar sophonts. In a display of magnanimity we politely limit ourselves to only a handful actively manifesting faces on our corpus and speaking at any given time.

As this is the case, we would like our death records struck and voting rights reinstated.
I think we're like 3, debateably 5 up concerningly apocalyptic christian sheets, very cool, please present your necks for Jesus Christ to strike off the heads of the beast, thanks.
I take offense to this. The Faith of Vosooth is neither apocalyptic nor strictly Christian, though Christ may or may not be some sort of Angel which may or may not be good thing which may or may not be actually relevant to the actual core theology of Vosoothism which is definitely a thing that exists.
Protean would maintain that they are, in fact, actively alive but having too many talking at once distresses non-integrated humans, animals, and similar sophonts. In a display of magnanimity we politely limit ourselves to only a handful actively manifesting faces on our corpus and speaking at any given time.

As this is the case, we would like our death records struck and voting rights reinstated.
Okay. How willing are you to engage in a series of simultaneous cognitive evaluation tests observing the level of ongoing intelligence and memory retention among the relevant absorbed sophonts?
Yeah, though if the Superpower has Specific Ideas about who/what/how Human Prosperity is best achieved that will help flesh things out. Though I guess advancing global communism might take a back seat to preventing megadeaths given the kind of submissions we've been getting, we've got a lot of psychos around.
Yeah, I mean I was concerned having a character whose motivations were primarily banal and benevolent wouldn't be too interesting but at this rate I figure I'll have plenty to do.
I take offense to this. The Faith of Vosooth is neither apocalyptic nor strictly Christian, though Christ may or may not be some sort of Angel which may or may not be good thing which may or may not be actually relevant to the actual core theology of Vosoothism which is definitely a thing that exists.
World Evangelical Alliance Chairman John Piper reminds the country that this is not only what the vosoothists believe, but in fact what all (((southern baptists))) do
C: There's a reason the Vorsooth-priest is on the "talk to privately" list, rather than the "ban from Antarctica" list.
I take offense to this. The Faith of Vosooth is neither apocalyptic nor strictly Christian, though Christ may or may not be some sort of Angel which may or may not be good thing which may or may not be actually relevant to the actual core theology of Vosoothism which is definitely a thing that exists.

if i retract will you support my presidential candidacy
Okay. How willing are you to engage in a series of simultaneous cognitive evaluation tests observing the level of ongoing intelligence and memory retention among the relevant absorbed sophonts?

Buddy, most of these guys are US infantry, the intelligence and memory retention is not much to speak of.

Some of the rest are CIA officers who, if anything, are significantly worse.

But, hey, I'm principally on board.
What's your presidential policy on drugs?

Now I do hereby declare, to every single person on the planet Earth, from the very bottom of my soul and with the deepest of sincerity that I am firmly resolute in that drug free is the way to be. That I will not yield to anyone or anything until I accomplish what I've set out to do. I swear, the Earth and its people will become one. Power to the people of Earth!
I'm poking over ideas, but I'm heavily considering mixing up the Stepford Cuckoos from X-Men with Etienne from the inspiration material.

@NonSequtur would 'actually this character is five in a hive mind' be acceptable-
I wonder what the average Russian would think about the angry ethnic Ukrainia born in Siberian mountain of a dude telling them to join him or get out of the way.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology. Insufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from vaporware."

Name: The Goblin Emperor (aka the Goblin Queen, the Green Mask, the Faerie Menace)


The Goblin Emperor was a distinctive part of the "first wave" of powers in 2001, engaging on a crime spree around Europe and then New York before the rising stakes of power conflict and the rise in their own power level made clear to them both how unnecessary direct action was for their ends and how dangerous superpower conflict was. Since then he has reinvented himself as the roguish patron to a far-flung demimonde of hipsters, glitterati, hedge magicians, fey warlocks, hacker collectives, secretive military units, corporate research labs, boyfriends, girlfriends, filmmakers, drug dealers, and the occasional academic.


The Goblin Emperor was once Hando Neuvonen, an Estonian college student of a fairly unremarkable if stocky and smirking appearance. At some point early in their rise they began changing their appearance often, and using a polygonal green mask as their calling card instead. The mask includes something they refer to as a "cryptographic basilisk;" no matter that the mask itself takes different shapes and might appear on any number of different bodies, anyone who has met the Goblin Emperor before can tell the difference between the real mask and an imitation at the level of gut instinct.

Underneath or without the mask, the Faerie Menace now favors pretty, lanky, somewhat androgynous appearances, many of which unsubtly echo a handful of celebrity touchstones: David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, Jodie Foster, Keanu Reeves. They often wear the mask even when socializing, but even without the array of fey charms around their person is usually distinctive.


Goblin is irreverent, ironic, hedonistic, and yet in his own rumpled way quite grandiose; an extremely Gen X superpower (they turned 30 this year). A tendency to oppositional antagonism (both light-hearted and not) has been mostly sanded down as negotiations with governments and rivals become a regular activity but it still comes out sometimes when they're upset or dealing with mortals.

"Showman" and "bargainer" have proven much more suited to his personality than bank robber or street fighter did; he gets in the media a lot even by superpower standards and genuinely enjoys the negotiations with his various clients and students.

It is a little anachronistic to use they pronouns this way at all, frankly, and I don't think he is particularly invested in them, but sometimes refers to "they" in the third person when talking about their self and have memed the usage into understandable parlance.

14 - Survive.
13 - Serve the terms of their bargain with the fae. (specific, secret)
12 - Serve the terms of their bargain with the fae. (specific, secret)
10 - Fill the Mycelial Network with glamour, excitement, entertainment, and good company.
9 - Protect the Mycelial Network and its prosperity.
8 - Superpowers should abide by their bargains.
6 - Estonia deserves nice things.
4 - Old world governments should be humbled.
2 - Look cool.


Goblin is, quite directly, a Jacky Magus figure whose powers are widespread, instrumental, and inclusive of an extensive web of proxies using them on his behalf, and with an aesthetic borrowing heavily from the thieves in DIE where the fey and tron/cyberpunk are two sides of the same coin.

Basically all of it requires a material focus and preparation, though he prepares for a lot of contingencies. Most notable is his connection to an ambiguous other realm he calls faerie, and a web of liminal spaces between here and there he calls the Mycelial Network -- step through the mushroom circle and into one of his neverwheres, stuffed with cool people and good highs and the chance to maybe get some of his magic. Part hidden city, part maze of faerie groves, part teleportation network, part supervillain's lair, part Krakoa; above all, a place to find a good party at any given time.

Moving in and out of the Network quickly and unpredictably, an infamous glider that shoots out blaster bolts, the green mask, semi-illusionary "glamours," psychedelic "flash-bombs," human shapeshifting, low to mid level super-physicality, and strange fey drones delivering or operating the others are the most well-known and common manifestations.

And she has a lot of students and clients who have one or two tricks of their own after making a bargain that obliges them to work on her behalf.

How much is magic and how much is hypertech, and what other day may or may not exist, is still quite ambiguous and she seems to like it that way.

Second Strike:

watch this space i just gotta post, man
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Discord Is Up

@NonSequtur would 'actually this character is five in a hive mind' be acceptable-

Hey if eldritch gods and living crystals are provisionally okay, being plural hardly rates.

@NonSequtur is there a provisional deadline for when we should submit apps?

January 5 maybe? Either that or the 11th.

8 - Superpowers should abide by their bargains.

Ready to get into staredowns over broken promises?
Agenda Items
15: Create an international order without international hegemony.
13: Maintain a human population above 2 billion
12: Survive
10: End all non-superpowered means of destroying the world
6: Keep my actual power set secret
4: Prevent the gathering of unacceptable quantities of humans under a single government (broad threshold: 3% of world population/200 million people for governments below that threshold.)
2: Absorb One Billion Humans

I have modified my agenda, which may be worth checking out for some of y'all.
Eliiot McKane AKA Insight

A Cambridge educated natural scientist and expert on the expressions and development of powers, Elliot worked to chart some of the first mysteries of this new age. For those hoping the great work of science and reason would come to encompass this new generation he was among the guiding lights, with him attracting research funding from across the world, including the Divyan Empire. At least until Protean attacked his research base, wiping out a tenth of his research force alongside dozens of SAS soldiers. Elliot was forced to use an unreplaceable prototype serum to access immense telekinetic and telepathic abilities, using them to hold Protean at bay until they could negotiate, Elliot wiping the memories of his entire research team in return for Protean retreating from his attack on the facility.

Insight is a powerful telekinetic and weak psychic, capable of holding his body together with telekinetic force and resisting esoteric effects by suspending his intelligence in a telekinetic neural net of bound particles until he can reform his body. He can't use his powers for hypnosis or mental domination but is capable of using telekinesis with incredible precision, doing things like changing the neural structure of a target, recreating complex technology by assembling it from monoatomic dust or purging poisons and disease from the body. This comes with citywide reach and is accompanied by a very careful telekinetic sense allowing him to telekinetically reassemble objects inside closed vaults across cities. This sense extends to him reading the hormone balance of a targets brain, the detonation sequence of an atom bomb or the DNA of any individual.

Insight is strictly focused on solving problems and expanding his understanding of the world. He has a terrible habit of treating people, including at all times himself as scientific systems rather than, you know, people. He generally seems to be benevolent, but heartlessly logic bound in his benevolence.

Agenda Items
  • 15 Survive
  • 12 Develop his knowledge of Superpower related Phenomena
  • 10 Retain access to and the survival of global academic institutions
  • 8 Advance Geniocratic Philosophy and prevent anti-intellectual movements from taking hold.
  • 6 Prevent international trade and production of agents that reduce biological intelligence (Starting with hard drugs and lead, working down to alcohol)
  • 4 Support international access to good levels of education

Second Strike: Mental Override (15/20)
Insight beams a mental copy of himself inside the targets head, usually driving the attacker irrevocably insane and insensate as two incompatible intelligences try and run across all possible hardware. This is dangerous enough to a normal, but even if a super can regain control after mere minutes, that's minutes of an out of control super level rampage.
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