THE MADMAN THEORY - Try Not To End The World

General GM interpretation note: if you have Survival at 12 and something like 'conquer the world' at 14, I would not generally interpret it to mean you're going to crash out over just any obstacle or set-back, since you do need to be alive to rule the world or do anything else.

If you have Survive at 1 that might change.
I assume it's a sort of final stretch thing, then. With something as granular as establishing a new world hegemony, I imagine it only comes into play when it gets to the point where the option get as simple as Glorious Victory Forever (at the cost of your life) vs Damnable Permanent Defeat (but you get to live).
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materially contributing to the failure of America's Iraq invasion by neutralising the UK's military expeditionary capacity when they tried to activate a reservist buddy of his, has (messily) tried to tie this into his platform by mocking the invasion of countries to prop up the fossil fuel lobby.
oh heads up there is no united kingdom anymore, but lord protector tony blair is very displeased nonetheless
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Name: Daniil "Horizon" Lysias

Origin Story:

Born in Siberia in a former Russian prison camp Daniil was never one with a typical upbringing. Growing up during the collapse of the Soviet Union reading smuggled American literature and dreaming of a world outside the frigid wastes of Siberia. Daniil's relevance began further along than many, the Russian Federation was in a panic, and the rise of superpowered beings served as the catalyst to set the oligarchal order in flames. Daniil was in Perm when FSB began to round people up, he staring down the barrel of a gun lined up, back against a brick wall made a decision. He compromised on his beliefs and in doing so broke a bit of himself. Now he leads a revolution taking territory east of the Urals against the corrupt Russian government, Waging war against the king of the north.

and as penance

swore to build something better in its place.

13 -The protection of his community
12 - Survive
11 - Peace and Security
10- The protection of inalienable rights, freedom to worship, freedom to life, and the pursuit of happiness. To those who join his political sphere.
9- he maintaining of his conscience, his personal moral fibre, it would take far more than the threat of his own life to make him compromise his beliefs.
5 - The exporting of his own ideals, mainly that no man should have the right to kill another man.
3 - The destruction of authoritarianism superpowered or otherwise. War is a sin, the root of war the idea that mankind can remain disunited and that that is just is a sin."


Daniil is rather Phlegmatic in nature, calm, and slow to anger. His greatest asset is in his ability to read people, to make a decision based on observation and a finely tuned ability to perceive what others want. That is not to say he is manipulative but he can become so if he does not watch himself.

Superpower: Fundamental Forces Control (Gravity and Strong Force)

Horizon commands half of the 4 fundamental forces, gravity and the strong nuclear force. The strong nuclear force manifests in extremely short ranged subatomic manipulation and the manipulation of energy fields, radiation as well as the breaking and creation of subatomic bonds.

Gravity is by far the more spectacular of Horizon's abilities. Flight through "falling" in a specific direction, mass manipulation, the creation and containment of black holes, the manipulation of gravity into shape "planes" that can act as force fields and a pseudo form of telekinesis.

Horizon can also "see" through his gravity manipulation maintaining a selectively omnipresent vision, everything emits gravity and through that everything can be seen through gravity. But this vision is not wholly processed all at once, while Horizon maintains a reflexive knowledge of a direct attack against him, the farther out from him the object is the more he has to concentrate to see it.

Second Strike

Horizon maintains that he has under his control a contained black hole of significant size that if he is killed will threaten life on Earth, its location is unknown, and the full extent of destruction on Earth should it be unleashed is only theorized.


Daniil is a mountain of a man, 6'8 brimming with a classical physique. Though often mistaken as far less intelligent than he truly is. To combat this insecurity Daniil frequently dresses himself up, maintaining a large wardrobe not out of a personal desire but out of a fear. While younger than most, his eyes are by far his most piercing feature, his pupils reflecting the night sky even in the light of day. For a mask, he creates a black hole around his face and smaller ones under his clothing forming a mail like undershirt.
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And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Name: Angel Stratton "The Herald"

Origin: Daughter of Vicar in the Home Counties in rural Southeast England, Angel had a childhood insulated from all suffering, a charmed life until her first year of University at Cambridge, in 2001. The day the Empire State Building was being destroyed, she was off her face on MDMA in a club, surrounded by people she did not recognise, kissing a girl she did not know.

The next morning she awoke and once more found God.

The world is a cruel and fallen place. The time of revelations is at hand, and by her benevolence will it come. Sinners abound, and it is the Herald's duty to bring the rapture.

Her powers do not lend themselves naturally to her chosen task, but she tries. Her sickening radiance, her miasma of madness, delirium and death, her pestilent rot, they are but the tests God gives unto His faithful, delivered by his Angel of Death.

Powers: The Herald can manifest an aura of poisoning radiation to all within visual range, a cloud of toxic hallucinogens to an area spanning dozens of miles and a debilitating but never-fatal disease that she can control the spread of at will.

In addition, her movements seem random, and indicative of a powerful teleportation capacity.

Appearance: A slender redhead in her early twenties, with tired eyes and a tendency to bite her cuticles when stressed, her clothes appear the same as they were when she returned to the faith; the ruffled look of a college student who was clubbing the night before, and has not yet freshened up.

15 -
Maintain the strength and reach of her cult.
12 - Survive to see her plans reach fruition
10 - Frustrate the rise of any other Super-backed cult, religion or political school of thought to pre-eminence globally.
6 - Refute that false god "nation" and the ideologues who maintain it.
4 - Fail to resist her base and sinful desire to lie with women as she should with man.

Second Strike: And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

At all time, the Herald maintains an iron grip upon her pestilence. She does not allow it to spread indiscriminately, she does not allow it to consume as it desires. The rot would scar itself across the face of humanity prematurely if she let it, and if she falls, it shall do so.
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please let me know if the superpower works thank you!

Name: Daniel "Horizon" Lysias

Origin Story:


13 -
12 -
8 -
5 -
3 -



Superpower: Fundamental Forces Control (Gravity and Strong Force)

Horizon commands half of the 4 fundamental forces, gravity and the strong nuclear force. The strong nuclear force manifests in extremely short ranged subatomic manipulation and the manipulation of energy fields and radiation as well as the breaking and creation of subatomic bonds. Lead to Gold.

Gravity is by far the more spectacular of Horizons abilities. Flight through "falling" in a specific direction, mass manipulation, the creation and containment of black holes, the manipulation of gravity into shape "planes" that can act as force fields. A pseudo form of telekinesis.

Horizon can also "see" through his gravity manipulation maintaining a selectively omnipresent vision, everything emits gravity and through that everything can be seen through gravity. But this vision is not wholly processed all at once, while Horizon maintains a reflexive knowledge of a direct attack against him, the farther out from him the object is the more he has to concentrate to see it.

Second Strike

Horizon has created and prevents dozens of black holes with the mass of a thimble from collapsing in various military sites around the world. Should Horizon die or loose concentration due to a psychic attack the black holes would loose containment. They have such a small mass and are therefore the size of a subatomic particle when they loose containment they violently collapse causing a multi megaton loosing of energy.


Just as a note, 'blow up most of the world's military' is... not really a second strike? Like several of the current crop of applications might regard that as an incentive to kill you, to accelerate their overthrowal of the status quo. Every character is assumed to have 'A broad immunity to anything that isn't the aggression of another Superpower, or extremely expensive strategic weapons.', so if it's not a nuke silo it kinda doesn't matter, and even forcing total nuclear disarmament is just sorta a thing you could do turn 1 insofar as it doesn't conflict with another superpower's agenda. A second strike is for the hanging threat of such indiscriminate devastation as to give potential attackers second thoughts, even if they're, say, @Havocfett 's walking Prototype reference that wants to eat multiple cities and dissolve all world governments bigger than like, the Isle of Man. There's a reason my own was "everybody gets an erupting supervolcano in their back yard."
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Just as a note, 'blow up most of the world's military' is... not really a second strike? Like several of the current crop of applications might regard that as an incentive to kill you, to accelerate their overthrowal of the status quo. Every character is assumed to have 'A broad immunity to anything that isn't the aggression of another Superpower, or extremely expensive strategic weapons.', so if it's not a nuke silo it kinda doesn't matter, and even forcing total nuclear disarmament is just sorta a thing you could do turn 1 insofar as it doesn't conflict with another superpower's agenda. A second strike is for the hanging threat of such indiscriminate devastation as to give potential attackers second thoughts, even if they're, say, @Havocfett 's walking Prototype reference that wants to eat multiple cities and dissolve all world governments bigger than like, the Isle of Man. There's a reason my own was "everybody gets an erupting supervolcano in their back yard."

Ah mb then, I was a bit hesitant on how much destruction we could cause. In that case I may tweak it so that it's moreso the omnipresent radiation that could potentially kill everyone that's the threat rather than destroying military complexes

Or another idea is just making a coin sized black hole in the center of the earth and letting it eat the earths core
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L: @SitzKrieg I would argue that the agenda is FAR more important than whatever particular abilities your character can use. Until you have one listed, we cannot comment on your character.

L: On another note, we've been inspired to write a quick overview of the various submitted characters, from Divya's perspective.
Just as a note, 'blow up most of the world's military' is... not really a second strike? Like several of the current crop of applications might regard that as an incentive to kill you, to accelerate their overthrowal of the status quo. Every character is assumed to have 'A broad immunity to anything that isn't the aggression of another Superpower, or extremely expensive strategic weapons.', so if it's not a nuke silo it kinda doesn't matter, and even forcing total nuclear disarmament is just sorta a thing you could do turn 1 insofar as it doesn't conflict with another superpower's agenda. A second strike is for the hanging threat of such indiscriminate devastation as to give potential attackers second thoughts, even if they're, say, @Havocfett 's walking Prototype reference that wants to eat multiple cities and dissolve all world governments bigger than like, the Isle of Man. There's a reason my own was "everybody gets an erupting supervolcano in their back yard."
Also like, that specific second strike is just doing havoc's work for him lol
Ah mb then, I was a bit hesitant on how much destruction we could cause.
Basically, 'enough'. This isn't a game about powerscaling, everybody's powers are more sort of... An aesthetic? What matters is your Agenda, what you want to do with that power. The important part of Gavin's second strike isn't the details of what it does or how much of the planet it would ruin, the important part is that it has a notably high effort rating for somebody who doesn't have an Agenda item higher than 'survive', suggesting a dynamic of somebody who's relatively chill but prepared to escalate wildly disproportionately if pushed on the things that do matter to him, even though 'don't hurt my friends' is weirdly innocuous and shallow in a game of,
The core premise is very, very basic: when superheroes are as powerful as the nuclear powers, they have to behave like the nuclear powers. Not only will they ruin each other if they fight, they will probably ruin a significant portion of the globe with it. So they have to compromise and try to get along, while trying to accomplish things in the strategic calculus of MAD.
Ranka Divya Strategy Notes: Other Superpowers (Rough Draft)

--Bio-threat vector, all offworld colonists MUST be screened for infection.
--Protean may force the issue if number of offworld colonists exceeds 100 million. Prepare for that eventuality.

--Stable interests, can be worked with.
--Bio-threat vector, yet another reason to screen colonists.
--Explicit plan to destroy biological life on Earth if killed.
--Europa unlikely to initiate conflict, but AAAAAA

--Delusional hazard to civilization.
--Cannot be worked with.
--Maintain deterrence for as long as possible.

--Can be worked with, desire for stability is useful.
--Don't allow near anything truly important.

--Can be worked with, desire for stability, all that.
--Almost guaranteed to come into conflict with Protean - aid Schema in this eventuality.
--Do not allow on my offworld settlements.
--Determine blast radius of "Dead Man's Switch"

--This is why you simbox your AI before letting them loose!
--What the fuck were those idiots thinking!?
--Do not allow offworld, PERIOD.

Joanna Harding

--That's it, atheists only in space.
--Avoid interaction if feasible.
--Off. My. Turf.

Gavin Powys
--Actually reasonable and sane, finally! (well mostly)
--Approach for collaboration; we have compatible agendas.
--Needs an issue with his priorities explained (those fusion reactors aren't useful if everyone is dead).

Angel Stratton
--Another fucking bio-threat! Eugh!
--Directly trying to bring about the End of Days.
--Terminate when feasible.
When it comes to Second Strikes it shouldn't immediately/irretrievably end the world (though, note, this is 'irretrievably assuming some Superpowers pitch in to blunt it') but should, if it was localized, leave a noticeable hole in the globe unless someone is ready and waiting to stop it.
D: @NonSequtur can we get some ballpark Effort costs for the following projects?
- Build a Lofstrom Loop in [equatorial country] to massively simplify space access.
- Construct a city on the moon.
- Launch a Generation Ship out of the solar system.
Ranka Divya Strategy Notes: Other Superpowers (Rough Draft)

--Bio-threat vector, all offworld colonists MUST be screened for infection.
--Protean may force the issue if number of offworld colonists exceeds 100 million. Prepare for that eventuality.

Well friend, with a bit of negotiation I'm sure we could find an acceptable combination of orbital disarmament, population control, and political neutrality to allow this project of yours to go forwards without interference...

You've got engineers hauling ass around the world on this project, yeah? I'll tag along and be in touch so we can talk.
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D: @NonSequtur can we get some ballpark Effort costs for the following projects?
- Build a Lofstrom Loop in [equatorial country] to massively simplify space access.
- Construct a city on the moon.
- Launch a Generation Ship out of the solar system.

1) 10-ish, but that's ignoring political considerations, which would be Considerable.
2) Really depends on the level of amenities and self-sustain you want.

Both of these would be easier if you dedicated Effort on an ongoing basis.

3) Is more of like... a narrative question. In one sense, a generation ship doesn't do anything. In another, it chips away at the mood of the game. So it's kinda... how much should these ships matter? How successful are they meant to be?
3) Is more of like... a narrative question. In one sense, a generation ship doesn't do anything. In another, it chips away at the mood of the game. So it's kinda... how much should these ships matter? How successful are they meant to be?
L: The Generation Ship would be meant as simultaneously an ultimate insurance policy for civilization's survival - but also REALLY not something you want to rely on. It by definition would have only a tiny fraction of Earth's resources to work with, and it would be decades before it got someplace where it could build up. By which time either Sol will be a bustling hub of civilization, or a barren wasteland.
FIVEEYES Global Cybersecurity and Anti-Sanction Evasion Initiative SCARLET-6 reminds all telecom providers that integrated 3G wireless network security protocols have been narrowly crafted to guarantee safe and performant communications under the international security umbrella. Compliance is mandatory.
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Got hooked despite myself and also thank you for reminding me that The Power Fantasy started. Here's a teaser.

Name: Eleanor Gray (aka the Gray, Delphine the Red, Red Fever, Big Red. Born Eleanor Miller.)

Origin Story:

Then: The iconic super-radical terrorist of the eighties, declaring the revenge of a nature red in tooth, claw, hair, and lips. Delphine the Red claims to be the time-tossed heir to an ancient line of nature witches, locked away by industrialist patriarchs at the dawn of the modern era to enable their rape of the planet and its future. Her penchant for kidnapping the wives, daughters, and girlfriends of famous men and turning them into her lovers and spokespeople spark furious rumors of brainwashing powers and/or sexual deviance.

The young woman the press calls "Red Fever" is elusive, seeking to avoid retaliation by opposed superpowers through concealment, misdirection, and more social forms of stealth. She works with a chaotic demimonde of environmentalists, anarchists, and seemingly anyone wild or pretty enough to catch her fancy, and sets them down almost as fast.

Now: Eleanor Gray sits on one side of a long table opposite a row of suits, flanked on either side by her own motley of advisors and delegates. Her hair is cropped short instead of dyed red, and her thinning lips are pursed in irritation. Despite never losing her taste for (and orbiting ring of) sad-eyed bombshell goth girls, Eleanor's longest-lasting partner is Jim, a chill and understated accountant who coped with the conquest of Alberta by offering his services as a finance minister and amateur vegetarian cook. Jim is currently politely arguing about reforestation fees on rail travel past New Banff with the Canadian Minister of Energy.

Officially, Alberta is still part of Canada, though members of certain political parties and corporations are still banned from entering what Ottawa calls "the autonomous province" and New Banff calls "the Free Assemblies Compact" and almost the entire world calls "the Red Forests." If the proscribed groups hadn't wanted the area forcibly turned into a carbon sink and a safe haven for whoever Gray cares to harbor, they shouldn't have broken their treaty.
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registering interest, don't start without me and my character plz

also is there a discord