[X] Plan Never On The River
So, you're trying to detach ourselves from the Hedge and the River? That seems like a good option? Maybe?
Do the World of Darkness Fae threaten every one on Earth? So if we stay on Earth, we'll have sort-of-allies around us?
The enemy of my enemy is someone I can use to attack my enemy.
But, they're not on the same level of threat as the Outsiders?
WoD Fae, can they capture Dresden Fae??
[X]Malady's Plan - Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics
Issue #1: Better Dead Than Red?
Continue attacks/actions against the gangs being controlled/influenced by the Red Court vampires?
[X] Yes.
Let's make some noise for the Reds. ... Although, it's only a whisper, it is a noise?
[X] Attempt to set up monitoring on the Red Court vampires.
Let's learn more about the Reds, to supplement our op in South America?
Issue #2: A Riverine Capstone
What does He Pursue (Choose 1)
[X] Talking to Thousand Trods (Interlude/Diplomacy Turn)
Let's find out why they're so isolationist. Their reasons might make us want to isolate as well, if it's a new threat.
[Interrupt] Issue #3: Forever Free
[X] Yes: By folding on this, the Faith Court gets what it wants and its power increases somewhat, and resources are used to both enact and enforce the law, and also help oversee the matter of buying the human slaves. At the same time, saying 'yes' prevents any Changelings in the Freehold from getting frustrated. Chance if roll is particularly high or low (because it's a bad thing or a good thing and most of all both), that some of the people discovered aren't...well, people at all.
It's not like they're gonna
free Vampires and stuff, are they?
Also, if something goes wrong, could she go "I told you so."?
Issue #4: Halloween Approaches
Where should the Masquerade Ball be Held?
[X] Earth.
Let's hob-nob with the locals!
Who else should she invite?
[X] Invite plenty of members who are prominent in smaller, less important Freeholds. Second-stringers, admittedly. Perhaps their gratitude will open up the potential for future collaboration. [Ambitious]
Let's see if we can get info, and those weaker are those closer to the ground, so let's see what those on the streets know?
Issue #5: Sao Luis Bonds
[X] Write-in.
Add more forces, try and improve what gains we've got, but as we've had a bit of bad luck in the previous week, but now we've got better stuff happening, let's see if more people can stop the bad luck from happening again? If this week was as bad as last week, I would have said to pull out.
Issue #6: None So Blind (Panopticon)
[X] Begin to stoke problems in Galway involving the spear. The more unattractive it seems, the more likely he might look for someone to take it off his hands. Like Cora Graves.
[] Thousand Trods has something planned, her network could attempt to figure out what that is.
So, only we can only have one choice here, right?
So, as we know so little about Thousand Trods, let's learn more about it. Talking will reveal enough to show why they're so isolationist? And that's all I want to know right now.
SPEAR! 'Cause I want the spear! ... SPEAR!
General Orders for Fall (Choose 1)
[X] Begin to try to uncode the Unseelie Accords (0/???)
'Cause I like the Accords, and I want to try for Freeholding Lady or something. And as they govern the other large groups, it'll help us with the Vamp Courts. Possibly might find us some allies??
King Stoneguts (Asset: Allied) (Choose 1)
[X] Gather Information on the Pirate Empire.
Let's get at least one bit of info on the pirates...
The Prophet Circle (Asset: Subordinate Institution) (Choose 2)
[X] Roy might be willing to share more of the information he gained four weeks ago.
Let's get more info. Not precisely sure what it'll be, but let's get some anyway.
[X] Try to help Jason Smiles and figure out a way forward, since he's currently staying at her house and all.
Make sure the household is stable.
[] Have Augusta begin to use her Clairvoyance again to spy on potential enemies of the Freehold.
Every window is can be a door. How many enemies do we have that if they find out that we're spying on them, would be a good idea??
Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches (Asset: Allied Institution) (Choose 2)
[X] Provide aid for her in tracking down these supposed 'Alphas' for an interview.
Involve ourselves more with the Dresden side of things!
[X] Look into these...Jade Court Vampires.
What use would this be?? Unless you're gonna make something up so it's not a dead end? And they
do matter, as we've got people in the Orient?
Collegial Views (Asset: Allied) (Choose 1)
[X] Read her book: Amberly Hanz's books apparently in this version of the world caused problems...but why?
Let's see if we can learn something...
Personal Actions (Choose 3)
[X] Jonathan has been acting a little strangely lately, perhaps she could talk to him.
Look out for our son? Or would inquiring at this juncture be a bad thing?
[X] Reel in the monitoring of the White Court sanctuary. It has been three weeks, and so by this point monitoring and examining all of the evidence will be a significant endeavor considering the consequences, and keeping it any longer might not be advisable.
Wait a week, and see what they do for Halloween. That's more important than anything else? But the current info might have a limited use-by date...
[X] Visit the Goblin Markets, search around for anything interesting.
This sounds fun!