The Lost Files (C:TL/Dresden Files) (CK2-ish)

Well, one thing to note is that the Dresden Files take place once a year. Like, most of the rest of the year Dresden is dealing with threats that, at best, don't actually, you know, threaten the world.

Harry Dresden actually takes *months* to do some of the spells (mostly the artifact stuff) that he uses in the actual books.
Little Chicago took more than a year to build and power up in the background.

His blasting rod alone takes 6 weeks to carve the runes and empower it, the shield bracelet took weeks(basic), and months(advanced version, mostly original research) the longcoat took months of work(though it doesn't get wrecked as much, he still needs to do upkeep work semiregularly) and he doesn't want to think about how much work it takes for the staff.

The books just show us the two times a year he gets Dresdened. Between that is a lot of nothing, and minor adventures.
[X]Do you know whether photographs of your pages can have a mental effect upon those who view it?

Wins at 3 Votes.

[X] Are the beings that have been mentioned, such as the 'Ever Dancer'', the beings that are being referred to when Wizards of the 'White Court' reference the 'Seventh Law'?

[X] Are the beings that have been mentioned, such as the 'Ever Dancer'', the beings that are being referred to when Wizards of the 'White Court' reference the 'Seventh Law'?

[X]Do you know whether photographs of your pages can have a mental effect upon those who view it?

[X] Do you know whether photographs of your pages can have a mental effect upon those who view it?

[X] What guards the 'Gates' that you have mentioned before?.

[X] Do you know whether photographs of your pages can have a mental effect upon those who view it?

[X] What guards the 'Gates' that you have mentioned before?
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Turn 3--Questions and patience
Turn 3--Questions and Patience

[X] Do you know whether photographs of your pages can have a mental effect upon those who view it?

Time was not considered an ally by enough Changelings. They rushed through their lives well aware that they were far less immortal than their Keepers, that the world would forget them if they lay by the wayside too long. Many of them, at least, had been forgotten as she had almost feared she would be.

She'd touched her child's face at two and hoped that even though he'd never really known her that he'd know her.

One of the things that anyone had to know as a leader of Changelings was that they were wounded. Wounds that persisted. And so she had allowed the...sentimental side of her to exist. Kill that, and you couldn't understand people. Whatever anecdotes and popular culture were trotted out, her studies of humanity and its cultures showed that sociopaths and those who could not relate to other people were not effective leaders.

So she knew pain, and she knew impatience.

She also knew that Changelings had longer than they knew, if they could only see it, and that it had been patience that had seen her through the other side, patience that had saved her life a dozen times.

So when the book assaulted her, voice screaming in her head, trying to break her, she didn't flinch. She waited it out, even bored, and then said, "Next question. Same deal as before. Answer or I burn you."

It howled and then paused, and thought at her 'Very well.'

As if it had any control over the process by which she would allow it to extend its time 'alive' by providing her with information.

This question wouldn't answer that much.

"Do you know whether photographs of your pages can have a mental effect upon those who view it?"

'Yes' it thought, smugly, thinking she had been caught in a trap. After all, she'd only asked whether it knew, when she could have asked 'do they have a mental effect upon those who view it?' But there were too many ways to lie even with the Sight of Truth and Lies to sort out the obvious ones. An obvious follow up question would be 'Are there any circumstances in which photographs of your pages have a mental effect on those who view it?' If yes, then ask 'what are the circumstances' and then it's been caught.

That would take weeks of questioning, when done every other week.

Cora Graves had the time.

She also had a certain suspicion, brewing in the back of her head. But nothing more than that, not yet.

It was like hearing the moans of the dead at night where she woke in a cold sweat. You knew they weren't there yet, but they would be one day.

Ideas ambushed her at the strangest times, and so she'd learned to listen to her sense that her thoughts were coming together.

Everything, in fact, was coming together...for better or worse.

A/N: And thus ends week three!
Time was not considered an ally by enough Changelings. They rushed through their lives well aware that they were far less immortal than their Keepers, that the world would forget them if they lay by the wayside too long. Many of them, at least, had been forgotten as she had almost feared she would be.

She'd touched her child's face at two and hoped that even though he'd never really known her that he'd know her.

One of the things that anyone had to know as a leader of Changelings was that they were wounded. Wounds that persisted. And so she had allowed the...sentimental side of her to exist. Kill that, and you couldn't understand people. Whatever anecdotes and popular culture were trotted out, her studies of humanity and its cultures showed that sociopaths and those who could not relate to other people were not effective leaders.

So she knew pain, and she knew impatience.

She also knew that Changelings had longer than they knew, if they could only see it, and that it had been patience that had seen her through the other side, patience that had saved her life a dozen times.

Lol! Nice Take-that! I'll take it!

It was like hearing the moans of the dead at night where she woke in a cold sweat. You knew they weren't there yet, but they would be one day.

Ideas ambushed her at the strangest times, and so she'd learned to listen to her sense that her thoughts were coming together.

Are we those ideas? ... Interesting...
Also, this is the first update where I was listing plan options that I stepped back and said, "Oh yeah, Cora's a ruthless political operator."[1]

[1] You can place assassins in certain groups, you can track and monitor members of your Freehold for any sign of political's like, finally, you know how long I've been waiting?
Turn 4--Planning
Turn 4--Planning (October 18th-25th)

Issue #1: Better Dead Than Red?

The revelation about the Northside Kings puts everything into a different light, or does it? Everything that the Freehold does now to attack the Red Court, especially the gangs they hold under their sway with threats, bribes, and their own powers...all of that also strengthens the Northside Kings, who are quickly becoming the most powerful gang out there.

So Cora Graves was left with a decision, whether or not to continue the previously started campaign to break down the Red Gangs one by one. It had been a success so far, by the metrics set of it, and she had no doubt that it would continue to be a success...if those were the metrics and means by which it was measured.

They didn't have to be, and quite possibly weren't if the goal was taking control of the underground. The actual goal was far more nebulous and complicated than that, of course, and it was also a matter of considering the Lycanthropes. Were they a group that could be controlled? What did they demand of those under them, and how big of a threat were they?

Continue attacks/actions against the gangs being controlled/influenced by the Red Court vampires?

[] Yes.
[] No.

What other actions are done?

[] Dig into the Democratic Party structure in St. Louis and try to dig them out of it.
[] Investigate the Northside Kings.
[] Send an 'ambassador' of sorts to the Northside Kings.
[] Attempt to set up monitoring on the Red Court vampires.
[] Have someone infiltrate one of the 'legitimate businesses' or other such things run by the Red Court.
[] Write-in.


Issue #2: A Riverine Capstone

Mayor Booster's efforts were hitting a cap, a point at which they had to be either expanded or unleashed. Most of the major river powers, and many of the minor ones in the immediate vicinity were all now signed on, and were tugging at the bit, Mayor Booster admitted, to get out and do something. They saw that he wanted to turn this into something larger, and the example of South America was still enough to inspire them to continue in that direction, but for many of the Freeholds, especially those who were smaller and more fragmented...the more obvious concern was the matter of the pirates.

At the same time, Mayor Booster did have other directions he could take it. Burnt Spire in London and several other such close but not quite on 'The River' Freeholds still hadn't agreed to help, and negotiating with them would be a complex task considering how much it would have to rely on arguments that had little to do with security.

Then there was Thousand Trods, the most notable holdout, or rather they hadn't even been asked and while they were somewhat off on a side path of the River, they were powerful enough to matter quite a bit.

What does He Pursue (Choose 1)

[] Trying to convince London and several other medium-large Freeholds off the beaten path to get involved.
[] Talking to Thousand Trods (Interlude/Diplomacy Turn)
[] Preparing the Freeholds already signed up for a confrontation, a battle, with the pirates next week.


[Interrupt] Issue #3: Forever Free

Abr'm comes to town on a white donkey, an impossibility that suggests that it was a Hedge-Beast of some time. Cora Graves had anticipated that something like this might happen, and Faith Court of course had to have some way to strike back, but the means used was surprisingly vexing, and surprisingly open.

Abr'm was a Faith courtier whose own concern with helping people was great enough that he was something of a maniac on the topic, buying rare things from goblin markets to heal the sick, to bring people back from the edge of death. A faith healer of sort, he was also an activist and when he reached Marble Arch and went to one of their goblin markets, he saw people.

Of course he saw people. Every Goblin Market worth its salt in the Hedge had human beings for sale, it wouldn't be a Goblin Market without them. For rather obvious reasons, Changelings that bought humans were ostracized at best, and some Freeholds had laws against it, rather than the private law that if someone learned what you did, they'd probably tell someone who would go after you.

But in secret, and openly if they were loners or Privateers or Loyalists (who, so enslaved saw little evil in enslaving others), Changelings did own slaves at times. Most slaves of course were goblins, and Changelings tended to be nervous even of that…

But he demanded that the Freehold make a law against it and enforce it, and more than that he was encouraging people to donate in order to buy the freedom of human slaves. What's more, he'd united Faith Court in the issues, and they were using it rather shrewdly to make a moral point.

"You need to step carefully here," King Stoneguts urged her.

"I know," Cora said.

"There are many in this court who have faith in a loving god, and more than that, his influence among black Changelings is considerable, and he has a reputation. He was in the South in the 1950s and 60s. He marched and fought to integrate the Freeholds down there, for there were Freeholds where the blacks weren't allowed to join or were treated as servants."

"I'm aware of this," Cora said.

"Then why did you say he was inconsequential," King Stoneguts challenged. "Cora, you can't let something like this slide...for gods' sake, he's friends with Asha Ashblood, he's a man you can't just treat like you do the Faith Court. You can dismiss all of them as busybodies, but he's someone who has a voice, and he's--"

"His goals will be considered, you know I do not make hasty decisions," Cora retorted.

King Stoneguts settled down, his huge, icy frame and cold Mantle filling the room. "Sorry, it's just. He's met with me, and there was another point. The man isn't stupid. Some of the humans are from before the transition."

Cora nodded, "I suspected so, but confirmation is important."

"It makes it a moral issue, and it raises the possibility that there are...others that have survived transition as slaves."

Sometimes, vampires were sold on Goblin Markets. Sometimes Willworkers had collars on their necks and spirits broken by torture and bound by Pledges. Sometimes there were yet stranger things from a world as dark as the world they had wound up in.

Things that could be alive still.

Does Cora Graves accept Abr'm's suggestion?

[] Yes: By folding on this, the Faith Court gets what it wants and its power increases somewhat, and resources are used to both enact and enforce the law, and also help oversee the matter of buying the human slaves. At the same time, saying 'yes' prevents any Changelings in the Freehold from getting frustrated. Chance if roll is particularly high or low (because it's a bad thing or a good thing and most of all both), that some of the people discovered aren't...well, people at all.
[] No: Hold steady. No spending of currently stretched taut resources, don't give into and give any more power to Faith Court, but left in the dark in the matter of what is found, and the Faith Court is likely to try to continue to do it as a private entity. Bad publicity for having refused to outlaw slavery and help free humans from the Old World.


Issue #4: Halloween Approaches

On a lighter matter, Halloween was getting closer, and along with it more concerns about how everything was to be done on two issues. First, whether the Freehold should host the ball on earth, which would be safer and more accessible to humans, but would limit some of the possibility for supernatural displays of magic and frights that might otherwise be involved, whereas being in the Hedge would be grander, but also less easily accessible...which could be good or bad.

Then there is the matter of who else to invite to the Witch's Gathering.

Where should the Masquerade Ball be Held?

[] Earth.
[] Hedge.

Who else should she invite?

[] Some of the more powerful and famous Sorcerers and Sorceresses and other magic-users in the world. While plenty might have other things to do, Cora Graves is a powerful woman, and they would do well to go. [Proud]
[] Some of the up and coming talent, in the hopes of having some sort of connection with them. Always plan for the future. [Patient]
[] Invite plenty of members who are prominent in smaller, less important Freeholds. Second-stringers, admittedly. Perhaps their gratitude will open up the potential for future collaboration. [Ambitious]


Issue #5: Sao Luis Bonds

After floundering for a while, the commander in charge of the rump forces still left in Sao Luis had managed to get some success in turning one corporation against the other, in exposing a few Red Court patsies as corrupt (so they'd at least be on 'paid leave' for some time, unable to help the Red Court until they were cleared of all charges), and otherwise doing her job that she'd spent a week hesitating on. Apparently, according to Maggie's snake, who was a reliable source, she had self-esteem and stress issues.

Either way, the question was whether to turn this into a long-term attempt to build trust in Sao Luis, or call this a job well done and leave. Doing the latter would leave Sao Luis grateful, but could lead to them falling into and joining the pan-South-American Changeling organization against vampires that seems to be forming, which could lead to bonds being created that undermine the potential economic ties.

It all depends on so many factors, but the choice is obvious...Marble Arch shall…


[] Remain with their current (limited) forces in Sao Luis.
[] Pull out.
[] Write-in.


Issue #6: None So Blind (Panopticon)

At last the world of possibilities seems to have opened up. Now, more than before, there are many possibilities that should be considered, yet the organization itself is still only mostly back on track, though at this point its internal monitoring was getting pretty good.

[] Continue Repair (161/???)
[] Monitor Inside the Freehold for Dissidents...such as this newly arrived individual, Abr'm. And...others. Who might be threats to Cora Graves and her agenda.
[] Begin to stoke problems in Galway involving the spear. The more unattractive it seems, the more likely he might look for someone to take it off his hands. Like Cora Graves.
[] Thousand Trods has something planned, her network could attempt to figure out what that is.
[] Infiltrate the Northside Kings, if possible…perhaps with a figure or two willing to do wetwork.
[] Track and monitor all known magic-users in St. Louis in an attempt to identify their network for future operations with or against them. Whatever is needed for the good of the Freehold as Cora Graves wisely sees it.
[] Write-in. And, yes, these sound a lot more dystopian and cynical and horrible now that Cora Graves is finally getting back the capacity to do what she does best, don't they?


General Orders for Fall (Choose 1)

[] Begin to try to uncode the Unseelie Accords (0/???)
[] Continue Working on the Magic Circle Problem (74/???)
[] Investigate/confront whoever it is that is currently at the Gateway Arch claiming it to some extent.
[] Continue the River Mapping (???/???), it could have political implications now.
[] Research the Magical System.
[] Prepare as hard as they can for Halloween.


King Stoneguts (Asset: Allied) (Choose 1)

[] Act to monitor Lillian and Gabe on his own time.
[] Even if they pull out of Sao Luis, it is possible that a few agents could be sent...or added if they stick in Sao Luis.
[] Investigate into…
-[] Local Red Court.
-[] Local White Court.
-[] The Fiddler.
[] Gather Information on the Pirate Empire.
[] Look into possible links between the White Court and the Northside Kings.
[] Write-in.


The Prophet Circle (Asset: Subordinate Institution) (Choose 2)

Things are certainly better now than they were a few weeks ago, though there was still much to consider and much to do. Cora Graves hopes at least that she's been able to help them, and everyone seems to be mostly in check at this point, rather than spinning off into their own problems as they'd threatened to do before. It was always a little difficult to manage them, but at the moment her primary concerns have to do with taking everyone from 'okay' to 'ready to continue their job of fulfilling their agenda.'

There was also the matter of both Layla and Jason Smiles, both of whom had to be dealt with, yet there was also Eva, the most promising of the Circle.

[] Roy might be willing to share more of the information he gained four weeks ago.
[] Help Layla develop her powers, as you pledged to do.
[] Find a way to secretly help Eva on her Quest.
[] Train with Eva to improve her powers.
[] Try to help Jason Smiles and figure out a way forward, since he's currently staying at her house and all.
[] Ride the Prophet Circle to get increased knowledge on upcoming events as well as the past and future. (Results somewhat random).
[] Have Augusta begin to use her Clairvoyance again to spy on potential enemies of the Freehold.


Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches (Asset: Allied Institution) (Choose 2)

After more than a little time spent spinning their wheels, all of the Sages now have projects of sorts. Malthus has been looking deeper into these new spirits, and is at the point where he wants to study this 'Nevernever', and thus he has been trying to subtly get Cora to figure out exactly what it is and how to get there. Since Cora Graves has forbidden anyone from getting in contact with Gabe or Lillian just yet. Hiding the size and power of the Freehold was important.

Meanwhile, Lydia Zero has expressed interest in going to Chicago to try to get in contact with the Alphas, or to interview one of the surviving Streetwolves, or even to attempt to make contact with the werewolf MacFinn.

Actions doubled (temporarily) with the sudden critical interest in foreign powers/magic.

[] Try to find out answers for Malthus M. Riddle for the Nevernever.
[] Provide contacts and aid so that Lydia Zero can attempt to talk to MacFinn.
[] Send an escort or two with her while she attempts to interview one of the very, very few surviving Streetwolves, currently in prison and probably on their way to a life sentence.
[] Provide aid for her in tracking down these supposed 'Alphas' for an interview.
[] Anton LeFay has been disturbingly quiet lately. Find out what he's doing.
[] Mad-Cap Manny is still interested in acquiring the Ghoul Necklace before Asha gets word of it in her own city…
[] Study these 'Fae.'
[] Send one of them after the Fiddler.
[] Look into these...Jade Court Vampires.
[] What's going on with the ghosts? What is Lillian afraid of? (Copy of the Personal Action that does the same, basically)

Collegial Views (Asset: Allied) (Choose 1)

Having reconnected with her friends in the colleges, she can now begin to build up that network again, and benefit from it.

[] The Biological Imperative: Talk to Jason "Wrangle", reconnect with him.
[] Bernard Quinn: Ask him about history (opens up options with him.
[] Michael Sharma: Perhaps he can help with a few matters involving the Freehold and an idea Mayor Booster had for a website...perhaps not, who knows?
[] A changed man?: Nathaniel Thorne is different, but why?
[] A few careful moves: A Changeling at a university Cora has contact with, Sullivan, has been having a few problems. She could lean on her contacts to...clear them up.
[] Read her book: Amberly Hanz's books apparently in this version of the world caused problems...but why?
[] A Shadow on the Wall: Start to slowly and carefully inform Amberly Hanz of some of what is going on…
[] Will you be the Master?: Discuss the possibility of higher education and weigh the pros and cons.


Personal Actions (Choose 3)

[] Jonathan has been acting a little strangely lately, perhaps she could talk to him.
[] What's going on with Lillian and the Fiddler's plans?
[] Confront whoever is guarding the Gateway Arch.
[] Begin working on figuring out the Magic Circles yourself?
[] Follow up the rumors of the party-crasher, and the strange water creatures.
[] Look into the matter of the Northside Kings personally.
[] Reel in the monitoring of the White Court sanctuary. It has been three weeks, and so by this point monitoring and examining all of the evidence will be a significant endeavor considering the consequences, and keeping it any longer might not be advisable.
[] Aid in any asset action that involves helping people. (Including the training one)
[] Look into decoding these Accords personally.
[] Meet again with Gabriella.
-[] State purpose and goal of meeting.
[] Get in contact with the Red Court.
[] Visit the Goblin Markets, search around for anything interesting.
[] Write-in.

A/N: Vote by plans.
[X] Plan Never On The River

[X] Yes.
[X] Investigate the Northside Kings.
[X] Talking to Thousand Trods (Interlude/Diplomacy Turn)
[X] Yes: By folding on this, the Faith Court gets what it wants and its power increases somewhat, and resources are used to both enact and enforce the law, and also help oversee the matter of buying the human slaves. At the same time, saying 'yes' prevents any Changelings in the Freehold from getting frustrated. Chance if roll is particularly high or low (because it's a bad thing or a good thing and most of all both), that some of the people discovered aren't...well, people at all.
[X] Earth.
[X] Invite plenty of members who are prominent in smaller, less important Freeholds. Second-stringers, admittedly. Perhaps their gratitude will open up the potential for future collaboration. [Ambitious]
[X] Pull out.
[X] Continue Repair (161/???)
[X] Continue the River Mapping (???/???), it could have political implications now.
[X] Gather Information on the Pirate Empire.
[X] Help Layla develop her powers, as you pledged to do.
[X] Try to help Jason Smiles and figure out a way forward, since he's currently staying at her house and all.
[X] Provide aid for her in tracking down these supposed 'Alphas' for an interview.
[X] Try to find out answers for Malthus M. Riddle for the Nevernever.
[X] Read her book: Amberly Hanz's books apparently in this version of the world caused problems...but why?
[X] Jonathan has been acting a little strangely lately, perhaps she could talk to him.
[X] Confront whoever is guarding the Gateway Arch.
[X] Look into decoding these Accords personally.
[X] Plan Never On The River

So, you're trying to detach ourselves from the Hedge and the River? That seems like a good option? Maybe?

Do the World of Darkness Fae threaten every one on Earth? So if we stay on Earth, we'll have sort-of-allies around us?

The enemy of my enemy is someone I can use to attack my enemy.

But, they're not on the same level of threat as the Outsiders?

WoD Fae, can they capture Dresden Fae??

[X]Malady's Plan - Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics

Issue #1: Better Dead Than Red?

Continue attacks/actions against the gangs being controlled/influenced by the Red Court vampires?

[X] Yes.

Let's make some noise for the Reds. ... Although, it's only a whisper, it is a noise?

[X] Attempt to set up monitoring on the Red Court vampires.

Let's learn more about the Reds, to supplement our op in South America?


Issue #2: A Riverine Capstone

What does He Pursue (Choose 1)

[X] Talking to Thousand Trods (Interlude/Diplomacy Turn)

Let's find out why they're so isolationist. Their reasons might make us want to isolate as well, if it's a new threat.


[Interrupt] Issue #3: Forever Free

[X] Yes: By folding on this, the Faith Court gets what it wants and its power increases somewhat, and resources are used to both enact and enforce the law, and also help oversee the matter of buying the human slaves. At the same time, saying 'yes' prevents any Changelings in the Freehold from getting frustrated. Chance if roll is particularly high or low (because it's a bad thing or a good thing and most of all both), that some of the people discovered aren't...well, people at all.

It's not like they're gonna free Vampires and stuff, are they?

Also, if something goes wrong, could she go "I told you so."?


Issue #4: Halloween Approaches

Where should the Masquerade Ball be Held?

[X] Earth.

Let's hob-nob with the locals!

Who else should she invite?

[X] Invite plenty of members who are prominent in smaller, less important Freeholds. Second-stringers, admittedly. Perhaps their gratitude will open up the potential for future collaboration. [Ambitious]

Let's see if we can get info, and those weaker are those closer to the ground, so let's see what those on the streets know?


Issue #5: Sao Luis Bonds


[X] Write-in.

Add more forces, try and improve what gains we've got, but as we've had a bit of bad luck in the previous week, but now we've got better stuff happening, let's see if more people can stop the bad luck from happening again? If this week was as bad as last week, I would have said to pull out.


Issue #6: None So Blind (Panopticon)

[X] Begin to stoke problems in Galway involving the spear. The more unattractive it seems, the more likely he might look for someone to take it off his hands. Like Cora Graves.
[] Thousand Trods has something planned, her network could attempt to figure out what that is.

So, only we can only have one choice here, right? So, as we know so little about Thousand Trods, let's learn more about it. Talking will reveal enough to show why they're so isolationist? And that's all I want to know right now.

SPEAR! 'Cause I want the spear! ... SPEAR!


General Orders for Fall (Choose 1)

[X] Begin to try to uncode the Unseelie Accords (0/???)

'Cause I like the Accords, and I want to try for Freeholding Lady or something. And as they govern the other large groups, it'll help us with the Vamp Courts. Possibly might find us some allies??


King Stoneguts (Asset: Allied) (Choose 1)

[X] Gather Information on the Pirate Empire.

Let's get at least one bit of info on the pirates...


The Prophet Circle (Asset: Subordinate Institution) (Choose 2)

[X] Roy might be willing to share more of the information he gained four weeks ago.

Let's get more info. Not precisely sure what it'll be, but let's get some anyway.

[X] Try to help Jason Smiles and figure out a way forward, since he's currently staying at her house and all.

Make sure the household is stable.

[] Have Augusta begin to use her Clairvoyance again to spy on potential enemies of the Freehold.

Every window is can be a door. How many enemies do we have that if they find out that we're spying on them, would be a good idea??


Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches (Asset: Allied Institution) (Choose 2)

[X] Provide aid for her in tracking down these supposed 'Alphas' for an interview.

Involve ourselves more with the Dresden side of things!

[X] Look into these...Jade Court Vampires.

What use would this be?? Unless you're gonna make something up so it's not a dead end? And they do matter, as we've got people in the Orient?


Collegial Views (Asset: Allied) (Choose 1)

[X] Read her book: Amberly Hanz's books apparently in this version of the world caused problems...but why?

Let's see if we can learn something...

Personal Actions (Choose 3)

[X] Jonathan has been acting a little strangely lately, perhaps she could talk to him.

Look out for our son? Or would inquiring at this juncture be a bad thing?

[X] Reel in the monitoring of the White Court sanctuary. It has been three weeks, and so by this point monitoring and examining all of the evidence will be a significant endeavor considering the consequences, and keeping it any longer might not be advisable.

Wait a week, and see what they do for Halloween. That's more important than anything else? But the current info might have a limited use-by date...

[X] Visit the Goblin Markets, search around for anything interesting.

This sounds fun!
Last edited:
[X] Plan Red October

Issue #1: Better Dead Than Red?
[X] Yes.
[X] Have someone infiltrate one of the 'legitimate businesses' or other such things run by the Red Court.

Issue #2: A Riverine Capstone
[X] Preparing the Freeholds already signed up for a confrontation, a battle, with the pirates next week.

[Interrupt] Issue #3: Forever Free
[X] Yes: By folding on this, the Faith Court gets what it wants and its power increases somewhat, and resources are used to both enact and enforce the law, and also help oversee the matter of buying the human slaves. At the same time, saying 'yes' prevents any Changelings in the Freehold from getting frustrated. Chance if roll is particularly high or low (because it's a bad thing or a good thing and most of all both), that some of the people discovered aren't...well, people at all.

Issue #4: Halloween Approaches
[X] Earth.
[X] Invite plenty of members who are prominent in smaller, less important Freeholds. Second-stringers, admittedly. Perhaps their gratitude will open up the potential for future collaboration. [Ambitious]

Issue #5: Sao Luis Bonds
[X] Remain with their current (limited) forces in Sao Luis.

Issue #6: None So Blind (Panopticon)
[X] Continue Repair

General Orders for Fall (Choose 1)
[X] Continue the River Mapping (???/???), it could have political implications now.

King Stoneguts (Asset: Allied) (Choose 1)
[X] Investigate into…
-[X] Local Red Court.

The Prophet Circle (Asset: Subordinate Institution) (Choose 2)
[X] Find a way to secretly help Eva on her Quest.
[X] Train with Eva to improve her powers.

Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches (Asset: Allied Institution) (Choose 2)
[X] Provide aid for her in tracking down these supposed 'Alphas' for an interview.
[X] Mad-Cap Manny is still interested in acquiring the Ghoul Necklace before Asha gets word of it in her own city…

Collegial Views (Asset: Allied) (Choose 1)
[X] Bernard Quinn: Ask him about history (opens up options with him).

Personal Actions (Choose 3)
[X] Confront whoever is guarding the Gateway Arch.
[X] Reel in the monitoring of the White Court sanctuary. It has been three weeks, and so by this point monitoring and examining all of the evidence will be a significant endeavor considering the consequences, and keeping it any longer might not be advisable.
[X] Get in contact with the Red Court.

It is interesting that the effects of the transition seems to have extended into the Hedge. Did it also effect Arcadia?
[X] Plan Better than Nothing

Issue #1: Better Dead Than Red?
[X] Yes.
[X] Attempt to set up monitoring on the Red Court vampires.

Issue #2: A Riverine Capstone
[X] Preparing the Freeholds already signed up for a confrontation, a battle, with the pirates next week.

[Interrupt] Issue #3: Forever Free
[X] Yes: By folding on this, the Faith Court gets what it wants and its power increases somewhat, and resources are used to both enact and enforce the law, and also help oversee the matter of buying the human slaves. At the same time, saying 'yes' prevents any Changelings in the Freehold from getting frustrated. Chance if roll is particularly high or low (because it's a bad thing or a good thing and most of all both), that some of the people discovered aren't...well, people at all.

Issue #4: Halloween Approaches
[X] Earth.
[X] Invite plenty of members who are prominent in smaller, less important Freeholds. Second-stringers, admittedly. Perhaps their gratitude will open up the potential for future collaboration. [Ambitious]

Issue #5: Sao Luis Bonds
[X] Pull out.

Issue #6: None So Blind (Panopticon)
[X] Thousand Trods has something planned, her network could attempt to figure out what that is.

General Orders for Fall
[X] Prepare as hard as they can for Halloween.

King Stoneguts
[X] Gather Information on the Pirate Empire.

The Prophet Circle
[X] Help Layla develop her powers, as you pledged to do.
[X] Try to help Jason Smiles and figure out a way forward, since he's currently staying at her house and all.

Lord Sages of the Unknown Reaches
[X] Anton LeFay has been disturbingly quiet lately. Find out what he's doing.
[X] Study these 'Fae.'

Collegial Views
[X] Read her book: Amberly Hanz's books apparently in this version of the world caused problems...but why?

Personal Actions
[X] Jonathan has been acting a little strangely lately, perhaps she could talk to him.
[X] Confront whoever is guarding the Gateway Arch.
[X] Reel in the monitoring of the White Court sanctuary. It has been three weeks, and so by this point monitoring and examining all of the evidence will be a significant endeavor considering the consequences, and keeping it any longer might not be advisable.