The Lost Files (C:TL/Dresden Files) (CK2-ish)

To what degree is the current conflict between the Changelings and Red Court in South America a war?

I mean the typically reclusive Changelings have only been here a month (if Cora is to be believed) and are not as entrenched, numerous (producing Mook level Red Court forces is fairly easy), united (be it their Freeholds or on an individual level) or consistently war like (all Reds are violent even if only in the base, ravenous predatory sense) as the Red Court.

If things really have heated up that quickly and to that level, then I'd expect that the Red Court would be putting considerable effort into hitting back and finding ways by which to hit back (magic, deals with True Fae, buying the services of traitorous/ruthless Changelings, etc).

It's a low level guerrilla war. The Freeholds of South America, or at least many of the most powerful, have formed an alliance and are currently working together. At the moment, the Red Court is still only vaguely sure what they're dealing with. They've learned some, but not nearly enough, and what the news media sees is that there's a rash of terrorism and anti-governmental forces and corruption scandals rocking a ton of different South American countries.

They've also connected, as I hinted, with the Fellowship of St. Giles, who is helping to aim their attacks.

Making deals with the True Fae is possible, but requires more knowledge and also, you know, is probably a bad idea but since when did that stop them, honestly.

Traitorous Changelings, on the other hand? Do exist, though the rolls have been good for them not blowing anything major open yet. But that's definitely a path/route that the Red Court is going to pursue/is pursuing.
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Turn 6--Planning
Turn 6--Planning

Diplomatic: Choose 1

[Stoneguts] The Rogue Agent
Roll: 1d100+20
Needed: Unknown
Description: The White Court in this city has done wrong. One of their agents had interfered in matters related to the Fiddler, and has escaped alive, at least for the moment, after all that he has done. Cora Graves could demand more than merely his humiliation. St. Martin must be given up to them, to do with as they will.

The Magical Community?
Roll: 6 dice, 9 again, d100+25
Need: Success, higher rolls on the d100 create better outcomes.
Description: According to Gabriella, who is not yet returned from New Orleans, she was not the only member of the White Council, let alone the only person who could do magic, in St. Louis. Who are these others?

One Way Alone
Roll: 1d100+10
Need: Unknown, variable
Description: Most of the major Freeholds along the River have joined in, but one has refused, or at least danced around it. Thousand Trods has not gotten involved, and perhaps the time has come to put the question to them more firmly and try to convince them to get involved in the matter of the Pirates, since it's clearly something that matters for every Freehold, not merely the ones currently involved.

[Stoneguts] The Red Menace
Time: Two Turns
Roll: 1d100
Need: 30
Description: In South America, a war is going on. Learning more about the state of the war, and more than that, getting in contact with those who are behind this war could be important for further deals down the line.

The Marvelous Madam
Roll: Special event, use attributes/skills
Description: Madam Levries has caught Cora Graves' attention, and perhaps she could go to New Atlanta, as the Freehold is called, to discuss further matters of Sorcery and see if there are any deals they can actually fully agree upon.

'Military': Choose 1

[Stoneguts] The Hitter, Hit
Roll: Custom event
Description: St. Martin is a problem. In fact, he's a problem that has a solution. And that solution is, in fact, murder. Assassination, to be exact. It would take timing and work, but it is not something she is unused to, and while there are very few people who could be called...assassins, per say, even in Winter Court, there are people who know how to take care of business, and consider the lives of other people business. [Sorta-kinda incompatible with 'The Rogue Agent.']

Expanding Operations
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 40
Description: The attack on the Pirates is going well, against Cora Graves' fears. But there is far more that can be done, and far more that needs to be done. Cora Graves, though the monarch, is certainly not the first to charge in, in such situations, she has a lot of power, and depending on how she flexes it, she could put more of the Freehold's, well, back into it.

[Stoneguts] A Survey of Threats
Roll: 1d100+30
Need: Variable
Description: Now that the threat of the Fiddler has passed, it is probably time to evaluate the general situation. Are there any outstanding threats in the Hedge beyond that of the pirates? Are there any earthside threats that have been underestimated or similarly missed?

[Stoneguts] Street Violence
Roll: 1d100
Need: 50, better results mean better things
Description: In the streets, the Northside Kings, who might well be something *more* than normal mortals, have won time and again, pushing back the Red Court related gangs, almost to the edge of existence. As the bodies pile up, getting involved in this war any more than has already been done becomes more and more dangerous, and yet also potentially very profitable in terms of power.

[Stoneguts] Rescue Mission:
Roll: Custom event
Description: In the Nevernever, they left men behind. Stoneguts and others might well want them back, and more than that, there are those that would say that there is a moral requirement to go after them, considering the reasons why they went, and the fact that nobody intended it to be a trade. Rescuing Abby and Jason was meant to be a mission, not a death sentence. So, an attempt could be made to return to the Nevernever and find them...or their bodies.

Business/Stewardship (Choose 1):

A Craftsman's Promise?
Roll: 1d100+20
Need: 45
Description: Kjell Fireaxe certainly had an interesting proposal. Perhaps she could begin to look into the matter. It would take time, and more than that, it would take work and further action, but she had time, and patience was hardly something she had to worry about.

Corrupting Local Government For Fun And Profit
Roll: 1d100+10
Need: Variable
Description: The local democratic offices seem to be the territory of the Red Court interests, or at least that is the most logical interpretation of the data she's seen so far, but this requires further study...and it doesn't count as corruption if one is merely trying to pry an organization from the grips of a different sort of corruption.

[Stoneguts] A Shady Deal
Roll: Automatic success
Description: Iggy Freelance has a deal for you...he has connections with a number of goblins and rather messed up Changelings who like access to the glamour and the prurient material he sometimes peddles. If Marble Arch can serve as a staging ground for certain deals, and muscle to protect them from attack, then they can get a cut. Glamour and illicit material in exchange for Tokens, forbidden knowledge, and other such currency that to some is worth far less than a questionable magazine or rather...useful phone number.

Our Business is Business
Roll: 1d100
Need: Variable
Description: Not everything has to do with the supernatural. In fact, quite a bit is riding on the down to earth ways that the Freehold gains money that can be spent to increase its worldly powers. Organizing this better would no doubt lead to an increase of profits, and thus increased options in the future.

Intrigue: Choose 3

Finding the Hidden Cache
Roll: Special Event
Description: There is a cache of ghosts that the Fiddler hid somewhere, and finding them and releasing them is a pretty high priority, all things considered. Of course, the Fiddler's knowledge might have died with him, so it all depends, doesn't it?

Bug in the Coffin
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 40
Description: The Red Court, unlike the White Court, has not been monitored nearly as closely by Cora so far, and that could perhaps change. Of course, it was possible it could end poorly, but she was not going to allow them to operate in the least not while she or an agent wasn't there to record everything they did.

Repairing the Network
Roll: 1d100
Description: Continue repairing the network. By now, with the archives and the spies sorted out, what matters now is spreading them out in a way that still allows them to be effective and to monitor the internal and external affairs of Marble Arch. The better

The Mayor's Office…
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 45
Description: Obviously, it could be dangerous if found, but the Mayor's Office and his home and several other places could be bugged and monitored. The Mayor is rather friendly with...well, 'The Mayor Booster' and the Freehold, or at least he's seen the benefits of cooperation, but there's nothing to say that he can't be monitored to make sure that he doesn't switch sides, and that nobody suborons him.

[Stoneguts] What Is Asha Doing?
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: ???
Description: Asha Ashblood has something planned. And where she plans things, people die. She's bold, reckless, and far too confident. She's cocky, in other words, and powerful enough to give even Cora Graves pause. And so arrogant. And her emphasis on Talecrafting and complete dismissal of the superiority of Oneiromancy is just another way she's totally wrong...anyways, she has plans. What are those plans? How might they ruin everyone else's lives?

[Stoneguts] Keeping An Eye Out
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: Variable
Description: Gabby and Abby are both people who are in some danger now, still recovering from wounds and rather painful experiences. Watching them, both for their own good (for enemies exist who could attack them) and to make sure they don't do anything foolish would be a very good idea, all things considered.

Piratical Intelligence
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 50
Description: What are the pirates planning? What do they want and what are they going to do? Surely they're not going to allow themselves to be torn to bits, piece by piece, by the combined forces of an alliance of Freeholds. They rose because they were cunning, careful, and powerful, and so they surely have more planned. Finding out what it is might be the difference between victory and defeat.

Roll: 1d100+15
Need: ???
Description: At any time, others could be doing the same thing to the Freehold that it is doing to them. Infiltrating it, spying on it...less likely in some senses because nobody quite has a full idea of just how powerful the Freehold is, but goblins, True Fae...any number of beings can get their hooks in traitors or otherwise cause chaos.

Emerald Chaos
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 60
Description: There is a spear in Galway that might well be better off in the hands of one Cora Graves. There are many ways in the long term she might try to obtain it, but creating chaos and dissension around the spear as a means of showing up to take it off their hands is certainly one way to do it, and it's one that some of her agents are quite enthusiastic for.

Learning: 3 actions, at least one must be Professorial.

The Letter Of the Law
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing/built up check
Description: These...Unseelie Accords are likely very valuable and very important, and so studying their exact words and where and how to find loopholes...and of course, how to figure out what might bind them, is very important. Of course, as someone who isn't a signatory, some of this might be limited, but even what isn't said can be very revealing.

The Circle In the Sand
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing
Description: Magic circles seem to be the bedrock to a startling amount of magic, or at least if it's something that anyone can learn it could be very useful against any number of local enemies. But to do so, they need to further study and further perfect their understanding of how to do it, and what its limitations are.

Play Me A Tune
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing, at least a 10 to avoid disaster
Description: The Fiddler died, and yet the Fiddle lives on. It possesses, or possessed in the hands of the Fiddler, the ability to control the minds and bodies of women, to make them his mere puppets to his will. It was a dark ability, and it is a dark object...but Cora Graves has seen far, far worse, and understanding how it works, even if she does not choose to use it, even if it is impossible to use, could be very useful.

Up And Down The River
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing, need at least a fifteen to avoid disaster until the Pirates are dealt with.
Description: Mapping the River is definitely difficult at the moment, and yet even at this point, it would definitely lead to important discoveries...and it's even possible it could find some piece of knowledge that even Cora didn't know (as unlikely as it is) or some new bit of information that, while she knew, she was not able to use properly as long as it was merely an extension of her own incredible knowledge of the area.

The Infernal Book
Rolled: 1d100
Need: Ongoing, roll better than a 5 to avoid problems
Description: There are several very obvious avenues in this regard, and Cora Graves' theories, the ones in the back of her head which she is still developing, seem to indicate that this could be far larger than merely a book by these 'Outsiders' that holds one of their weaker numbers within it.

In Your Dreams
Roll: 1d100+25
Need: 25
Description: A certain professor wants a dream catcher for some reason. Nathaniel Thorne has been changed for some reason, and getting to the bottom of it might be very important.

Anthropological Extrapolations
Roll: 1d100
Need: Variable
Description: Now that it's obvious that something supernatural happened in relation to Amberly Hanz's anthropological experiences, perhaps she should be very carefully brought into a greater knowledge of the supernatural...hopefully without causing any chaos.

Getting In Touch
Roll: Automatic
Description: There are some collegial contacts that she has not yet talked to. This action allows her to choose a few more to talk to, opening up any plotlines with them.

Roll: Automatic
Description: Many times, Cora Graves has considered the idea that she should get a Masters' Degree, or even a PhD. Perhaps, now of all times, she should consider this further, or at least allow the idea to percolate and see what comes of it.

Prophet Circle (Choose 2, at least one must involve helping them. This is indicated by the [H].)

[H] Finding Jason A Home
Roll: 1d100, better role, easier find/better place
Description: As much as Cora Graves absolutely loves having Jason "Smiles" living at her house when he's in a clearly sexual relationship with her son, as absolutely thrilling as that is and not completely and utterly awkward...perhaps it is time to find him somewhere to stay. Somewhere safe, where he can recover in peace...and Jonathan can visit, of course. Though...

[H] Rehabilitating Eva
Roll: 1d100
Need: Variable
Description: Eva has survived, and returned, guided by vague feelings and even vaguer beliefs, in Cora's opinion. She needs to be talked to, and Cora needs to find out what she learned and what she was doing over the past week.

Taylor's Detective Agency
Roll: 1d100
Need: 40
Description: Roy Taylor's agency, while not legally a detective agency, could function in that manner. And it would be both a means of bettering his own life and dealing with his own troubles--for there was still the clock ticking on his possible suicide that concerned Cora--and for expanding his ability to act in her name.

Riding the Dreams
Roll: 1d100, results variable.
Description: Ride the dreams and see just what prophecies and bits of knowledge she can learn from them this time. Powerful and potent information, quite possibly!

[H] Toughening Up Layla
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing.
Description: She needs to learn more about the world, and Cora has sworn to teach her. Or at least improve her ability to act, even if it is not going to drill sense into her head. So, she might as well begin, and see how it goes.

Lord Sages (Choose 1)

On The Trail of Werewolves
Roll: 1d100 x 4
Need: Variable
Description: MacFinn, the Alphas, and the Streetwolves, either way, for Lydia Zero, on top of the complicated process of trying to find other Werewolves of the kind she's used to in the Hedge...and indeed that is something to look into...if anything, there's an overload of werewolves to look into, and she could definitely use some help if she's going to actually investigate all of this.

The Spirit of Adventure
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing
Description: Malthus M. Riddle and his research on Spirits seems even more important now, since this Nevernever seems to possess all sorts of figures that are present in the world. It remains to be seen what relation there is between them and the beings that exist in this world.

A Cult Classic
Roll: 1d100
Need: 40
Description: Anton LeFay has an entire cult dedicated to him...already. He's moving rather fast, all things considered, and it might be time to look into either curtailing his actions, turning them to her advantage, or at the very least monitoring him to see just what is going to happen. His followers and himself could be an important resource...or a big problem.

A Study In Jade
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing
Description: What the hell are Jade Court vampires?

Personal (Choose 3)

A Talk
Roll: 1d100
Need: 5
Description: Jonathan Graves is officially and rather provably up to...sexual activities. That means it's time for a certain talk, on, well, safe decisions and choices and all sorts of other matters that, however awkward they are, really do need to be talked about. Even if it's the last thing Cora *wants* to do.

Situating Jonathan
Roll: 1d100
Need: Variable
Description: Jonathan Graves has now been exposed, however indirectly, to a lot of the dark things that Cora is involved in. She's not going to get him out of it, especially not when he's training his powers as a Talebound already, but if she can just function as a normal mom for him, spend time with him, help him with his homework, maybe she can lull him back into seeing her as...well, as she wants to be seen.

Jacques' Request
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing
Description: Jacques wishes to perfect more of his ghostly powers, and he wishes independence for a time to see just what the ghosts of this world have to offer. It could result in disaster...for himself or for others, but he definitely has done plenty to deserve it.

The Nature of Magic?
Roll: Special
Need: Ongoing
Description: In this world, there exists magic of different sorts, by different beings, that operates in ways that Cora Graves does not understand. But she is a very smart woman, and part of being a very smart woman is learning how things work. So, she could begin to study its rules and attempt to divine at least something other than the chaos it currently appears to consist of.

Sorcerous Inquiry
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing
Description: Having held a conference on Sorcery, even if it had been as much an excuse to show off and discuss contacts, she could use these contacts and polish off any rough edges to her Sorcery, perhaps find a few new ways to use it to her advantage.

The Dreamtime
Roll: 1d100
Need: 20
Description: For all that she has been too busy, she's an Onieromancer, and guarding the dreams of those she loves, and studying the nature of the Incubuses and other beings of the dream worlds is her passion, and perhaps a little bit of study in her favorite area is just what she needs to revitalize herself after the last month.

[Stoneguts] Hanging With Stoneguts
Roll: 1d100
Need: 10
Description: It has been too long since she has hung out with King Stoneguts, and after all he had risked, and potentially all he had lost in helping her see things through, a talk might just be what she needed.


A/N: Not proud of this, but then when am I ever proud of option-writing? You may choose one free-floating action, performed by Stoneguts. Actions he can do have an next to them. You can also double-up if you choose something and have him do it too.
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[X]One Way Alone
Roll: 1d100+10
Need: Unknown, variable
Description: Most of the major Freeholds along the River have joined in, but one has refused, or at least danced around it. Thousand Trods has not gotten involved, and perhaps the time has come to put the question to them more firmly and try to convince them to get involved in the matter of the Pirates, since it's clearly something that matters for every Freehold, not merely the ones currently involved.

[X]Expanding Operations
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 40
Description: The attack on the Pirates is going well, against Cora Graves' fears. But there is far more that can be done, and far more that needs to be done. Cora Graves, though the monarch, is certainly not the first to charge in, in such situations, she has a lot of power, and depending on how she flexes it, she could put more of the Freehold's, well, back into it.

[X]A Craftsman's Promise?
Roll: 1d100+20
Need: 45
Description: Kjell Fireaxe certainly had an interesting proposal. Perhaps she could begin to look into the matter. It would take time, and more than that, it would take work and further action, but she had time, and patience was hardly something she had to worry about.

[X]Piratical Intelligence
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 50
Description: What are the pirates planning? What do they want and what are they going to do? Surely they're not going to allow themselves to be torn to bits, piece by piece, by the combined forces of an alliance of Freeholds. They rose because they were cunning, careful, and powerful, and so they surely have more planned. Finding out what it is might be the difference between victory and defeat.

[X]Up And Down The River
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing, need at least a fifteen to avoid disaster until the Pirates are dealt with.
Description: Mapping the River is definitely difficult at the moment, and yet even at this point, it would definitely lead to important discoveries...and it's even possible it could find some piece of knowledge that even Cora didn't know (as unlikely as it is) or some new bit of information that, while she knew, she was not able to use properly as long as it was merely an extension of her own incredible knowledge of the area.

[X] Finding Jason A Home
Roll: 1d100, better role, easier find/better place
Description: As much as Cora Graves absolutely loves having Jason "Smiles" living at her house when he's in a clearly sexual relationship with her son, as absolutely thrilling as that is and not completely and utterly awkward...perhaps it is time to find him somewhere to stay. Somewhere safe, where he can recover in peace...and Jonathan can visit, of course. Though...

[X] Rehabilitating Eva
Roll: 1d100
Need: Variable
Description: Eva has survived, and returned, guided by vague feelings and even vaguer beliefs, in Cora's opinion. She needs to be talked to, and Cora needs to find out what she learned and what she was doing over the past week.

[X]On The Trail of Werewolves
Roll: 1d100 x 4
Need: Variable
Description: MacFinn, the Alphas, and the Streetwolves, either way, for Lydia Zero, on top of the complicated process of trying to find other Werewolves of the kind she's used to in the Hedge...and indeed that is something to look into...if anything, there's an overload of werewolves to look into, and she could definitely use some help if she's going to actually investigate all of this.

[X]A Talk
Roll: 1d100
Need: 5
Description: Jonathan Graves is officially and rather provably up to...sexual activities. That means it's time for a certain talk, on, well, safe decisions and choices and all sorts of other matters that, however awkward they are, really do need to be talked about. Even if it's the last thing Cora *wants* to do.

[X]Situating Jonathan
Roll: 1d100
Need: Variable
Description: Jonathan Graves has now been exposed, however indirectly, to a lot of the dark things that Cora is involved in. She's not going to get him out of it, especially not when he's training his powers as a Talebound already, but if she can just function as a normal mom for him, spend time with him, help him with his homework, maybe she can lull him back into seeing her as...well, as she wants to be seen.

[X]Jacques' Request
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing
Description: Jacques wishes to perfect more of his ghostly powers, and he wishes independence for a time to see just what the ghosts of this world have to offer. It could result in disaster...for himself or for others, but he definitely has done plenty to deserve it.

I'd like to deal with the various problems relating to the River and Cora's household.

The Infernal Book
Rolled: 1d100
Need: Ongoing, roll better than a 5 to avoid problems
Description: There are several very obvious avenues in this regard, and Cora Graves' theories, the ones in the back of her head which she is still developing, seem to indicate that this could be far larger than merely a book by these 'Outsiders' that holds one of their weaker numbers within it.
Does it contain an Outsider? I had assumed it was one of their corrupted 'tools'.
True Outsiders are (as far as anyone knows) completely unkillable, so (unless it has some scheme going on) the book would have little reason to be cowed by Cora threatening to physically destroy it.
Or is this only what Cora currently believes to be true in universe?
[X]One Way Alone
Roll: 1d100+10
Need: Unknown, variable
Description: Most of the major Freeholds along the River have joined in, but one has refused, or at least danced around it. Thousand Trods has not gotten involved, and perhaps the time has come to put the question to them more firmly and try to convince them to get involved in the matter of the Pirates, since it's clearly something that matters for every Freehold, not merely the ones currently involved.

[X]Expanding Operations
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 40
Description: The attack on the Pirates is going well, against Cora Graves' fears. But there is far more that can be done, and far more that needs to be done. Cora Graves, though the monarch, is certainly not the first to charge in, in such situations, she has a lot of power, and depending on how she flexes it, she could put more of the Freehold's, well, back into it.

[X]A Craftsman's Promise?
Roll: 1d100+20
Need: 45
Description: Kjell Fireaxe certainly had an interesting proposal. Perhaps she could begin to look into the matter. It would take time, and more than that, it would take work and further action, but she had time, and patience was hardly something she had to worry about.

[X]Piratical Intelligence
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 50
Description: What are the pirates planning? What do they want and what are they going to do? Surely they're not going to allow themselves to be torn to bits, piece by piece, by the combined forces of an alliance of Freeholds. They rose because they were cunning, careful, and powerful, and so they surely have more planned. Finding out what it is might be the difference between victory and defeat.

[X]Up And Down The River
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing, need at least a fifteen to avoid disaster until the Pirates are dealt with.
Description: Mapping the River is definitely difficult at the moment, and yet even at this point, it would definitely lead to important discoveries...and it's even possible it could find some piece of knowledge that even Cora didn't know (as unlikely as it is) or some new bit of information that, while she knew, she was not able to use properly as long as it was merely an extension of her own incredible knowledge of the area.

[X] Finding Jason A Home
Roll: 1d100, better role, easier find/better place
Description: As much as Cora Graves absolutely loves having Jason "Smiles" living at her house when he's in a clearly sexual relationship with her son, as absolutely thrilling as that is and not completely and utterly awkward...perhaps it is time to find him somewhere to stay. Somewhere safe, where he can recover in peace...and Jonathan can visit, of course. Though...

[X] Rehabilitating Eva
Roll: 1d100
Need: Variable
Description: Eva has survived, and returned, guided by vague feelings and even vaguer beliefs, in Cora's opinion. She needs to be talked to, and Cora needs to find out what she learned and what she was doing over the past week.

[X]On The Trail of Werewolves
Roll: 1d100 x 4
Need: Variable
Description: MacFinn, the Alphas, and the Streetwolves, either way, for Lydia Zero, on top of the complicated process of trying to find other Werewolves of the kind she's used to in the Hedge...and indeed that is something to look into...if anything, there's an overload of werewolves to look into, and she could definitely use some help if she's going to actually investigate all of this.

[X]A Talk
Roll: 1d100
Need: 5
Description: Jonathan Graves is officially and rather provably up to...sexual activities. That means it's time for a certain talk, on, well, safe decisions and choices and all sorts of other matters that, however awkward they are, really do need to be talked about. Even if it's the last thing Cora *wants* to do.

[X]Situating Jonathan
Roll: 1d100
Need: Variable
Description: Jonathan Graves has now been exposed, however indirectly, to a lot of the dark things that Cora is involved in. She's not going to get him out of it, especially not when he's training his powers as a Talebound already, but if she can just function as a normal mom for him, spend time with him, help him with his homework, maybe she can lull him back into seeing her as...well, as she wants to be seen.

[X]Jacques' Request
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing
Description: Jacques wishes to perfect more of his ghostly powers, and he wishes independence for a time to see just what the ghosts of this world have to offer. It could result in disaster...for himself or for others, but he definitely has done plenty to deserve it.

I'd like to deal with the various problems relating to the River and Cora's household.

Does it contain an Outsider? I had assumed it was one of their corrupted 'tools'.
True Outsiders are (as far as anyone knows) completely unkillable, so (unless it has some scheme going on) the book would have little reason to be cowed by Cora threatening to physically destroy it.
Or is this only what Cora currently believes to be true in universe?

It is only what she believes. It seems to be cowed, which is indeed a mystery if you know, OOC, that there has to be something else going on. It represented itself as some sort of 'Servant' and thus if It's telling the truth, and it's at least lying in a way that passes as true, it's not even remotely close, whatever it is, to He Who Walks Behind, any more than an illiterate serf in 1300 is a King.

Cora actually has some thoughts/ideas on this, but they're not fully developed yet. And they're a series of long shots so she needs to follow up on them, if she wants to figure it out.
[X] Plan General Damage Control
Diplomatic: Choose 1[/b]

[X] The Rogue Agent

The Rogue Agent has to be answered promptly and effectively, or we'd have just shown them that they can directly cross the Freehold at no consequences.

'Military': Choose 1
[X] [Stoneguts] Rescue Mission

Leaving men behind is a moral hit, a Clarity hit and a political strength hit.
Retrieve them, and find out who else was involved.

Business/Stewardship (Choose 1):
[X] A Craftsman's Promise?

Here is the opening angle to get positive contact with Dresdenverse faerie. Probably should do that before we come into contact by conflict.

Intrigue: Choose 3

[X] Finding the Hidden Cache
[X] Repairing the Network
[X] Piratical Intelligence

The network is going well, so finish it off, and retrieve the ghosts before someone scoops them up for a Darkhallow or something of the sort.

The river campaign is going suspiciously well, so I want eyes on that as well.

Learning: 3 actions, at least one must be Professorial.

[X] The Letter Of the Law
[X] Play Me A Tune
[X] Anthropological Extrapolations

Accords are going to become relevant very, very soon. As an Unaccorded party this can get really bad for us.
And the Fiddler's fiddle should be assessed, and then contained, used or destroyed as appropriate.
Lets get Hanz in on this, before she discovers some less pleasant way to get involved.

Prophet Circle (Choose 2, at least one must involve helping them. This is indicated by the [H].)

[X] [H] Finding Jason A Home
[X] [H] Rehabilitating Eva

Damage control here.

Lord Sages (Choose 1)
[X] A Cult Classic

Probably should make sure this doesn't catch fire.

Personal (Choose 3)

[X] A Talk
[X] Jacques' Request
[X] Hanging With Stoneguts

So many personal obligations
Last edited:
[X] Plan General Damage Control
Diplomatic: Choose 1[/b]

[X] The Rogue Agent

The Rogue Agent has to be answered promptly and effectively, or we'd have just shown them that they can directly cross the Freehold at no consequences.

'Military': Choose 1
[X] Rescue Mission:

Leaving men behind is a moral hit, a Clarity hit and a political strength hit.
Retrieve them, and find out who else was involved.

Business/Stewardship (Choose 1):
[X] A Craftsman's Promise?

Here is the opening angle to get positive contact with Dresdenverse faerie. Probably should do that before we come into contact by conflict.

Intrigue: Choose 3

[X] Finding the Hidden Cache
[X] Repairing the Network
[X] Piratical Intelligence

The network is going well, so finish it off, and retrieve the ghosts before someone scoops them up for a Darkhallow or something of the sort.

The river campaign is going suspiciously well, so I want eyes on that as well.

Learning: 3 actions, at least one must be Professorial.

[X] The Letter Of the Law
[X] Play Me A Tune
[X] Anthropological Extrapolations

Accords are going to become relevant very, very soon. As an Unaccorded party this can get really bad for us.
And the Fiddler's fiddle should be assessed, and then contained, used or destroyed as appropriate.
Lets get Hanz in on this, before she discovers some less pleasant way to get involved.

Prophet Circle (Choose 2, at least one must involve helping them. This is indicated by the [H].)

[X] [H] Finding Jason A Home
[X] [H] Rehabilitating Eva

Damage control here.

Lord Sages (Choose 1)
[X] A Cult Classic

Probably should make sure this doesn't catch fire.

Personal (Choose 3)

[X] A Talk
[X] Jacques' Request
[X] Hanging With Stoneguts

So many personal obligations

Just checking it out, have you used up the Stoneguts use?
[X] Plan Neptune

The Rogue Agent
Roll: 1d100+20
Needed: Unknown
Description: The White Court in this city has done wrong. One of their agents had interfered in matters related to the Fiddler, and has escaped alive, at least for the moment, after all that he has done. Cora Graves could demand more than merely his humiliation. St. Martin must be given up to them, to do with as they will.
My reasoning is pretty much in the description, and we know that St. Martin wasn't particularly liked by our main contact with the family so this should benefit them too rather than just kidnapping/assassinating him.

A Survey of Threats
Roll: 1d100+30
Need: Variable
Description: Now that the threat of the Fiddler has passed, it is probably time to evaluate the general situation. Are there any outstanding threats in the Hedge beyond that of the pirates? Are there any earthside threats that have been underestimated or similarly missed?

[Stoneguts]Rescue Mission:
Roll: Custom event
Description: In the Nevernever, they left men behind. Stoneguts and others might well want them back, and more than that, there are those that would say that there is a moral requirement to go after them, considering the reasons why they went, and the fact that nobody intended it to be a trade. Rescuing Abby and Jason was meant to be a mission, not a death sentence. So, an attempt could be made to return to the Nevernever and find them...or their bodies.
Changlings are a rather resource so we can't abandon them for that reason alone, much less that the goal was to rescue people to start with. It's also good to ensure they don't stay too long in the Never Never given what's there, plus it would damage our relationship with Stoneguts if we abandoned courtiers.

Then there is a Survey of Threat's which is helpful to do now that the immediate danger has passed, so we can find out if anythings gone unnoticed before our focus shifts completely towards the Pirates.

A Craftsman's Promise?
Roll: 1d100+20
Need: 45
Description: Kjell Fireaxe certainly had an interesting proposal. Perhaps she could begin to look into the matter. It would take time, and more than that, it would take work and further action, but she had time, and patience was hardly something she had to worry about.
Same reason as Veekie, this establishes contact with some Fae and we could discover some useful or interesting objects.

Finding the Hidden Cache
Roll: Special Event
Description: There is a cache of ghosts that the Fiddler hid somewhere, and finding them and releasing them is a pretty high priority, all things considered. Of course, the Fiddler's knowledge mighthave died with him, so it all depends, doesn't it?

Repairing the Network
Roll: 1d100
Description: Continue repairing the network. By now, with the archives and the spies sorted out, what matters now is spreading them out in a way that still allows them to be effective and to monitor theinternal and external affairs of Marble Arch. The better

Piratical Intelligence
Roll: 1d100+15
Need: 50
Description: What are the pirates planning? What do they want and what are they going to do? Surely they're not going to allow themselves to be torn to bits, piece by piece, by the combined forces of an alliance of Freeholds. They rose because they were cunning, careful, and powerful, and so they surely have more planned. Finding out what it is might be the difference between victory and defeat.
The ghosts are too dangerous to leave alone, the pirate endevour has been going from success to success with the criticals so it's best to ensure it continues like that, and finally rebuilding the network.

The Letter Of the Law
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing/built up check
Description: These...Unseelie Accords are likely very valuable and very important, and so studying their exact words and where and how to find loopholes...and of course, how to figure out what might bind them, is very important. Of course, as someone who isn't a signatory, some of this might be limited, but even what isn't said can be very revealing.

The Infernal Book
Rolled: 1d100
Need: Ongoing, roll better than a 5 to avoid problems
Description: There are several very obvious avenues in this regard, and Cora Graves' theories, the ones in the back of her head which she is still developing, seem to indicate that this could be far larger thanmerely a book by these 'Outsiders' that holds one of their weaker numbers within it.

In Your Dreams
Roll: 1d100+25
Need: 25
Description: A certain professor wants a dream catcher for some reason. Nathaniel Thorne has been changed for some reason, and getting to the bottom of it might be very important.
The first differences from Veekie's plan finally. The Unseelie accords we've both chosen given the Never Never/Wizards/Fae are starting to come further into play, The Infernal Book I've valued more as we've already started on it and it seems much more dangerous than the Fiddle (especially with the Fiddler dead) and we've already starting using the book for information, and finally In Your Dreams as while the anthropology one interests me it doesn't have the immediacy of a professor wanting a dream catcher. It's also an interesting avenue as Cora is a master Oneiromancer, so if there is something bothering him there we could help and discover more.

[H] Rehabilitating Eva
Roll: 1d100
Need: Variable
Description: Eva has survived, and returned, guided by vague feelings and even vaguer beliefs, in Cora's opinion. She needs to be talked to, and Cora needs to find out what she learned and what she was doing over the past week.

Taylor's Detective Agency
Roll: 1d100
Need: 40
Description: Roy Taylor's agency, while not legally a detective agency, could function in that manner. And it would be both a means of bettering his own life and dealing with his own troubles--for there was still the clock ticking on his possible suicide that concerned Cora--and for expanding his ability to act in her name.
Other than Cora's discomfort I don't see an immediate need to do Jason's option so I've left that one go. Instead I've gone with Eva as she was vital to the rescue so we know what she did during the week and how her powers have affected her, and the Detective Agency to counter Taylor's suicide and bring him enjoyment while also providing a usful service to Cora.

A Cult Classic
Roll: 1d100
Need: 40
Description: Anton LeFay has an entire cult dedicated to him...already. He's moving rather fast, all things considered, and it might be time to look into either curtailing his actions, turning them to her advantage, or at the very least monitoring him to see just what is going to happen. His followers and himself could be an important resource...or a big problem.
This has the potential to become a problem, so best to cut it off if we can now if not mitigate the danger.

A Talk
Roll: 1d100
Need: 5
Description: Jonathan Graves is officially and rather provably up to...sexual activities. That means it's time for a certain talk, on, well, safe decisions and choices and all sorts of other matters that, however awkward they are, really do need to be talked about. Even if it's the last thing Cora *wants* to do.

Jacques' Request
Roll: 1d100
Need: Ongoing
Description: Jacques wishes to perfect more of his ghostly powers, and he wishes independence for a time to see just what the ghosts of this world have to offer. It could result in disaster...for himself or for others, but he definitely has done plenty to deserve it.

Hanging With Stoneguts
Roll: 1d100
Need: 10
Description: It has been too long since she has hung out with King Stoneguts, and after all he had risked, and potentially all he had lost in helping her see things through, a talk might just be what sheneeded.
I've gone with the social options this time to ensure a relative sound footing; so If Jason's going to be staying and their sexual relationship continue the discussion should happen and it would fulfills some of Cora's maternal duties, Jacques did help considerably last week and he seems to possess a more independent streak so he's going to do it at some point anyway and there could be a useful synergy with the ghost cache, and finally hanging out with Stoneguts which is needed particular if we can't find those winter changlings left behind in the Never Never.