The Life and Times of a Half Saiyan King (Thread2)

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A return from hiatus all recharged and full of inspiration for DBZ. And I can't get it out of my...
Bow down to the king (OP)


(I have left SV)
A return from hiatus all recharged and full of inspiration for DBZ. And I can't get it out of my head.
Thread One

This is now an official AU, but the basic gist is 'Space is stronger' and the scales are smoothed out into a more gradually rising curve. Oh, and I've torn both GT and Super apart, picked apart portions and glued it together with my own creations, generally if it's from either of those media it has been changed in some way.
I have a larger list of changes if you want to read, it's optional though and missing spoilers
The Nameless Namekian was raised on Namek and had adventures in space before settling on Earth. This is primarily to explain the Black Star balls because the GT creators forgot NN was raised on Earth and made planet-destroying Balls.
The Saiyans limited themselves to the low Hundred Thousand instead of the single digit Thousands. They generally refused to train PL past a certain amount of time, relying primarily on their natural Power and technical Skill. This is for various reasons I went into in the previous thread and can repeat here if people ask, but basically boils down to 'avoid Transforming Tyrant'
The Ginyu Force use the MultiBody technique, lowering their Power but raising their numbers. There are a few hundred of each floating around and they recombine and split up with their copies to deal with greater or more numerous threats. They do not split down to the level of canon however.
Frieza and his family are stronger, though Cold is still stuck in a lower form which is still more powerful than Full Power Frieza and Frieza uses his First Form (though its stronger than canon)
Raditz is still a weakling, though he is a weakling compared to Vegeta and Nappa, he is still top 1% of Frieza's forces and not rank&file level
General Nappa has various spoiler changes, he is still a SaibaGardener though and has a little surprise he pulls out primarily as a defense.
The South Galaxy has been depopulated just like moviecanon because Broly exists
Generally Movies are canon, though various changes have been made.
This is the First Timeline in this Parallel Timeline, this means no Future Trunks. However, if you fail against the Androids then a smart Briefs (you, Bulma, your siblings) could invent and use a Time Machine. Think if this as your One Reset Button.
The Xenoverse Games are mostly future canon, however we will deal primarily with the Unaltered Timeline. If for some reason you become a Time Patroller then past events in the Quest could become altered by Mira or Towa, but they wont appear Normally and you'll likely pop up before the Xenoverse1 PC (or be that PC).
1 Million PL can move at 0.1C, 100 Million can move at C
I've made some alterations to the Previous Quest's Spark System as well as the Transformations.
I've altered a few skills and the Stats, general capability is maintained though.

Also, I renamed Ascended to SS2 and Ultimate to SS3, because those make more sense than the other way around, which was how I had it. Gohan can achieve Ultimate Super Saiyan (SS3) but not Ascended Super Saiyan (SS2)

Sparks are essentially benefits you can get for being born. You can only possess one Spark and having one is incredibly rare.
Saiyans can possess any of the following Sparks: Red, Yellow, Brown
Humans can possess a Red Spark, a Blue Spark, a Pure Blue Spark, a Pure Red Spark and some (like Launch) get a Broken Blue Spark (because its incomplete)
Saiyans can possess the following Sparks: Pure Red, Pure Yellow, Pure Brown, Pure Green
Half-Saiyan Half-Humans can pull from both lists

Gohan has a Yellow Spark, Gossard has Pure Green, Gottex has Red and Goose has a Blue Spark
It is possible to improve a Spark into a Pure Spark. Doing so is potentially deadly and very time consuming.

Effects of the Sparks: (some information redacted)
Red: Can generate Divine Ki and Impure Divine Ki (the kind Kami use) to use, natural way to become Saiyan God, boost to Potential and can self-teach a few divine martial arts
Pure Red: Born in Saiyan God form, ???

Yellow: Can generate Colored Ki if shown, Easier time becoming a Super Saiyan, ???
Pure Yellow: Born a Super Saiyan, ???
Brown: Can achieve the two Brown Prestige Forms without surgery
Pure Brown: Can become an Oozaru even if your tail has been removed, ???
Pure Green: Can generate Yellow, Orange and Green Ki, increased non-Zenkai Power Level gains, gains access to the Green Color Transformation without using [REDACTED], ???

Broken Blue: Change between Forms when Sneezing
Blue: Gain alternate blue-haired personality with their own statpool (equal Pointbuy to original personality), Bonus Stats to assign
Pure Blue: Immunity to Mind-Altering effects and Possession, Bonus Stats to assign

Transformations: (warning: complicated, not required reading)
A Saiyan has quite a lot of Transformations, many of which are predicated on their previous Transformations.
The terminology:
The Colors: Yellow, Orange, Brown, Green, Cyan, these are the Saiyan-exclusive Colors that build towards the Perfect Saiyan

Color Transformation: The general realm of transformation. These include the Brown Transformation (which is the Oozaru Form and it's successors), the Yellow Transformation (Super Saiyan et all), Red Transformation and so on. A Color Transformation has 3 Forms within it, the first form and two prestige forms (for example Ascended and Ultimate Super Saiyan, which are SS2 and SS3 respectively). You can get either one without the other, it is not a line. Gohan in this canon unlocked Ultimate Super Saiyan (SS3)* without unlocking Ascended Super Saiyan (SS2)
Fusion Color Transformation: A mix of Two Colors, for example the Golden Oozaru form is a mix of Brown and Yellow. Like the Color Transformation they have 3 Forms. The first, and two prestige.
Form: A Transformation, this includes Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Saiyan God etc.
Prestige Form: The two Forms you can unlock in each Color and Fusion Color Transformation, so Canon SS2 and SS3, as well as SS4 is a Prestige of Brown/Yellow.
Base Form: Not being in a toggled Transformation. For example, Goku with black hair, or Final-Form Frieza (since his Forms are actually limiting his power except Golden Frieza)

Grades: Every Saiyan Form has 3 grades. Non-Saiyan forms such as the Blue Transformations (which are Human) or the God forms (which are universal) may buck this trend
Grade 1: g1 is the base grade, the form you are usually in. For example, Goku when fighting Frieza was in SS1g1 (Super Saiyan 1 Grade 1).
Grade 2: g2 is the second grade, when using this form the word Saiyan is replaced with your name (for example Vegeta in Super Saiyan 1 grade2 would be called Super Vegeta). In forms where the word Saiyan is not included (such as the Oozaru form) the name is placed somewhere (Oozaru-Goku for instance). The grade2 form is the most diverse of the grades, being a general improvement.
Grade 3: g3 is the third form, it is universally the Bulk form. Raising the power of the user and at the same time making them less dexterous.

Mastered Form: A Mastered Form generally removes a disadvantage through training, in the Super Saiyan example Goku's Mastered Super Saiyan does not consume stamina to remain in (on a combat timescale, overuse can still cause damage if held for months or years)
Perfect Form: Every Color and Fusion Color has 3 Forms within it. But if you unlock all 3 you can fuse them together. Gaining the bonuses of both prestige forms. For example, SS3 in canon is Perfect Super Saiyan including the electricity and the long hair of the two prestige forms. In order to Master this Form you need it's composite Forms to be Mastered (so to get Master grade3 you need to have Mastered grade3 in the first form and both prestige forms)

Pillar of Imperfect Progress: A Pillar is the culmination of a Fusion Color Transformation line. If you unlock and Master every variant. The Brown/Yellow Pillar for example is: SS1 and it's 3 grades, SS2 and it's 3 grades, Oozaru and it's 3 grades, Golden Oozaru and it's 3 grades, Primal Saiyan and it's 3 grades (Primal Saiyan being canon SS4) and so on. Each of the 9 Forms and their 3 grades combined and Mastered fuse together to create a single Pillar of Imperfect Progress. There are 10 Pillars of Imperfect Progress
Pillar of Progress: Take a Pillar, then add each of the completed Color Transformations. This requires a Pillar of Imperfect Progress and a Mastered Perfect Color Transformation (Perfect Super Saiyan for example) but NOT a Perfect Fusion Color Transformation (Perfect Golden Oozaru). If you add each Perfect Color and Saiyan God (Red Form) you get a Pillar of Progress Form.

Beyond this level is very late-game. It is unlikely you can achieve even a single Pillar of Imperfect Progress in a human lifetime.

*Ultimate Super Saiyan is not QUITE the SS3 shown in the show, it is SS3 without the electricity. It also only has a x200 bonus, not the x400 that the show has. This is because the canon SS3 is actually Perfect Super Saiyan, the fusion of Ascended and Ultimate.

In a time of Peace, a King and his Adviser.
In a time of Demons, a Goddess.
In a time of Aliens, a Human.
Four they were, children of the stars.

Gossard, the Emerald King. The eldest of them all who wielded the spark of Green and held the power of Orange Delusion.
Gohan, the Golden Warrior. The twin and the keeper who protected the world from the King and the King from the world.
Gottex, the Crimson Goddess. Taking the role of an ancient sage before she could speak.
Goose, the Azure Human. The next step of human evolution, with half her genetics from a non-human.

You are
[X] The King among Peasants
[ ] The Sane among Saiyan
[ ] The Goddess among Mortals
[ ] The Human among Aliens

AN: Figured I'd give the chance to swap PoV characters. Though Goose would have a slight timeskip since she is born just before Vegeta shows up.
I'm pretty sure Gossard will win.

AGE 761
Four years ago a God stood upon the Lookout and felt the presence of a frightening new Power. A new Power that could represent Hope or Despair. A Power destined regardless to change the course of history itself.
And now, a different God stood upon the Lookout and felt another presence. Where once a Namekian Kami had stood, now stands a Saiyan and a Human. A singular entity barely two years of age.
Where before the Kami of Earth stood stooped and green, now she stood back straight while red light flickered around her.

Kami replaced with Gottex.
And beside her, the harbinger of Hope and Despair. A young boy also dressed in the garb of the Namekian. The Legendary Saiyan reborn to Goku and Bulma. Barely four years old and already exploring aspects of his race unseen in millenia. A roiling personality filled with Pride and Rage and aspirations to be the King as was his Right wielding the Legendary Emerald power.
"Do you feel that?" The third Saiyan asked with his hand on Gossard's shoulder. His teal eyes looking skyward as a flare of Ki fills their senses slowly descending. Gohan, the Keeper and the Warrior. It was he who quelled the rage and the insanity in Gossard when the Green and Orange filled his mind. It was he who achieved the Power of the Sun and Ascended within an Ascension simply to bring his twin brother back to the world.
"I do." Gossard replies, flaring his energy to a greater height "Should we destroy them, before they make landfall?"
"They friendly maybe." The soft hesitant words belie wisdom beyond a two year old's years. Tapping her predecessor's long staff against the tile of the Lookout, her feet set resolutely in mid-air.

"Without calling ahead? Moving at that speed?" Gohan didn't need to say it, each of them were the children of Bulma Briefs and each had inherited her genius. They knew the implications.

The size of a small planet, the immense gathering was on a direct collision course with the Earth. And no apparent signs of course correction since it had come into telescopic range. Countless lifeforms inhabited it, but none had responded to any hails in any of the ways you tried.

[ ] Destroy it
[ ] Shove them off course
[ ] Go visit them hopefully before it impacts
[ ] Grab Piccolo and tell him to Magic Materialize a bunker for Bulma to survive a planetary impact
Last edited:
The Throne Room
Character Sheets and Other Stuff

TS: Training Session

XP: Experience Points

Skill rolls: Things based on personal skill. Luck, the rest of the world and randomness not applicable. For example the Mental Illness roll for False Saiyan is not a Skill roll. All bonuses are assumed to apply to Skill rolls unless otherwise inferred.
Luck rolls: The things that are not Skill rolls.

Strength/Dexterity: This is a sliding scale, the stronger you are the less dextrous you are and vice versa. This is in relation to your Power Level. Many fighters prefer to be Balanced unless they have traits that would be benefited by a higher or lower stat (such as a Transformation that adjusts this scale, for example the Grade3 transformations, eg Super Trunks, gives a higher Power Level and lowers the scale towards Strength. Or Burter, who has many skills that benefit from being quick and built his martial art style around outspeeding his opponent but hitting lighter)
For example, the Oozaru form is set to Very Strong without training, regardless of Base Form. Because of this, a being of the same Power Level who is Balanced would be able to move quicker than the Oozaru but their punches would hurt less.
This does not affect endurance which is a separate stat.
Scale: Titanium - Impossibly Strong - Cripplingly Strong - Painfully Strong - Incredibly Strong - Very Strong - Strong - Mildly Strong - Balanced - Mildly Dexterous - Dexterous - Very Dexterous - Incredibly Dexterous - Painfully Dexterous - Cripplingly Dexterous - Impossibly Dexterous - Mist

Potential Scale: When you train a Martial Art you can gain a maximum of your Martial Potential in Power per Gravity you train in.
Your Martial Potential is based on your Potential stat. You work out your stat by consulting this scale:
Scale is 10, 25, 50, 100 + previous
Pot 1: 1 + 0 = 1
Pot 2: 2 + 1 = 3
Pot 3: 5 + 3 = 8
Pot 4: 10 + 8 = 18
Pot 5: 25 + 18 = 43
Pot 6: 50 + 43 = 93
Pot 7: 100 +93 = 193
Pot 8: 250 + 193 = 443
Pot 9: 500 + 443 = 943
Pot 10: 1,000 + 943 = 1,943
Pot 11: 2,500 + 1,943 = 4,443
Pot 12: 5,000 + 4,443 = 9,443
Pot 13: 10,000 + 9,443 = 19,443
Pot 14: 25,000 + 19,443 = 44,443
Pot 15: 50,000 + 44,443 = 94,443
Pot 16: 100,000 + 94,443 = 194,443
Pot 17: 250,000 + 194,443 = 444,443
Pot 18: 500,000 + 444,443 = 944,443
Pot 19: 1,000,000 + 944,443 = 1,944,443
Pot 20: 2,500,000 + 1,944,443 = 4,444,443
Pot 21: 5,000,000 + 4,444,443 = 9,444,443
Pot 22: 10,000,000 + 9,444,443 = 19,444,443
Pot 23: 25,000,000 + 19,444,443 = 44,444,443
Pot 24: 50,000,000 + 44,444,443 = 94,444,443
Gossard Briefs, The Half-Saiyan King

Age: 5
Gender: Male

Power Level: 16 Million / 20 Million Tail
100M Starting Legend
500M False Saiyan
750M False Gossard
(80,000 Martial Arts) (40,000 Natural) (15.48M Zenkai)

Experience Pool: 0
Experience Base Gain: 10
Health: 15
Stamina: 2t7 / 20 tier6 / 200t5 etc.


Yellow Aura: You tap into the Super energies like your brother Gohan. Can only be held temporarily, when it fails it renders you unconscious while cycling your hair through Red, Orange, Green, Yellow and Cyan.
x4, active for 60 Turns before the form fails

LEGENDARY Saiyan: The Green energy source that is your birthright, representing Pride and Rulership. Within this form, every user of Green Energy is One. One Legend, One King. A hivemind unless you can maintain Gossard. Maintain your own identity separate from the echoes of the past and the strange Saiyan on the other side of the universe. Broly can be forced into the state and subsumed into the hivemind that you control and subjugate though you can assume the form without making him Ascend.
x5 multiplier that increases over time and Perfect Ki Control.
Multiplier increases by 0.1 each time you succeed on the DC. DC 15 +1 for each successful increase on a D100, the DC can never exceed 97 in this way. High emotions can cause either a bonus or multiple checks. At current mastery, Multiplier does not lower.
True Legendary Saiyan (Ruler of a Thousand Species): You transcend the Saiyan race and become the Ruler. Your purple hair, the sign of the form's corruption, fades away into bright Emerald . Pushing away the Saiyan in your nature that tears apart the Rulership of your being to make ???, you instead focus on your Kingly nature.
Reduce the DC for Legendary Saiyan by 100 points.
Gain and additional 0.1 modifier for every 1 Million Subjects (maximum 1.0 modifier per planet)
While in this transformation you may as a Transformation action change your race to the race of any Subject you have (albeit with hair or fur or other biologically equivalent aspect bright green). Gain an additional 0.1 modifier for every 100,000 Subjects that share the race.
(Optional: may be combined with the Transformation action to go Super Saiyan, otherwise requires an additional Transformation action)

-Grade Two (Legendary Gossard): Your steps leave eternal footprints, each sweep of your arm over territory claims it for your own. Everything you survey you possess. And on your land, your people are immortal.
While in this transformation, make a Multiplier Increase roll twice each Upkeep instead of once. Additionally while fighting on your own terrain you may roll an additional time.
Gain an additional 0.5 modifier for every Solar System you own
You may Claim objects by suffusing it with your Ki while in this state. Claim land with it to earn bonuses.
Your Subjects and yourself gain +1HP while on your land, additionally they regenerate Stamina each round equal to the number of Planets you possess. You do not need to be in this form to gain the benefits of being on Your Land.

False Saiyan: The Orange energy source, the manifestation of Delusions and Unreality. While you have seen through it, you can revel in the Madness, allowing it to cloud your senses willingly.
Initially the aura is Yellow, the same as the Super Saiyan transformation. It casts an unearthly light upon you, turning your skin an odd yellow-orange and giving your black hair deep orange coloring. Your eyes are also whited out completely.
x25 multiplier
Subconscious reality warping, for good and ill.
Major mental illness (randomized, twice, then pick) (I pick) Negated by True Mastery

-Grade Two (False Gossard): You take your Madness and come to terms with it, then amplify it, your mind twisting into a potent acid that emanates, seeking unfriendly minds to connect and attack with unfiltered Insanity rather than afflict your own mental state. Your hair turns fully orange as well as your Aura. In this form you gain Telepathy, though the effects are dangerous to unprepared minds.
You may achieve this form from Base with one Transformation Action. You still count as being a False Saiyan if you do this.
x1.5 multiplier
Toxic Telepathy

The King of Legend: You are the Legendary Saiyan. A mere rumor, this awe-inspiring, wonderful, monstrous form has spelled near-doom for the Saiyan race every time it has appeared. You are incredibly Arrogant, Violent and Prideful.
-Stronger by 2 points / less Dextrous by 2 points
-Grants access to the Legendary Saiyan transformation track

YOUR POWER IS MAXIMUM!: You are a Legend, the strength of your predecessor scared the Gods Themselves and Those Beyond Mortal Ken. Your body is built to Fight, to Rule and to Conquer All Within Sight. Green burns within you, driving you forward to conquer and RULE, and with the responsibility of a Nation, comes with it the Power to lead. With great responsibility, comes great power
-Whenever you gain Power Level (except via Zenkai), +50% earned

Tailed Saiyan: Your tail grants you balance and regulates your Ki within your body. If provided with Blutz Waves however you gain access to the Great Oozaru Form!
-Passively increase Power Level by 25%
-Grants access to Oozaru transformation track

Line of the Son: You bear the line of the canonical Super Saiyan, Goku.
Access to the True Mastery level of skill for Saiyan Transformations
-Whenever you gain Power Level (except via Zenkai), +50% earned

Name of the Son: Like your ancestor Goku, you bear the sign of Wisdom: Go.
-Whenever you gain Power Level (except via Zenkai), +50% earned

Watcher: You learn by observing everything a person does. Your eyes can focus completely on them in a way you once told Gohan is 'eerie' and memorize every tiny thing.
-Superseded by All Watcher

Thought Watcher: You learn by observing someone's intentions. The thought process behind what someone does. Your Telepathy focuses on their mind and memorize every tiny flicker of will or emotion.
-Superseded by All Watcher

All Watcher: By combining your ability to watch the action and the intention together, you create a much more accurate picture in your head to copy, rather than doing things by rote entirely.
- When taking the Training Session action with a Teacher, add 1/2 the total amount of XP allowed by the Training Session or 10 XP (whichever is higher) to the applicable skill
- Telepathy counts as 2 Ranks higher when attempting to thought-rip Skills (you cannot currently thought-rip skills
- Reroll Copycat rolls and take the best of the two (requires Copycat)

Copycat: By focusing on your opponent and memorizing their style, you can begin to recreate it. This usually requires several challenging battles however.
-During combat you may Focus on your opponents, if you do make a Copycat roll the turn you begin to focus and every 5 turns after that. While Focusing you have a -3 to all rolls apart from Copycat rolls. You Focus on every enemy combatant, not a single opponent and get a Copycat roll for each.
-If you stop focusing and resume in the same combat, you do not receive the initial Copycat roll for beginning to Focus.
-Copycat copies their Active Martial Art only, unless you are a Master of that Art, you may then select any Passive Martial Art they are benefiting from as the target. If so, halve any gains received.
-If an opponent changes Active Martial Arts, roll Copycat on their previous AMA and reset the timer for that opponent.

Potential: 22 (Nat 18 +4)
Magical Aptitude: 21 (Nat 21, 0RU)
Intelligence: 29 (Nat 16, 6RU)
Willpower: 22 (Nat 10, 0RU)
Endurance: 10 (Nat 10, 0RU)
Strength/Dexterity: Very Dexterous

Ranking a Stat up takes 2 Training Sessions and 10 XP per rank up and increases by 5 XP each time. (ie it costs 10, then 20, then 30). You may only Double your Natural score in Rank-Ups
Potential cannot be increased this way
Magical Aptitude can only be increased by a Rank 6 in Mystical Training (+1 Rank for each Rank Up, so the second Rank-Up requires a Rank 7)

Magical Aptitude: Not currently eligible
Intelligence: 2/2 TS - 0/40 XP
Willpower: 0/2 TS - 0/10 XP
Endurance: 1/2 TS - 0/10 XP

Martial Arts:
Martial Arts is the art of introducing your fist into the face of your enemy.
Martial Arts come in 3 Tiers, Apprentice, Journeyman and Master. Each tier costs 40XP and 1 Training Session each.
You do not need Apprentice in a Martial Art to attain the 2nd Training Session and the same for Journeyman and the 3rd Training Session. Unlike other skills they are collective.

Martial Arts become harder to Master, the more of them you know as you much maintain the habit of each individually.
In combat you may use the Passive abilities of each Art you know but only One Active martial Art which can be swapped into once each turn.

Martial Arts may also increase your Power Level. You may gain up to your Martial Potential in each Martial Art at each Gravity level.

Martial Potential: 19,444,443 Power

Turtle School: Master level - The Turtle is a Defensive style is built around tapping every single ounce of power in a body and bringing it forth while also increasing toughness. The epitome of the paranoid, untalented but supremely dedicated martial artist. It's primary technique is the Kamehameha Wave.
You are a Master of this School though you itch when using it, it does not suit you.
-Increase Health by 1/3/5 points
-Increase Potential by 0/1/2
-Gain 1/3/5 Turtle Master Health Points, which are the first wounds inflicted and recover last.
-Kamehameha and derivative Techniques are counted as one Tier higher
1G: 40,000
2G: 0

Demon King Piccolo School: Master level - You possess the knowledge of the school, this tricky School is designed around misdirection and different methods of attack, as shown by the Soumasen Eye Blast or the Evil Wave Explosion.
You are a Master of this School and much prefer it
-+1/2/3 to all Misdirection Skill rolls
-Gives access to Misdirect Punch Tech at Zenith level
-Increase Potential by 0/1/2
-Ineligible due to Race
-Double the bonuses of [Misdirect] tagged Techniques
1G: 40,000/19,444,443

Transformed Skills:
The ranks for Saiyan Transformations are Unlocked, Neophyte and Master. Attaining Neophyte, Master and True Mastery are worth 2 points of Willpower each.
Attaining Master and True Master gives you a Discount of the appropriate Color. All forms with the appropriate Color gain a reduction based on the amount of Discounts: (Color Mixes combine both colors for appropriate discount)
0-3: -10 XP per discount
4: -1 TR
5-7: -1 TR, -10XP per discount over 4
8: -2 TR
9+: -2 TR, -10XP per discount over 8

Current Discounts:
2 Orange (M, TM False Saiyan)
1 Green (M Legendary Saiyan)

True Mastery skills will appear when working on mastery. This is due to the Son trait and unlike in Skills they are a combination of it's own requirement and the previous.
Please ignore them until you have attained Master rank in that skill.

Oozaru Taming: Maintaining control of the giant monkey form. You currently have no idea what the Oozaru form even is, or that it's possible.
0/2 TS - 0/80 XP - Unknown

Yellow Aura (Master): You have unlocked the Yellow transformation.
Golden Aura (Neophyte): You can channel your Energy and hold the Yellow form longer.
1/2 TS - 5/20 XP - changes to Super Saiyan (Unlocked) regardless of Prereqs
0/1 TS - 0/20 XP - changes to Golden Aura: Master level Negated, you see no purpose in pursuing Auras when you could just Ascend

??? Aura: N/A - You don't know anything about this. Maybe it's Cyan??

LEGENDARY Saiyan Mastery (True Master): You have attained the form, what else is there?
LEGENDARY Saiyan Control (Master): Within the form you are Gossard, the Legendary Half-Human, And you CONTROL the form. The hivemind exists at your will, allowing you to swim in and out to take the skills and abilities of those long past. You can also jettison your Saiyan heritage to focus on your Rulership over all creation.
2/2 Training Sessions - 70/70 XP (Achieved while at 0 Discounts)
3/3 Training Sessions - 80/80 XP - changes (Master) to (True Master)

LEGENDARY Gossard Unlock: You are the Legend Reborn, a Conquering Warlord that claims land and holds it. It is your duty and right to step forward and never, ever, take a step back. The lose what you have Claimed.
0/1 TS - 0/50 XP - changes to LEGENDARY Gossard (Neophyte) - unlocks Mastery (70 -2D)
0/3 TS - 0/30 XP - Your Subjects and yourself gain +10% Strength Power while fighting on your land

LEGENDARY Saiyan grade 3?: You feel a more pure expression of the form, a Strength Within Royalty waiting to be brought forth.
0/1 TS - 0/20 XP - Unlocks LEGENDARY Saiyan Grade 3

False Saiyan Mastery (True Master): The Flickering Form, this mentally unstable transformation induces a variety of mental disorders but you have seen through them, able to move through the form into False Gossard instantly and back again. You are the Master of the Mental Illness rather than the other way around.
3/2 TS - 80/70 XP (Achieved while at 0 Discounts)
3/3 TS - 80/80 XP

False Gossard (Unlocked): The Infectious Form. Your unstable mind reaches out to your foes, staining them with madness for you to take advantage of. But a door once opened, may be entered from both directions.
1/1 TS - 4/50 XP - changes (Unlocked) to (Neophyte) - unlocks Mastery (70 -2D)

False Saiyan grade 3?: You feel a more pure expression of the form, a Strength Within Madness waiting to be brought forth.
0/1 TS - 0/20 XP - Unlocks False Saiyan Grade 3

False Saiyan - Kibo Saiyan: What.
0/? TS - 0/? XP - Unknown

False Saiyan - Osore Saiyan: What.
0/? TS - 0/? XP - Unknown

Skills are shown the current next rank's experience requirement and the one following that if known. You may not invest in Ranks out of order.

Command (Rank 3/10) - You like giving orders and subordinates give slightly improved results when you intimidate/command them.
Up to 1 Unit or 3 Individuals may be Commanded at a time, they gain +2 to D100 Skill rolls
1/1 TS - 0/15 XP - Rank 4
1/1 TS - 0/35 XP - Rank 5

Ki Control (Rank 1/5): You can be considered an expert at the craft now, able to channel your full power in any way you can think of. You can even grab or redirect Ki blasts without detonating them. Further investment merely improves efficiency.
You possess no bonus or malus to Ki Use.
0/5 TS - 0/100 XP - Rank 2
0/6 TS - 0/300 XP - Rank 3

Ki Training (Rank 2/2): You understand how to train Ki in the basic methods, to train Body, Mind and Soul through martial arts workouts.
Gain the full bonuses offered by Martial Arts.

Meditation (Rank 4/4): You have learned how to guide yourself into and out of the meditative state, though you prefer doing so away from any people or objects including the ground. The sky is calming and blue.
Increase Willpower by 4

Mystical Training (Rank 1/?): You have begun to delve into the Science of Concepts. While you can do little more than conjure sparks or small breaths of wind, further study proves very promising now you have the basics down.
1/3 TS - 0/3 XP - Rank 2 allows you to learn Magical Techniques at Primitive
0/4 TS - 0/4 XP - Rank 3 allows you to learn Magical Techniques at Basic

Mad Science (Rank 3/Purple): The ability to break laws of physics and understand Bulma's 6th grade homework.
+2 Intelligence /Rank
5/6 Inventions - Rank 4

Mad Ki Science (Rank 1/Green) The study of Power and it's effects on reality. You can currently store approximately 900PL within a fridge-sized container indefinitely.
+2 Intelligence / Rank
1/2 Inventions - Rank 2
0/3 Inventions - Rank 3

Enchantment (Rank 0): You think that is what you did.
1/1 TS - 3/40 XP - Rank 1 lets you enchant objects with minor Magick.

Engineering (Rank 10/20): You are a prodigy of the mechanical arts, able to converse with PHDs in their field of expertise, though their more technical terms still elude you, lacking a truly formal education. In one day you learned about Electro-Magnetism and promptly used it to bring your brother down to earth.
+1 Intelligence /Rank Negated, requires Basic Schooling of equal Rank to apply
0/20 TS - 0/20 XP - Rank 11 Negated by having over 10 Natural Intelligence or over 30 Intelligence
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Rank 11
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Rank 12

Biology (Rank 2/20): You have a basic understanding of BioChemistry and Physiology, especially those of vegetables. You think you can begin improving a few things, though would prefer a much greater grounding before working on important people.
+1 Intelligence /Rank Negated, requires Basic Schooling of equal Rank to apply
0/20 TS - 0/20 XP - Rank 10 Negated by having over 10 Natural Intelligence
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Rank 3
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Rank 4

Intimidate (Rank 3/4): You are naturally a rather intimidating child, especially if you can bare your teeth in a disconcerting violence-promising grin.
+150% of the bonus of all Charisma based skills where applicable (like Command), may have negative consequences.
0/1 TS - 0/100 XP - Rank 4, Double the bonus of all Charisma based skills where applicable

Telepathy (Rank 3/30) You can talk to people mentally and attempt Mind Combat. While you can begin to scan people's mind for skills if they attempt to resist even subconsciously it becomes incredibly difficult, you are beginning to work through their resistance however.
0/1 TS - 0/20 XP - Rank 4
0/1 TS - 0/30 XP - Rank 5

Ki Techniques:
Primitive - Basic - Skilled - Perfect - Zenith
A few terms:
[Counter] Can be used during opponent's turn, negate 1 Burst or Physical attack. 50% chance of throwing a Physical attack back if Countering a Physical attack (Must pay Stamina cost for said attack)

[Burst] Not a [Beam], has no effect on it's own but some Techniques interact with them specifically

[Beam] After a successful attack, cannot be Countered unless specifically noted, always counts as having the Charge keyword. Can be Countered until the first successful attack.

[Charge] If this is the last attack on your turn, you may choose not to attack and Charge instead. If you do, all Stamina used in the attack while Charging is stored and used when the attack is launched. Each turn, when the attack is used without taking any Actions (including Counters) you may apply an additional attack using the stored Stamina. If the amount of stored Stamina exceeds the maximum amount of Stamina (from charging for multiple turns) resolve multiple attacks

[Homing] When rolling to attack, roll two dice and take the best

[Swarm] An attack works well in quantity. For every 10 attacks, add +1 to hit to all of them.

[Short-Ranged] A Ki Attack that only works for those within [Physical] range. If used, will push opponents out of Physical range

[Any color here] Any color cannot stack, this means no Modifier can be applied to an attack with the same color and no two Modifiers with the same color can be applied simultaneously (unless otherwise specified).

[Ki-Coloured] Sometimes you don't have the ability to mix colors, or use Ki Colouration in a technique for whatever reason. In that case, this keyword will be used to stop said ability by negating it.

[Sword] This Ki Technique requires a Sword to use. Swords shatter if Countered by an opponent two or more Tiers higher. Swords lose 1 Durability when Countered by an opponent one Tier higher.

Basic Ki Blast - Zenith: A basic blast
Effect: 1 attack per 3 Stamina used
Cost: 3-300 Stamina

Basic Ki Beam - Zenith: A basic beam
Effect: 1 attack per 3 Stamina used
Cost: 3-30 Stamina

Basic Attack - Zenith: A basic punch
Effect: 1 attack
Cost: 3 Stamina

Basic Counter - Zenith: A basic counter to punches, can also be used to deflect Burst attacks
[Physical] [Counter]
Cost: Stamina of attack (adjust for Tier difference) +2

Soul-Writing - Primitive: Carving words into someones soul, you can write your name currently and do not know what the effects of any word does.
1/2 TS - 0/40 XP - Basic

Emerald Shield - Perfect: This expanding Shield is capable of protecting a large area and multiple loyal subjects. People within the shield (including Gossard himself) regain 10 Stamina on their Turn, Gossard can selectively disqualify those within.
Cost: 1 Stamina to set up
Barrier: HP=Tier, Tier is set at User -1 when technique is cast
0/3 TS - 0/100 XP - Zenith, regain 15 Stamina

Flight - Zenith: You can fly at relativistic speeds. Your ability to move is unconstrained, you can move yourself in any direction with less than a thought at speeds measured in double digit percentages of Light.
Cost: None
Effect: [Physical] gains +1 to all skill rolls

Orangepoke - Primitive: A derivative of Gohan's Yellowpoke ability, you can channel Orange Ki into your finger, then launch it like a dart from a blowgun at someone. At this level it's slightly stronger than if you'd physically poked them, but does strange things to Colored Ki-Auras and Transformations. If used on a Super Saiyan will induce the Deluded Super Saiyan form.
Cost: 1 Stamina
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Basic, ???

Greenpoke - Primitive: A derivative of Gohan's Yellowpoke ability, you can channel Green Ki into your finger, then launch it like a dart from a blowgun at someone. At this level it's slightly stronger than if you'd physically poked them, but does strange things to Colored Ki-Auras and Transformations regardless of Tier.
Cost: 1 Stamina
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Basic, ???

Yellowpoke - Primitive: A copy of Gohan's Yellowpoke ability, you can channel Yellow Ki into your finger, then launch it like a dart from a blowgun at someone. At this level it's slightly stronger than if you'd physically poked them, but does strange things to Colored Ki-Auras and Transformations.
Cost: 1 Stamina
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Basic, ???

Jan Ken - Basic: A series of three Turtle style attacks that channel Speed (Chyoki), Strength (Gu) or both (Pa). The first (Chyoki) is a blinding attack, both physically attacking the eyes and at the higher stages conceptually rendering the victim senseless. The second (Gu) is a rather basic physical attack, though much more efficient and strong than typical without sacrificing speed, while the third (Pa) temporarily stuns the victim. At this level you can channel the technique into your every action by only to the barest fractions, relying on the actual attacks more than the passive benefit. At higher levels this can dynamically adjust your Strength/Dexterity balance.
[Misdirect] [Physical]
Effect: Basic Attack 3 times (other effects negated by Power Level)
Cost: 3 Stamina
0/2 TS - 0/130 XP - Skilled, unlocks Stances Chyoki, Gu and Pa

Kamehameha - Perfect: The staple of the Turtle School. By gathering all of the inefficient immobile pools of Ki throughout the body and channeling it, this technique greatly increases in power. The apex of efficiency.
[Kamehameha] [Beam]
Effect: Counts as two Tiers higher if user uses (X-5) or more Stamina where X is total current Stamina. Attacks once per Stamina used. During the Second and Third turn you may Charge up to 20 Stamina into the attack at any point during your turn.
Cost: 1-40 Stamina per turn used, max 3 Turns
2/3 TS - 40/100 XP - Zenith, User is treated at maximum Tier for this attack while at 5 Stamina or less

LEGENDARY Bubble Beam - Skilled: Tying the length of the Kamehameha beam to your breath you can emit it much much longer than before. With the homing ability of the Green Ki the beam fragments into bubbles of destructive energy homing into the target and the Legendary Energy prevents each bubble from dissipating, instead the bubbles gain strength and speed over time.
[Kamehameha] [Charge] [Homing] [Swarm] [Burst] [Ki-Coloured] [Green]
Effect: +1 Tier. All missed attacks reroll each turn using the following Tier pattern: +1, +2, +2, 0, -2. If attack is Deflected, DC4 (on a D20) for it to count as a Miss, DC20 to negate the deflection (this allows a second deflection to be made but not a third for the same attack)
Cost: 4 Stamina per turn used
0/3 TS - 0/200 XP - Perfect, ???

Masenko - Skilled: A two-handed blast attack, used by Piccolo and other Demon King Practitioners. It is a wide burst attack spreading from the crossed palms of your hands.
[Burst] [Charged] [Short-Range]
Effect: 20 Attacks at +1 Tier
Cost: 20 Stamina
0/3 TS - 0/200 XP - Perfect, can be used as a Counter once per turn

Explosive Wave - Basic: A protective maneuver, you release your Ki in a blast of energy, driving away foes and giving you breathing room.
[Counter] [Short-Range] [Recharge 3]
Effect: If used on Burst attacks, negate the entire Technique. 20 attacks
Cost: 20 Stamina
1/1 TS - 0/80 XP - Skilled, Cost 15 stamina

Tsuihikidan (Modifer) - Primitive: You have a basic understanding of the technique but aren't skilled enough to use it in actual combat.
Effect: No effect
1/1 TS - 1/10 XP - Basic, You may grant the Homing ability to an attack

Unseen Blast (Modifer) - Skilled: By channeling your attack through your eyes, you can surprise an enemy at the expense of reduced power
Effect: Modified attack gains [Misdirect] Keyword
Cost: Attack is treated as -1 Tier
0/1 TS - 0/15 XP - Perfect, Modified attack gains the No-Handed Keyword

Blaster Shell (Modifier) - Perfect: Utilizing Legendary Ki instead of Mortal Ki you allow it perfect control and the ability to grow after you release it. Because of this, a Blaster Shell attack wants to spend the most time in the air as possible at least until it's evaporation meets it's growth and it begins to shrink
Effect: Modified attack gains [Legendary Ki] Keyword
Cost: Cannot be used with other [Ki-Coloured] Modifiers or used on a [Ki-Coloured] Modifier
Cannot be upgraded to Zenith at this time - Zenith, can be used with other [Ki-Coloured]

Unreality Coating (Modifier) - Idea?: In the same way as you utilize the Green, can you use the Orange?
Requires False Gossard (Neophyte)

Magical Manipulation:
Magic is the act of forcing the world to conform to your beliefs. Battling with magic is unlike fighting physically or with Ki, it does not have pure power against pure power but instead is that of legal loophole battles.
While you can bury your opponent under weight of paper, the sheer amount of mystic might thrown does not improve it's mystical defense. A fireball has the exact same counters as a spark spell or a nuclear holocaust atmospheric inferno.

Magic Materialization - Primitive: The act of transmuting Ki into Mana and then directly into physical objects. It was the most important reason you began your studies of all things Thaumaturgical. While the ability to cast on this level is beyond you, you ignore that fact and do it anyway.
Effect: You may conjure objects you have personal knowledge of and understand perfectly. You cannot conjure a sandwich that possesses mayo if you do not understand the chemical composition of mayo for example, nor can you adjust things dynamically such as creating an outfit in a different size than you have seen.
Cost: 2 /day you may conjure any number of objects in any position around you.


Gohan Briefs, The Half-Saiyan Warrior

Age: 5
Gender: Male
Power Level: 6 Million / 7.5 Million Tail (6,004,443)
375.2 Million Super Saiyan
562.9 Million Super Gohan
1.5 Billion Ultimate Super Saiyan
(4,444,443 Martial Arts) (1,000 Natural) (1.559M Zenkai)

Health: 10
Stamina: 7t6 / 75 tier5 / 750t4 etc.

Super Saiyan: A powerful transformation that is the manifestation of Grief and Death. Attaining this form increases your power greatly but it changes you, your eyes turn green and your hair Gold. You are a Super Saiyan. "I am become Death" Your heart has stopped and you need to breath only to speak.
x50 modifier
Deceased Soul status effect gained (quick version: ability to go into negative HP and Stamina) (Optional: may be combined with the Transformation action to go Super Saiyan, otherwise requires an additional Transformation action)

-Grade Two (Super Gohan): Forcing your energy into a higher state of existence. This energy-sapping form puts a major strain on body and mind to maintain. Your hair becomes more rigid and pales in colour while your muscles increase in bulk (though without mechanical effect).
x1.5 modifier
5 Stamina /turn Upkeep
Deceased Soul status effect gained (quick version: ability to go into negative HP and Stamina) (Optional: must already be True Super Saiyan when taking the Transformation action to go Super Gohan, otherwise requires an additional Transformation action to go from Super Gohan to True Super Gohan)

Ultimate Super Saiyan: An incredible power, you tap into Pure Endurance. The determination to Keep Going burns you up at an incredible rate. Your eyebrows boil off, replaced with ridges and your face becomes much more angular and sharp. In contrast, your hair becomes much softer than Super Saiyan 1 and flows down to your waist. This form is immensely stamina heavy, burning through your reserves just by existing.
x4 modifier
500 Stamina /turn upkeep

Orange and Yellow (Deluded Super Saiyan): Assuming this form fully will probably cripple you.
x1,000 modifier

Golden Warrior: Within you burns the Heart of a Super Saiyan. A glimmering golden spark just waiting to explode with grief-stricken rage and raw yellow Power. Within it burns with remembrance of it's fellows cut down before their time and from their loss comes your Grief.
-Gain the Colored Aura skills immediately upon seeing and recognizing a Colored Aura skill being used
-Immediately gain 1 Training Session and 10 Experience Points in the skill when the above activates
-When investing XP into a Yellow Saiyan Transformation Skill, double XP received.

Touch of Death: You have touched Death and been touched in return, igniting the yellow flames of your Soul. The souls of all fallen Saiyans guide your blows, aiding you in your vengeance.
-Your Ki Control is treated as a rank higher while in a Yellow Saiyan Transformation
-If your Ki Control is Perfect, ???.

Tailed Saiyan: Your tail grants you balance and regulates your Ki within your body. If provided with Blutz Waves however you gain access to the Great Oozaru Form!
-Passively increase Power Level by 25%
-Grants access to Oozaru transformation track

Line of the Son: You bear the line of the canonical Super Saiyan, Goku.
Access to the True Mastery level of skill for Saiyan Transformations
-Whenever you gain Power Level (except via Zenkai), +50% earned

Name of the Son: Like your ancestor Goku, you bear the sign of Wisdom: Go.
-Whenever you gain Power Level (except via Zenkai), +50% earned

Watcher: You learn by observing everything a person does. Your eyes focus completely on them in a way you have been told is 'eerie' and memorize every tiny thing.
-When taking the Training Session action with a Teacher, add 10XP or 1/4 the total amount of XP allowed by the Training Session (whichever is higher) to the applicable skill
-Reroll Copycat rolls and take the best of the two (requires Copycat)

Copycat: By focusing on your opponent and memorizing their style, you can begin to recreate it. This usually requires several challenging battles however.
-During combat you may Focus on your opponents, if you do make a Copycat roll the turn you begin to focus and every 5 turns after that. While Focusing you have a -3 to all rolls apart from Copycat rolls. You Focus on every enemy combatant, not a single opponent and get a Copycat roll for each.
-If you stop focusing and resume in the same combat, you do not receive the initial Copycat roll for beginning to Focus.
-Copycat copies their Active Martial Art only, unless you are a Master of that Art, you may then select any Passive Martial Art they are benefiting from as the target. If so, halve any gains received.
-If an opponent changes Active Martial Arts, roll Copycat on their previous AMA and reset the timer for that opponent.

Potential: 20 (Nat 18, RU 0)
Magical Aptitude: 1 (Nat 1, RU 0)
Intelligence: 28 (Nat 16, RU 0)
Willpower: 25 (Nat 8, RU 1)
Endurance: 10 (Nat 10, RU 0)
Strength/Dexterity: Balanced

Martial Arts:
Martial Potential: 19,444,443 Power

Demon King Piccolo School: Master level - You possess the knowledge of the school, this tricky School is designed around misdirection and different methods of attack, as shown by the Soumasen Eye Blast or the Evil Wave Explosion.
You are a Master of this School and much prefer it
-+1/2/3 to all Misdirection Skill rolls
-Gives access to Misdirect Punch Tech at Zenith level
-Increase Potential by 0/1/2
-Ineligible due to Race
-Double the bonuses of [Misdirect] tagged Techniques
1G: 4,444,443
2G: 0

Wrath of the Exile School: Master level - The Martial style developed by Lord Slug and his children. Designed to channel the Namekian Sin of Wrath into a brutal martial style
With effort and training under Piccolo's supervision you have begun to adapt the style to your own ends. Harnessing the Grief of the Saiyan in a way similar to the Wrath of the Namekian.
+0/+1/+2 to all Skill rolls in combat while a Super Saiyan
+1 to all Skill rolls in combat
Increase Potential by 0/1/2
For the purposes of Defense you are considered a Tier lower, for the purposes of Attack a Tier higher
Double your Power Level, activating this counts as a Transformation Action, you may only use this ability while a Super Namekian
1G: 0
0/2 TS - 0/60 XP - Become a Master, gain +1 to all Skill rolls in combat

Transformation Skills:
3 Yellow (M, TM Super Saiyan / M Super Gohan)

Oozaru Taming: Maintaining control of the giant monkey form. You currently have no idea what the Oozaru form even is, or that it's possible.
0/2 TS - 0/80 XP - Unknown

False Super Saiyan (Locked)- You briefly achieve a Fusion Orange/Yellow transformation but have not legitimately accessed this form.
Err/Err TS - Yes/Number XP - Achieve False Super Saiyan instead of cancelling the transformation halfway through

Super Saiyan (True Mastery): You are no longer a Saiyan in this form, but a Super Saiyan! The embodiment of Death, your heart has stopped beating. While you may age within the form, it is by accepting Life as the mastered Super Saiyan accepts Death. While in this form according to Magic you are an alien race, distinct from Saiyan, you still qualify as Human however. You can maintain this form regardless of any penalties, unconsciousness, pain. The only thing that drops you from the form is your own will.
3/2 TS - 80/70 XP (Achieved while at 0 Discounts)
3/3 TS - 80/80 XP

Super Gohan (Master): This enhanced form is an immense strain on the body and the mind. With great exertion you quell the Saiyan Rage and Grief, taking into yourself the fury of grief and letting it spend itself, without interfering with your thoughts
0/3 TS - 100/100 XP - Remove Stamina cost for attaining the form (does not apply to Multiplier Increase). Still causes long-term health issues if maintained for month+ time periods (130 -3D)
0/1 TS - 30 XP - You may increase the Multiplier of this form by 0.1 for each additional Stamina you pay during Upkeep up too an additional 0.5 (60 -3D)
0/1 TS - 30 XP - You may increase the Multiplier of this form by 0.1 for each additional Stamina you pay during Upkeep up too an additional 1.0 (replaces previous upgrade). Increasing the multiplier by 0.6 or greater causes Aggression (60 -3D)
0/1 TS - 30 XP - You may increase the Multiplier of this form by 0.1 for each additional Stamina you pay during Upkeep up too an additional 1.5 (replaces previous upgrade) (60 -30D)
0/1 TS - 30 XP - You may increase the Multiplier of this form by 0.1 for each 3 additional Stamina you pay during Upkeep up too an additional 2.0 (stacks with previous upgrade for total 3.5 multiplier, making the maximum multiplier for Super Gohan x4). Increasing the multiplier by 2.1 or greater causes Aggression (60 -3D)

Super Saiyan Grade 3?: You feel something deeper, a deeper color of gold if only you could reach out and touch it.
0/1 TS - 0/20 XP - Unlocks Super Saiyan Grade 3

Ultimate Super Saiyan (Unlocked): The pure drain of this form is incredible, and remarkably efficient despite this. It is doubtful anyone has the sheer force of will and Endurance to master this incredible power, even partially. To even assume this form almost knocks you out.
0/4 TS - 0/90 XP (Negated due to Age and strain of this form on your body) (120 -3D)
0/10 TS - 1/540 XP - changes to Ultimate Super Saiyan (Neophyte) - unlocks Mastery (90 * 6)

Ascended Super Saiyan?: Something is here, not the Ultimate but something...Cold.
0/? TS - 0/? XP - Unknown

Ki Control (Rank 1/5): You have begun to shape Ki for use in Techniques, rather than rely purely on instinct when throwing it around. Though you prefer to use direct attacks with as little shaping as possible, you can take Shaped Ki and redirect it, deflecting blasts of much lower power than you and gripping giant balls of Ki without bursting the fragile casing. Further investment merely improves efficiency
You possess no bonus or malus to Ki Use.
5/5 TS - 15/100 XP - Rank 2
0/6 TS - 0/300 XP - Rank 3

Ki Training (Rank 2/2): You understand how to train Ki in the basic methods, to train Body, Mind and Soul through martial arts workouts.
Gain the full bonuses offered by Martial Arts.

Meditation (Rank 4/4): You have learned how to guide yourself into and out of the meditative state. You have taken to flying into a city and meditating on top of office buildings. Suspiciously, those same buildings report increased production???
Increase Willpower by 4

Inspiration (Rank 3/10): When you Meditate you can release a Pulse of Power that other people instinctively copy. This is a Charisma based ability.
-Increase all affected's Power by up too 1/20,000th of your Power Level.
-Cannot distinguish between targets
-Must be Meditating to activate this ability
0/2 TS - 0/50 XP - Rank 4, Double the benefit
0/1 TS - 0/30 XP - You may exclude targets from your Inspiration
0/1 TS - 0/75 XP - You may use this ability in combat, however take a -3 to all Skill rolls Negated, requires Rank 5

Mad Science (Rank 2/Purple): The ability to break laws of physics and understand Bulma's 6th grade homework (though not replicate it).
+2 Intelligence /Rank
0/4 Inventions - Rank 3
0/6 Inventions - Rank 4

Engineering (Rank 7/20): You possess the ability to create hovercraft, military grade weaponry and could coast through half a university course without studying. Though you lack many of the official jargon.
+1 Intelligence /Rank Negated, requires Basic Schooling of equal Rank to apply
0/20 TS - 0/20 XP - Rank 8 Negated by having over 10 Natural Intelligence
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Rank 8
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Rank 9

Intimidate(Rank 1/4): You are naturally a rather intimidating child, and if commented on it Goku blames Bulma. Bulma thinks it's cute and sneaks you treats when you do it.
-Gohan does not make use of any effect he can gain from the Skill.
0/1 TS - 0/50 XP - Effects are negated Negated, it is Out of Character for Gohan to improve this skill at this point in time

Ki Techniques:
Primitive - Basic - Skilled - Perfect - Zenith
Basic Ki Blast - Zenith: A basic blast
Effect: 1 attack per 3 Stamina used
Cost: 3-300 Stamina

Basic Ki Beam - Zenith: A basic beam
Effect: 1 attack per 3 Stamina used
Cost: 3-30 Stamina

Basic Attack - Zenith: A basic punch
Effect: 1 attack
Cost: 3 Stamina

Basic Sword Strike - Zenith: A basic strike with a sword.
[Physical] [Sword]
Effect: One attack at Sword Tier
Cost: 2 Stamina

Basic Counter - Zenith: A basic counter to punches, can also be used to deflect Burst attacks
[Physical] [Counter]
Cost: Stamina of attack (adjust for Tier difference) +2

KiShaped Sword - Zenith: Channelling your Ki outside of your body, into a psuedo-physical manifestation. You shape and sharpen the result into a long and brutal Sword which has been refined over many countless repetitions.
Effect: Conjure a Sword at your Tier, gain +2 to Skill rolls using this Sword, you may add the [Range] modifier for no extra cost and if you do Counters against your Sword skills may not generate counter-attacks
Cost: 10 Stamina

Flight - Zenith: You can fly at relativistic speeds when Transformed. Your ability to move is unconstrained, you can move yourself in any direction with less than a thought at speeds measured in double digit percentages of Light.
Cost: None
Effect: [Physical] gains +1 to all skill rolls

Yellowpoke - Basic: You can channel Yellow Ki into your finger, then launch it like a dart from a blowgun at someone. At this level it's slightly stronger than if you'd punched them, but does strange things to Colored Ki-Auras and Transformations.
[Ki-Colored] [Yellow] [Burst]
Effect: 1 Attack
Cost: 1 Stamina
0/1 TS - 0/20 XP - Skilled ???

Orangepoke - Basic: You can channel Orange Ki into your finger, then launch it like a dart from a blowgun at someone. At this level it's slightly stronger than if you'd punched them, but does strange things to Colored Ki-Auras or Transformations. If used on a Super Saiyan will induce the Deluded Super Saiyan form.
[Ki-Colored] [Orange] [Burst]
Effect: 1 Attack
Cost: 1 Stamina
0/1 TS - 0/20 XP - Skilled ???

Unshaped Masenko - Skilled: A two-handed blast attack, this variation of Piccolo's technique trades power for width. It is an area attack spreading from the crossed palms of your hands that hits a wider area than the typical Masenko.
[Burst] [Charged]
Effect: 20 Attacks at +1 Tier
Cost: 20 Stamina
0/3 TS - 0/200 XP - Perfect, can be used as a Counter once per turn

Golden Masenko - Perfect: In the Super Saiyan form your lack of skill in shaping drifts away. By channeling pure Yellow energy while in the Super Saiyan Transformation, your Masenko is much more traditional and focused.
[Burst] [Charged] [Short-Range] [Ki-Coloured] [Yellow]
Effect: 20 Attacks at +1 Tier, can be used to Counter once per turn
Cost: 20 Stamina. Can only be used while in Super Saiyan form
0/3 TS - 0/200 XP - Zenith, if Countering a Burst attack that lacks the Homing keyword, negate the entire attack

One-Handed Golden Masenko - Skilled: You are skilled enough using the Golden Masenko you can do it one handed, even firing the technique from both hands independently, though this technique has a lower power.
[Burst] [Charged] [Short-Range] [One-Handed] [Ki-Coloured] [Yellow]
Effect: 20 Attacks
Cost: 20 Stamina
0/3 TS - 0/200 XP - Perfect, can be used as a Counter once per turn

Unshaped Makosen - Perfect: The sister technique of the Masenko, the Makosen is a deceptive technique. By firing a weak blast to distract and draw attention, followed by a much stronger one to do the real damage. Like Gohan's other variant, it is barely shaped, causing the burst to expand in size at the expense of power.
[Burst] [Charged] [Misdirection]
Effect: 5 Attacks at -1 Tier, then 20 Attacks at +1 Tier
Effect: the first set of attacks cannot gain bonuses intended to buff [Misdirection] attacks. The second set gain double any bonuses that target [Misdirection] attacks
Cost: 35 Stamina
0/1 TS - 35/75 XP - Zenith, Charge attacks do 25 Attacks at +1 Tier

Explosive Wave - Perfect: A protective maneuver, you release your Ki in a blast of energy, driving away foes and giving you breathing room.
[Counter] [Short-Range] [Recharge 3]
Effect: If used on [Burst] or [Beam] attacks, negate the entire Technique. 20 attacks
Cost: 15 Stamina
1/1 TS - 0/80 XP - Zenith, [Recharge 1]

Tenma Defense - Skilled: Inspired by the Green Shield Gossard utilized, this expanding Shield is capable of protecting a large area and multiple people. While merely a lesser shade of the true Emerald Shield it is still an incredibly powerful defense. People within the shield (including yourself) regain 6 Stamina.
Cost: 1 Stamina to set up
Barrier: HP=Tier-1, Tier is set at User -1 when technique is cast
2/2 TS - 40/50 XP - Perfect, regain 9 Stamina
25 XP (Omake Bonus), will be applied after next Training Session

Unseen Blast (Modifer) - Perfect: By channeling your attack through your eyes, you can surprise an enemy at the expense of reduced power, though you don't need to stop any ongoing techniques to use the ability.
Effect: Modified attack gains [Misdirect] and [No-Handed] Keyword
Cost: Attack is treated as -1 Tier
0/1 - 0/15 XP - Zenith, you may choose to expend 5 Stamina to negate the -1 Tier cost

Shapeshifting with Ki - Skilled: The ability to transform your appearance into another being or object. This does not alter your Power, Tier or Stamina. If the object has a mechanical property such as rocket-propulsion flight you may make use of it but not any Racial or Ki/Magic related properties. You can never gain or lose a Spark in this way.
[Transformation] [Misdirection]
Effect: Take on the appearance of another being. This technique cannot be stolen or understood by watching it, only being taught or developing it independently
Cost: Transformation Action, 10 Stamina
0/3 TS - 0/200 XP - Perfect, you may take on the Racial traits of the beings you turn into except Mental traits, but may not Transform.

Gottex Briefs, The Half-Saiyan Goddess
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Power Level: 17,235 / 21,544 Tail
21,544 Pink-Hair
21,544 x1,000 Divine Saiyan
(1,800 Natural) (15,135 Zenkai)

Red Hair: You gain red hair and your Ki vanishes from Sensing. In this form you can follow your older brothers in their Base forms without issue. It feels Divine and the whispers in your mind speak louder, but they are as immaterial as your Ki is to your own Sense.
- Your Tier is always treated as 3 higher in all respects
- Divine Ki is undetectable to standard Ki Sense and Ki Detection Technology, only Divine Ki Sense and Divine Ki Detection Technology can sense it

Pink Hair: Your hair flickers and shifts between crimson hair up into pink and back to black dynamically. You feel stronger and although your Ki does not seem to increase it becomes obscure and hard to track for everyone else.
- ??? Negated, increase your connection to a World Spirit or the Spirit World young Kami
- Double Stamina
- Stamina Regeneration from any source is doubled
- Ki Sense is treated as half it's Rank when attempting to detect you unless they have Divine Ki Sense

Yellow Aura: You tap into the Super energies like your brother Gohan. When the form fails, it renders you unconscious while cycling your hair through Red, Orange, Green, Yellow and Cyan.
- x3 modifier, active for 30 Turns before the form fails

Orange Aura: You tap into the False energies like your brother Gossard. When the form fails, it renders you unconscious while cycling your hair through Red, Orange, Green, Yellow and Cyan.
- x2 modifier, active for 30 Turns before the form fails

Goddess Ascendant: Your Ki naturally flows and settles into a Divinely Inspired state, similar in nature to that of a Planetary Guardian. And deep within your soul, something stirs. A tribal drumming, a beat of six.
- Can invest Training Sessions into Kai School and Divine Saiyan School Martial Arts without a teacher.

Tailed Saiyan: Your tail grants you balance and regulates your Ki within your body. If provided with Blutz Waves however you gain access to the Great Oozaru Form!
-Passively increase Power Level by 25%
-Grants access to Oozaru transformation track

Line of the Son: You bear the line of the canonical Super Saiyan, Goku.
Access to the True Mastery level of skill for Saiyan Transformations
-Whenever you gain Power Level (except via Zenkai), +50% earned

Name of the Son: Like your ancestor Goku, you bear the sign of Wisdom: Go.
-Whenever you gain Power Level (except via Zenkai), +50% earned

Whispers of the Soul: Divinity, the Divine Saiyan, Joy, War, Powerfree meDivinity, the Divine Saiyan, Joy, War. Repeating in an endless loop of sixFive

???: ???


Potential: 24 (Nat 22)
Magical Aptitude: 40 (Nat 40, RU 0)
Intelligence: 20
Willpower: 11 (Nat 7, RU 0)
Endurance: 6 (Nat 7, RU 0)
Strength/Dexterity: Incredibly Strong

Martial Arts:
Kai School - 6/10: You have begun learning the ancient style of the Divine. This form excels at tapping into magical abilities and the powers a God has over Mortals.

Transformation Skills:
Red Hair? Pink Hair? Transformation (Unlocked): You know little about the transformation and it's lesser counterpart, except that the previous Kami had access to a more refined version of the lesser form, one that did not show physically on his form. Mr Popo is rather evasive about the rest however.
4/4 TS - 100/100 XP - Adds Divine Saiyan (Unlocked)
2/4 TS - 0/10 XP - Adds Divinely Inspired Transformation (Unlocked) - Requires ???, Kai Ritual, Rank 3 Kai Spirituality

Divine Saiyan (Unlocked): The Goddess of Joy and of War. You are the smiling destroyer of worlds, a chirpy little sadist. The beat of 6 runs through your heart. It's firey aura your warm ally, crackling merrily
0/2 - 0/70 XP - changes to Neophyte, ???
0/1 - 0/150 XP - Learn Divine Ki Sense skill

Yellow Aura (Neophyte): By harnessing the golden glow of Grief into your soul you can take on a small fragment of it's power. The power of the Judge.
1/2 TS - 2/10 - changes to Master level, increases time spent in form to 60 Turns
0/2 TS - 0/15 - Adds Golden Aura (Unlocked), increase multiplier to x4

Orange Aura (Unlocked): With a rejection of the very fabric of Reality, you assert your own power into the world. You deny the world, and with that denial create your future.
1/2 TS - 5/20 XP - changes to Neophyte, increases multiplier to x3

Ki Control (Rank 0/5): You lack much control over your techniques, preferring to channel your soul into Magic and Spirituality. Still, you are young and intend on becoming a truemartial artist in the future.
All Ki Techniques are treated as 3 Tiers lower, your Defense is considered 1 Tier lower
1/5 TS - 10/50 XP - Rank 1
0/5 TS - 0/100 XP - Rank 2

Ki Training (Rank 2/2): You understand how to train Ki in the basic methods, to train Body, Mind and Soul through martial arts workouts.
Gain the full bonuses offered by Martial Arts.

Meditation (Rank 4/4): You have learned how to guide yourself into and out of the meditative state. You have taken to meditating atop the Lookout, looking down upon the world you will Guard while standing above it. A mix of your two role model's viewpoints.
Increase Willpower by 4

Spirituality (Rank 10/10): The knowledge of how to be a Kami, as filtered through Goku's perspective, though somewhat tempered by Mr Popo and the scrolls within the Lookout.
You can comfortably perform every duty a Kami should that does not involve the Other World or being linked to the World Spirit

Kai Spirituality (Rank 0/10): A more comprehensive education allowing you to be more efficient as local Kami and deal with the Other World and World Spirit.
0/2 - 0/40 XP - Rank 1, you may link with a World Spirit Negated, requires Teacher with 'Kai Spirituality Instructor' skill

Mystical Training (Rank 4/10): You have been brought up in the craft, tutored by ancient scrolls and a magical djinn bound to the Lookout to train the local Guardian Kami. Though you are young, you are intelligent and remarkably potent with Magic, and your natural Power doesn't hurt either. You may learn up too Skilled in a Magical Technique
0/6 TS - 0/6 XP - Rank 5 allows you to learn Magical Techniques at Perfect
0/7 TS - 0/7 XP - Rank 6 allows you to learn Magical Techniques at Zenith

Namekian Magic (Rank 0/20): There is much on the Namekian Magic among the possessions of the previous Kami, though you require a greater understanding of the Craft to delve deeply
1/3 TS - 0/100 XP - Rank 1 Negated, requires Mystical Training Rank 5

Kami Magic (Rank 0/20): The Divine is an advanced and complex subject, one that you refuse to approach beyond the very basics until you have a thorough grounding in the Mortal Practice.
1/3 TS - 0/300 XP - Rank 1 Negated, requires Mystical Training Rank 6

Mad Science (Rank 1/Purple): The ability to break laws of physics and understand Bulma's 1st grade homework.
+2 Intelligence /Rank
0/2 Inventions - Rank 2
0/4 Inventions - Rank 3

Engineering (Rank 1/20): Making electrical circuits to create Illumination. You like Light.
+1 Intelligence /Rank Negated, requires Basic Schooling of equal Rank to apply
0/20 TS - 0/20 XP - Rank 2 Negated by having over 10 Natural Intelligence
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Rank 2
0/1 TS - 0/10 XP - Rank 3

Intimidate (Rank 4/4): You are naturally a rather intimidating toddler, which you use to great effect in taming your older Employee Buru.
Double the bonus of all Charisma based skills where applicable (like Command), may have negative consequences.

Goose Briefs & Berry Briefs, the Half-Saiyan Humans

Goose / Berry
Potential: 14 (Nat14 0RU) /
Magical Aptitude: 1 (Nat1 0RU) (-8) / 18 (Nat 18 0RU)
Intelligence: 14 (Nat14 0RU) /
Willpower: 5 (Nat5 0RU) /
Endurance: 6 (Nat6 0RU) /
Strength/Dexterity: Very Strong
8 points to spend / 30 points to spend

Adorableness: Yes/10
Power Level: Too low, needs training (300 / 300)

Azure Individual: Every time the little one sneezes, her hair turns from blue to black and back again. In each hair color she acts differently, seeming to forget people or things she has met in the other form.
According to all the tests performed by Bulma (who is increasingly annoyed at herself), this is not a Saiyan trait but instead the next stage of Human Evolution.
- ???
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Saiyan Psychology:
Quick note, I am not a biologist, evolutionary psychologist or sociologist. Just a writer.
That being said, a Saiyan is NOT a Human with a tail, they are distinctly alien in several ways and Gossard is not a mentally sound member of either the Human or Saiyan race, he is a King and his personality will cleave to acquiring Power and Followers.

Saiyan mating patterns:
Saiyans are the opposite of Humans in this respect. While Humans will generally long-term Pair Bond with the opposite sex, with serial monogamists and people who engage in one-night stands being the outlier, a Saiyan has the opposite effect.
In most Saiyan cultures, a male Saiyan remaining in a relationship with a female even after impregnating her or not actively trying to impregnate her is considered strange in a similar way to how we view Human men who frequently change romantic partners.
A Saiyan will woo a female mate, and then leave at some point prior to the birth. Sometimes willingly, sometimes driven off by the increasingly hormonal pregnant woman. This is called short-term pair bonding.

Exceptions exist, such as Gine and Bardock, and the Royal Family are expected to have a wife but this is considered a downside of being Royal, one of their responsibilities.

Saiyan Rivalries:
Long-term non-sexual pair bonding built around fighting each other. See: Goku and Vegeta.

Saiyan romance:
Female Saiyan mating patterns are basically the Tsundere archetype. Strong-willed and stubborn in pursuit of her goals but eventually giving in and being a partner (although still a strong-willed bitch who pursues her goal). Bulma is basically the ideal Saiyan Female in this regard despite being Human and ChiChi is similar though her pursuit of Goku is abnormal (but not unheard of)

Male Saiyan mating patterns is typical Shonen behaviour. Pestering the girl, attempting to impress her with awesomeness and Power followed by more pestering.

Saiyan romance never really leaves the honeymoon period, as the male leaves or is driven off shortly after the romance is consummated.

Saiyan pregnancy and childhood:
Saiyan females have a rather intense nesting instinct while pregnant or shortly after giving birth. They will typically claim areas and guard it jealously from every living thing especially male Saiyans who might be a threat to their children. Some of the more intense women will even refuse other Female Saiyans access though this is rare.
Saiyan children are thus raised mainly by female guardians. They have no need for a male role model and conversely male Saiyans lack a paternal instinct to their own offspring by default (again this is the default, Saiyans are intelligent beings and can form social bonds, just look at Vegeta).
Male saiyans DO have a fraternal instinct, mostly to prevent Saiyan children murdering each other for no gain and also the same neural pathways help form community cohesion and the Rivalry bond.

Saiyan Lifecycle:
Saiyans have distinct Stages of life, with rapid transitions between those stages.
Baby: Their first year of life roughly matches Human development, then they rapidly begin to grow into their toddler state unlike Humans that move gradually into and out of the state over years.
Toddler: Large enough to walk around and begin learning arduous physical exercise like martial arts, they are still tiny little things. Mentally they are driven to confront and defeat powerful foes at this point, since being defeated but not killed would provide a major boost to their abilities and their death would not have expended much effort (the female Saiyan having lost her child would seek to have another one in most cases).
Child: Occurs around the age of 3 or 4, this stage will last over a decade with only mild growth and little to no mental changes. Looking around Human 8-9 with a mental capacity similar to a 10 year old Human, this stage is when Saiyans become more independent from their parent and in tribal Saiyan society would have become productive. Look at Goku for example, who lived on his own for years.
Puberty: Usually hits at around 14-16 and hits hard. A Saiyan's body undergoes a major growth and bulking up into their adult form. This is when Girls start becoming a thing in the male mind as something more than 'cooties' or 'my sister who is alright...for a Girl'
Adulthood: 16-80, this is the prime of their life. There are little if any age related changes during this time. With the exception of fertility, Female Saiyans lose fertility in their early 40s and Male Saiyans in their later 50s early 60s.
Old Age: Every little wear and tear that a Human experiences after ~Age 30, hits them in a couple years. A Saiyan's body begins to break down rapidly and very few survive this couple years without major medication. Like a typical 80+ Human.

Saiyan cultures very rarely see something wrong with the devouring of Non-Saiyan Sophonts. And the primary reason for a cannibalism taboo is disease (though it has been ingrained into their genetic memory by this point, similar to Human's own taboo against cannibalism).

Gossard is The Legend, he is the peak of Saiyanness. Which is bad and if he didn't have the Legendary transformation probably classed as a mental illness.
He has abnormally high aggression, low empathy, a pretty major Predator instinct especially towards non-Saiyans etc.
A Legend will typically view things as MINE, WANT TO BE MINE or DESTROY. The things that are Theirs must be the Best Possible Thing it can be, which generally means the most efficient way of improving it possible regardless of morality or level of effort required. A Legendary Ruler WILL make their country the best it can be, even if it means being a horrific tyrant. Even if it means being a benevolent president.
Though they will usually balk at something like term limits or the notion they will ever Not be in power. Because "the country and it's citizens are MINE".
Basically an Expansionist leader who refuses to rule over ruins and rubble. Unless turning things to ruins is really fun.

Many Legendary Saiyans are also paranoid, though this is primarily due to the effect of the Echo Hivemind being filled with memories of betrayal and death. Gossard avoided this currently, but it is a danger.
Broly is very paranoid but focuses primarily on the Vegeta line and to a lesser extent Saiyans as a species.

Due to Gossard's high intellect he is running off a very mathematical valuing system. Does the potential value of this person outweigh the value I get from sadistically murdering him? If not, *splat*. If so, treat in optimal way for maximum results. Being a sadistic tyrant is it's own reward which may alter 'maximum results' for that calculation.
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[X] The King among Peasants

The King Has Comeback To His Kingdom.

[X] Shove them off course

Gossard: My Planet! Go bother someone elses!
You know I wouldn't of minded if you just reset and had us do char gen again. If you cut green spark out I honestly wouldn't of minded. Don't know what to vote for just yet.
[X] The King among Peasants
[X] Shove them off course
I never thought this quest would live again I am going to cry tears of joy:cry:. I missed Gossard and his interactions with his family as always were the best and the ULTIMATE COSMIC POWER but that goes without being said.
[X] The King among Peasants
[X] Shove them off course

Pretty hyped that this is back. On that there any other choice? No, No there isn't
[X] The Sane among Saiyan

Just because Gohan has a special place in my heart. I don't expect him to win.

[X] Shove them off course
[X] The King among Peasants

[X] Grab Piccolo and tell him to Magic Materialize a bunker for Bulma to survive a planetary impact
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You ever heard the saying for love I would give the Sun, the Moon and the Stars to you. In Gossard case this would be literall for the woman he fell in love with and then there is what would happen if said love was hurt in any perceived physical or emotional way... Gohan is going to have FUN with dealing with Gossard when he discovers romance that's for sure:p
You know I wouldn't of minded if you just reset and had us do char gen again. If you cut green spark out I honestly wouldn't of minded. Don't know what to vote for just yet.

The issue wasn't the Legend, it was a few real life issues and Raditz.
And the power scales due to how the system not because Legendary, look at Gohan.

[X] The King among Peasants

The King Has Comeback To His Kingdom.

Hail to the King.
[X] The King among Peasants
[X] Shove them off course

WHILE Gohan is nice...along with our other siblings....the King is our little bundle of pride/anger/issues we choose and might as well stick with it.
[X] The Human among Aliens
[X] Shove them off course

While I like Gossard I am hoping we get to see the POV of the other saiyan kids more often. Curious about the whole next stage of evolution thing with goose. It was mentioned that we could unlock it in other humans with science. With it we can probably make the other Z fighters actually relevent.
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[ ] The Sane among Saiyan - Always liked Gohan

[ ] Go visit them hopefully before it impacts - We don't know what it is. For all we know its a treasure trove of martial arts knowledge and techniques.