The King James Victory Parade - Avatar: The Way of Water and sequels


This is Disney making a franchise. Something they'll release between Star Wars films. Thinking they'll let this not be the most massive sci-fi event film of that year is naive. The release is in 2022. If people don't remember Avatar by then, Disney will make sure they will even if they have to shove it down their throats.
It'll probably make a profit even if it has to do it by sheer power of marketing, but I do think it's in question whether it'll make enough of a profit to justify the sort of $Alaska that'll probably be spent on it.
Avatar 2 could well be the big test of whether or not James Cameron still has it as a filmmaker and scriptwriter.
  • The original Avatar was a giant flash in the pan that completely failed to leave any lasting cultural legacy whatsoever.
  • No one remembers Sanctum.
  • Alita: Battle Angel was the product of Cameron's creative vision with few hindrances. I haven't watched it, but it apparently received a reception of "meh" to "okay."
  • Terminator: Dark Fate was the product of Cameron's creative vision furiously clashing with Tim Miller's and supposedly very heated fights in the editing room. I haven't watched it, but it apparently received a reception of "meh" to "okay."
We'll see whether James' newest outing is memorable or not.
What's really annoying is that they're probably just going to keep milking the whole 'Pocahontas in Space' plot for all it's worth instead of doing something actually interesting with the setting, when there are so many possibilities.
I'm just really hoping that considering Cameron wants Quatrich to somehow be the villain he's got something really insane and stupid in store that's amusing enough for one watch.

He can't just paint white appropriation of indigenous culture blue and call it a film saga, can he?
I'm just really hoping that considering Cameron wants Quatrich to somehow be the villain he's got something really insane and stupid in store that's amusing enough for one watch.

He can't just paint white appropriation of indigenous culture blue and call it a film saga, can he?

But he died in the first movie. So unless it turns into a zombie flick...
Sigourney Weaver is also slated to be playing a character. And that one marine guy who died is also supposedly making an appearance somehow.

Really, they seem to be going out of their way to resurrect every character who wasn't Michelle Rodriguez.
Sigourney Weaver is also slated to be playing a character. And that one marine guy who died is also supposedly making an appearance somehow.

Really, they seem to be going out of their way to resurrect every character who wasn't Michelle Rodriguez.
Granted it's not beyond the realm of possibility to bring her back too. Michelle Rodriguez was of course brought back to be killed twice in the same movie for Resident Evil: Subtitle Cancer so Jimmy may have to step up his game.
I honestly assume they would probably do flashbacks or prequels because the alternative sounds kind of weird.

But then again, it's James Cameron, so who the hell knows.

Press L1 to time travel.
I think something about cloning is mentioned during the interview long ago.
I assumed that was Stephen Lang being coy.

My money would be on something like he was absorbing into the Pandoran lifestream no matter how little sense that makes.

Granted it's not beyond the realm of possibility to bring her back too. Michelle Rodriguez was of course brought back to be killed twice in the same movie for Resident Evil: Subtitle Cancer so Jimmy may have to step up his game.
Well, they brought back her character in Fast and the Furious and Vin Diesel is also set to have a role in an upcoming Avatar film and also Han is supposed be brought back somehow in the next Fast and Furious movie.

So make of that what you will.
Dark Fate was fine, it just flopped because the last few attempts at cashing in on the franchise thoroughly poisoned the well.
It was the only one that felt thematically relevant to the real world and not just fanfic, so seeing it get dismissed as yet another unnecessary sequel just as vapid was a bit sad.
I personally think the RDA is gonna be the 'Necessary Evil You Can Trust' while bringing in more evil Corporations.

Dark Fate was fine, it just flopped because the last few attempts at cashing in on the franchise thoroughly poisoned the well.
Dark Fate had plenty of problems on it's own, but Genisys really didn't help matters that's true.
It was the only one that felt thematically relevant to the real world and not just fanfic, so seeing it get dismissed as yet another unnecessary sequel just as vapid was a bit sad.
Honestly I feel that what Terminator needed after 2 or 3 was not a straight sequel introducing new elements and twists, but a Rogue One style pre/interquel set in the future (I believe there are several T1 and T2 drafts containing scenes in the future, about Kyle Reese being sent back). Salvation tried but didn't manage to get it right.
Cameron says she's playing a new character, but I dunno a part of me suspects he's just saying that to hide a plot twist.
I heard they will use cloning to bring back dead characters like Quaritch and others, either as themselves or as Na'vi avatars.
It's pretty funny reading back on this thread and seeing how every time some news comes out people clamber over themselves to mention how culturally irrelevant Avatar was. I just don't believe that's true - Avatar did have a massive effect on the technical side of things, but I also think it was a lot more fondly remembered than a lot of you seem to think.

Avatar has really good name recognition for being a 'flash in the pan' and the major beats of its story are quite easy to remember. The world it crafted is absolutely breathtaking and very recognizable (especially compared to a lot of the same dreary sci-fi flicks that are constantly churned out).

Also it was really good at getting its environmental/ anti-mining message out there in a way that resonated with most of the audience and stuck in their minds without being too preachy.

Basically I think a lot of you guys personal biases against the film have clouded your judgement. I know it's a bit of a meme that no one can remember anything about Avatar but that simply isn't true.
Also it was really good at getting its environmental/ anti-mining message out there in a way that resonated with most of the audience and stuck in their minds without being too preachy.
I differ on that. I remember groans in my screening when the words "Shock and Awe" were used, and the whole "humans are ethically and societally inferior to the Na'vi in every respect" slant of the film got old while I was watching it.

I had hoped that there'd be some movement on whatserface's part from "you are stupid like a child", and then realised that nope, that was the film's take. Plus maybe this is my politics coming through, but I'm not comfortable with the way that the film treats the humans going home as a deserved death sentence for the species as a whole (while also raising the question of whether Sully and nerd guy have any family back home whom they might care about).

I do agree that the story beats, while simplistic, do function which, given the ascendancy of Mystery Boxes, fakeouts and convolution in the years since, is something I can appreciate.
I just don't buy the basic premise of the movie.
Which is that you can have a profitable mining operation in another solar system with that tech level.
Or that humans would be that constrained in what they would be willing to do to get something worth having a mining operation in another solar system with that tech level.

You need it to save humanity?
A: I don't believe you.
B: Even if i did believe you, i would not believe that humans would not just nuke the Navi from orbit.

Ah, so they are making super conductors for maglevs to transfer cheap labour?
That's even stupider.