The King is Dead, An Heir Is Born: Crusader Kings 3

Here is another promising mod in development.

It Crusader Kings 3 in the Migration Period. It's still early in development but looks like it could become an immersive setting to play around in.
I think the tutor character's stats have some influence and you can set the child to focus certain stats. Their initial personality traits tell you what they'll be good at.
The tutor's stats and traits matter, as do the decisions they make. I recommend tutoring your kids yourself if you have reasonably stats so you can give them decent traits

There's also eugenics. Breed some good traits like genius into your line for the stat boosts.

And for the more ruthless people, produce a lot of heirs then pick the best one via disinheriting, assassinations, making then priests, etc.
also there's ways to boost some stats. In scholarship you give random stats to people you tutor, and most of the other trees have permanent boosts (I mean they all do with the cap trait I suppose, but some are more accessable, like stats from family or friends)
yeah, if you give them a focus that fits with their traits and also a tutor with the smart trait tree (genius preferable) and matching high education, you'll have better chance of them coming out with high education as well.

The random events that happen also let you finetune the traits the kids get and thus the skills, so that's one reason you'd want to tutor your heir yourself.
Additionally, one of the early learning lifestyle perk also have a chance to make your ward get extra skillpoints. Also the Kin Legacies give kids of your dynasty more skill points and the last one lets the old coots of your dynasty learn new tricks as well.

Really though, get the Blood legacies, introduce a genius into your line and you'll be rolling with 20+ stats family members soon enough.

Remember, even if it's less compared to ck2, incest is still encouraged since that tend to be where you'll end up with most of the good congenital traits in your quest for good heir.
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On the subject of Blood Legacies, is there any point for the 4th and 5th Legacies?

The 4th let you pick a "common" trait to show up in your Dynasty, but by the time you get it you should already have the good congenital traits bred in anyway (unless you're that unlucky) so all that left are the "bad" choices. Sure you can pick them for roleplay reasons, but mechanically why would you pick anything but Giant to make super knights (with some penalty to health that can be countered with strong blood) or maybe Albino for more dread. Dwarf debuffs your prowess and Scaly drops your fertility, both of which are things you really want to avoid normally.

The 5th... well, adding 5 years to life expectancy is pretty good I admit, especially if you rush it before you get high partition or even the single heir inheritance tech. But otherwise... Does it even extend how old a woman get before they stop being fertile?
My issue with Architected Ancestry is that the bonus is so small that it's pretty much worthless anyway. Unless they've buffed it (which they could have tbf) the boost is only roughly 2% according to Dev Diary 38.
It's 5 % now. Dunno if it stacks with the previous legacies (or strong blood) though, which would make it even trickier to count.
Continuing with my Welsh game.

By the death of my second character, King Harri "the Enlightened" of Wales, after 36 years of rule in September of 947 the political situation in the Isles has shifted drastically. The Northmen, which included some Flanders-settled Vikings, pushed in various wars to increase their holdings. At one point holding most of Ireland, half of Scotland, and looking to push further south into England. They managed to re-conquer Lancaster and seize parts of Essex. Wales was spared any direct challenge and mostly had to deal with raids.

Internal strife and alliance breakdowns seem to have done the various Viking kingdoms in. The Isle of Mann gained independence, allowing it to be conquered by Wales. The High Chiefdom of Moray took back many holdings in the north and south-east of Scotland, as well as conquering much of northern Ireland. The rest of the Irish rebelled against their Viking lords, driving them out of Ireland. Wars against England sapped the Anglo-Viking kingdoms of manpower and broke them. England re-conquered much of what it lost and even took parts of Flanders.

Wale conquered much of the weakened holding in Lancaster towards the end of King Harri's reign, leaving four single-county Viking kingdoms left on the Isles.
Development diary number 64: Cultures Are Forever, has been released.

Culture is getting a massive overhaul. Also wether or not woman get to fight is now a cultural thing, while right to rule and county inheritance is a religious thing.
Does anyone know whether Crusades got borked somehow

Because apparently I was the only one brave enough to trespass on the enemies land?

CK3 Dev Diary #66 - A Fresh Coat of Paint

CK3 Dev Diary #66 - A Fresh Coat of Paint Greetings! The sun is out, and we’ve all been enjoying pristine Azure skies during the Swedish midsummer celebrations. Or, well, a few of us have! Some members of the team got to enjoy a massive downpour...
Seems pretty meh TBH. I'm still waiting for the inevitable Byzantine DLC; we could use some serious political overhauls to capture even Western Europe, let alone non-feudal governments further east (and inevitably China.) Still the Royal Court is a welcome addition.
the crusader kings reddit experience is reading a post with the umayyads sprawling across western europe asking 'can europe be saved' and thinking to yourself 'why would you need to save europe from a multi-religious multi-ethnic polity with a surprisingly tolerant policy towards religious minorities and will bring in a golden age of science, medicine, philosophy and invention praise be to the sons of Umayya ibn Abd Shams'