The King is Dead, An Heir Is Born: Crusader Kings 3

We got our first total conversion mod: Shogunate

I can say I'm not a fan. I played it, and it is a skin-deep conversion, complete with major problems to how sieges work, a lack of content, and from what I can tell, an inability to even portray the fluke battle victory that the baseline setting (1560) is based around, let alone the fast-paced back and forth of the 'Conquest of Japan.'

However, it might very well change all that in later additions, but at the moment there's a lot missing to make it enjoyable at all. I could go on, but I had a rather bad time of playing it a few days ago. Hopefully they really change up and add things later, but right now I wouldn't recommend it.
There's also the WoD mod, that's been around since almost launch. Though it did feel very unfinished when I gave it a try.
I'll have to check the exact breakdown later, but 310% effectiveness.
I just had to try that when I see the top champion having 58 prowess.
Sweet! That 58 prowess is impressive, is it a character you control that you have specifically built for it, or did you just hit the prowess jackpot?
Prowess jackpot. Doubt I'll be as succesful if I try it myself.

Edit: 75% effectiveness from perk, 15% from legacy, 20% from innovation, 20% from holy site, and 80% from domain.
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Godherja Teaser 2

(direct image link cause its chonk https://imgur . com/ccxv0Lv) Bonus pictures of his armor and his house flag and a super secret recording of one of his speeches:

Feel free to check out Godherja: The Dying World on reddit! We'll be releasing very soon :)

Anybody got a character suggestion, I got the game a week ago and I've conquered Ireland in both the tutorial and Iron Man and I'm trying to figure out what to do next (I'm new-ish)
Anybody got a character suggestion, I got the game a week ago and I've conquered Ireland in both the tutorial and Iron Man and I'm trying to figure out what to do next (I'm new-ish)
Ireland? You should then try to target the rest of the British Isles and form Britannia.
Unless you want to restart.
Ireland? You should then try to target the rest of the British Isles and form Britannia.
Unless you want to restart.

I suppose this is the point, but I kinda want something a bit different (Read I though the kingdom of Alba wasn't going to bother me, which it did for a while, but while I was off to France, it came out with a vengeance and I couldn't find an alliance to counter balance them)

Part of me really wish building were cheaper, capitals growth is too slow to play the peaceful route for too long.
I suppose this is the point, but I kinda want something a bit different (Read I though the kingdom of Alba wasn't going to bother me, which it did for a while, but while I was off to France, it came out with a vengeance and I couldn't find an alliance to counter balance them)

Part of me really wish building were cheaper, capitals growth is too slow to play the peaceful route for too long.
If you want gold, you have to build a duchy for it. Otherwise you'd have to rely on having a Steward focused character.

Though I suggest you at least get Golden Obligation anyway as it ups how much gold you get from ransoming people as well.
Bohemia is a decent option in both starts.


1: Prag touches every single province in the duchy at once. This means you can just put the steward in Prag to develop it and the whole duchy grows faster. Meanwhile, one can stack bonuses to dev growth to make it even faster. it isnt unreasonable to make Bohemia approach 90 dev in 2-3 centuries.
2: It has in one of the counties a 3 gold unique building making build up easier.
3: It gets access to Senority in Tribal, literally 2-3 centuries before everyone. While this means dealing with older rulers that dont last as long, It means you can keep your demesne together far more easily.
4: Bohemians get a Heavy Infantry MAA that gets bonuses in forest and hills, AKA what most of Bohemia is. It also has decent stats.
5: Bohemian Culture is purely found in counties under either your control or your own vassal's control. So you decide the cultural focus.

6: In the Old Gods Start, Bohemia is also able to raid, which one should do often. This means even more money to fuel tall growth.
Another option is Sweden. Uppland is a holy site and also borders another duchy that has a mine in one of the counties. So that's your two duchies that you can hold without your vassals getting pissy and you can set Uppland's boost your knight/MAA and Dasberlagen to boost tax.

Being unreformed also mean you can reform into a temporal priesthood that let you hold Temples and have them as your money maker.

Bohemia is admittedly better about money making since they're close to 2 mines though.
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I'm bemused by the perfectionist whiners who are saying "you should have delayed it to get the CoA editor in".
Though I suggest you at least get Golden Obligation anyway as it ups how much gold you get from ransoming people as well.
Also already very powerfull if you only spy on people and not go to war. Outbuild my liege very easily, with a high talent spymaster where I could be sure there are no secrets if he fails, to reassign him somewhere else. Through my experience with that is from the beginning of the game while part of the holy roman empire, so it might have changed.

Then my brother got most of the developed duchy via gravelkind :p and I haven't had it in me to reaquire them since. You would think if the emperor of Bavaria (including all the HRE land, as somehow the byzantine emperor also got the HRE title...) and Italy asks you to hand over that castle or he comes knocking with 50k people they would be more reasonable...

Through having to match the popes mercenary army with his 200k gold in his warchest took a few tries...
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Decided to play on easy and just try to have a dynasty that play from 800 to 1400 was pretty sucessful and fun so far, though I am defintively still learning. I'll probably repeat the experiment again once I can make a custom ruler.

Started as a count in France one and 300 years later I am one of the most powerful duke of the empire ( I presume I could have actually made a play for the throne of France a while ago, but, the oppotunity hasn't quite show up aand I actually kind of like building my forces and not focusing on it).

Mm current ruler's father was pretty formidable steward as it allowed me to swallow an entire duchy in his lifetime, suprisingly he only had one son before his ascension, that was until I had him marry a second time in his 50's to an Adamite Ethiopian and even though she initially hated his guts cause of incompatible culture (because of how powerful the bizantine empire there's a few member that are orthodox greek in the main line, though they are moving back toward being catholic french, but I defintively grabbed a piece of Italy and Anatolia for my relatives when a few pieces splintered off). the second wife kept getting pregnant, so tons of its of what he acquired ended up getting sent to his half-brothers when he died. While his heir started off really mediocre and basically only controlling 2 keeps directly (and for the first time folk inside the dynasty seemed to make a a play for his title) he should be as strong as his dad soon enough. Luckily what he controls make money like crazy, but supporting a competitive army is a challenge.

I had to get land again, my duch had almost all the counties of Orleans, but the last one is held by an acquitaine's vassal which defintiively is hard to attack and getting the king approval to attack is a massive hurdle up until now, since I managed to get a daughter married to him. So for a while I just grabbed onto piece of England, since they still haven't unified at all. Wales and France seem to be spitting it off, so that option look like it won't last, though his sucessor should have an easier time keeping what was acquired.

I dodged doing the crusade for a while, up until the computer finally succeded at one, though I basically still avoid the bulk of the fighting by just sending my guys fight in North Africa, while everyone else is fighing in the holy land.
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suprisingly he only had one son before his ascension
Yeah, as Catholics, seducing and spawning bastards are kinda required as a just in case.
Which is why concubines are pretty nice, no fuss over non-existent crime and you have more control for eugenics!

Downside is that you can only have a max of 15 legitimate kids anyway.

supporting a competitive army is a challenge.
The backbone of your army will always be your knights and Men-at-Arms, so you want to pile as much bonus to them as you can. Especially via Duchy buildings. Cultural MAA is better than the generic ones, I think. Also, you can increase their size as the related tech that also upgrade how many you can have is unlocked.

Evidence can be seen in the image I posted on the power trip you can get with the knights. Proper boosted MAA can do similar, if slightly lower. On the other hand, MAA gave a lot more stable result.