The Hounds. (An Original Text-Adventure style Quest)

(No updates for a little while, folks. In the mountains with my family and the Internet is being a bastard with my laptop, only have my phone. If I can get it working again, I'll see about getting an update out before Monday-Tuesday, but no promises.)
The Rookie Town, Pt. 3
>(Teth) Treat this like you would any other spar, as in you're not trying to kill her but you're not holding back either. You have been asleep for a very long time so this is probably a good way to get the cobwebs out. And yes I know you did fight those machines as soon as you woke up but you also passed out right away after words and now you're actually rested... thinking about it now this fight would have been better after you could have gotten some new gear to test it out but eh, what can you do?

>(team) Sombra should use this fight as a way to try and see how much control she has over Teth's collar as in seeing if she can't lessen some of the restraints around him and everyone else I guess can watch the fight and see what teth can do to try and get a better idea where he'd fit in the team.
>Go for first hit

>Have the party keep an eye out for any real injuries or anything that may cause problems..
"I'll go first." Teth stated as he cracked his neck. He opened and closed his fist a few times, considering how hard to hit as he wasn't entirely sure of how much force to put behind this first punch. Hana is a Mon, and a Normal type at that, but he still felt like being cautious.

"Whenever you're ready." Hana happily utters. She puffs up her chest and smacks her stomach a few times for emphasis. "Right here, give me your best shot!" Teth spared a look to Sombra and the others. Sombra caught his look and gave him a thumbs up as everyone got within a good distance to appreciate the fight without getting caught in the middle of it.

"You can do it, partner!" She yelled out in encouragement. Teth nodded before he returned his attention to Hana. In a flash, his arm reared back and then unleashed in a viscous shovel hook. Eyes bugging out, the Pound Puppy found herself spitting out her breath as she slid back a good 5 or so meters, her feet leaving a trail through the dirt in the ground. Teth did not immediately follow it up, however, as he was waiting to see if that had been too much or not.

"....Nice hit!" Hana finally stated after a moment to catch her breath. A wide, toothy smile on her face, the she-dog closed the distance in a single dash and landed a blow of her own in Teth's belly. Feeling it through his armor and backsliding several meters himself, Teth wasn't able to take a moment to appreciate the power he was dealing with as, unlike himself, Hana didn't wait to follow up. As she closed in, Teth's mind went into overdrive as he considered what to do.

[]Dash to the side and catch her off guard with a second dash back into her.
[]Leap over her and catch her head in your hands, slamming it into the ground as you land.
[]Stay your ground and block her attacks while throwing some punches of your own.
[]Stomp the ground to form a barrier between you two, then follow up when she hits it.
[]Write in.

(I've been giving it some thought and I decided to go with a 'choose your attack' sort of battle system, to help break up the flow of battle a little bit rather than having it all be a single, unbroken thing. Plus, it allows for a little more interaction with the characters during fights.)
The Rookie Town, Pt. 4.
Side Dash Assault:


Teth decides on a course of action and takes it. With a single powerful movement of his legs, he dashes to the side. Hana ends up swinging a fist at dead air, at which point Teth dashed right back to where he'd been, shoulder checking the smaller female away. To her credit, the Pound Puppy managed to get out of the roll she found herself in and expertly correct herself back onto her feet.

"Wow, nice one!" The canine cheered as she found Teth barreling towards her. The Mon proceeded to stomp the ground, launching herself into the air. Teth followed her movement, seeing her form reach a zenith where she was directly in front of the sun. A sight that most would have trouble adjusting to, but Teth managed just fine. Watching her descend towards him, Teth uppercutted in order to try and catch her. Hana was no fool, however, and leaned her head out of the way as the punch came after her. Landing right in front of Teth, she unleashed a barrage of punches at his stomach before delivering a powerful kick to right below his sternum, onto his solar plexus.

That actually caused him to cough as he was sent flying back. Looking down, he saw that his armor in that region had actually cracked a little. It quickly repaired itself, but still.

"Come on, Teth, don't hold back!" Sombra yelled out. "Give her a one-two combo!" The pair had been doing some practicing in the days of journeying towards Rooksvale, with the 'one-two' combo being one of the quicker and faster things they managed to come up with. Feeling strength well inside of himself, Teth got into a fighting stance and stood his ground.

"You know, you can move around as much as you want!" Hana called out good-naturedly as she approached. "You just gonna stand around and wait for me to come after you?" Teth said nothing to the approaching canine. His kind didn't really talk during a fight....Then again, this is a friendly bout. Well, as friendly as a fight between two strangers can be. Maybe saying something to her before she gets hit by the incoming attack would help soften the blow? Metaphorically?

>Suggest something for Teth to say.
>Sorry, never been real good an the in-battle banter thing. But one thing I well say, you got some real power in those punches of yours. Consider me impressed.
The Rookie Town, Pt. 5.
>Sorry, never been real good an the in-battle banter thing. But one thing I well say, you got some real power in those punches of yours. Consider me impressed.
"I'm not great at combat banter." Teth stated, minding to not say that all his kind are like that, "But you've got some good power to your hits. Consider me impressed."

"Daw, thanks!" The she-dog giggled as she got close enough to throw a series of punches. Standing his ground, Teth focused on blocking each hit thrown his way while tossing some quick jabs where he could. "You know, I get the impression you're not trying that hard. You're a pretty big guy and all."

"Size isn't everything." Teth commented. "Look at you, you're only about 5 feet tall and you can kick me around well enough."

"Oh stop it, you're making me blush." Hana stated with a wide grin.

"Hana, quit messing around and kick his ass!" The snake woman called out, but there was something in her voice that seemed more playful than the spitefulness she displayed earlier.

"Come on, Han, you got this!" One of her other feline teammates added.

"Listen, I got to tell you now, sorry." Teth stated as he caught a punch from the canine. Hana turned her head inquisitively to the side.

"Sorry for what?"

>"You close range..well hard to miss no?"
"It's just...really hard to miss at close range." Feeling power welling inside him, Teth let loose the '1-2 combo'. A sucker punch slammed into the side of Hana's face, right before two quick, sharp uppercuts slammed into her chest-plate, just below her breasts. The poor dog wasn't sent flying only because he was holding unto her fist. The side of her face that got hit was now bloody and bruised while her chest plate was dented, causing Teth to freeze. That...wasn't supposed to happen. How much power does being ordered to do something give his hits!?

"Hana!" The snake woman called out in alarm, being at an angle that let her see her now injured teammate's visible wound. The dog coughed, her spit flecked with blood before she did her best to smile in spite of the bruising.

"N-nice one!" She said as she reared her fist back to keep on going.

[]Stop the fight now. This was supposed to be a friendly bout, not something that resulted in these sort of injuries.
[]Catch her other fist and kick her away.
[]Write in.
The Rookie Town, Pt. 6.
Teth catches the female canine's other hand as she tries to throw a second punch his way.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Teth asked, concern evident in his voice.

"N-never better!" She proclaimed, blood dripping from her grinning teeth. "C-come on, let's keep this brawl going!" Teth, however, decides that she isn't looking too good and to not risk aggravating her injury, called it in then and there.

"I think this match has gone on long enough. I concede." Teth stated simply as he broke off from Hana. The female dog blinked her good eye as the rest of her teammates quickly swarmed her to make sure she was alright.

"G-guys, I'm fine, really!" She stated before calling towards Teth. "A-at least let me know if we can fight n-next time we see each other?!" Teth looked back. The two felines were busy looking her over and trying to get her to take a health potion while the snake is giving him a conflicted look. On the one hand, she looked like she was giving him the stink eye for hurting her teammate in a friendly bout. On the other hand, she nodded in acknowledgement of him cutting it early.

Focusing on Hana, Teth nods. "Next time it is." He stated. With that, he walked up to his teammates as they welcomed him back.

"That was a pretty cool fight, man." Tyco stated.

"You've got a heart of honor, Teth." Glimmer remarked.

"Maaaaybe we shouldn't give you attack commands against Mon close to our level." Sombra said as she rubbed the back of her head. Teth placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded.

"We'll be more careful next time, but this is a good lesson to learn now rather than later." He paused as he looked to Cinder. She nodded in approval at him the same way the snake woman had.

"Well then, looks like it's time we start looking into getting you outfitted. Where should we hit up first?" She asked, referring to the selection of stores they had suggested before hand.

>Suggest something for Teth to do.
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The Rookie Town, Pt. 7.
>hammer time? yeah it's hammer time, let's go look for a decent weapon for you
>getting a weapon could be useful, see what's available..
"I think we should grab a weapon first." He stated.

"After the way you decked and did a number on a Normal type like that, you sure you need one?" There was only a light sprinkling of humor in Tycos tone, he was genuinely curious.

"Until I get the chance to find my own weapons again, some temporary replacements would....They'd help me feel more comfortable." He admitted, deciding tell it like it was. The others nodded in understanding.

"Well then, let's-" Sombra began before someone cut her off.

"Hey!" Teth looked back at who'd called to them: The snake woman. She has an even look to her face as she tosses a small bag, which Teth catches. "You won. Take it."

"But I conceded-"

"We all know you won." She flatly uttered before turning around and walking towards her own team. "We'll see how well you do next time." Cinder meanwhile snorted.

"Sour bitch, but she's got some honor in her." She muttered with a nod of acknowledgement. Teth gave a low 'mhm' of acceptance as well as he inspected the inside of the bag. Lucre, about 100 bills to be exact. That brought the party's current amount to an even L400.

"That plus the six hundred we're getting for the job means we're gonna end up with 1000." Glimmer stated.

"Speaking of which, we should go turn the job in." Sombra stated. "I'll go on ahead and get that done, you guys start heading over to a weapon shop and I'll see you there." With that, the Night Dog took off and headed towards the town not too far from where they were, leaving the rest of the team to go to a weapon's shop.


As they walked through the town, Teth found himself looking around. Rookie level Mon of all sorts walked around the streets going about their business. Most were on their way to a mission, getting back from a mission, or were preparing to go on a mission. Others, however, seemed to be taking it easy and relaxing, or otherwise taking a break from adventuring at homey looking dinerys and taverns.

As for the town iteself, the streets were simple and straightforward, an interconnecting crisscross of roads, paths, alleyways, and the occasional dead end. There were a handful of weapon shops sprinkled about, each specializing in a different style. Some had long ranged options, while others specialized in swords and shields, and at least one heavy weapon's shop was there. Others were more generalized, but lacked the quality for each different weapon type that the more specialized shops possessed in favor of being cheaper overall.

>Suggest something for Teth to do.
>quick refresher, you said you wanted a hammer and what else? Sorry but I'm kinda blanking on what kind of weapon you wanted. Either way for whatever melee weapon you get just make sure it's a durable son of a bitch so it's less likely to snap when you get serious.
The Rookie Town, Pt. 8.
>quick refresher, you said you wanted a hammer and what else? Sorry but I'm kinda blanking on what kind of weapon you wanted. Either way for whatever melee weapon you get just make sure it's a durable son of a bitch so it's less likely to snap when you get serious.
A hammer would be optimal, as well as a pair of cestus gauntlets. That being said, he wasn't particularly picky as to the specifics of the heavy weapons so long as they could withstand his strength and do damage to the enemy.

>Check for a store that would fit or offers your preferred style of weapon.
Teth made a beeline for the weapons' store that seemed to be dedicated to heavy weapons.

"Gonna get some heavy hitters, big guy?" Tyco cheerfully inquired. Teth nodded.

"I find that heavy melee weaponry fits perfectly with my fighting style when I'm not using my fists." The Hound explained as he approached the storefront, the rest of the team save Sombra following close behind.

"What is your fighting style, anyway?" Cinder asked, curiosity in her voice. Teth let a small smile creep unto his face as he repeated how one of his old team used to describe the way he fought.

"'Crush, Smash, and Crumple, not necessarily in that order.'" That earned a laugh from the rest of the party as he opened the door and went inside. Within the shop, the walls were strikingly bare of weapons as one would expect from a weapon's shop. Sitting there, half asleep and with their hair covering their eyes, was a HuMonoid of undetermined Type doing their hardest not to fall asleep. "Excuse me?" Teth politely asked. That snapped the figure out of their stupor.

"Huh, wha-?" They muttered in a scratchy voice before noticing Teth. A smile coming across their noseless face, the individual behind the counter lifted their arms up in greetings. "Welcome to our humble shop!" They said with a salesman's grin. "How may we help you today?"

"Our friend here is looking for some temporary replacements for his regular gear." Glimmer explained, motioning to Teth. "Would it be alright if we browse your wares?"

"Certainly, though I'm afraid that due to that new weapon display law, you're going to have to look through our holo-log here to see which ones you like." They stated. "Don't worry, though, I personally put in each of our weapons into the log, so I can tell you right now, they're all up to date and looking just as they do in reality!" With a press of an unseen button, a holographic display coming online and showing a variety of weapons. Hammers, maces, mauls, flails, even a couple of heavy gauntlets. An array of sizes and varieties were on display here.

The Hammers felt like they would be the most obvious choice off the bat, but the mauls looked like they could be wielded the same way, if with a different kind of head. The prices across the weapons were around the same for each one: L400.

"We're pricier than that generalist store, but you just can't get quality like this on a budget." The shop-keeper stated. Teth frowned. That was the amount of money they had now. Even if the others let him spend that much, nevermind enough for a second weapon when Sombra got back with their job payment, it was still a sizable amount of money, at least on their current budget.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Cinder stated as she nudged him in the arm, though it was less a nudge and more of an elbow jab in order for him to notice through his armor. "We'll find some more jobs to get some dough. Find something that suits you." Teth paused as he internally debated what to do.

>Suggest something for Teth to do.
>well I guess we're only getting one weapon today. Was thinking on getting some throwing axes as well but if this is going to eat up over a 3rd of the budget I say grab a hammer and call it good.
The Rookie Town, Pt. 9
>well I guess we're only getting one weapon today. Was thinking on getting some throwing axes as well but if this is going to eat up over a 3rd of the budget I say grab a hammer and call it good.
>Its expensive, but then we were expecting it..since cinder says yes then should be fine
Listening to his head voices, Teth took a moment to browse around the selection of weapons.

"How durable are these?" Teth asked. "I'm rather strong, you see."

"I can't sense your Standing, so how strong are you exactly?" The shop-keeper asked. "These weapons are perfectly good, provided they have the proper maintenance and care of course, for low levels. They're even good in the early middleweight ranks."

"So they're durable enough for my needs." Teth stated as he selected a particular hammer from the lot to inspect. Most of them looked the same, with the key differences being the enchantments imbued within them. This one has a 'normal' type enchantment, increasing its concussive force capabilities. The one next to it possessed fire capabilities, and the one next to that ice. Deciding to go with the tried and true, he pressed the 'life size view' option, causing the holographic hammer to appear in its real size.

It's....smaller than his old one. What was a two-hander for Mon the size of those around him was easily able to be swung with only one arm for him. Still, it'll do, so long as it serves its purpose.

"I'll take this Force Hammer." He stated.

"Ah, a wise choice. Very powerful hits, that one, though you won't be doing any elemental damage." The shop keeper stated as they started ringing up the item. "Might I interest you in a Force Maul, or Force Mace? The latter is better for soft targets due to the many sharpened edges, while the latter offers a bit more reach than normal."

>Suggest something for Teth to do.
>we're already draining enough of the team's funds as is. Plus you got your fist for softer targets. Say not today but maybe at a later date.
The Rookie Town, Pt. 10.
>we're already draining enough of the team's funds as is. Plus you got your fist for softer targets. Say not today but maybe at a later date.
>Already have what you wanted, so politely decline and pay for the force hammer
"Just the Force Hammer, thank you." Teth stated.

"Alrighty then, let me just grab it for you and you'll be free to go." The salesman stated before reaching down on his side of the counter and pressing a button. Not a moment later, a large, paw like hand not unlike Hana's opens the back door and reaches out, clutching a small package like device. Taking it from the unseen individuals' grasp, the sales' person smiles as they hand the object to Teth. "Here you go! Please refrain from opening it indoors, if you please."

"Oh, of course." Teth said, blinking beneath his helmet as he took the object in question.

"Thank you for your patronage, please come again!" They said as the team left the shop.

"What a pleasant fellow." Glimmer stated as she watched Teth open the package. It was a similar containment unit that Mon used for their various items, ranging from food to equipment, camping gear and other amenities. One twist of the cap on top of the small package was met with a flash of light. The next thing he knew, he held a hammer in his hands. 6 feet from end to end, with a heavy warhead that practically pulsated with stored kinetic energy, it was a beauty of a weapon. Well, for a starter's weapon, anyway.

"Quite the catch!" Cinder stated with an approving nod. "Craftsmanship's no nonsense on the design, grip's tailor made to be easy to grip, and the end looks like it can crumple a Mechana with a single swing. If their gauntlets are this good, I might just come by here later."

"Huh, didn't think you were a weapon head, Cin." Tyco noted. The Gryphon, for her part, shrugged.

"What can I say? I was thinking of taking up the Warrior class when I was younger before I settled on Fighter. I was always better with my fists anyway." She humbly stated. She paused as she looked around. "Wasn't Sombra supposed to come meet with us by now? Shouldn't take that long to turn in a mission."

"Maybe she got held up?" Glimmer suggested.

"Or maybe she's looking around the various weapon stores for us." Tyco offered. "We didn't exactly specify where we were going, were we?"

>Suggest something for Teth to do.