The Hounds. (An Original Text-Adventure style Quest)

>I say get a few more healing supplies just incase. I mean you can never have to many heals and it's not like it's going to go bad if you don't use it this mission so that means you'd need to buy less next time if you don't use it. After all it's better to have something you don't need then to need something you don't have.
Mon Codex: Gunny Rabbits.
Gunny Rabbits.

Base Mon Species: Lagomorph.

Class: Gunner.

Type: Tech.

Summary: Gunny Rabbits are a common type of Gunner in the world. With a typing for Tech, they find themselves increasingly capable with technology the higher up in Standing Rank they find themselves, using their talents to improve their often rapid-fire weapons. The similarly named but distinctly different Gun Rabbit utilizes slower firing and more powerful weapons, combined with a typing for fire. The also related Thunder Hares utilize the largest weapons among the Lagomorph family line, often hefting large and potent cannons with a typing for electricity.

Gunny Rabbits utilize rapid fire weapons, trading raw fire power for a constant barrage of rounds towards their foes. Capable of temporarily infusing their guns with elemental powers, while still lacking raw kick, they are able to lay down a respectable stream of damage to almost any foe provided they have the resources. Combined with the Lagomorphs inherently fast speed and they are capable of being a true nuisance to their enemies and a viable support Mon for teams. While more focused towards weapons technology, they still retain enough of a skill with normal tech to make them competent, though rarely exceptional, hackers for all sorts of tech.
So You Wake Up in a Bar, End/Tomb Raiders, Pt. 1
>Maybe find something in the stores that can help spot the Mechana machines. While they are of unknown rank, could be scouts for something larger they were planning.
>I say get a few more healing supplies just incase. I mean you can never have to many heals and it's not like it's going to go bad if you don't use it this mission so that means you'd need to buy less next time if you don't use it. After all it's better to have something you don't need then to need something you don't have.
"Let's hit the stores," Sombra uttered after a moment's thought, "Better to be safe than sorry, you know?" The rest of the team nodded sagely. Rookies they may be, they'd been on enough missions already to know how true that was.

"Alright then, first thing tomorrow morning, we go to the stores and stock up." Glimmer stated. "My next allowance from back home won't come in until next week and we only get paid for finishing the job, so we've only got the money that we have now to spend."

"500 Lucre's not all that much." Cinder grumbled. "Least for buying gear."

"More than enough for some healing supplies." Tyco pointed out. "Heck, maybe even some battle gear too. Oh! Grenades! We could always use grenades!"

"Tyco, you always say that and it never turns out to be true." Cinder huffed, her fists wresting on her shapely hips. "We can do just fine without relying on grenades."

"Says you! What if we run into a swarm of Drones? Or Spyders!" The Gunny Rabbit pointed out.

"And how often does anyone see stuff like that, let alone around in these parts?" The Gryphon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That's not the point, the point is, we need grenades." Tyco said, arms crossed with certainty. As they argued, Sombra and Glimmer giggled among themselves. Always the same thing with those two.


The next morning, the group started the age old tradition of the pre-mission shopping session. A number of stores lined the town of Rooksvale they were in [So named for its founder, Hardgrave Rook, though it was understandably thought to refer to rookies since they were the majority of the town's inhabitants, either permanent or temporary.], all of them geared towards providing gear. Not a lot of options were currently in stock, due to new stock not arriving to replenish them for this morning, but they have enough of the essentials available to buy enough of for the whole team if need be.


Money: L500.

Items Available:

Healing Potions, Lesser. Heals non major wounds in a matter of seconds upon ingestion or, if needed, bathing self in the potion. L25 Each.

Grenade, Hi-Ex. High explosive grenades that work wonders in crowds of lesser Monsters and Machines. L40 Each.

Grenade, Sticky. A grenade that detonates into a sticky goo that imobalizes targets. Great for bogging down enemies for either combat or beating a hasty retreat. L30 Each.

Personal Energy Shield Charm, Lesser. A charm that creates an energy shield around the user to help protect against damage. Good against lower Rank equivalents! Not allowed for inter-Mon fights, Illegal in Tournaments unless stated otherwise. L100 Each.

>Suggest something for Sombra to do.
>4 healing potions for sure since you said you already have some so no need to spend to much here

>thinking 1 Hi-EX and 2 sticky grenades for it to nicely round out at another 100L

>Also don't get it but if you got the personal energy charm who would make the most use out of it? It sounds useful but I get the feeling it would be something better bought for everyone but I don't want to blow all your money in one go since I still want healing potions
Tomb Raiders, Pt. 2.
>4 healing potions for sure since you said you already have some so no need to spend to much here

>thinking 1 Hi-EX and 2 sticky grenades for it to nicely round out at another 100L

>Also don't get it but if you got the personal energy charm who would make the most use out of it? It sounds useful but I get the feeling it would be something better bought for everyone but I don't want to blow all your money in one go since I still want healing potions
Sombra makes sure to get everyone an extra healing potion, just to be safe, as well as some grenades, one Hi-Ex and two sticky. That left them with L300 left. As for the energy charm, they actually did have one, but it was poor quality one they got scammed into buying and as such it's not exactly all that reliable. As for who gets it, that comes down to who was going to be in the most danger. Usually Tyco, given he was the least tough of everyone here on account of him having the lowest Standing Rank.

"Alright, that should do it for us." Sombra stated as she and the team reviewed their assorted purchases. "Unless anyone has any last minute items they want to get, I think we're set to go!"

"I'm good." Tyco said as he juggled the grenades in celebration.

"I'm fine with the extra potion." Cinder said, shaking her Healnall brand healing potion can for emphasis.

"I think we're ready, Sombra." Glimmer uttered with a confident nod.

"Well then, looks like it's time for us to go!" Sombra cheered before she started on the route they needed to go to get to the tomb.


The journey to the tomb was a fairly uneventful one. Much of the local region was clear of Monsters, making it safe for Mon of even low rank to travel through without worry of a potentially lethal encounter. They hadn't even spotted a single Machana machine during their travel....Weeeeell, until they got near the tomb anyway. They had gotten into sight of the tomb when the noticed the tell tale silver clad and purple-pink lights of Mechana machines in the clearing they were coming across.

"Piss." Cinder grumbled. "And here I thought it was going to be a simple mission." Searching the clearing were a handful of low level machines. Some Drones, a few Spyders, and a single Tech Trooper. Nothing they couldn't handle, but where such a party was searching, there was undoubtedly more where they came from. "What should we do? Go around them or take them down?"

>Suggest something for Sombra to do.
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Mon Codex: Boxer Chicks.
Boxer Chicks.

Base Mon Species: Gryphon.

Class: Fighter.

Type: Fire.

Summary: Boxer Chicks are a relatively rare type of Fighter in the world. This is due to the relative rarity of Gryphon species of Mon in the world, who are distinct from the Elder beings also known as Griffins that live in secluded portions of the world. The ill-reputation that the second type of Griffin posses has come to fall over Mon species of Gryphon, who are often treated with suspicion due to the superficial similarities between the two kinds of creature. Boxer Chicks in particular are mostly, though not exclusively, made up of female Gryphons with an affinity for fire as well as the fighting style of boxing who developed into this Mon species at an early age, hence the name.

Pugilists to the core, many Boxer Chicks have been known to branch out from just pugilism in order to implement other types of fighting into their repertoire of moves, from kicks to grapples, though they always fall back on their boxing roots in the end. Being Fire Types, they imbue their attacks with flames in order to burn their opponents, with the Flaming Fist being a common move used by such Fighters. Well built and tough, many Boxer Chicks are also known to have lost their wings. Those that have lost them do not speak of the origins of this dismemberment, though the most common and widely believed theory is that a group of Griffins hunt for Gryphon Mon they deem 'unsuitable' for the name or relation of 'Gryphon', removing their wings as a cruel form of punishment.
Tomb Raiders, Pt. 3.
>Sombra can go invisible right? Scout ahead and see what else you have to worry about then regroup and come up with a plan
>have team keep watch for any other machines, don't want for them to be snuck up on
Sombra decided to go with this plan for now, as it seemed the most sensible.

"Alright, I'm gonna stealth and scout ahead." Sombra said. "You guys stay here and keep watch. Make sure they don't spot you, I'll be gone for just a second." The Night Dog uttered before she disappeared.

"'Make sure they don't spot you'? That's easy for her to say, she can go invisible." Tyco muttered.


Sombra stealthily made her way around the treeline, keeping a watchful eye on the machines that were in the clearing. They seemed to be in the middle of analyzing the soil and local flora, paying little mind to the bugs and small animals that passed them by. She also took note that the Tech Trooper had a scarf of some kind in a death grip in its off hand, the other carrying it's slow firing repeater gun. It was black, long, and she felt that it was a real fashion statement. She wondered what Mon they pried it from or if it was just some treasure they stumbled upon during their recon work. She decided to think it was the latter rather than the former. She didn't want to think that some poor soul was put down by the machines this far away from the front lines.

As she continued her recon, she found only one other group of similar composition to the first patrolling the forest, the Tech Trooper leading them looking around with its two electronic eyes, it's blank face expressionless. Still hidden away, Sombra shuddered at how creepy she found these machines to be. The Mechana weren't Mon. They'd appeared about a thousand years ago and had been engaged in a never ending war with the Mon since, their forces stemming from the crash site of their arrival somewhere further to the north west.

The fact that small scouting parties like these had made their way this far into Mon territory, as low rank as they are, still sent a shiver up her back. She took a moment to contemplate what to do. She'd changed into her ninja like battle garb before a few days ago in case they ran into trouble, so she was ready for combat. The Tech Trooper leading this group felt to be even lower in rank than the Tech Trooper leading the other group. If she handled this right, she could take it down in one go before stealthing up again and meeting up with the others to plan their attack on the main group.

>Suggest something for Sombra to do.
>head back to team, combat would probably alert the main group of machines to your presence and they will be wary. Plan ambush with team on the main group
>If you have one of those grenades you could stick a live one to its back and then hall ass back to your party. That would however alert both parties that you're in the area. Unless you think you could lure it away and run your sword through its brain while it's seperated and book it back then.
Tomb Raiders, Pt. 4.
>If you have one of those grenades you could stick a live one to its back and then hall ass back to your party. That would however alert both parties that you're in the area. Unless you think you could lure it away and run your sword through its brain while it's seperated and book it back then.
Unfortunately, she'd left the grenades back with the rest of the team, since she had intended to only scout up first before doing anything else. As tempting as it was to try and lead the Tech Trooper away in order to kill it, it unfortunately was too risky to do so without alerting the rest of the machines to a Mon presence. While such a thing could be useful, Sombra decided now was not one such time and sheathed her blade.

>head back to team, combat would probably alert the main group of machines to your presence and they will be wary. Plan ambush with team on the main group
Taking only another minute to scout a little bit further before turning back, Sombra found nothing else and headed straight to her team's hiding spot.

"Alright, I'm back." She uttered as she decloaked. "We've got one more group in the forest in front of us, similar composition to this group we've got in front of us but with a less dangerous Trooper."

"So we've just got more Drones and Spyders to deal with, essentially." Glimmer uttered as she stroked her muzzle in thought. "If we decide to hit them, I can summon down a lightening bolt or maybe make a mist for us to be cloaked in. Low tier Mechana can't see through magic mist all that well."

"I can go in and take care of the trooper before it can direct the others." Cinder uttered as she punched a fist into an open hand for emphasis. "No problem."

"I'm fine with taking down Drones and Spyders while they're distracted." Tyco offered, his backpack-linked repeater gun now in his hands.

"What do you think Sombra?" Glimmer asked. "You've got the mind for group tactics here, does that sound good, or do you have a better idea?" Sombra hummed as she gave it some thought. Either way they went about this, it wouldn't be too much trouble. Hell, that second group up ahead was practically free Power for the taking. Not enough to go up in Standing, of course, but still.

>Suggest something for Sombra to do.
Mon Codex: Night Dogs.
Base Mon Species: Caniform.

Class: Assassin.

Type: Dark.

Summary: Night Dogs are a common type of Assassin in the world. Caniforms are a common Mon Base Species overall, meaning that they tend to fill just about every niche in the realm of combat. Night Dogs are those Caniforms that have a typing for dark who also became Assassins. The precise style of each individual Night Dog varies from individual to individual. Most tend to adorn themselves in ninja garbs, while others prefer to dress as garishly as possible out of a sense of humor in regards to such a display and their given Class.

Night Dogs, regardless of their mode of dress, utilize straight, single edged swords that they are skilled in assassination and, if need be, can competently use in a normal blade duel, though not as expertly skilled as the Saber class Mon are. They also often utilize a smaller dueling dagger for such duels, as well as an extra tool for their assassination strikes. They utilize their Dark abilities to cloak themselves in shadows as well as to utilize darkness based attacks like the shadow lance and dark volt. They excel in tracking their prey across long distances thanks to their Caniform heritage, making it so that Monsters and Mechana that initially escape battles often do not last long enough to recover. When fighting other Mon, it is tradition, as with all Assassins, to deal the opening strike, though in this is often frowned upon in most official combat sports and tournaments.
>I say have sombra go sneak mode again and head towards the first group. Glimmer cast mist to cover the first group and as soon as the mist goes up the rest of the team ambushes group one with sombra going for the scarf bot to try and take down their leader before the fight can truly begin. Glimmer stays in reserve ready with her spells to either assist anyone in the party who's having trouble or to unless said spells on the second group should they come running in to help while also prioritizing the second group's leader as well.
Tomb Raiders, Pt. 5.
>I say have sombra go sneak mode again and head towards the first group. Glimmer cast mist to cover the first group and as soon as the mist goes up the rest of the team ambushes group one with sombra going for the scarf bot to try and take down their leader before the fight can truly begin. Glimmer stays in reserve ready with her spells to either assist anyone in the party who's having trouble or to unless said spells on the second group should they come running in to help while also prioritizing the second group's leader as well.
>Go along with teams plan, ensure the trooper gets taken down fast.
Sombra relays the modified plans to her teammates, who are quick to trust her decision. She had yet to lead them astray yet, after all.

"Alright, on the count of three, Glim will throw up the mist and we'll get to work." The rest of the team nodded in affirmation. "Alright then." Sombra uttered as she turned and got ready to get to work, pulling her face mask up to cover her muzzle. "Time to earn our ranks, guys. 1." Tyco rechecked his weapon one more time. "2." Cinder cracked her neck in anticipation. "3." Glimmer didn't waste a second in casting the mist spell. A few seconds later, an eerie fog came over the clearing, covering it from end to end. The machines within began to make strange calls, their meaning lost to the ears of the Mon. Sombra entered stealth and bolted out cover alongside Cinder, the two of them aiming straight for the Tech Trooper.

Tyco circled around the field, his gun blazing away as he aimed for the rabble around the Trooper. The energy bolts from the Gunny Rabbits weapons singed and scorched the armor of the lower rank machines as they tried and failed to get a lock on him through the fog. The Trooper, its superior programming allowing it to deduce Tyco's locations by virtue of following his shot trajectories, aimed its own weapon to begin return fire. It never got the chance as Sombra attacked, slicing her blade against the bipedal machines neck.

It was too high in rank equivalent to be an instant kill, but the surprise attack did do damage to it and threw it off balance. It tried to re-aim in order to attack Sombra, only to be met with a burning fist to its blank face. The machine quickly reoriented itself to face Cinder, its weapon already firing away. One blast missed wide and slammed into a tree, exploding its center in a shower of wood shards and blowing it in half with ease. The second shot grazed the Boxer Chick's side, doing nothing more than slightly singing her white tank top.

She delivered another punch to its face, followed by two quick jabs to its neck. Disoriented but not out of the fight, the Tech Trooper grabbed Cinder's next punch with its other hand, dropping the scarf it'd been carrying as it lifted its gun up and rifle whipped Cinder in the face. She snorted at the effort, only to realize that the melee strike had just been a decoy to allow it to point its weapon directly at said face.

It fired, blasting the Boxer Chick back. She tumbled through the air before crashing into the ground with a resultant 'thud', her face singed from the point-blank blast. She growled as she got up, ignoring the blasts the Tech Trooper was launching at her now that it had space to fire freely, its aim bogged down by the magical mist.

Sombra striked once more, hitting it in the neck again. It's head now loosened from the attacks on its persons, the machine tried once again to track Sombra, allowing Cinder to close the distance. Rather than throw a normal punch, she decided to go all out and use Burning Pummel on its increasingly damaged head unit. The barrage of fiery fists slammed into the machines face, increasingly deforming its visage. Enraged by the blast to her face, she ended the deadly pummeling with a particularly thorough uppercut, knocking the machine's head clean off and sending it soaring through the air. Headless, the machine's body keeled over and hissed before detonating, the blast cratering the ground and doing little more than heating up Cinder a tad.

"Got the leader!" She called out before turning her attention to the rest of the machines. Drones and Spyders, both small and pathetic on their own but dangerous enmass. Not nearly enough of them to be dangerous, however, as this was just a scouting force. Needless to say, they made quick work of the remaining Mechana.

"Second group incoming!" Tycho called out. Indeed, the second squad was entering the killzone, blasters firing wildly into the fog in hopes of hitting something. Before the rest of the squad could go in to take them down, several lightening bolts came down from the sky and blasted the machines apart.

"Did I get them?" Glimmer called out.

"You did, Glim." Sombra stated.

"Oh thank goodness, it'd have been embarrassing to charge up several lightning strikes just to miss." The golden haired Cast Dragon(ess) uttered. She quickly dispelled the fog, leaving the party to bare witness to the fruits of their endeavors: Several smoking craters where once Mechana machines stood, some debris scattered around, and one scarf ripe for looting.

"Man, that was awesome!" Tyco cheered.

"I'll say." Sombra said with a smile beneath her face mask. "Good work, everyone! Hey, Glim, wanna keep the scarf?"

"Huh? Really?" The rich Dragoness asked with blinking eyes. "But I thought black was more your color?"

"Well, it is, but you got the final strike and got like a deca-kill, so you earned it." The Night Dog said with a thumbs up.

"Oh! Well, okay then!" The Dragoness uttered as she headed on into the clearing. She reached for the scarf when she got to it, only for the thing to spring to life and wrap itself around her neck. "Wha-!?"

"Huh, looks like enchanted gear." Cinder noted as she looked at it closely.

"I-It's not coming off!" Glimmer shouted.

"Must be cursed gear." Cinder corrected herself.

"Dang it, I knew I should have gone for it." Sombra mumbled, "Never get the cool loot."

"Cool!? What's cool about a living scarf that refuses to leave my ne-wait, what's it doing?" The ladies of the group paused to observe the scarf pointing into the forest, in a direction away from the tomb they were headed towards, its tip glowing the same purplish-pink as the coloration of the lights of a Mechana machine. As if on cue, a distant series of distinct mechanized roars tore through the forest. Tech Wyverns. No less than five of them.

>Suggest something for Sombra to do.

(Hope the music choice fits well with the scene!)
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>That scarf seems like it warns of danger..Sounds like the cavalry for the machines is here, take cover in the tomb so they can't attack from the air (assuming Wyverns fly)
Oh crap. Okay.
>Alright, does the villiage we just came from have defenses that can take 5 Tech Wyverns?
>If not, we run for the tome and hope those Tech Wyverns don't get told of our position via the scarf.
Smart money says we can't fight those single-handedly, sooo this is what my plan is.
Tomb Raiders, Pt. 6.
>Whelp time to get gone and hide. Also how tough is a wyvern and how would your group fair against one?
Well, working together, they can easily take down one. Five, on the other hand, depending on rank equivalent level, was going to be a tall order, especially outside. Worse still if they had some sort of commander unit leading them.

>Alright, does the villiage we just came from have defenses that can take 5 Tech Wyverns?
They do, in fact. Unfortunately, the town is a several day long journey away from their current location.

>If not, we run for the tome and hope those Tech Wyverns don't get told of our position via the scarf.
>That scarf seems like it warns of danger..Sounds like the cavalry for the machines is here, take cover in the tomb so they can't attack from the air (assuming Wyverns fly)
Tech Wyverns can indeed fly, and fairly quickly at that, meaning that the only real option here was to hide away in the tomb. Trying to hide in the forest would just have them burn it down to get at them. Sombra ordered Glimmer to mist up as much of the forest as she could to keep them hidden, but she was already on it, draining herself of her magic in the process.

"Everyone, tomb, now!" Sombra ordered. Without having to be told twice, the group made a break for it, making a beeline for the distant tomb. The four rookies were making good time there when a shadow came over the trees above them. One of the Wyverns was already there and it was circling around. Before they could so much as stop, it began to fire down at the forest. Purple-pink flames began to consume the forest, its wildlife beginning to panic and run away in response. It didn't stop at one burning portion of forest, as it continued to rain down blasts all over the place. Soon, the rest of its wing had gotten to where it was before spreading out and firing down below.

"They're really pissed off!" Tyco huffed, "And for what, a couple of tech troopers and some cannon fodder? It doesn't make sense!"

"I know, it really doesn't!" Glimmer agreed, "All behavior for Mechana forces for the destruction of small recon squads are to send more powerful units to find the Mons responsible or to ignore the problem, not a scorched earth policy!"

"More running now, talk later!" Cinder grunted. The blasts were increasing in frequency, detonating with the force to knock over trees from near misses and spreading the Mechana flames further.

"Almost there, guys!" Sombra uttered, "Just got to cross the open field between the forest and the tomb!"

"Oh, lovely!" Glimmer sarcastically stated as the group found themselves exposed upon exiting the misty forest. Now exposed, the Wyverns began to notice them and started flying after them. Blasts were starting to fly after them, blowing the ground that they hit apart.

"Ignore them and keep going!" Sombra uttered. Tyco had gone on ahead to begin opening the doors leading inside.

"Hurry!" He yelled to his friends as they closed the distance. Not long afterwards, they all practically jumped inside as the lead Wyvern started to approach them, its eyeless head opening its maw wide to fire a blast. Tyco got pulled inside before the door was shut. A locking mechanism whirred into place before the doors shook from the blast hitting them. They shook even more when the Wyvern impacted them head first, a mechanized roar of rage coming from it as it began to slam into the doors.

"Deeper, now!" Sombra urged. Without waiting to see if the ancient enchantments on the doors remained good enough to last long under the wrath of five Tech Wyverns, the team headed deeper, towards the central chamber. Once there, they closed the inner set of doors as fast as they could manage, leaving them in the soft bluish-green of the wall mounted lights surrounding the central chamber. The roof loomed 50 or so meters above them, the room itself having hundred meter wide diameter.

"That...Was too close." Cinder muttered.

"If they decide to keep coming after us, which seems likely given their unusually aggressive actions so far, I think we'll have to get ready for a fight in this chamber." Glimmer uttered as she looked around. "There's still space for those things to fly, but not nearly as much as outside, thus effectively removing their main advantage over us."

"I think I saw a Brawler riding one of them." Sombra stated. "Looks like he'd be the leader unit."

"Whoa." Glimmer uttered. "Uh, you guys seeing what I'm seeing?" Everyone looked to the Cast Dragoness, following her now pointing scarf as it pointed straight to the altar at the center of the room while glowing blue and purple. Or rather, the speared individual laying in a long-cooled molten crater where first few flights of front stairs used to be in the altar.

"Whoa indeed." Sombra uttered as she began to walk over to inspect the figure, the team's current situation momentarily forgotten. The others followed close behind until they got within a few meters of the corpse. They were like no Mon they had ever seen before, being armored from head to toe in a black and blue-highlighted armor. Their armored feet were broad and stump like, almost elephantine or sauropod-like, a set of large paws that were fitted to a plantigrade leg structure. Patches of armor were missing, revealing glimpses of surprisingly fresh flesh given how they could see dark fur still there rather than nothing but bones. Around the neck was some sort of collar of similar design to the armor, though with a slightly glowing purple script of unknown origin flowing across it.. The helmet had three glowing 'eyes' on it's otherwise featureless and segmented design.

One of the 'eyes' was missing, and as Sombra looked to inspect it, she saw an organic and blue eye staring out at here. And she saw it move ever so slightly.

"Oh Maker, guys! I think this guys's still alive!" Sombra called out. As if on cue, the inner set of doors were slammed into. The Wyverns had started to break in. "Someone help me get these spears out of him!"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Cinder asked, "I can't feel this guy's Standing."

"Worst case scenario, we've got a dying guy on our hands. Best case, we get someone to help us with the Wyverns!" Sombra pointed out. Cinder looked like she was going to argue, but a particularly violent slam into the door behind them changed her mind.

"To hell with it." She said as she took grip of one of the spears and yanked. The spear, which seemed to just sort of phase through the armor, slid out like it was nothing. Everyone else, lacking a lot of other options, began to pull out the spears.

"One left!" Sombra stated.

"They're breaking through!" Cinder called out, drawing everyone's attention to the increasingly dented door. As the others got into combat position, one of the four turned around and pulled the last spear out. They were-
