The Hounds. (An Original Text-Adventure style Quest)

>For now the mercenaries seem to be the best bet to contact.
>Getting that much meat and transporting it would be quite the hassle, so may not be workable especially with the Sisterhood on alert. Instead Asar can ask who is leading the mercenaries.
>With the mercenaries potentially going for the salvage as the jobs payment, it brings up what may be the most high value objects in there.. the captives. Teth may ask if they would try and invoke that as part of the agreement before finalizing the deal.
>The Dread Hounds sound like they'll be a factor no matter what happens, opportunistic as they are they may try taking a shot your group amid the crossfire. Jaster may want to bring this up.
Aether-Trip, 22. New
>For now the mercenaries seem to be the best bet to contact.
>Getting that much meat and transporting it would be quite the hassle, so may not be workable especially with the Sisterhood on alert. Instead Asar can ask who is leading the mercenaries.
>With the mercenaries potentially going for the salvage as the jobs payment, it brings up what may be the most high value objects in there.. the captives. Teth may ask if they would try and invoke that as part of the agreement before finalizing the deal.
>The Dread Hounds sound like they'll be a factor no matter what happens, opportunistic as they are they may try taking a shot your group amid the crossfire. Jaster may want to bring this up.
"The Mercenaries seem like our best bet." Teth admitted. "But until we can find a way to disable to Sisterhood's attempts to capture us for good, getting their payment in food is not going to be feasible." His friends furrowed their brows, knowing too well that he spoke the truth. They would need an alternative for the moment.

"Who leads them?" Asar asked.

"A Hunter breed Tommy by the name of Nightmare." Jet stated. "She is professional, or as much as our ethereal kin can be, and fairly reasonable. Bargaining an alternate form of payment would be feasible, but finding something she and her kin would want that isn't food might be a challenge. Mother's ilk are rather.....focused, on their appetites." For her part, Hoschek just sipped her tea, unbothered by her son's comment.

"Would they ask for the other Hounds if they know about them in there as their payment?" Teth asked, causing his friends to stiffen. Jet frowned.

"Hard to say." He admitted. "But I definitely could see them keeping them as collateral until you find the means to pay them properly."

"Great, so on one hand we have our friends stuck with the Dark Sisterhood in caskets, or we have them stuck in caskets in the hands of a Tommy mercenary pack until we can pay their ransom." Jaster huffed. "That's just stellar."

"We don't know for sure that they would keep them as collateral, it's just a possibility." Jet pointed out, but Jaster was not so easily dissuaded.

"Come on, our luck isn't that good. We all know they're going to pull a stunt like that."

"You are right, your fortunes has been suboptimal as of late." Everyone turned in surprise towards Hoschek, but she didn't say anything else as she sipped her tea once more.

"And then there's the Dread Hounds." Jaster added. "Now, I'm no historian, but they used to be conquerors, right? Well, then that means they'll try and capture our friends for their own plans on top of the Mercenaries keeping them until we can pay up, so it's not a matter of 'the best' option, it's a 'pick your poison' sort of deal."

"I hate to admit it, but he has a point." Teth sighed. Even after finding help, they still couldn't get an easy win.

"I understand how you all feel." Jet moved his hands in a calming motion. "But the facts are that we don't have a lot of choices here. We have to make do with what we've got. So.....What will you choose?"

>Suggest something for the Team to do.
>Suggest something for Asar to say/do.
>Suggest something for Teth to say/do.
>Suggest something for Jaster to say/do.
>Time to contact the mercenaries then.
>Have Asar ask how they should approach the mercenaries with this offer, clearly the Sisherhood would still be out looking for you.
>With a battle upcoming getting some proper weaponry can help immensely. Teth can ask if any will be available
>Have Jaster if their would be any other preparations that would need to be done.