I walked away from that conversation because your response was boring as hell, to be frank, and I couldn't be bothered to argue it because I'd have to correct you on so much info you were just wrong about like somehow rushed kulls don't lead to us taking hundreds of thousands of casualties when we have WoG saying so.
So basically you expect me to believe that you just...got bored and left rather than not actually having anything to remotely back up what you said and you still got what i said wrong because I was talking about invading and *then* kulling during the siege...you aren't even responding to the right points or what is happening so how are you in any way doing anything other than gaslighting?
Check your details before you try to play the 'too cool for the room' card.
again, if you have WoG, feel free to quote it, search function is right there in the to right.
And, no don't try to argue that somehow starting the purging of a province with a tired malus is the same as getting one near the end as we did well-purging province 42, purging a province is a multi-step province based on our experience with it this turn so there's a large difference between getting a malus at the start and end. Also if you meant province 51 was what we were going to be deep raiding that was highly unclear about as you referenced our previous attacks which did not occur in province 51 and then in a clarifying reply you also mentioned province 124 in a way that implied you had intended to go after it this turn but if we weren't doing so you'd want to go after it in the future as a just in case measure.
Yeah, that's why we'd need to do one at a time like i was always suggesting, I was never at any point suggesting we do multiple side provinces. I even said it from the start we'd need to do one at a time and we could only really do it because the siege of Uzkuluk would take a looong time to wear them down.
And so you did not bother to check, verify, or in any way make sure that you hadn't misread, you just double down and then try to pass off *your* miscommunication as not your fault? Own up to your own failures.
What I said was highly objective, to be frank as I referenced exact mechanical effects and triggers before pointing out how what you appeared to be planning would go through the aforementioned triggers applying said mechanical effects. With regards to countermeasures when it was presumed you were going after 124 there absolutely would have been countermeasures to such a plan but there can't really be any for province 51.
Everything I said was correct with regards to mechanics for what your plan appeared to be so I very much do know what I'm talking about.
Not really, you literally were wrong about what I was doing, wrong about the mechanical effects that would apply and thus any 'technical' correctness is so far out of bounds and the point that it makes no difference.
Again...check that you actually know what's being discussed before you talk down to people and patronize them. It's not that hard...at least it shouldn't be.
Bonus points if it lured in the survivors in 42 or ups the chances of other Greenskins getting involved.
Does that include the garrison of Uzkulak @Lonkas ?
What about the mercenaries?
Here's hoping, although I figure the ones in 42 are hunkering down.
It would have been a very easy target for you to raid and destroy. Sending food and supplies through the great highway means is a damn near impregnable method of supplying your armies and also allows you to turn the flow of supplies on and off at will. Giving you an easy method of control against any khans who may be getting... ambitious. Then it got buried
"We have this foolproof method of keeping our armies supplied and our vassal troops under control, nothing can go wrong."
*Dwarf high king kicks over the anthill*