The Conclusion of the war of the Northern holds 4544
The Muster of the Karaz Ankor

The professional forces of the Karaz Ankor

NameTypeFounding TurnNumbersGarrison locationQuality/EquipmentBase LeadershipRunic equipmentSpecial rules
The High ThrongThrong110000 (5716 in reserve)Karak Akrak5/52 (High Thane)Elder Runic Weapons (+3)NA
The High FleetFleet140 (ships) 10000 (dwarves) (9100 in reserve)Kraka Drak (Norse Dwarves)5/52 (Admiral)NANA
The GnolumgiThrong210000 (16137 in reserve)Karak Vlag3/41 (General)NAHuman
The Klad KaruThrong320000 (6877 in reserve)Karak Akrak3/41 (General)NAHuman
The available throngs of the Karaz Ankor

Karaz - A - Karak202135 (3/3)~22283
Karak Kadrin97000 (3/3)3726
Zhufbar84000 (3/3)3583
Barrak Varr36000 (3/3) 1 fleet (3/3)0
Karak Vlag67000 (3/3)~6000 (siege)
Kag Dum???0
Karak Azul???0
Karak Hirn14000 (3/3)0
Karak Izor12000 (3/3)0
Karak Norn7000 (3/3)0
Karak Angaraz40000 (3/3)954
Karak Akrak21000 (3/4)0
Warrior Throngs (spread proportionally between the holds)50000 with a reserve of 70000(4/4)~23274

The armies of the alliance
NameNumbersQuality/Equipmentspecial equipmentTechnology bonusSpecial rules
The Throngs of the Norse Dawi307123/3NA+2NA
The Armies of Reikland90000 (2314 in reserve)3/2NANAHuman
The Eagle Guard (Reman)246344/3NANAHuman
The watchers of the Wood30000 (9342 in reserve)5/4NANAElves
The Host of Tor Lithanel18834 (0 in reserve)6/5Enchanted Weapons (+2)NAElves
The Armies of Brigundia45000 (13426 in reserve)2/2NANAHuman
The Stancati15000 (19200 in reserve)3/3NANAHuman
The Armies of Kaltnord15000 (20621 in reserve)3/2NANAHuman

Turn NumberGold
War Turn 329 (4 in war chest)

For two years now, the forces of the Karaz Ankor and its allies have ground against that of the Dawi Zharr. Who, after a blistering first strike, were forced back again and again by the coalition which arose to fight at the back of the Karaz Ankor. The war, led by Erbor Steelarm and supported by the Emperor of Reikland, the king of Tor Lithanel, The Margrave of the east, and the Prince of Kaltnord has sundered the armies of the Dawi Zharr. Scattered the forces of their greenskin slaves. Broken their connection to the sea, hopefully forevermore, and finally, has seen their second greatest city fall under siege by a force far too large for them to have any hope to relieve it.

Of course, that is not to say that the victory has been bloodless. For all their arrogance and stubbornness, the Dawi Zharr have still struck their own blows against the coalition, and the armies of the old world have been bled white against the stones of a thousand mountain fastnesses. And while the forces of the old world move in the north, Thaggoriki attacks against minor holds are growing both in boldness and in numbers as many members of the throngs have been called away. And hell pit itself appears to be slowly rowsing itself, as the coalition batters itself against the green tide in the Blutbergs, with abominations reportedly being sighted rampaging in the darkness beneath Karak Akrak.

There is still time for the war to be fought and brought to a conclusion, but the eyes of the dwarven kings are increasingly being brought back to their own holds. As are the eyes of your umgi allies, as outlying villages throughout the Reik begin to fall to beastmen attacks while the regular forces which would normally be there to keep them down are absent. Even Lauralorn, seeing its mightiest forces being slowly worn down, battle by battle, increasingly mutter words of caution when it comes to discussing strategy in the council of war. The Az may yet be swung a few more times but its strength is waning and will fail entirely if pushed too far.

How will the remainder of this war be waged?

Each point of effort expended will see additional die spent towards that goal. Though most are guaranteed to be at least minimally successful. Higher rolls result in the action being completed for less cost (in blood) or seeing greater benefit.

Effort left to spend: 5 (4) one effort is already being expended on ensuring that Uzkuluk falls

not all effort has to be expended

[ ] Make life…difficult for the Dawi Zharr through subterfuge: May be taken up to 2 times

With the assistance of the shadow warriors of Naggaryth, you have been able to train your own body of infiltration specialists, who while not as capable as their elven mentors will refine and develop their own skills as time goes on. For now, however, you have two groups capable of performing clandestine actions, ranging from the long-overdue execution of the Dawi Zharrs highest figures to inciting attacks on the Zharr from the direction of the mountains of mourne, to the support and encouragement of slave revolts throughout the remains of the Dawi Zharr empire. The hope being that with their empire so weakened by this bloody contest, even blows that once would barely shake their realm will instead cause the whole edifice to teeter on the brink of extinction.

Costs 5 gold per effort expended

Likelihood of significant (dwarven) casualties: extremely low

[ ] Raid the Dawi Zharr. May be taken up to 3 times

The way lies open. The black legion has been destroyed to within a hairsbreadth of absolute annihilation, and the Iron legion was stretched even before nearly a hundred thousand fell in their doomed attempt to relieve Uzkuluk. Guided by your spy network to pick the most opportune targets you can now raid the Midghals that remain among the outskirts of the Dawi Zharr empire or even if enough pressure is applied, those areas considered beyond the reach of your armies

This would serve a twin purpose. Firstly, each fallen midghal represents the power and control of the Dawi Zharr and allows them an almost unassailable fortress from which they can project power. Destroying them would result in if not the total collapse of chaos dwarf power in the area then at least greatly diminish it. Secondly, of course, is that it is in these locations that the fruit of the Dawi Zharr's slave labor is stored and even the fall of a single one could go a significant way to paying for the cost of the raiding campaign in and of itself.

Costs 5 gold per effort expended

Likelihood of significant casualties from each effort expended: high

Commit to finishing the Kull [ ]
The Blutbergs, the mountains of blood. The green fastnesses. These desolate peaks have seen more human and dwarven blood spilled for them than entire provinces of the Reik and yet the job is still not done. Though with each day you do come ever so slightly closer to bloody victory. And then, once the greenskin population is driven firmly underground, it can be fully claimed for the Karaz Ankor, and finally. A string of peaks will connect at least part of the Karaz Ankor to distant, isolated, Karag Dum.

Likelihood of significant casualties: extremely high

(If not taken, the province will be claimed as part of an action next turn which will see it completed over the next 40 year period with minimal casualties)

[ ] Apply additional effort in sieging down Uzkuluk: can only be taken once
A force will be besieging Uzkuluk, and the mountain will fall. This has been decreed and it shall be done. The only question that remains on people's minds is how much blood will be shed in order to see it done. Already the force assembled before the gates of dread Uzkuluk is equal to many that were seen during the war vengeance. But coupled with infiltration into the depths of the mighty fortress, additional effort and supplies could see the price paid in blood be less than that which would be otherwise demanded.

The additional effort would cost a further 3 gold

[ ] Conquer province 119: can only be taken once
The deals have been made and the tribes sworn to the 4 are scattered, starved, and cowed. The province is ripe to be seized by the Sudnorsii. Even still though, given how far they are from their native cities, they would need assistance from your own forces to see it done. Seeing the opposition, however, it would still likely not require a grand force.

Likelihood of significant casualties, moderate

[ ] Force a treaty: Can be taken up to three times
There has never been official recognition between the two kindreds of dwarves. With both sides utterly reviling the other and the Ankor trying as hard as it could to not allow the shame of the Zharrs existence to be known to the rest of the world. Intimidating the Zharr into any formal recognition of your superiority would be near impossible. But those who now sit at the apex of Hashuts empire are perhaps the most pragmatic of all those who remain. And your empire, if battered has emerged far mightier than their own. Having an official treaty written up, even if it will surely be rendered worthless within a few centuries could be useful for proving that this war was truly won to your own people as well

what, like drawing blood from a stone will you try and take as final retribution for their war. (for each point of effort expended you may pick one)

  • [ ] Wealth: If the dark lands have any redeeming quality at all, it is the mineral wealth that resides beneath its surface. In exchange for you withholding your hand against what remains of the Dawi Zharr, you may enforce some measure of tribute out of them

  • [ ] Sanctions: Enforce limitations on the Dawi Zharr, such as forbidding them from keeping non-greenskin slaves. The forced emancipation of many of their present stocks of slaves, the cessation of selling their arms to chaos tribes even perhaps the abolishment of the black legion. Many of which they will surely try to avoid or ignore, but simply having to go about the effort to appear compliant will cost them dearly

  • [ ] Recognition and Territory: The Dawi Zharr will lose Uzkuluk, they have lost the bastion of Ulgash and their grand highway has been shattered. Force them to recognize this loss officially as final and conclusive, and perhaps even force them to withdraw from their outermost holdings.

If this option is not taken, the state of undeclared war that existed prior to this series of engagements will resume as we return to standard turns

Rewards for your allies

The Umgi have truly shown their worth in this war, as it surely would have ended inconclusively without their assistance, with it costing far too much dwarven blood for any attempt at Uzkuluk to be made. What reward have the allies of the Karaz Ankor earned for their courage and sacrifice to march and die at the edge of the world? many longbeards do grumble however as the umgi did 'merely' answer the call to arms that would be expected of them. So giving them too much would be going beyond what is rightfully owed.

Pick one of the below options

[ ] (REWARD) Grand Artifacts worthy of kings of the Karaz Ankor.
The rulers of your varied umgi allies will be supplied weapons worthy of Dawi Kings, for so willingly and so well carried out the war that they could not have seen coming. Your greatest runesmiths shall work for decades in order to see the pieces completed and even provincial lords will see potent if not exquisite works crafted for them.

- Ghal Maraz equivalents for your allies' leaders, Runefang equivalents for provincial lords

- DC of runic actions will increase by 3 for the following turn

[ ] (REWARD) Arm them with steel and fire to see off the foes that mar their borders.
The umgi fought bravely and honorably for all their flaws. But one should not have to fight against the Urk or grobi, let alone the Dawi Zharr without half an inch of plate between you and the enemy. Teach the umgi how to forge proper steel for the making of arms and armor worthy of an ally of the Dawi.

- The technologies of "Crossbows" as well as "Bolt/ grudge throwers" are handed over to your Umgi allies.

[ ] (REWARD) Raise their towns of timber and see them rendered unto cities of stone.
It cannot truly be said that the Umgi live in towns of timber. Yet even their mightiest stone temples and palaces would fallto ruin in a few hundred years if no work is done to fix them! Send some of your best experts and guildmasters to see the umgi brought into the true light of civilization as payment for a war well fought.

- The technologies of "Plumbing and Windlasses" as well as "fine tooling" are handed over to your Umgi allies.

Zhao Ming, The dragon of the west, has also arrived and spent much of his and his various functionary's time learning the ways of the foreign west. Going so far in the course of his stay to add a surprisingly adventurous runepriest and a mage of Ulthuan to his retinue for at least the next few decades. However, beyond simply coming to learn of the world, he also arrived with the intention to establish several deals with the Karaz Ankor, and with the war winding to a close, he is now able to talk to the specifics of what he desires.

Select as many as desired

[ ] (Cathay) Permanant Embassies
Establish permanent embassies both at Barrak Varr and at Shang Yang for your respective empires to speak with each other. These would allow requests and messages to reach your distant realms and also allow you to be aware in the most distant and vague of senses, of the goings-on in the distant east. As well as provide Cathay an observer status on the field of embassies outside of Magritta. Such embassies, required to display the wealth and power of the Karaz Ankor, would however be something of a drain on the treasury. Though not one so extreme as to seem utterly unreasonable.

- Allows you to remain in (distant) contact with Cathay
- Allows you to hear the most general news of the goings-on in Cathay
- costs 1 gold per turn

[ ] (Cathay) Mutually guarded caravans.
With the seizure of the bastion of Ulgash, and your control of many of the passes that lead into the darklands, it would be possible to you to provide escort to many of the caravans that pass between east and west. Such would not be a light burden and over the decades would surely cost many dwarven lives. But could see a great increase in the number of caravans that actually reach the other side of the world. From the east, the jade soldiers of Cathay would also march through the mountains of mourn, so that the burden is not entirely on the Karaz Ankor.

Reduces the number of civilized provinces in the old world needed for your passes to generate income. From 8 provinces per wealth to 6

Will incur 1d5 thousand dwarven deaths every 40 years, as dwarves die trying to cross the famously inhospitable darklands.

[ ] (Cathay) Blades for the dragons (runic)
Cathay has the ability to create enchanted weaponry. Indeed many of the dragon guard who came in the dragons wake carry weapons imbued with magical strength. However, these enchantments wear over time, as the magic slowly degrades with the weapons use. Requiring either a mage to re-imbue the weapon with its lost potency or for the weapon to be reforged entirely. Proper runework however, brought forth by the ancient runelords of the Dawi does not suffer from the same wear and tear as that made by all but the greatest of umgi mages and could still be used even with heavy use for the next millenia.

The dragon of the west has requested that ten thousand sets of Runic equipment be created for the use of him and his personal armies to help bring harmony wherever his forces may march. He also hints that in time, should the equipment be to his satisfaction, he may also be willing to divulge the source to his sister, Miao Ying, the guardian of the great bastion.

Will consume an action for the following turn

(if not chosen this will become a standard turn option moving foward)

DC - 3
- Gives 10 wealth upon completion.
- provides 1 runic skill upon completion
- may provide for an introduction with Miao Ying

There will be a 24 hour moratorium
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hold on...if we're not doing regular war turns anymore...are we not going to be able to finish training our Rangers? because we only changed our option from training to ensuring that the chaos tribes wouldn't support them because we'd have time the turn after to finish it...
[ ] (Cathay) Mutually guarded caravans.
With the seizure of the bastion of Ulgash, and your control of many of the passes that lead into the darklands, it would be possible to you to provide escort to many of the caravans that pass between east and west. Such would not be a light burden and over the decades would surely cost many dwarven lives. But could see a great increase in the number of caravans that actually reach the other side of the world. From the east, the jade soldiers of Cathay would also march through the mountains of mourn, so that the burden is not entirely on the Karaz Ankor.

Reduces the number of civilized provinces in the old world needed for your passes to generate income. From 8 provinces per wealth to 6

Will incur 1d5 thousand dwarven deaths every 40 years, as dwarves die trying to cross the famously inhospitable darklands.
Can someone tell me what our pop growth per turn is? Because 1-5 thousand dwarves a turn sounds like a lot.
The blades option with Cathay seems an excellent deal.

hold on...if we're not doing regular war turns anymore...are we not going to be able to finish training our Rangers? because we only changed our option from training to ensuring that the chaos tribes wouldn't support them because we'd have time the turn after to finish it...
It's done.
With the assistance of the shadow warriors of Naggaryth, you have been able to train your own body of infiltration specialists, who while not as capable as their elven mentors will refine and develop their own skills as time goes on.
hold on...if we're not doing regular war turns anymore...are we not going to be able to finish training our Rangers? because we only changed our option from training to ensuring that the chaos tribes wouldn't support them because we'd have time the turn after to finish it...

The rangers are done, they finished in the prior war turn... I believe I even bring it up in the update. Let me dig it up

With the assistance of the shadow warriors of Naggaryth, you have been able to train your own body of infiltration specialists, who while not as capable as their elven mentors will refine and develop their own skills as time goes on


So that would be a Not!Ghal Maraz for the Reikland, the Remans, the Burgundians, and the Kaltnord? With a smattering of Not!Runefangs handed out as well to each group.

Not remas, they were paid to join
Well one has to be committed to taking 119.

I say one for causing problems for the Dawi Zhar, one for more effort on Uzkulak, and one for a treaty for Wealth, which I assume is worth the least to them and thus would have the lowest DC while being something we could really use.

Alternatively, double dip in forcing a treaty.
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[ ] Plan: Are we doing plans?
-[ ] Apply additional effort in sieging down Uzkuluk
-[ ] Conquer province 119
-[ ] Force a treaty
—[ ] Recognition and Territory
—[ ] Wealth
-[ ] (REWARD) Raise their towns of timber and see them rendered unto cities of stone.
-[ ] (Cathay) Permanant Embassies
-[ ] (Cathay) Mutually guarded caravans.
-[ ] (Cathay) Blades for the dragons (runic)

Are we doing plans? If we can take all the Cathay options I'm for it, I prefer to improve the humans quality of life, and as for the war itself I want to take it relatively easy. For that matter, I think sanctions are basically unenforceable and worth the least long term.
Do we have to give Uzkulak back if we go for a treaty without Recognition and Territory?
Oh, absolutely not, you keep what you take. THe treaty of recognition is them having to publicly admit that you have taken the land and it will be yours hereafter, with them having no 'right' to it.

I.E they cant bitch about Alcae Lorraine.
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  • [ ] Wealth: If the dark lands have any redeeming quality at all, it is the mineral wealth that resides beneath its surface. In exchange for you withholding your hand against what remains of the Dawi Zharr, you may enforce some measure of tribute out of them
Tribute, does that mean it would be a recurring thing?
For two years now, the forces of the Karaz Ankor and its allies have ground against that of the Dawi Zharr. Who, after a blistering first strike, were forced back again and again by the coalition which arose to fight at the back of the Karaz Ankor. The war, led by Erbor Steelarm and supported by the Emperor of Reikland, the king of Tor Lithanel, The Margrave of the east, and the Prince of Kaltnord has sundered the armies of the Dawi Zharr. Scattered the forces of their greenskin slaves. Broken their connection to the sea, hopefully forevermore, and finally, has seen their second greatest city fall under siege by a force far too large for them to have any hope to relieve it.

Indeed, and their relief effort got squashed.

Of course, that is not to say that the victory has been bloodless. For all their arrogance and stubbornness, the Dawi Zharr have still struck their own blows against the coalition, and the armies of the old world have been bled white against the stones of a thousand mountain fastnesses. And while the forces of the old world move in the north, Thaggoriki attacks against minor holds are growing both in boldness and in numbers as many members of the throngs have been called away. And hell pit itself appears to be slowly rowsing itself, as the coalition batters itself against the green tide in the Blutbergs, with abominations reportedly being sighted rampaging in the darkness beneath Karak Akrak.

Not surprised Karak Akrak was starting to feel Clan Moulder causing trouble, but with taking 119 and we'll at least be ensuring that Akrak

There is still time for the war to be fought and brought to a conclusion, but the eyes of the dwarven kings are increasingly being brought back to their own holds. As are the eyes of your umgi allies, as outlying villages throughout the Reik begin to fall to beastmen attacks while the regular forces which would normally be there to keep them down are absent. Even Lauralorn, seeing its mightiest forces being slowly worn down, battle by battle, increasingly mutter words of caution when it comes to discussing strategy in the council of war. The Az may yet be swung a few more times but its strength is waning and will fail entirely if pushed too far.

Yeah, even without the kull, the war was appropriately wearing us down. We got lucky cutting them off and we're able to end this war on our terms.

Each point of effort expended will see additional die spent towards that goal. Though most are guaranteed to be at least minimally successful. Higher rolls result in the action being completed for less cost (in blood) or seeing greater benefit.

Yeah, boils down to priorities in the end.

[ ] Make life…difficult for the Dawi Zharr through subterfuge: May be taken up to 2 times

With the assistance of the shadow warriors of Naggaryth, you have been able to train your own body of infiltration specialists, who while not as capable as their elven mentors will refine and develop their own skills as time goes on. For now, however, you have two groups capable of performing clandestine actions, ranging from the long-overdue execution of the Dawi Zharrs highest figures to inciting attacks on the Zharr from the direction of the mountains of mourne, to the support and encouragement of slave revolts throughout the remains of the Dawi Zharr empire. The hope being that with their empire so weakened by this bloody contest, even blows that once would barely shake their realm will instead cause the whole edifice to teeter on the brink of extinction.

Costs 5 gold per effort expended

Likelihood of significant (dwarven) casualties: extremely low

I am tempted to do this at least once just to ensure that they will be softened up more.

[ ] Raid the Dawi Zharr. May be taken up to 3 times

The way lies open. The black legion has been destroyed to within a hairsbreadth of absolute annihilation, and the Iron legion was stretched even before nearly a hundred thousand fell in their doomed attempt to relieve Uzkuluk. Guided by your spy network to pick the most opportune targets you can now raid the Midghals that remain among the outskirts of the Dawi Zharr empire or even if enough pressure is applied, those areas considered beyond the reach of your armies

This would serve a twin purpose. Firstly, each fallen midghal represents the power and control of the Dawi Zharr and allows them an almost unassailable fortress from which they can project power. Destroying them would result in if not the total collapse of chaos dwarf power in the area then at least greatly diminish it. Secondly, of course, is that it is in these locations that the fruit of the Dawi Zharr's slave labor is stored and even the fall of a single one could go a significant way to paying for the cost of the raiding campaign in and of itself.

Costs 5 gold per effort expended

Likelihood of significant casualties from each effort expended: high


I want to do at least one of these for the money and to further weaken them as well as recoup some of the losses we've taken so far.

Commit to finishing the Kull [ ]
The Blutbergs, the mountains of blood. The green fastnesses. These desolate peaks have seen more human and dwarven blood spilled for them than entire provinces of the Reik and yet the job is still not done. Though with each day you do come ever so slightly closer to bloody victory. And then, once the greenskin population is driven firmly underground, it can be fully claimed for the Karaz Ankor, and finally. A string of peaks will connect at least part of the Karaz Ankor to distant, isolated, Karag Dum.

Likelihood of significant casualties: extremely high

(If not taken, the province will be claimed as part of an action next turn which will see it completed over the next 40 year period with minimal casualties)

Honestly, let's finish this. It'll be bloody, it'll be nasty but we will have continuity of peaks once more!

[ ] Apply additional effort in sieging down Uzkuluk: can only be taken once
A force will be besieging Uzkuluk, and the mountain will fall. This has been decreed and it shall be done. The only question that remains on people's minds is how much blood will be shed in order to see it done. Already the force assembled before the gates of dread Uzkuluk is equal to many that were seen during the war vengeance. But coupled with infiltration into the depths of the mighty fortress, additional effort and supplies could see the price paid in blood be less than that which would be otherwise demanded.

The additional effort would cost a further 3 gold

Eeeeh...honestly we got enough that we're trying to do that I think we can focus our attentions elsewhere...but holy shit we're about to take Uzkuluk...this is huge in and out of setting.

[ ] Conquer province 119: can only be taken once
The deals have been made and the tribes sworn to the 4 are scattered, starved, and cowed. The province is ripe to be seized by the Sudnorsii. Even still though, given how far they are from their native cities, they would need assistance from your own forces to see it done. Seeing the opposition, however, it would still likely not require a grand force.

Likelihood of significant casualties, moderate

Want to get this done, because it has a lot of short and long term benefits. It helps lessen the attrition on Krakka Drakk, Karak Akrak, 42, AND Uzkuluk...and it'll help the reliable norsi spread and grow.

[ ] Force a treaty: Can be taken up to three times
There has never been official recognition between the two kindreds of dwarves. With both sides utterly reviling the other and the Ankor trying as hard as it could to not allow the shame of the Zharrs existence to be known to the rest of the world. Intimidating the Zharr into any formal recognition of your superiority would be near impossible. But those who now sit at the apex of Hashuts empire are perhaps the most pragmatic of all those who remain. And your empire, if battered has emerged far mightier than their own. Having an official treaty written up, even if it will surely be rendered worthless within a few centuries could be useful for proving that this war was truly won to your own people as well

what, like drawing blood from a stone will you try and take as final retribution for their war. (for each point of effort expended you may pick one)

I mean....this is legitimately tempting but at the same time I do consider it a bonus rather than an abolute need

[ ] Wealth: If the dark lands have any redeeming quality at all, it is the mineral wealth that resides beneath its surface. In exchange for you withholding your hand, you may enforce some measure of tribute out of them

This would be the one I'd most go for, it'd help recoup the losses and ensure that they have limited ways to recover and rebuild as quickly.

  • [ ] Sanctions: Enforce limitations on the Dawi Zharr, such as forbidding them from keeping non-greenskin slaves. The forced emancipation of many of their present stocks of slaves, the cessation of selling their arms to chaos tribes even perhaps the abolishment of the black legion. Many of which they will surely try to avoid or ignore, but simply having to go about the effort to appear compliant will cost them dearly

This would be good for crippling them and is almost as equally tempting, as it'd also boost our human allies to have all these people to recover their numbers and settle their lands

[ ] Recognition and Territory: The Dawi Zharr will lose Uzkuluk, they have lost the bastion of Ulgash and their grand highway has been shattered. Force them to recognize this loss officially as final and conclusive, and perhaps even force them to withdraw from their outermost holdings.

Meh...honestly this one is the least appealing as it seems more a spite/pride thing and we got other needs that have to take precedence.

Rewards for your allies

The Umgi have truly shown their worth in this war, as it surely would have ended inconclusively without their assistance, with it costing far too much dwarven blood for any attempt at Uzkuluk to be made. What reward have the allies of the Karaz Ankor earned for their courage and sacrifice to march and die at the edge of the world? many longbeards do grumble however as the umgi did 'merely' answer the call to arms that would be expected of them. So giving them too much would be going beyond what is rightfully owed.

On the one hand, they did do as required so being overmuch is one thing...on the other they did help a LOT and being known for generosity to our allies is a good PR move

[ ] (REWARD) Grand Artifacts worthy of kings of the Karaz Ankor.
The rulers of your varied umgi allies will be supplied weapons worthy of Dawi Kings, for so willingly and so well carried out the war that they could not have seen coming. Your greatest runesmiths shall work for decades in order to see the pieces completed and even provincial lords will see potent if not exquisite works crafted for them.

- Ghal Maraz equivalents for your allies' leaders, Runefang equivalents for provincial lords

- DC of runic actions will increase by 3 for the following turn

...i was originally leery of this but considering we will probably be doing those the turn after...this might be the best time....

[ ] (REWARD) Arm them with steel and fire to see off the foes that mar their borders.
The umgi fought bravely and honorably for all their flaws. But one should not have to fight against the Urk or grobi, let alone the Dawi Zharr without half an inch of plate between you and the enemy. Teach the umgi how to forge proper steel for the making of arms and armor worthy of an ally of the Dawi.

- The technologies of "Crossbows" as well as "Bolt/ grudge throwers" are handed over to your Umgi allies.

Yeah this works, it will help them deal with some of the heavy hitters among the orcs and beastmen.

[ ] (REWARD) Raise their towns of timber and see them rendered unto cities of stone.
It cannot truly be said that the Umgi live in towns of timber. Yet even their mightiest stone temples and palaces would fallto ruin in a few hundred years if no work is done to fix them! Send some of your best experts and guildmasters to see the umgi brought into the true light of civilization as payment for a war well fought.

- The technologies of "Plumbing and Windlasses" as well as "fine tooling" are handed over to your Umgi allies.

This one honestly feels the most tempting as it will allow them to not only improve their defenses but will also let them solidify their holdings from further waaaghs so that what happened in 43 doesn't happen again as easily

Zhao Ming, The dragon of the west, has also arrived and spent much of his and his various functionary's time learning the ways of the foreign west. Going so far in the course of his stay to add a surprisingly adventurous runepriest and a mage of Ulthuan to his retinue for at least the next few decades. However, beyond simply coming to learn of the world, he also arrived with the intention to establish several deals with the Karaz Ankor, and with the war winding to a close, he is now able to talk to the specifics of what he desires.

...Huh... a mage and runepriest both? I have to admit, that sounds like an odd pairing. That being said, am happy that he's been doing well and having fun and now we can talk business.

[ ] (Cathay) Permanant Embassies
Establish permanent embassies both at Barrak Varr and at Shang Yang for your respective empires to speak with each other. These would allow requests and messages to reach your distant realms and also allow you to be aware in the most distant and vague of senses, of the goings-on in the distant east. As well as provide Cathay an observer status on the field of embassies outside of Magritta. Such embassies, required to display the wealth and power of the Karaz Ankor, would however be something of a drain on the treasury. Though not one so extreme as to seem utterly unreasonable.

- Allows you to remain in (distant) contact with Cathay
- Allows you to hear the most general news of the goings-on in Cathay
- costs 1 gold per turn

This is a must as far as I am concerned. Contact and news will be huge in and of itself, and the cost is honestly pretty reasonable as far as these things go and how it is abstracted

[ ] (Cathay) Mutually guarded caravans.
With the seizure of the bastion of Ulgash, and your control of many of the passes that lead into the darklands, it would be possible to you to provide escort to many of the caravans that pass between east and west. Such would not be a light burden and over the decades would surely cost many dwarven lives. But could see a great increase in the number of caravans that actually reach the other side of the world. From the east, the jade soldiers of Cathay would also march through the mountains of mourn, so that the burden is not entirely on the Karaz Ankor.

Reduces the number of civilized provinces in the old world needed for your passes to generate income. From 8 provinces per wealth to 6

Will incur 1d5 thousand dwarven deaths every 40 years, as dwarves die trying to cross the famously inhospitable darklands.

Honestly, this is worth the cost, that is five thousand dwarves over forty years...that's a long time and it's not like it will be all at once either, so it's about the average losses for caravans going to and from cathay over land in some of the worst areas of the Dark Lands. This will also nicely offset the cost of the embassies as well as make us more moola to boot.

[ ] (Cathay) Blades for the dragons (runic)
Cathay has the ability to create enchanted weaponry. Indeed many of the dragon guard who came in the dragons wake carry weapons imbued with magical strength. However, these enchantments wear over time, as the magic slowly degrades with the weapons use. Requiring either a mage to re-imbue the weapon with its lost potency or for the weapon to be reforged entirely. Proper runework however, brought forth by the ancient runelords of the Dawi does not suffer from the same wear and tear as that made by all but the greatest of umgi mages and could still be used even with heavy use for the next millenia.

Hmmmm, i think I see where this is going....

The dragon of the west has requested that ten thousand sets of Runic equipment be created for the use of him and his personal armies to help bring harmony wherever his forces may march. He also hints that in time, should the equipment be to his satisfaction, he may also be willing to divulge the source to his sister, Miao Ying, the guardian of the great bastion.

(if not chosen this will become a standard turn option moving foward)

DC - 3
- Gives 10 wealth upon completion.
- provides 1 runic skill upon completion
- may provide for an introduction with Miao Ying

....on the one hand, @Lonkas will this be affected by us making the runic stuff for our allies? Cause that's a big concern for me as that'd raise the DC to 6...on the other...that's a LOT of money and the chance to meet zappy sister and get more money AND we'll be getting a runic skill might be worth the risk
I have a question: is there any reason to actually make a treaty with the Dawi Zharr? it seems to me that a state of undeclared war favors us as it means we can continue to pick away at their holdings as we have the time and resources
I have a question: is there any reason to actually make a treaty with the Dawi Zharr? it seems to me that a state of undeclared war favors us as it means we can continue to pick away at their holdings as we have the time and resources
An official sign of victory is important for a species that never forgets. And that's not counting the immediate benefits of doing so.
I have a question: is there any reason to actually make a treaty with the Dawi Zharr? it seems to me that a state of undeclared war favors us as it means we can continue to pick away at their holdings as we have the time and resources
Or it could allow them to attack us the instant they get their crap together and our allies have all gone home.